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Alcohol If You Drink, How Much?

Wow. I don’t drink anymore at all but even when I did I could barely tolerate beer - except maybe 1 on a stinking hot weekend afternoon. Apart from making me feel bloated beer just made me want to piss constantly.

If I ever drank beer on a date it would 100 % always ruin any hanky panky later in the night cause I’d have to get up and go to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

Strangely no other alcohol ever had the same effect and I would easily drink 5 martinis with no such problems. Vodka became my standard drink after I realised wine was packing on the pounds rather fast.
I 2nd what you've mentioned. Not only do I dislike the taste of beer, I hate that it makes me feel bloated and full before I can even catch a buzz. It seems as if its more empty calories then alcohol, which is just a waste in my opinion. Why drink a shitload of beer to get drunk when you can get wasted on a minimal amount of liquor? Wine is just as bad as beer. Taste a bit better, but its high in empty calories and wine hangovers are the worst. I truly feel that beer and wine were meant for sipping, but liquor is straight to the point.
Can confirm.

When me and a mate were rolling through a few years ago, he kept telling me how this was the case and I didn't believe him until I saw it.

They had imported beer that was dumbed down.

How? Why? Wtf?
Because Mormons dominate the state of Utah and they're against drugs and alcohol. I use to know a few Mormons. One was an ex-Mormon who left the faith for a number of reasons when she moved from Utah to Texas, another is still a devout follower and she won't even drink coffee (apparently they're against caffeine too), and the other one was a guy who use to tease me in middle-school but later professed his love for me in highschool. Here's the story: I only liked him as a friend, but he didn't want just a friendship. One day he was sitting behind me in a row of desks in class and kept touching my back with his fingertips (fucking creepy). I got annoyed and asked to sit somewhere else. He didn't take the hint and followed me home all the while practically begging me to give him a chance and even saying he wanted a future with me--kids and white pickett fence type of stuff. I said "Dude, no. For starters, we're freshmen in highschool. Secondly, i don't like you like that. You're not my type. I was cool being friends, but now you're acting like an obsessive stalker. Leave me the fuck alone." I slammed the door in his face. No offense to anyone who's Mormon. I'm sure not all of them are creepy.
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Because Mormons dominate the state of Utah and they're against drugs and alcohol. I use to have a couple of Mormon friends. One was an ex-Mormon who left the faith when she moved from Utah to Texas and the other is still a devout follower and won't even drink coffee (apparently they're against caffeine too).

Not against shagging though are they? The hypocritical polygamous bastards... :D
Not against shagging though are they? The hypocritical polygamous bastards... :D
You're absolutely right. They buy more porn than any state in the US. Also, i added to my comment about my experiences with Mormons. You might get a kick outta that. Haha. I've been told that not all Mormons are polygamous and when I asked my devout Mormon friend about it, she seemed kinda offended as if I was shaming her religion. I'm guessing either my remark about polygamy or the fact that I'm a drug user (and she's very square) is why we don't hang out anymore.
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Not only do I dislike the taste of beer, I hate that it makes me feel bloated and full before I can even catch a buzz. It seems as if its more empty calories then alcohol, which is just a waste in my opinion. Why drink a shitload of beer to get drunk when you can get wasted on a minimal amount of liquor? Wine is just as bad as beer. Taste a bit better, but its high in empty calories and wine hangovers are the worst. I truly feel that beer and wine were meant for sipping, but liquor is straight to the point.
I guess everybody's different. I don't experience any discomfort while drinking beer. Actually, it relaxes me and after 4 I start to feel euphoric. After that amount I get drunk. The nice thing is it's hard to get uncontrollably drunk and my record is 16 beers over a few hours, mind you I only weigh 120lbs; but I was walking around and not outwardly drunk

On my 30th birthday somebody kept giving me whisky shots but I quit the hard stuff after that, besides drinking two shots of vodka in 2015. I think when I was new to drinking I just wanted to get hammered but I can hardly stand the stuff anymore. I don't get hangovers from alcohol whatsoever but on the morning after my birthday, I felt like I was dying inside. I don't know how to explain it but it wasn't fun and I've felt an aversion to hard stuff ever since. I just stick to beer now
You really need to see the stage show musical “The Book of Mormon” written by the guys that came up with SouthPark. Absolutely funniest takes on Mormonism ever.
I need to watch it. I love South Park. I got a kick out of the Mormon episode. Haha.
I guess now is a good time as any to mention that Utah was fucking weird for way more than just the dumbed down imported beers.

Weird vibe in that place. Friendly enough people but weird vibe.
I've been to Salt Lake City once a decade ago and toured the temple (only the sections where non-Mormons were allowed to view). Our guides were foreign missionaries. They were very friendly and i can respect their wholesome family values, but their beliefs aside from that are really out there.
I guess everybody's different. I don't experience any discomfort while drinking beer. Actually, it relaxes me and after 4 I start to feel euphoric. After that amount I get drunk. The nice thing is it's hard to get uncontrollably drunk and my record is 16 beers over a few hours, mind you I only weigh 120lbs; but I was walking around and not outwardly drunk

On my 30th birthday somebody kept giving me whisky shots but I quit the hard stuff after that, besides drinking two shots of vodka in 2015. I think when I was new to drinking I just wanted to get hammered but I can hardly stand the stuff anymore. I don't get hangovers from alcohol whatsoever but on the morning after my birthday, I felt like I was dying inside. I don't know how to explain it but it wasn't fun and I've felt an aversion to hard stuff ever since. I just stick to beer now
Just be thankful that your hangover was so bad that it put you off from becoming a hardcore alcoholic. Haha.
It wasn't really a hangover. It felt like my organs were shutting down. It's hard to explain, but yeah I guess it's a good thing I took that as a warning sign, ha
For most of my adult life I've kept it to just a few beers at night but not every single night. Would also take regular breaks where I wouldn't have any alcohol for weeks or months at a time.

Ive never had a problem this way. I just don't have that same compulsion to over do it with beer like I do with other drugs like opioids or stims.

A few times I have started drinking hard liquor every night, like vodka or gin, and each time it starts to spiral out of control. I find myself drinking more and more each night as it starts to get surprisingly euphoric for me and I start chasing that but luckily I've always managed to stop the spiral each time before it got out of hand.

So I recognize the danger and just stick to beer for the most part.
Yeah, I feel that.....except the drinking at home part. I'll drink anywhere they let me and places they don't.

But that's why I was wondering why the wait til so late....doesn't that fuck up any chance of sleeping that night?