Mental Health Mental Illness Support Thread V. How do you feel?

Do they reimburse you for the restaurant??

My parents house and an apartment I had made funny noises at night too. Double lock sounds like it'll do ;)

So what do you do in your free time? Music? Writing? I'm trying to pick up new hobbies and curious what you do in that apartment, if you're willing to share :)
Do they reimburse you for the restaurant??

My parents house and an apartment I had made funny noises at night too. Double lock sounds like it'll do ;)

So what do you do in your free time? Music? Writing? I'm trying to pick up new hobbies and curious what you do in that apartment, if you're willing to share :)

Exactly, they reimburse me. I have some goodies from the store now so I won't be bothering them too much with eating at different places.

Pretty sure the random noises I hear are other people staying on the same floor in this hotel. It can still be a little startling at times. hehe
Overall, I'm very pleased with this situation.

I love to write poetry and read books, listen to music and talk radio. I've been working on a novel, but I second-guess myself too much. My therapist suggested I should look into hobbies I can do outside of the house, but what? Haha Being around people isn't my favorite thing in the world.
What are you passionate about? I'm sure you'll find something.
I have ptsd from past trauma and im bi polar. The bipolar is being managed well but the depression and anxiety and flashbacks are in full force.
I expected this after years of chemically numbing myself. Now im in therapy but PAWS is making things a bit unbearable. I will NEVER use again though. Im enjoying my new life even with no sleep and nightmares.
I do hope PAWS goes quickly. Thankfully my boyfriend is my biggest cheerleader but its still hard
Some mornings i jump out of bed because i had a nightmare and I don't want him to even tpuch me. Quite time and music helps me get over it .
I just feel like a burden to him and i know im not but i still think that way.
I have ptsd from past trauma and im bi polar. The bipolar is being managed well but the depression and anxiety and flashbacks are in full force.
I expected this after years of chemically numbing myself. Now im in therapy but PAWS is making things a bit unbearable. I will NEVER use again though. Im enjoying my new life even with no sleep and nightmares.
I do hope PAWS goes quickly. Thankfully my boyfriend is my biggest cheerleader but its still hard
Some mornings i jump out of bed because i had a nightmare and I don't want him to even tpuch me. Quite time and music helps me get over it .
I just feel like a burden to him and i know im not but i still think that way.

PAWS is the worst! Sorry you're going through that. What's the drug you quit that's causing PAWS? If you don't mind my asking. When I quit Adderall, I had PAWS for many months. The important thing is to be very patient with yourself while your brain is healing. I couldn't think straight a lot of times. I allowed myself to rest and watch Netflix. I basically felt like a suicidal vegetable. Some days were better than others, but just remember this will pass. Give yourself time and don't beat yourself up about not being 100% yet. I used certain medication to ease the PAWS. Quitting Adderall drained the life out of me. I went from feeling like superwoman to not having the energy to get out of bed. I was determined to never go back to amphetamines again. The depression was unbearable so I found a new doctor and started an antidepressant. I asked him for Concerta as an extra boost for energy on top of the antidepressant. It helped to pull me out of a bad state of mind and Concerta isn't an amphetamine so I'm more in control of my doses, I don't abuse it.

Stay strong, you can do it! I'm glad your boyfriend is supportive during this time. After I quit Adderall, I quit my ex boyfriend too. Being off of Adderall made me see that I was putting up with way too much nonsense when we were together. Adderall masks reality, it makes situations seem better than they actually are. I was better off going through PAWS and sobriety while being single.
PAWS is the worst! Sorry you're going through that. What's the drug you quit that's causing PAWS? If you don't mind my asking. When I quit Adderall, I had PAWS for many months. The important thing is to be very patient with yourself while your brain is healing. I couldn't think straight a lot of times. I allowed myself to rest and watch Netflix. I basically felt like a suicidal vegetable. Some days were better than others, but just remember this will pass. Give yourself time and don't beat yourself up about not being 100% yet. I used certain medication to ease the PAWS. Quitting Adderall drained the life out of me. I went from feeling like superwoman to not having the energy to get out of bed. I was determined to never go back to amphetamines again. The depression was unbearable so I found a new doctor and started an antidepressant. I asked him for Concerta as an extra boost for energy on top of the antidepressant. It helped to pull me out of a bad state of mind and Concerta isn't an amphetamine so I'm more in control of my doses, I don't abuse it.

