Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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I just met up with this cute, horrified asian woman who asked where China Town is. Soon after, she bends in in whispers in my ear that she's being followed. The fuck kept making howling sounds at us and she was like.. Fucking horrified. So i escorted her to the hospital, found a cop, showed him the guy and left.

Sort of anticlimactic i know.

Fucking asshole. She was so scared.
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I just met up with this cute, horrified asian woman who asked where China Town is. Soon after, she bends in in whispers in my ear that she's being followed. The fuck kept making howling sounds at us and she was like.. Fucking horrified. So i escorted her to the hospital, found a cop, showed him the guy and left.

Sort of anticlimactic i know.

Fucking asshole. She was so scared.
Fucking Christ

Thank you for being a real man.
When i left she's like "where are you going!?" Im like i gotta catch my train - the cops will escort you home. RIGHT COP'S? Yes madness.
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