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How High Are You? V. Dude Where's My Bar?

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I don’t feel “high”, just in a good mood and really balanced.

Picked up Gabapentin from the pharmacy today and I’ve been staggering. I break the 600 mg tablets into 300 mg. I take 300 mg every 45 minutes (it absorbs better spread out in less doses). After every dose, I take a scoop of peanut butter because fat helps it absorb better. Got up to 3,600 mg or a lil’ more.

Then took a tiny scoop of the pre-workout I bought for the caffeine because caffeine has a nice synergy with it.
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Boiled a big pot of dried chamomile flowers and like 25g kratom then strained it. Working on my second cup, I might use kratom like this from now on. So easy to drink and decently strong. Might add more kratom and give it another boil tomorrow.
Boiled a big pot of dried chamomile flowers and like 25g kratom then strained it. Working on my second cup, I might use kratom like this from now on. So easy to drink and decently strong. Might add more kratom and give it another boil tomorrow.

Ewww! That taste doesn’t make you want to hurl? I’ve never made kratom tea. I just parachute the powder most of the time.
Ewww! That taste doesn’t make you want to hurl? I’ve never made kratom tea. I just parachute the powder most of the time.

Oh I definitely hate it. Just something you get used to though. I would make capsules but then I'd have to swallow like 10 at a time and that is also unpleasant. Honestly making tea out of it and straining the leaf is not a bad way to consume it, still tastes like dirt but I just add water and sugar and chug. I usually just add powdered leaf to hot tea and drink all of it, so it could be worse.
Oh I definitely hate it. Just something you get used to though. I would make capsules but then I'd have to swallow like 10 at a time and that is also unpleasant. Honestly making tea out of it and straining the leaf is not a bad way to consume it, still tastes like dirt but I just add water and sugar and chug.

Yuck. The good stuff is always hard to chug down. Just like kava kava. I might get some more of that. I always added chocolate Hershey’s syrup to help get the kava down. It’s still horrible though. The cool thing about kava is it numbs your taste buds after a while.
Yuck. The good stuff is always hard to chug down. Just like kava kava. I might get some more of that. I always added chocolate Hershey’s syrup to help get the kava down. It’s still horrible though. The cool thing about kava is it numbs your taste buds after a while.

I love me some kava, I buy it in teabags and drink it every morning. Works wonders for my shitty morning attitude.
Tea bags are a great idea. I always did it the long way, kneading the powder in the bowl for minutes and straining it, all that. Makes a strong drink though.
400mg ODSMT, 250ug clonazolam and a bottle of some really good white wine. Add some fish, breadsticks and chocolate and you get my breakfast
150mg Armodafinil because I need to work and am spangled and stoneovered from a weekend of diphenidine, weed, beers, and not enough sleep.
2mg etizolam because I'm a bit on edge and anxious for the same reason.
40mg tianeptine because the armodafinil while alertness enhacing doesn't seem to be giving me focus I would like, often find tianeptine a potent potentiator of armodafinil but with more of the motivating stuff, maybe down to the mu-opioid activity.
Black coffee.

Still feeling sluggish and lazy. Did I overdo the etizolam? Don't really want to be on 3mg this early in the day... but maybe I already overshot and that's why. Up the armodafinil dose? Usually, IMO, a bad idea when chasing motivation... what to do? :( Just suck it up and ride out the day I guess and hope things are better tomorrow... maybe this is a sign of ageing... can't properly binge over the weekend without suffering for it.

Edit: Added 200mg phenylpiracetam + 200mg citicholine... hopefully this does the trick...

Edit again: Fuck it, added 1mg more etizolam, hopefully this can stop this day being a total write off.
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About 0.8 mg bupre snorted, 300mg pregabalin + tea and cigs. Bupre hasnt hit me yet so I got that going on for me.
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OMG, I love you guys! I’ve been cracking up at various shit all morning.

I’m loading up on Gabapentin and caffeine. That’s all I gotz in my arsenal. Wish I had a couple more Norcos. Hmmm...I might be able to arrange that, BUT that means I have to stop taking Gabapentin. Once you take too much Gabapentin and it kicks in, it totally cock blocks the opiate buzz.
Coastwocoast you like methylphenidate? I think that shits on par with coke but no ones selling them here. Hope I get a script for them after my adhd tests are done.
Yeah, I can vouch that it’s pretty good!

Be careful though because you can get too hopped up/irritable and that’s not a fun feeling. Always have a “comedown” whether it be benzos, Gabapentin, kratom or some type of opiate.
Yeah, I can vouch that it’s pretty good!

Be careful though because you can get too hopped up/irritable and that’s not a fun feeling. Always have a “comedown” whether it be benzos, Gabapentin, kratom or some type of opiate.

I'll almost never use an upper unless I have a downer in my system as well, or at the very least in my hands.

'Cept for that month I lived on methamphetamine and LSD
At first I was prescribed 20 mg Concerta in the AM, then a month or so later, asked for a second dose for afternoon. So 40 mg total a day. I’m leaving it at that. It’s great for ADHD and doesn’t ruin me like amphetamines did. I can still function even without it.
“Kitty crack” LOL!

I occasionally crushed my tablets and snorted, but that’s a bit of a waste. Something crazy I noticed is if I snort it, then exercise, I will sneeze uncontrollable after working out. I don’t know if it’s something to do with it being in your sinuses, then physical activity makes you sneeze. It’s soooo annoying! You’ll be sneezing and blowing your nose for a few days like you have a bad cold. So no snorting and then working out. That happened with snorting Addy too back when I had it.
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