💀 The Abyss 💀 (Open 24hrs)

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We will be paying for it one way or another a year from now, it's just a matter of how much.

People's lives are more important than money, however. So, there's that.
Nothing more important than money in America
U got good healthcare cover/insurance
We will be paying for it one way or another a year from now, it's just a matter of how much.

People's lives are more important than money, however. So, there's that.
true I think it's funny rich ppl love/ obsessed with $ I have enough to hold me over for a little bit " I don't even like money"
Every single time I get blood drawn, I get bruising all down my arm. It's weird. I hate needles. Probably why I'm alive.
I have had this happen to me a few times but it normally happens when they stick the needle through the vein and you start bleeding under your skin causing a big blue bruise and leaving the site painful, not sure if this is exactly what you referring to but if so, yeah its happened to me before too.

Luckily for me, through all of my years of H use I have never gone the needle route, as I am to scared of getting a hotshot and not being around anymore. But from what I heard as soon you have gone down that road nothing else or any other roa won't work or be so enjoyable as you're previous roa.
I have had this happen to me a few times but it normally happens when they stick the needle through the vein and you start bleeding under your skin causing a big blue bruise and leaving the site painful, not sure if this is exactly what you referring to but if so, yeah its happened to me before too.

Luckily for me, through all of my years of H use I have never gone the needle route, as I am to scared of getting a hotshot and not being around anymore. But from what I heard as soon you have gone down that road nothing else or any other roa won't work or be so enjoyable as you're previous roa.

Ehh.. IV is good, but I wouldn't go quite that far. An opioid high is an opioid high. The rush is good, but I wouldn't say it's "that" much better than the high itself.

IVing is definitely addictive in its own right though it's true. I just wouldn't call it quite so spectacularly better than the general opioid high itself.

What annoys me about getting blood taken is that they won't just let me do it myself... I've given myself injections literally thousands of times. I'm plenty qualified :p
Ehh.. IV is good, but I wouldn't go quite that far. An opioid high is an opioid high. The rush is good, but I wouldn't say it's "that" much better than the high itself.

IVing is definitely addictive in its own right though it's true. I just wouldn't call it quite so spectacularly better than the general opioid high itself.

What annoys me about getting blood taken is that they won't just let me do it myself... I've given myself injections literally thousands of times. I'm plenty qualified :p
I've done both never got to much in to iv, but I like the waiting period be like ill prob have to redose then 10 min latter then nevermind...
Imagine having a club where you could take drugs ni stop for 24h’rs and junkies rolling on the floor fucked up with surenges popping out their veins....while the music keeps on playing sorts like the abyss 24h’r junkie club the oroble is the fucking cops would allow it
It's okay @Soso78, i think wolfie's butt plug has been in a bit too deep recently.

IIRC, every time you post he bounces and turns on the vibration.
Cool micro machines

Imagine having a club where you could take drugs ni stop for 24h’rs and junkies rolling on the floor fucked up with surenges popping out their veins....while the music keeps on playing sorts like the abyss 24h’r junkie club the oroble is the fucking cops would allow it

i love that your 11 year old account is still greenlighter!! i think you're a record breaker or something 🧡🧡🧡🧡
i am so fucking bored of being ill, barely sleeping, and being stuck indoors. i've been online tons as well. normally i'd eat to paper over the cracks of my tragic existence, but i dont much enjoy food because it doesnt taste of anything. though chilled carrots are quite nice rn because of the texture.

i suppose i should go clean something
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