Stay strong, you can do it! I'm glad your boyfriend is supportive during this time. After I quit Adderall, I quit my ex boyfriend too. Being off of Adderall made me see that I was putting up with way too much nonsense when we were together. Adderall masks reality, it makes situations seem better than they actually are. I was better off going through PAWS and sobriety while being single.

Thank you for your kind words, i do appreciate it. I came off methadone using the Burmese method at the end then quickly off subs.
Ive started to and am trying to make a painting for a juried art show, which has garnered a lot of support, read about stock trading versus investing to execute a plan on robinhood (really several mini books at once), work almost full-time, supposed to have been studying for an entrance exam to get back into school (but fell behind a month due to planning a ?vacation? and now have to decide whether to start a whole course again which is an investment of time and money but mostly just committing to prepping— because it is my future to reapply, right) gym and dating.

But I can’t seem to finish what I start. I’m lazing in bed on a Saturday morning —is this all right or is this me giving in to my depression ?

Some situational events got me down and I’m not moving at a pace I want . Also The fact that I left my career trajectory almost three years ago because my dad was terminally ill and then he died within a couple years of my leaving has me down.

I’m at square one—if I was in my career none of this would matter. They may not even take me back, which is another story
Went to the gym after all and ran a couple miles and did lat pull down reps—ease back into it
and now home for a shower and dinner =)
I feel super tired and depressed and unmotivated from Dexadrine WD.

This shit probably won't last that long, but even when not going through any kind of WD from anything I hate my life.
Hey Mycophile,

What do you like to do during the day? Have you any hobbies that you used to do and want to pick up again, or a hobby you've never tried?

Staying busy is key when you're WDing.

Sending GoOd ViBeS - madness00 :) (also, goofing around is fun)
Hey Mycophile,

What do you like to do during the day? Have you any hobbies that you used to do and want to pick up again, or a hobby you've never tried?

Staying busy is key when you're WDing.

Sending GoOd ViBeS - madness00 :) (also, goofing around is fun)


Yeah, I mean there's different hobbies that I have, though some require more physical effort than I feel I have right now, and it kind of isn't just WD but also depression.

I guess I've been keeping myself "sort of" busy-ish not doing very productive things but with escapism via the internet and television.

It's not the best, but I get so into different things I read about online or discovering new movies and shoes on netflix and whatnot that it helps a bit, and I'm less passive with it than some people cause I get REALLY into like rabbit holes online and looking one thing up leads me to look up another and read about it etc.

Until I get more energy back it's the best I can do but it passes the time for now.

Yeah, I mean there's different hobbies that I have, though some require more physical effort than I feel I have right now, and it kind of isn't just WD but also depression.

I guess I've been keeping myself "sort of" busy-ish not doing very productive things but with escapism via the internet and television.

It's not the best, but I get so into different things I read about online or discovering new movies and shoes on netflix and whatnot that it helps a bit, and I'm less passive with it than some people cause I get REALLY into like rabbit holes online and looking one thing up leads me to look up another and read about it etc.

Until I get more energy back it's the best I can do but it passes the time for now.

HUGS* I know it's a bitch. There is literally no energy to do anything whatsoever! All I could do for a few months is lie in bed and watch TV. I read the Quitting Adderall forum for support and it kept me from feeling like I was losing my mind. PAWS includes depression. It was the suicidal kind for me. That's why after several months of still suffering from PAWS, I went to a different psychiatrist and got on an antidepressant and Concerta. I've experienced depression plenty, but the kind from amphetamine withdrawal is nothing to play around with, it's scary.

Be patient with yourself and take care of yourself!
How long have you been on Dexedrine? If you haven't taken it consistently for a long period of time, your withdrawal should be short-lived.

