Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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I literally cannot imagine going through life like this. It is truly nasty. At least with a terminal illness you either live or die. Invega leaves you exposed to be tormented until death relieves you.
I know it feels like the end of the world for most of us here. I know everyday you wake up hoping for a big improvement. I know the hope receptor is blocked. Listen I can’t believe we have to experience this hell on the earth. It’s been 5 months and I ask myself will it get better or not? Does people really recover from this suffering? The answer is Yes I will get better and yes people do recover. We all have our doubts on recovery. We wonder will I recover, how long will it take for me to recover, will I partially recover??? I believe we will recover a 100 percent. Why I say this is because the people who came before us recovered they really did. Listen I feel hopeless to but I really do believe God is putting us threw this test because when we do recover it’s like getting the biggest and baddest reward of life and thats enjoying life to the fullest. Just think when that day you recover comes and you wake up so excited that the nightmare is over. You would be full of joy and happiness. I know everyday you feel horrible but try to think about what you will do when you recover. Focus on that sometimes and stop focusing on the past life. Your past life is gone forever and I’m saying that because when we got invega our soul died and when we recover we will start on our new path in the world. I know I died January 4th 2020 from invega and now we are waiting for our soul to come back but you need to know it won’t be your past life soul. It will be a new and improved badass warrior soul that comes back to life. You will be reborn again but this time you will be the strongest warrior you know. You will not be sensitive to emotions. You will not be weak. You will be powerful and know that no one can break you down anymore than that invega. Invega is the strongest beast ever known to us. If you fight that beast you will conquer your dreams in life. Don’t let invega win you are strong, strong, and strong. God made you powerful for a reason and you will be rewarded by God. Pray to him each night. I do pray mostly each night so I’m hoping he gives me my new powerful soul. Good luck everyone. I will see you at the finish line. Now I hope invega doesn’t make me stop believing this message I wrote to you today lol. That evil beast invega is a powerful beast.
I take the 234 mg Invega Sustena shot once a month for 4 or 5 months in a row now, and I don't notice much, if anything, that it does except maybe calm me down a little bit.
I take the 234 mg Invega Sustena shot once a month for 4 or 5 months in a row now, and I don't notice much, if anything, that it does except maybe calm me down a little bit.
your full of it everyone knows In vega is bio-chemical torture. Haha makes you calm... Nice
Good tastes horrible, my stomach hurts, head psycialy hurts. Sleep is awful. when I say the poison steals everything I mean just that. I mean the poison steals your ability to focus on anything but being poisoned. everything is so gross. I wish I could just sleep this off but nope. Invega is that gross. It makes eating sleeping, going to the bathroom so awful. I mean...... WOW. The creaters of In vega shot will definitely be going to he'll for chemical poisoning people in the name of mental health
Yeah yeah everyone says recovery is possible I just don't be live it and am free to be live what I want. Th is is modern day torture and it's a secret progrqm going on. another damn day of invega :(
Ya... what I am worried about his my friend Ross. It's been 5 years for him with no recovery. I am terrified to go through life like this. It truly is disgusting. No other word comes to mind than disgusting. Invega consumes my life night and day. I battle between believing in GOD and invega almost minutely. My great fear is I wake up at 50 saying.... invega stole my life.:(

chill out bro. i've seen plenty of recoveries within a year. i barely see people go longer than that so chances are you'll be fine. i mean, i heard your libido can take a hit and take over a year to recover. but that's not too bad right? i'm a sexually active guy but i'm completely fine without it. i don't need it. seen some people willing to kill themselves over it which is pretty pathetic. hella young though so i can't say much. how any shots at what mg did ross take? how long have you been off it cause if it's been under half a year then you are impatient af my guy. you'll be back to normal one day and this page won't even be a thought in your head. how many shots did you have at what mg?
Ya... what I am worried about his my friend Ross. It's been 5 years for him with no recovery. I am terrified to go through life like this. It truly is disgusting. No other word comes to mind than disgusting. Invega consumes my life night and day. I battle between believing in GOD and invega almost minutely. My great fear is I wake up at 50 saying.... invega stole my life.:(
Sbar25 listen I know your scared and suffering. We all are suffering just like you. You can’t always be this negative man really you can’t. Yes it’s okay to vent here on the thread, but every time you post here it’s too damn negative for me at least and maybe others. Try to be a little positive once in a while. It sucks sucks sucks I know I know I know. I just keep reading your post and it scares me. We all are tired man. We will recover but it just takes along damn time. I hate my life everyday but I still try to post words of encouragement for everyone. I feel your suffering.
Good tastes horrible, my stomach hurts, head psycialy hurts. Sleep is awful. when I say the poison steals everything I mean just that. I mean the poison steals your ability to focus on anything but being poisoned. everything is so gross. I wish I could just sleep this off but nope. Invega is that gross. It makes eating sleeping, going to the bathroom so awful. I mean...... WOW. The creaters of In vega shot will definitely be going to he'll for chemical poisoning people in the name of mental health
Yeah yeah everyone says recovery is possible I just don't be live it and am free to be live what I want. Th is is modern day torture and it's a secret progrqm going on. another damn day of invega :(

