• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

the market: stocks, bonds, options, whatever

$125 already... It should get to $140-150 tomorrow, impressive momentum, I am seeing it getting to $150-160, but Iwill take profits sooner than that

Another much safer option is Salesforce, got crushed recently and is catching some heat again, I guess should get to $250 by January/February. I am heavily bought in this one.

Of course, I might be quite wrong, never trust your money to some random person opinions
Sold AI

108-124 was the short term ride.

The company looks great, will watch it to enter long term at better price
Bitcoin crashing to $19300 today, wow!

That makes no sense. You would have had to bought BTC for under $200 (pre 2014) to 100x your money.
It doesn't make sense to you, but anybody who can understand and process information in context and is a bit aware of the world news, might know that Venezuela has been ruined by hiperinflation and what I am talking about there is not the appreciation of BTC, but the depreciation of Bolívar..

Anyway, good riddance kid.
Sold AI

108-124 was the short term ride.

The company looks great, will watch it to enter long term at better price

Now you are lying to us. You lost and dumped before you lost more. I honestly cannot stand people that skew their trades in order to cover their losses.

You bought the 10th. And only went down. And just like I said...was $120 the next day, and today got ripped in half sitting at $102 today. 145-160 target? In what world do you live in? Outside of a retail trader that has very little concept of the market.

Post your trade....unlikely you will since what you are saying isn't true.

Either way...vxx, uvxy, spxs up up and away!!!!! I will post mine, all gains, all day, as usual.

At the same time dropping too much game on the rookies. We need people like you in the market to bid shit up so the rest of us will make more :) Now, had you entered at $125 with a short target $105, I would of thought.....this guy knows what he is talking about. I even warned you the day before not to buy at these levels. AI is $1 away from being UNDER IPO valuation.

But you are right, I do not pay attention to the value of Venezuela currency as its completely irrelevant to literally anything I would do.
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And one last thing...

The market will punish you for being blindly bullish. Mark my word when I say the market about to get ripped in half. You will have to learn on your own through losses.
sold nine shares of VOO this morning. credit card bill coming and needed some cash. still have plenty of VOO shares left.
Ive currently got

AMZN (Amazon)
DDAIF (Mercedez)
WMT (Walmart)
W (Wayfair)
BABA (Alibaba)
TSLA (Tesla)
JPM (JP Morgan)

What do yall think of these
Ive currently got

AMZN (Amazon)
DDAIF (Mercedez)
WMT (Walmart)
W (Wayfair)
BABA (Alibaba)
TSLA (Tesla)
JPM (JP Morgan)

What do yall think of these

Great selection. I can't love more AMZN than I do, and absolutely love Jeff Bezos, one of the best CEOs in the universe. Had to reduce it recently after the covid thing, because it started to weight too much in my portfolio. I don't like car industry too much, but TSLA is awesome, but now is quite difficult to start a position, I wish I had bought it before. I would add there some materials and oil related stocks or ETF, just in case some rotation starts to happen.

I like BABA as well, and JD (which made a big mistake selling past year). I like China companies, taking 900 million people out of poverty must have a huge payback, it's taking its time, but I think chinese markets will take off

My first position currently is ROKU. That company people thought were selling TV sticks, but they are much more than that.

Started a position on ACB yesterday, for a quick profit on $14/15, if it goes that way.

Oh, and BTC keeps crashing,19700today :ROFLMAO:. at this pace if will crash soon over 20000, what a shitcoin dude, is all tether and all miners are chinese, and the quantum computer will crush it :rolleyes:
Who cares. BTC is not relevant. It broke out above 20k. If it holds above 20k for a week then it simply resumes where it was 3 years ago. The truth is I have BTC. And have multiple s9's running as we speak. Its still a shitcoin as is the whole crypto space. If it can hold above 20k for a week, maybe that will change my mind. Will sell my coins on each payout as I have always done until then. The more it goes up the better for me. Simply means my miners make more cash is all. But you won't see me buying any at 20k. No way in hell. As long as it stays over 10k those miners are profitable.

But we aren't talking about BTC, you don't own any anyway. You just said 5 posts ago you don't even know what a blockchain is. And now you're a BTC pro lol.