One of the reasons I quit for good is because I was sick of suffering debilitating withdrawals for 1-2 weeks before getting my next Adderall refill. It was a cycle that happened every month.
HUGS* I know it's a bitch. There is literally no energy to do anything whatsoever! All I could do for a few months is lie in bed and watch TV. I read the Quitting Adderall forum for support and it kept me from feeling like I was losing my mind. PAWS includes depression. It was the suicidal kind for me. That's why after several months of still suffering from PAWS, I went to a different psychiatrist and got on an antidepressant and Concerta. I've experienced depression plenty, but the kind from amphetamine withdrawal is nothing to play around with, it's scary.

Be patient with yourself and take care of yourself!
How long have you been on Dexedrine? If you haven't taken it consistently for a long period of time, your withdrawal should be short-lived.

One of the reasons I quit for good is because I was sick of suffering debilitating withdrawals for 1-2 weeks before getting my next Adderall refill. It was a cycle that happened every month.

I was scripted it for the first time 11 months ago (last July) and started at just 5mgs twice a day but it escalated so that I couldn't really be sure how much I've taken for how long cause it went up but I was at 25mgs twice a day (so 50mgs a day) for the past 2 months or so, before that less, I mean you know, I couldn't be sure, that's been the range throughout a year.

I'm figuring it shouldn't be bad for more than a few weeks and that's what most people seem to say but we'll have to say.

How long were you prescribed it, at what doses and how long was your WD bad for?

And what antidepressant did you get on afterwards?

Cause I totally need a new antidepressant that REALLY works and I think most SSRIs/SNRIs are bullshit and my Lexapro doesn't work.

I want a med I can take and FEEL within an hour or so.

I just don't believe in meds that take weeks to work really having an effect on me.

More than anything I'd like to try Ketamine infusions but doubt I'll be able to get them.
I was scripted it for the first time 11 months ago (last July) and started at just 5mgs twice a day but it escalated so that I couldn't really be sure how much I've taken for how long cause it went up but I was at 25mgs twice a day (so 50mgs a day) for the past 2 months or so, before that less, I mean you know, I couldn't be sure, that's been the range throughout a year.

I'm figuring it shouldn't be bad for more than a few weeks and that's what most people seem to say but we'll have to say.

How long were you prescribed it, at what doses and how long was your WD bad for?

And what antidepressant did you get on afterwards?

Cause I totally need a new antidepressant that REALLY works and I think most SSRIs/SNRIs are bullshit and my Lexapro doesn't work.

I want a med I can take and FEEL within an hour or so.

I just don't believe in meds that take weeks to work really having an effect on me.

More than anything I'd like to try Ketamine infusions but doubt I'll be able to get them.

Your timeline of use and abuse is very similar to what mine was. I quit Adderall last year in July so it's about to be a whole year clean from that crap.
Before that, I was on it for a lil' over a year. I was prescribed 12.5 mg IR (instant release) one time a day. At first, that was enough...until it wasn't. So I asked for a second dose a few months after that. I was in a (toxic) relationship during that entire year I was on Adderall. That drug became my lifeline for being the person I finally wanted to be, getting out of the house, doing things like a "normal" person, being social, able to finally be I thought.

The doses spiraled out of control because of tolerance. I started to run out of my script a week before refill, then 2 weeks before refill. When it came down to that last pill, I was tortured thinking of being without my medicine. It had taken over and by the time I realized it, it was too late. I took a step back and looked at my behavior, overtime I had become more isolated and aggravated at every fucking thing. It felt like my soul was gone. I would get my refill, the euphoria would last for a day or two, then I turned cold and angry inside like a monster and didn't want anything to do with people. Everything that miracle pill gave to me in the beginning, it took back in the end.

I came to the conclusion it had to be stopped. I told my psychiatrist at that time to cancel the rest of the scripts. I mentioned something about tolerance and she said "Adderall doesn't have a tolerance." HA! She had no clue what she was talking about.

