Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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for the weed smokers, what is a good strain to smoke to counter invega and ablify?
for the weed smokers, what is a good strain to smoke to counter invega and ablify?
while on invega paliperidone respiridone i could go on i tried about 7-8 they all made me feel the same flat and without enjoyment and made me gain weight i tried weed several times even tried other drugs/alcahol and in high amounts nothing will work i did it just to try just to feel something other than pure emptiness now that i’m off i’m starting to enjoy things more and more still not perfect but in hindsight the reason i was on these is because of bad drug/alcahol habits so why i can’t see the reasoning behind wanting to get on something that could restart what caused you to be like this in the first place best is you get locked up for 28 days worst you could go psychotic and kill someone or yourself and end up in a hospital or prison for life with zero recovery they’ll keep you on the strong shit and say goodbye to your rights and for what a tiny buzz that slows your brain down to feel like you already do/did get a why risk it i wish you the best but everybody in this forum also i’m convinced people are just pushing supplements/drugs on here to either slow down others recovery for financial gain or to push people back into hospital and back on meds a thousand recovery stories a day wouldn’t stop certain people from asking questions already answered coz they can’t be arsed to read through and no one is satisfied bye with the moaning people i’ll be back to post when i’m 100% what’s the point in answering questions if no one reads the answers see you in a few months bye.
Something that is helping me is noom. For weight loss, a doctor told me about it. It’s helping a lot. I also stopped my Prozac and I seem to have more energy. Cleaned the house without adderal today.
how's your weight loss journey? is it possible to lose weight? I am pretty much 8 months off Invega but i am still on Ablify injections.
I just started exercising more, I lost three pounds in one month. I guess it's like anything else, the weight won't magically come off. You have to work at it. I'm getting a gym membership soon, and will go a couple times a week plus biking everywhere will also help me. I've gotten some motivation back, which is helping me get out more. I biked 40km a couple weeks ago, I couldn't do that last year. I compare myself to last year this time and I've made some dramatic improvements. I still have a long way to go, and I try not to dwell on this nightmare too much because it just creates negativity. I will get back to myself, I will conquer this. It just baffles me how these drugs are allowed to be given to healthy human beings without questioning the side effects. There hasn't been enough research on these drugs to really understand what they can do to a human mind and how they will ruin your life. I'm more mad at myself for taking this when all along I didn't have to. I did it because I thought I had to take it. I haven't had an injection since July. They are right about one thing, this drug does stay in your system for a very very long time. It's only when I smoke weed, that's when I feel normal, but I'm not going back to smoking it everyday. It still feels like theres a blanket over my mind, I am unable to get anything from music. I stopped listening to it. I focus more on meditation and being in silence. Being outside helps too now that the weather is improving. I feel optimistic about the future, because I do have some really good days. It's those days that keep me going. Last year I wanted to kill myself. This year I want to keep going, to ride this out. One thing this has taught me, is your really can't take anything for granted. I never thought I would lose my ability to feel anything, and lo and behold humans have invented something that's equivalent to lobotomy. Faith and hope, is the only thing that keeps me going.
for the weed smokers, what is a good strain to smoke to counter invega and ablify?
When I was about 3-4 months off, I could pretty much get high off of Colorado weed. Not 100% though. Only smoked it twice too so I don't know if it continually worked. Still can't get high though but I can get a little buzz off of delta 8
while on invega paliperidone respiridone i could go on i tried about 7-8 they all made me feel the same flat and without enjoyment and made me gain weight i tried weed several times even tried other drugs/alcahol and in high amounts nothing will work i did it just to try just to feel something other than pure emptiness now that i’m off i’m starting to enjoy things more and more still not perfect but in hindsight the reason i was on these is because of bad drug/alcahol habits so why i can’t see the reasoning behind wanting to get on something that could restart what caused you to be like this in the first place best is you get locked up for 28 days worst you could go psychotic and kill someone or yourself and end up in a hospital or prison for life with zero recovery they’ll keep you on the strong shit and say goodbye to your rights and for what a tiny buzz that slows your brain down to feel like you already do/did get a why risk it i wish you the best but everybody in this forum also i’m convinced people are just pushing supplements/drugs on here to either slow down others recovery for financial gain or to push people back into hospital and back on meds a thousand recovery stories a day wouldn’t stop certain people from asking questions already answered coz they can’t be arsed to read through and no one is satisfied bye with the moaning people i’ll be back to post when i’m 100% what’s the point in answering questions if no one reads the answers see you in a few months bye.
Sorry for asking.