Aren't you going to post your lying trades @usual-suspect ? Or are you going to keep deflecting the question and claim you made xyz trade when you actually lost $$$. Post it up and prove me wrong. You won't because you are full of shit is why.

AI still sitting just a few bucks over valuation. Where is this $145-160 target you were talking about? More importantly, where is your trade proving that you even bought any?

I can post up my 55 AMZN shares that were gifted to me by amazon itself.

Initial Restricted Stock Grant: 55 shares

But the real kicker will be to see how they were worth when I vested on them. And how many more RSU's I gained over the years. But enough about me....

Waiting for your imaginary trades....

Willing to bet also you have like 5k in the market max. If that....
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Wow, crashity crash, Tethery tooth!

Bitcoin crashed already to $20700 !

What we gonna do?

Call the uncrasher, scooby doo!
Haha figures.

Just another imaginary trader. Posting imaginary this, imaginary that. What he would do if he was actually buying stocks. Oh wait, I sold my imaginary stocks.

Then keeps diverting to BTC chatter. Bro we get it, you own like 3 stocks, including the free one when you opened your Robinhood account a few months back. And now BTC finally on your radar. Next thing you know you will be talking like mcafee. BTC gonna hit 1 million right? No its actually going to get slammed in less than a month. This is simply fomo from stimulus talks like I said 10 posts back.

But why aren't you posting your gains you claimed you have? Thats because they don't exist outside of your head....
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because people work in warehouses at wages that require government subsidies for them to survive so others can hoard beyond any meaning other than greed.

still think he’s a good person. like all people are good. this one happens to be sick with greed. that’s human. i’m sick with bipolar and substance abuse issues. working on it. hope he is too.

used to work with amazon employees in an poverty alleviation organization. they have a big headquarters where i used to live. one client’s gay son died of aids due to the insufficient insurance amazon provides their low tier employees.

one of the few companies i wont directly invest in — like raytheon — no matter how profitable. don't judge those who do. we all make our own moral and ethical efforts.
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Definitely this is not a thread to get investment ideas or advice.

Better go somewhere else because here you will get a lot of the wrong ideas and clichés about capitalism being evil, money being evil, good CEOs that worked incredibly hard for their customers and shareholders but but look they are not flawless.. etc.

Masters of suspicion plagued by negativity, self-defeatness, delusions... And little effort to understand why capitalism works, how value is created and destroyed, what is the money, what does it mean to own shares of a company, etc.

Oh, by the way, BTC accidentally crashed again to 22k. It must be tether, be suspicious, the world is wrong, etc, etc...
i don't invest in bitcoin but in the last 24 hours it went up over 14 percent ...


you're welcome in this thread. yes, it's absolutely not a place for investment advice. instead we share and discuss our investments.

15 percent since i made this post six minutes ago.
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I've been looking at dividend ETFs lately but realized a lot of the holdings between them overlap so it seems better just to buy the underlying stock and avoid paying the MER.

Thinking of playing defense with dividend stocks and going on the offense with commodities. I think once the pandemic plays out there will be a huge surge in demand for commodities and equities growth will slow down, but that's just my 2c
Bitcoin is definitely going nuts.

By the way, not that it's the thread for it, but I do believe capitalism is the system that is the least susceptible to corruption and gives all the people the best chance of making a good life for themselves. That said I think it needs to be tempered by regulation and oversight to prevent out of control greed ruining the system.
I think the cryptocurrency space right now resembles what stock markets used to look like before the major bad behaviors were regulated out. The industry will have to learn to self-regulate and act like its own SEC by blacklisting toxic participants
$125 already... It should get to $140-150 tomorrow, impressive momentum, I am seeing it getting to $150-160, but Iwill take profits sooner than that

Another much safer option is Salesforce, got crushed recently and is catching some heat again, I guess should get to $250 by January/February. I am heavily bought in this one.

Of course, I might be quite wrong, never trust your money to some random person opinions

AI reached $137 on Friday, so very close to $140. Probably is too expensive, but a great company to keep an eye on. If it crashes 50% it will be a gift

BTC reached $24000. Price is irrelevant. The value of this asset is infinite. Specially in the frame of the absolute craziness of current monetary and fiscal policies. It's unbelievable how people click the bait of all kind of bullshit (BLM, antifas, SJW, etc, etc) and they don't get how are being robbed every single day since 1970