Since I was using and abusing for a year, after I quit and canceled my scripts, it was hell, especially for the first 6 months, not gonna lie. Some days were better than others, but it was brutal. My brain was fried. I kept to myself because even trying to be social with family and think of words was difficult. I let family know I was going through PAWS from quitting. Luckily, I could take as much time as I needed to do nothing basically.
Are you able to have time off? You're going to need it if you're quitting for good. It's so worth it in the end. If you're stressed out with demands, you're going to want to use again. There is life beyond this horrible drug.

After 7 months of still going through PAWS, I found a new psychiatrist. The one who prescribed the Adderall wouldn't understand how much I was suffering with PAWS, she didn't even think there was a tolerance. This new psych put me on Effexor XR. I was willing to try anything. I won't tell you it's great by any means, but during the first week, I felt better. Maybe it triggered a lil' mania which was better than feeling dead inside. Effexor XR made me drowsy so I asked for the Concerta as a boost of energy and for ADHD. He said it would also help as an antidepressant.

Are you quitting Dexedrine for good? You're better off without it. If you go back to it and keep abusing it, it will lead to psychosis and all kinds of nasty health problems. It's really bad for the heart and toxic for the brain.
Concerta is like 24 hour Ritalin, it will help you feel better. That's probably your best bet if you want something that works quickly. It's not an amphetamine so don't expect euphoria and don't go chasing it. It helps for ADHD and to pull you out of a brain fog.

I still use kratom from time to time. If the Concerta makes me feel on edge, kratom comes in handy to level it out. I started on 20 mg tablets, now it's prescribed twice a day. You should try another antidepressant since Lexapro isn't working, then you can ask the doc to add Concerta to it.

I'm guessing your PAWS would last a year or more since mine was still present even at 7 months.

If you want to quit Dexedrine, I'd recommend you don't mention abusing it. Just say you don't like the way it makes you feel anymore and you want to cancel your scripts. If you don't cancel those scripts and still have access to them, you won't quit.

Sorry for the novel. lol Ask me anything and good luck! ❤

Edit: Forgot to mention I'm prescribed Gabapentin every month for anxiety along with Effexor XR for depression and Concerta for ADHD. Gabapentin would also be helpful for PAWS. It stabilizes mood.
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Your timeline of use and abuse is very similar to what mine was. I quit Adderall last year in July so it's about to be a whole year clean from that crap.
Before that, I was on it for a lil' over a year. I was prescribed 12.5 mg IR (instant release) one time a day. At first, that was enough...until it wasn't. So I asked for a second dose a few months after that. I was in a (toxic) relationship during that entire year I was on Adderall. That drug became my lifeline for being the person I finally wanted to be, getting out of the house, doing things like a "normal" person, being social, able to finally be I thought.

The doses spiraled out of control because of tolerance. I started to run out of my script a week before refill, then 2 weeks before refill. When it came down to that last pill, I was tortured thinking of being without my medicine. It had taken over and by the time I realized it, it was too late. I took a step back and looked at my behavior, overtime I had become more isolated and aggravated at every fucking thing. It felt like my soul was gone. I would get my refill, the euphoria would last for a day or two, then I turned cold and angry inside like a monster and didn't want anything to do with people. Everything that miracle pill gave to me in the beginning, it took back in the end.

I came to the conclusion it had to be stopped. I told my psychiatrist at that time to cancel the rest of the scripts. I mentioned something about tolerance and she said "Adderall doesn't have a tolerance." HA! She had no clue what she was talking about.

Since I was using and abusing for a year, after I quit and canceled my scripts, it was hell, especially for the first 6 months, not gonna lie. Some days were better than others, but it was brutal. My brain was fried. I kept to myself because even trying to be social with family and think of words was difficult. I let family know I was going through PAWS from quitting. Luckily, I could take as much time as I needed to do nothing basically.
Are you able to have time off? You're going to need it if you're quitting for good. It's so worth it in the end. If you're stressed out with demands, you're going to want to use again. There is life beyond this horrible drug.

