Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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i consider you as an enemy, make no mistake.

I would consider you an enemy, but in order to be an enemy, you'd have to have the power to make me feel angry, but what I consistently feel when I think of you is a vast well of gleeful mirth, on account of how much I know your perception of yourself differs from how the rest of us perceive you.
are you going to electrocute his balls?
no only your balls.
i have these little suction cups made just for your balls.
I would consider you an enemy, but in order to be an enemy, you'd have to have the power to make me feel angry, but what I consistently feel when I think of you is a vast well of gleeful mirth, on account of how much I know your perception of yourself differs from how the rest of us perceive you.
ahh yes.
opinions of randoms on internet should be considered.
now shut up son.
ahh yes.
opinions of randoms on internet should be considered.
now shut up son.

In general, opinions of randoms on the Internet don't matter. However, my opinion is of grave import to everyone.

And bitch, I'm not your son, I fucked your grandma, she had your mom, then I fucked your mom a couple decades later and she had you. I'm your dad and grandpa. Now go to your room, and no video games. And no more sleepovers with your friend for a month. And if you don't bend over and take this punishment, I'll tell all your little loser internet forum "friends" that I caught you and Jimmy playing Nightcrawlers with no clothes on last weekend.
In general, opinions of randoms on the Internet don't matter. However, my opinion is of grave import to everyone.

And bitch, I'm not your son, I fucked your grandma, she had your mom, then I fucked your mom a couple decades later and she had you. I'm your dad and grandpa. Now go to your room, and no video games. And no more sleepovers with your friend for a month. And if you don't bend over and take this punishment, I'll tell all your little loser internet forum "friends" that I caught you and Jimmy playing Nightcrawlers with no clothes on last weekend.
Yeah, you're now mixing my and yours mom.
Now you have a child and a brother at the same time, you're also the cousin of the kid because you fucked the kid too and then got a kid :)
"However, my opinion is of grave import to everyone." well, now you're on the right route. good job... son.
yes I'm cuddly now but sometimes my old self comes out, check my name
i thought it was irony.
my name comes from when i was on like 3th or 5th day without opioids and made this account. tried to get some support here.
ended up in abyss with other junkies and now only support i get is drug use support :(
i thought it was irony.
my name comes from when i was on like 3th or 5th day without opioids and made this account. tried to get some support here.
ended up in abyss with other junkies and now only support i get is drug use support :(

I'm glad you found refuge in THE ABYSS .
nah I was quite the unhinged misanthrope when I signed up here
I'm glad you found refuge in THE ABYSS .
nah I was quite the unhinged misanthrope when I signed up here
ohh you know the big boy words i have newfound respect for you.
usually when i speak my very academic way of talking, most junkies don't understand shit from what i speak.
Hey just to be real for a minute and drop the Lounge shenanigans, don't worry, you're fine, people here fuck with each other because it's fun. No one considers you an enemy, :) We all heckle each other in this particular subforum (the other forums at Bluelight are not like this and politeness and so forth is expected). It can take a little getting used to but people here are generally pretty fun-loving and don't mean anything serious in what they say,. Don't let it chase you away. If it's not to your liking and bothers you, we have a lot of other forums, including another social-based forum, Drug Culture.

Welcome to Bluelight. ;)
Thank you I sincerely appreciate it.
Is it because you is gay? How gay? Top or bottom?
Rosè bottles round the table
Fuck the water


Too fast never ask if the life dont last
Done been thru it all
Fuck wit a cracker raw

I might pull up flexing on the crackers like aerobics
My take your girl cuz you ain't ballin
That shit gorgeous

You already know
You already know.

Ok so let's play it again so the kids in the back can hear it
I just ordered 11 funny/memorable show shirts, ie, shirts to wear when playing a show. I have a few great ones, but they're played out now, and/or too faded. Wearing a memorable shirt when playing a show with your band is a surprisingly effective way to engage people and get into good conversations and end up making personal connections/fans/selling merch. Pretty pumped about these ones. :)
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