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Misc What's something that makes you want to get sober?

coffee tea sugar pee
That's what motivates you? :LOL: Or were you referring to my post?
Not sure about the pee part... There was a thread about it though, so I guess it can be seen as drug as well.
And if we focus only on drugs, well... Almost every human being alive today takes some sort of drug, they just use different words (medication, cup of coffee/tea, herbal infusion, cigarette, drink, etc...). By the way, coffee has been illegal in the past and some saw it as a dangerous substance when it was first instroduced.

What I want is to quit my bad habits and work on building good ones instead, so I can hopefully have a better quality of life as I grow older.
We are made up of chemicals. I like good chemicals. We are not robots. So that is the problem. I think.

Anyway, I do love chemicals. And they shouldn't be a major obstacle or a negative awareness with issue's. I wish they could be studied more.

When I have the time, I do try to dig deep. I am trying to focus more on substances and adverse and the beneficial functional perspective.

That is fuckin brilliant...
I don't want to be sober all the time, don't even believe in that concept.
As if taking a substance capable of changing our brainchemistry is something completely artificial which should always be avoided. There is no natural (sober) state, every interaction we have with the environment changes our brainchemistry, incluiding of course the food we eat, the people we speak with, the amount of sleep we get, our stress levels, etc...

And if we focus only on drugs, well... Almost every human being alive today takes some sort of drug, they just use different words (medication, cup of coffee/tea, herbal infusion, cigarette, drink, etc...). By the way, coffee has been illegal in the past and some saw it as a dangerous substance when it was first instroduced.

Who is more sober, an individual experiencing very strong pain or the same individual feeling pain-free after taking a pill? What about a chronic insomniac vs someone who uses sleeping pills?

What I want is to quit my bad habits and work on building good ones instead, so I can hopefully have a better quality of life as I grow older.

Couldn’t have said it better..

I think it really hit me when I began to see how many spices in my cabinet were either psychoactive or precursors to psychoactive substances. I have Chinese relatives that put so many poppy seeds in their baked goods I’d be surprised if they did t get high off em..

Then you’ve got AA/NA where “sobriety” really means chain smoking a pack a day and drinking a pot of coffee. Oh and if your doctor prescribes you a fat amount of Xanax, hydrocodone, and adderall that’s ok too cuz the super smart doctor man said it was!

I’ve said it many times before, my life got infinitely better when I stopped aiming for complete sobriety and began trying to work with the substances in a way that felt rightvto me. I’m pretty happy with where I’m at. While my AA touting parents struggle in denial unstable to speak truly about their issues cuz it’d ruin their reputation in the program.

i will never been 100% sober. My first drug i ever did was speed at 14 and that love for stimulants lasted a long time as it delved into full blown addiction through college and adult hood. Infact even when in relationships they told me to put down the LSD. Guess what i choose. Of course i choose the one substance which saved my life LSD than a cheating ho who lied all the time.

So i believe the only thing that would ever bring sobriety to myself was if i had kids that would then be the #1 priority and reasonability in my life. Til then ill consume as much psychedelics as i want too i have kicked off using stimulants and now freed myself from my insidious mdma addiction this year. I will rarely drink coffee and even don't vape that much nicotine anymore. Smoke weed here and there will drink myself to oblivion when the social occasions call for it.

Drugs are a tool that can be used correctly but there was no guide to drug taking so thats how everybody myself included got ourselves into trouble.
There are elements of truth in what you say and I’m sure you could find a few members and many posts that match each category of complaint that you have. Just as you could in every internet forum

However there are also many people seeking and giving quality advice about harm reduction, recovery, and mental health. It’s also a home for people struggling with issues that perhaps at this point in time limit their ability to be ideal citizens or progressive thinkers.

I don’t know exactly what you are looking for here but you can probably find it somewhere if you just ignore the bits that are irritating you. Otherwise there is always Toastmasters or the Rotary Club I guess.

In any case doesn’t make sense to sign up to the rugby club and then complain they aren’t playing lawn bowls.
That doesn’t actually make sense... Unless this forum was called “The Shithead Forum” and I was complaining people were shitheads... But it’s not.

I don’t say anything about what I think about people (unless they start it) so it’s not like I’m actively going around negging people. I let all manner of things go just as you do.

As stated, they’re good motivation to stay sober so that’s my point in being on this site- it’s harm reduction through looking at all sorts of undesirable people and their lifestyles. This thread asked, I answered.

You’ll just have to put up with my presence. I have no plan to leave.
That doesn’t actually make sense...
I often don’t. Especially in the Holiday Season. Everything I write always sounds better in my head.
You’ll just have to put up with my presence. I have no plan to leave.
Very glad to hear it. I wasn’t suggesting that you should - unless it was getting you down too much or not meeting your needs. You are an asset to the community.
Lately listening to older long term amphetamine abusers lengthy rambles has also made me think sobriety is the better option. I do love my stims but I value my capacity for reasoned argument more.
Old grizzled any substance is a sad picture. People do deteriorate over time. Significantly. Be proud you're so together mentally. It's a blessing you don't want to waste you're a good guy.
Couldn’t have said it better..

I think it really hit me when I began to see how many spices in my cabinet were either psychoactive or precursors to psychoactive substances. I have Chinese relatives that put so many poppy seeds in their baked goods I’d be surprised if they did t get high off em..

Then you’ve got AA/NA where “sobriety” really means chain smoking a pack a day and drinking a pot of coffee. Oh and if your doctor prescribes you a fat amount of Xanax, hydrocodone, and adderall that’s ok too cuz the super smart doctor man said it was!

I’ve said it many times before, my life got infinitely better when I stopped aiming for complete sobriety and began trying to work with the substances in a way that felt rightvto me. I’m pretty happy with where I’m at. While my AA touting parents struggle in denial unstable to speak truly about their issues cuz it’d ruin their reputation in the program.

Even if you'd rather not quit altogether, rationing can be a big help. It helped me immensely, especially financially. I also like that it gives me a sense of self-control.
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Looking at people on drugs.

Watching people closely on AP's is a whole new experience for me. Makes me never want to touch anything.

Hanging out with drunks too. They get so animated, but its not funny. And repeat the same thing over and over. The brain damage is very visible.
Starting to think it's the kinda high dose baclofen. Im using addictive meds to pain related problems but even I have prescriptions to take large doses I just tend to go lower. I have been here in bl when things looked dark and i thought I was addicted to opioids.

I used to take something extra like once a month before the baclofen. Now in last two years I think I have taken shrooms twice for medicinal purposes.