After 7 months of still going through PAWS, I found a new psychiatrist. The one who prescribed the Adderall wouldn't understand how much I was suffering with PAWS, she didn't even think there was a tolerance. This new psych put me on Effexor XR. I was willing to try anything. I won't tell you it's great by any means, but during the first week, I felt better. Maybe it triggered a lil' mania which was better than feeling dead inside. Effexor XR made me drowsy so I asked for the Concerta as a boost of energy and for ADHD. He said it would also help as an antidepressant.

Are you quitting Dexedrine for good? You're better off without it. If you go back to it and keep abusing it, it will lead to psychosis and all kinds of nasty health problems. It's really bad for the heart and toxic for the brain.
Concerta is like 24 hour Ritalin, it will help you feel better. That's probably your best bet if you want something that works quickly. It's not an amphetamine so don't expect euphoria and don't go chasing it. It helps for ADHD and to pull you out of a brain fog.

I still use kratom from time to time. If the Concerta makes me feel on edge, kratom comes in handy to level it out. I started on 20 mg tablets, now it's prescribed twice a day. You should try another antidepressant since Lexapro isn't working, then you can ask the doc to add Concerta to it.

I'm guessing your PAWS would last a year or more since mine was still present even at 7 months.

If you want to quit Dexedrine, I'd recommend you don't mention abusing it. Just say you don't like the way it makes you feel anymore and you want to cancel your scripts. If you don't cancel those scripts and still have access to them, you won't quit.

Sorry for the novel. lol Ask me anything and good luck! ❤

Edit: Forgot to mention I'm prescribed Gabapentin every month for anxiety along with Effexor XR for depression and Concerta for ADHD. Gabapentin would also be helpful for PAWS. It stabilizes mood.

I really don't like the idea that you think it will take me that long to get over the WD, but that was your personal experience, but most other people are saying that the ACUTE WD WILL NOT LAST MORE THAN ONE MONTH.

PAWS is more like depression and stuff, and that sucks, but did you really have ACUTE WD like sleeping a lot and lack of energy for SIX MONTHS??!!

If so, I am going to choose to believe that will NOT be the case for me.

I have the summer off till September, but then starting in September I have TONS of work to do, and I refuse to believe I'll have REALLY bad ACUTE WD anymore at that point after more than 2 months off...I mean you are the only one saying I will (no offense), I just don't want to believe that.

Yeah, I'm probably quitting it for good, though I don't like the idea of NEVER having access, it will probably be the case but I've got one bottle I'll probably keep stashed away.

I really want to try Gabapentin and some say it can help w/ WD from different things and I need a new anti-depressant.

I've tried concerta and don't like it I'd try that only if i had to.

I don't really need help w/ ADD that much, but did the Concerta help you not feel bad from the Dexadrine WD?

Also, did the Gabapentin help you feel better from the Dex WD?

Effexor could be an option, and I've also heard good things about Wellbutrin, but what I REALLY want is Ketamine infusions/nasal spray but I don't have the money for it and my parents, being super judgemental, and who I'd have to borrow money from, refuse to let me try it cause they think it's some bullshit new age therapy or something even though I've given them the links to say it's legit.

I'll get a new psychiatrist and see what he says.

I am totally not mentioning I abused Dexadrine, NO WAY...I'll say I have ADD and thought it might help but it led to side effects, no more, no less.
Your timeline of use and abuse is very similar to what mine was. I quit Adderall last year in July so it's about to be a whole year clean from that crap.
Before that, I was on it for a lil' over a year. I was prescribed 12.5 mg IR (instant release) one time a day. At first, that was enough...until it wasn't. So I asked for a second dose a few months after that. I was in a (toxic) relationship during that entire year I was on Adderall. That drug became my lifeline for being the person I finally wanted to be, getting out of the house, doing things like a "normal" person, being social, able to finally be I thought.

The doses spiraled out of control because of tolerance. I started to run out of my script a week before refill, then 2 weeks before refill. When it came down to that last pill, I was tortured thinking of being without my medicine. It had taken over and by the time I realized it, it was too late. I took a step back and looked at my behavior, overtime I had become more isolated and aggravated at every fucking thing. It felt like my soul was gone. I would get my refill, the euphoria would last for a day or two, then I turned cold and angry inside like a monster and didn't want anything to do with people. Everything that miracle pill gave to me in the beginning, it took back in the end.