it's just some chemicals in your body and i hear 2-4mg leaves your body a day. it won't last forever. our body gets rid of old chemicals for new chemicals every day so everyday is progress, but it's gradual and slow with invega since i heard from janssen its supposed to stay in your system for 6 months. it's just a matter of how many shots you had at what mg. you get a shot every month when it lasts 6 months (ineffectively after the first) so it just piles up in your system. alot of people report a difference at, if they're not healed 6-8 months in. just be patient. idk why you wouldn't want to believe in recovery but if my countless hours of searching for answers doesn't help, so be it.
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I had a fast metabolism before invega but now it’s dead. I swear it’s a nightmare really. I can’t take it each day is suffering and I have anger a lot now and sadness and that’s it. This blows but honey you are in for a ride. Do you have emotions?
your metabolism doesn't become affected by APs. it may effect your diet, appetite, weight, and i guess your cholestorol can take a hit but not your metabolism.
Ya.... I hope man. I only got 1 shot. Some people claim it's a lethal Injection. I am wondering if you get too many shots it's not possible to recover because you have so much built into your system? I mean after 5 years tho? One would think that eventually the brain rebalances. I am holding onto hope but am worried that the brain doesn't recover from poison. If Ross had 18 shots... is it possible he could still have invega in his system after 5 years?
All I know is that inveg isnt what we are being told... ya they say its medicine but the reality is it is poison 100%. I believe the reason they keep given monthly shots has to do with $. They know with 1 shot it can screw you up and they keep "prescribing" more shots so they can collect more $$$ from big pharma. I just done see how the brain magically goes back to pre invega... if you know how it is possible please share...
your metabolism doesn't become affected by APs. it may effect your diet, appetite, weight, and i guess your cholestorol can take a hit but not your metabolism.
I do believe it slows down my metabolism I really do, but I hope your right. Plus you see we gain weight on invega. I mean I just know my metabolism is dead. I have to take laxatives and fiber every single day I swear I do
Ya.... I hope man. I only got 1 shot. Some people claim it's a lethal Injection. I am wondering if you get too many shots it's not possible to recover because you have so much built into your system? I mean after 5 years tho? One would think that eventually the brain rebalances. I am holding onto hope but am worried that the brain doesn't recover from poison. If Ross had 18 shots... is it possible he could still have invega in his system after 5 years?

yeah it shouldn't take you too long. Janssen says it's supposed to stay in your system for 6 months.. idk why if it's ineffective after the first month.
buti mean it can be psychologically lethal; like some people get severly depressed not only because of the invega but because of their new lifestyle. so they just start thinking about death. recovery would be possible though if you have a shit ton built up in your system, it'd just could take a long time. like, i watched a video of a guy who took 6-8 years (i don't remember exactly) to recover from APs. 18 shots though? could still be in his system but it depends on his symptoms. like, it could be his mental illness if he's still mentally ill. not saying it is but it's a possibility.
All I know is that inveg isnt what we are being told... ya they say its medicine but the reality is it is poison 100%. I believe the reason they keep given monthly shots has to do with $. They know with 1 shot it can screw you up and they keep "prescribing" more shots so they can collect more $$$ from big pharma. I just done see how the brain magically goes back to pre invega... if you know how it is possible please share...
Listen The first loading dose didn’t hurt me at all I was still in good shape. The 3rd shot destroyed my soul man, so yeah I think if they would give one shot to everyone we would be just fine while at least I would have been.
Ya... I hate I be negative guys.... NO! It's not his mental illness. Even 1 shot I'm afraid can clogg up the brain and damage the receptors.... Permanently ....
That's exactly what the psychiatrists will say! That it's the mental illnes...
well it affects ppl differently. maybe Im more allergic to some chemical in it, or I got a bad batch of the shot but personally I feel I have brain damage from the two initial shots, 234 mg and 156 mg. I'm scared it can cause Alzheimer disease/dementia as I think it did in this (extreme) case:

On the bright side, most ppl do seem to recover, and then there are people like @Rectify above who experience no side effects at all
All I know is that inveg isnt what we are being told... ya they say its medicine but the reality is it is poison 100%. I believe the reason they keep given monthly shots has to do with $. They know with 1 shot it can screw you up and they keep "prescribing" more shots so they can collect more $$$ from big pharma. I just done see how the brain magically goes back to pre invega... if you know how it is possible please share...

i know. my doctor told me it was a fantastic drug and she had a alot of hope in it. i wish we had people who've experienced it prescribe them. but the money is just an convenience. you get a monthly injection because it's ineffective after the first month. and the more dangerous or severe you are the more they wanna keep you on it. but they really don't know it can mess you up. some believe it's just their mental illness; it could play a role, but it's not really right to believe that. that's a fucked up doctor. 4-12 years of education.
NO not is not ineffective after 1 month. It never leaves your body. It the damage it does seems to nuke your brain
I do believe it slows down my metabolism I really do, but I hope your right. Plus you see we gain weight on invega. I mean I just know my metabolism is dead. I have to take laxatives and fiber every single day I swear I do

i was going to say, is it because you gained weight? but i didn't want to be rude lol. but that's not a metabolism thing i don't think. but your metabolism should shine in losing the weight. i've seen a few people (there's so little people talking about it) so far say lost all the weight gained. you lose all the unatural weight. but the digestive thing i heard is because there's dopamine in your gut or stomach or something like that and the medication is a dopamine antagonist.
there is something it does to your brain which makes recovery very very difficult? It steals your bodies dopmaine. Dopamine is essential to life. without it nothing really means anything or matters.
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