It has been a while since I last smoked marijuana and i want to start again. Marijuana had nothing to do with me getting on Invega and i know that.
last year i was due for my next shot and forced on abilify just to be able to leave the hospital. Ultimatum was take this abilify or go homeless. i chose homeless because money is replacable i guess doapmine replcable too imf ucked up off a few beers holy fuck i was living good but now this is tough shit anyways im doing good shit feel like a productive mf for once and not getting to crazy either. if u think invega aint gonna wear off hang in there. I was on HALDOL that shit is WORSE and if u dont think so thats the invega posioning u cause i thought invega had it just as bad maybe worse or sometime better so anyways. i hope u guys surive this bitch i never wanna be deoressed again even if it happens fuck it lets take care of ourselves so we dont have to be stripped from life again. this life is short the invega makers are prob living a big upper class life but hey u can attend meetings every other day convincing people of ur bullshit lies with ur bullshit meds but im here doing whatever the fuck i want programming setting up pasive income fuck this is the frst time im making money in my sleep ive been dreaming about this since middle school and that was a decade ago fuck yeah its not alot im not trying to brag its jusy my dreams are coming true and i almost killed my self :( cause of this dumb drug
Warmer days are ahead, everyone, i would suggest you to go out for walks. I believe the sunshine is good for your health.
I've been out almost all month even though its not that warm out. It's hard getting active again after sitting down for two years. It takes a lot of strength and courage to want to move around after being in a psychological prison. I look forward to this spring and summer, and am as optimistic as I can be. When we all get back to our authentic selves we will always look back on this experience as a lesson, and maybe even a blessing in disguise, because it will make us more caring and compassionate human beings. Most people live their lives as pleasure seekers. But when you have no pleasure and are stripped of everything that makes you feel human, what is there? The fact that we have and are enduring this will make us stronger. I don't think anything I come across in life will even remotely phase me. I have lived in hell, and hell is where I've lived for two years of my life. But I am grateful that I am as strong as I am to be able to make it through this, as are the rest of you on the forum. Psychiatry is an outdated profession designed to do one thing, pump people full of harmful meds and lock people in psychiatric hospitals. If the tables were turned and they had to endure this, I would imagine half or more would opt for the easy way out.
I've been out almost all month even though its not that warm out. It's hard getting active again after sitting down for two years. It takes a lot of strength and courage to want to move around after being in a psychological prison. I look forward to this spring and summer, and am as optimistic as I can be. When we all get back to our authentic selves we will always look back on this experience as a lesson, and maybe even a blessing in disguise, because it will make us more caring and compassionate human beings. Most people live their lives as pleasure seekers. But when you have no pleasure and are stripped of everything that makes you feel human, what is there? The fact that we have and are enduring this will make us stronger. I don't think anything I come across in life will even remotely phase me. I have lived in hell, and hell is where I've lived for two years of my life. But I am grateful that I am as strong as I am to be able to make it through this, as are the rest of you on the forum. Psychiatry is an outdated profession designed to do one thing, pump people full of harmful meds and lock people in psychiatric hospitals. If the tables were turned and they had to endure this, I would imagine half or more would opt for the easy way out.
Good for you. I am proud of you. Yes, maybe one day, we will look back at this and call it a blessing.

I seriously think there should be a documentary launched based on this drug because it is poison and nothing else. The chemical makeup for this drug is almost like Heroin.

Not too sure if you believe in GOD (i know i shouldn't talk about religion around here) but i do feel like God's judgement will punish these invega supporters (doctors and nurses). Until then, let the PIGS wallow in the mud. All we can do is look at them in disgust and walk away because they will suffer eventually if not already.
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Whatever u do get off these injections as soon as you can. Don’t go along with there bullshit. 10 months and I’m still fighting to recover. 8 ducking shots
I had 11 shots. Before that I was on a soup of Seroquel, olanzapine and risperdone. All of which made me feel the same way invega made me feel. The invega just prolonged the side effects of the first three. I understand I crashed my vehicle into a couple buildings in a spiritual crisis, of which doctors in the western world do not study or know of these strange phenomena, but does that mean I have to suffer being drugged beyond belief because I was a "danger to society?" I have gained 70lbs, I have suffered sexual side effects, I have suffered anhedonia, luckily I didn't get tardive dyskinesia, but I have lost the ability to be a human being. So many people haven't a clue about these life altering medications. Psychedelic drugs are illegal because they alter ones conciousness and they might learn a few things about themselves. But these toxic concoctions are given out willy nilly by so called professionals of mental health. These drugs cause more harm than good. I am very lucky I wasn't forced on community care after I got off the review board to make sure I was compliant with taking Abilify. I've been drug free now for 4 months. I notice I have some good days and more bad ones. Days where I just feel empty, which is a normal thing for the past two years. We live in a cruel fucked up world, and it's only getting worse. Humans have created psychological prisons for people. I don't know what's worse, being stuck in solitary for months or years, or being sedated on strong psychotropic drugs causing mental torture. To me there's no real difference.
I had 11 shots. Before that I was on a soup of Seroquel, olanzapine and risperdone. All of which made me feel the same way invega made me feel. The invega just prolonged the side effects of the first three. I understand I crashed my vehicle into a couple buildings in a spiritual crisis, of which doctors in the western world do not study or know of these strange phenomena, but does that mean I have to suffer being drugged beyond belief because I was a "danger to society?" I have gained 70lbs, I have suffered sexual side effects, I have suffered anhedonia, luckily I didn't get tardive dyskinesia, but I have lost the ability to be a human being. So many people haven't a clue about these life altering medications. Psychedelic drugs are illegal because they alter ones conciousness and they might learn a few things about themselves. But these toxic concoctions are given out willy nilly by so called professionals of mental health. These drugs cause more harm than good. I am very lucky I wasn't forced on community care after I got off the review board to make sure I was compliant with taking Abilify. I've been drug free now for 4 months. I notice I have some good days and more bad ones. Days where I just feel empty, which is a normal thing for the past two years. We live in a cruel fucked up world, and it's only getting worse. Humans have created psychological prisons for people. I don't know what's worse, being stuck in solitary for months or years, or being sedated on strong psychotropic drugs causing mental torture. To me there's no real difference.
It is cruel and nobody deserves it. Yet it’s legal to do this. How can it be legal to do this to someone? They should be given these drugs themselves as punishment. I’m sure the makers of invega are living there best life. Making billions of pain and suffering.
Has anyone heard of Arstitda it’s the newest injection. That stuff looks just a scary as invega
Has anyone managed to lose weight after going off Invega?
I am 10 months off and still have 10-12 pounds to lose.
I also see red rashes on arms for some reason. Not sure if it’s a sign Invega is leaving my body or something else.
anyone else notice this side effect?
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