I came to the conclusion it had to be stopped. I told my psychiatrist at that time to cancel the rest of the scripts. I mentioned something about tolerance and she said "Adderall doesn't have a tolerance." HA! She had no clue what she was talking about.

Since I was using and abusing for a year, after I quit and canceled my scripts, it was hell, especially for the first 6 months, not gonna lie. Some days were better than others, but it was brutal. My brain was fried. I kept to myself because even trying to be social with family and think of words was difficult. I let family know I was going through PAWS from quitting. Luckily, I could take as much time as I needed to do nothing basically.
Are you able to have time off? You're going to need it if you're quitting for good. It's so worth it in the end. If you're stressed out with demands, you're going to want to use again. There is life beyond this horrible drug.

After 7 months of still going through PAWS, I found a new psychiatrist. The one who prescribed the Adderall wouldn't understand how much I was suffering with PAWS, she didn't even think there was a tolerance. This new psych put me on Effexor XR. I was willing to try anything. I won't tell you it's great by any means, but during the first week, I felt better. Maybe it triggered a lil' mania which was better than feeling dead inside. Effexor XR made me drowsy so I asked for the Concerta as a boost of energy and for ADHD. He said it would also help as an antidepressant.

Are you quitting Dexedrine for good? You're better off without it. If you go back to it and keep abusing it, it will lead to psychosis and all kinds of nasty health problems. It's really bad for the heart and toxic for the brain.
Concerta is like 24 hour Ritalin, it will help you feel better. That's probably your best bet if you want something that works quickly. It's not an amphetamine so don't expect euphoria and don't go chasing it. It helps for ADHD and to pull you out of a brain fog.

I still use kratom from time to time. If the Concerta makes me feel on edge, kratom comes in handy to level it out. I started on 20 mg tablets, now it's prescribed twice a day. You should try another antidepressant since Lexapro isn't working, then you can ask the doc to add Concerta to it.

I'm guessing your PAWS would last a year or more since mine was still present even at 7 months.

If you want to quit Dexedrine, I'd recommend you don't mention abusing it. Just say you don't like the way it makes you feel anymore and you want to cancel your scripts. If you don't cancel those scripts and still have access to them, you won't quit.

Sorry for the novel. lol Ask me anything and good luck! ❤

Edit: Forgot to mention I'm prescribed Gabapentin every month for anxiety along with Effexor XR for depression and Concerta for ADHD. Gabapentin would also be helpful for PAWS. It stabilizes mood.

CoastoCoast: This site, like many others, says ACUTE Dexadrine/Adderall WD USUALLY does NOT last as long as yours did.

I'm hoping it's true for me. I mean, today is only day 5 and I've never gone longer than this many days in a row without it in the past year so I can't know yet:

Withdrawal from Adderall can last from 5 days to 3 weeks. You may begin to experience symptoms within a few hours to several days after your last dose.

During the first few days, you may experience the more acute symptoms of fatigue, sleep disturbances and depression. After the initial withdrawal, you may continue to experience some of these symptoms. But they will not be as severe."
CoastoCoast: This site, like many others, says ACUTE Dexadrine/Adderall WD USUALLY does NOT last as long as yours did.

I'm hoping it's true for me. I mean, today is only day 5 and I've never gone longer than this many days in a row without it in the past year so I can't know yet:

Withdrawal from Adderall can last from 5 days to 3 weeks. You may begin to experience symptoms within a few hours to several days after your last dose.

During the first few days, you may experience the more acute symptoms of fatigue, sleep disturbances and depression. After the initial withdrawal, you may continue to experience some of these symptoms. But they will not be as severe."

You can believe PAWS will not be long for you and I really hope it won't. You've been taking it for a year and I was on it for that long.

Doctors don't know how awful PAWS is and how long it lasts when it comes to amphetamines, they're clueless. I wish I was never prescribed it.

You have to be active in September? Then I recommend you trying the Concerta and Gabapentin. Those did help me feel better. It will make it so you can function at least. I wasn't trying to be negative or deter you, I was just being honest about my experience. I couldn't take having no energy and feeling suicidal for close to a year, that's why I got help.

Many in the Quitting Adderall forum went through the exact same thing. They were also surprised they had PAWS for a year or so. I read their stories of how they struggled and it made me feel like I wasn't alone. The forum isn't only for Adderall, it's for amphetamines in general.

Amphetamines are a new epidemic and many others who have taken it will unfortunately learn the hard way it's horrible coming off of it, but worth it.

Here's the link you asked about:

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I brewed a pot of coffee in my hotel room, it's pretty good.
My dog is on the bed staring at me like she's crazy. haha
I'd live here forever if I could.

I'll go downstairs and do laundry around midnight, shouldn't be anyone there. Laundry room is free.
You can believe PAWS will not be long for you and I really hope it won't. You've been taking it for a year and I was on it for that long.

Doctors don't know how awful PAWS is and how long it lasts when it comes to amphetamines, they're clueless. I wish I was never prescribed it.

You have to be active in September? Then I recommend you trying the Concerta and Gabapentin. Those did help me feel better. It will make it so you can function at least. I wasn't trying to be negative or deter you, I was just being honest about my experience. I couldn't take having no energy and feeling suicidal for close to a year, that's why I got help.

Many in the Quitting Adderall forum went through the exact same thing. They were also surprised they had PAWS for a year or so. I read their stories of how they struggled and it made me feel like I wasn't alone. The forum isn't only for Adderall, it's for amphetamines in general.

Amphetamines are a new epidemic and many others who have taken it will unfortunately learn the hard way it's horrible coming off of it, but worth it.

Here's the link you asked about:

The link doesn't work for me no matter how many times I try.

It may or may not last long like yours did, hopefully not but I'll have to see.

So far most of the people I've talked to ON THIS FORUM have taken higher dosages than me for longer and did not have it last that long.

Also, how do you distinguish between the difference between PAWS and Acute WD?

And how many mgs a day were you on?

I was also USUALLY on dexadrine and not Adderall which is not usually as bed.

And I don't have access to either Gabapentin or Concerta.

I don't like Concerta much the few times I tried it and while I've considered Gabapentin I just got a PM from another poster telling me to avoid it at all costs as if it's a death sentence and that it essentially completely ruined his life...yet my aunt takes it and she's fine which just goes to show that everyone reacts to drugs differently.

You seem to react more strongly to Adderall than many people, but on just day 6 now I can't say how it will be for me.
The link doesn't work for me no matter how many times I try.

It may or may not last long like yours did, hopefully not but I'll have to see.

So far most of the people I've talked to ON THIS FORUM have taken higher dosages than me for longer and did not have it last that long.

Also, how do you distinguish between the difference between PAWS and Acute WD?

And how many mgs a day were you on?

I was also USUALLY on dexadrine and not Adderall which is not usually as bed.

And I don't have access to either Gabapentin or Concerta.

I don't like Concerta much the few times I tried it and while I've considered Gabapentin I just got a PM from another poster telling me to avoid it at all costs as if it's a death sentence and that it essentially completely ruined his life...yet my aunt takes it and she's fine which just goes to show that everyone reacts to drugs differently.

You seem to react more strongly to Adderall than many people, but on just day 6 now I can't say how it will be for me.

No, I don't react more strongly than other people. As I've said, there are plenty of others on the Quitting Adderall forum who went through the exact same thing I did.
I don't know why the link doesn't work for you.

I've never had a problem with Gabapentin, it's been very helpful for me. You can't stop cold turkey if you take it consistently just like most medicine, but it's always been great for me. It's up to you whether you try it or not. I like the feeling of Adderall much better than Concerta, but Adderall or any amphetamine is not sustainable. Every one falls into the same trap of raising their dose and the drug stops working like it used to. We all have to quit at some point. I've been off of it for one year and that is no small feat.
I'm proud of that.

You seem adamant about trying to prove me wrong or something like I don't know what I'm talking about. I just know what worked for me. Good luck, hopefully you find what works for you.