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What is wrong with the MDMA available today?

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Eeeee! :) I’m excited lol. Was this that good looking crystal that you got most recent?

Well, it is 5:30 am now and I am eating some dinner (breakfast?) I will post my full review sometime tomorrow, but for now I will just say that the initial dose and the place where you reach from the initial dose seems super important. For years, I have been not quite getting there off dose 1, and then taking a second dose that never seems to get me there either. But, the 155 mg to start really changed the game.
It definitely is. You gotta reach that spot off the initial dose, the booster is simply to extend the duration another hour or two.

I’m gonna assume you still being up at 5:30am is a good sign!

@G_Chem Yes, this is the semi-clear crystal that I uploaded pics of. This is the exact same stuff I had 6 weeks ago, but the experience 6 weeks ago never got off the ground in the same way as last night's experience.
@indigoaura just to say I really appreciate you too along with every member here -actually you were my first "official" friend here, I missed you when you weren't around, but it's okay Im no longer the scared kid in the playground and I've got other friends now lol!

No joke though, it has been nothing but a pleasure to be a member here recently.
Real good to hear you had a much better experience this time, and especially the concept of the magic being in the dose in this case.

And bizarrely, your total dosage practically matches my Bowsers (215-230mg).

As you have seen I've been in a dilemna about how to dose it.
I keep swinging. Im a bit shy about all at once, which may be a little overwhelming due to my rather fragile condition more than anything otherwise I don't think I would hesitate.

Half and half 60-90 mins apart was the OG plan. But I since gravitated towards 30 mins between 2 halves. Just to stagger the comeup slightly. I still like this idea.

But now you have me thinking again, maybe the majority first, like 150mg worth, the rest 60 mins later.
I will have to think now. Thank you for presenting me with yet more First World Problems haha! ?

Anyway, all you folk here are great and so interesting and entertaining. Im doing my best to investigate this topic around. I keep finding really solid legit old skoolers who report exactly the same phenomenon with the modern MDMA and who have not heard any mention about this but can't get their heads around it and are desperate for answers and help.

I have been directing all potentially interested people here to this thread with a general introduction to the topic. Just this afternoon I met a really interesting guy on YouTube who is very interested in this and whose own personal account was of great interest to me and also do this thread here.

I can see us continually drawing in more and more people who have experienced this issue with invaluable experience and insight to share so I can see this snowball growing continuously.

Meanwhile..... @indigoaura hope your dinnerfast went down well and you have had a pleasant and smooth come down.
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I just want to clarify something here. If your pupils do not dilate all the way to the outer edge of your eyeball leaving only a microscopic sliver of color left, there is something wrong with your ecstasy. This is not something that is open for debate. I had read someone earlier saying their pupils didn’t dilate all the way to the outer edge but that all of positive effects were there in shitloads. I’m afraid that’s just a case of wishful thinking. We all like to think that what we’re doing is the real deal or that this time is going to be different, but the reality is that pupils dilating all the way to the outer edge is one of the non-negotiable visual markers associated with real MDMA. The old school ecstasy that I still have access to along with all those years of real ecstasy on the streets from 1985-2008, dilated pupils to the outer edge was just a given trait that happened every single time without any excuses. So please, let’s narrow the discussion to what you have is the either the real deal (pupils dilated all the way to the outer edge) or something else entirely.
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I just want to clarify something here. If your pupils do not dilate all the way to the outer edge of your eyeball leaving only a microscopic sliver of color left, there is something wrong with your ecstasy. This is not something that is open for debate. I had read someone earlier saying their pupils didn’t dilate all the way to the outer edge but that all of positive effects were there in shitloads, but I’m afraid that’s just a case of wishful thinking. We all like to think that what we’re doing is the real deal or that this time is going to be different, but the reality is that pupils dilated all the way to the outer edge is one of the non-negotiable visual markers associated with real MDMA. The old school ecstasy that I still have access to along with all those years of real ecstasy on the streets from 1985-2008, dilated pupils to the outer edge were just a given trait every single time without any excuse. So please, let’s narrow the discussion to what you have is the either the real deal (dilated to the outer edge pupils) or something else entirely.
Yes, indeed, I have kept this right in mind. In my investigations, I see many so called "saucers" shots, especially on Reddit. Mostly very young'ns.

People commenting saying "Wow I wish I had suacers like that."

And I think about your insistence on this point as I examine the photos. Enlarged they are yes, but you can easily tell the eye colour still. There is a gap.

Oh man, I wish I had made more precise observation of this when I had ample chance. I know these supposed saucer shots dont impress me at all.

Also, people on proper ecstasy look WIRED, like somewhere else. The eyes could never hide the altered state, switched-on ness. I havent seen that magic altered consciousness appearance, just an intoxicated, uninhibited, half merry glazed look mostly.

My own eyes are dark brown, so it would not have been so noticeable to me just how much of an outer ring was left because my eyes would have appeared as black sources even more so but I'm sure they probably were a lot of the time.
@Le Junk I recall exactly what you are saying. I even have old photos that I took of myself while rolling showing the pupils dilated to the outer edge. Last night I took a photo as well, and I can try to zoom in and crop it so I can show the amount of eye dilation I had last night. Never to the full edge of the pupil, but definitely noticeable.

For me though, in what has been a barren wasteland of product, seeing any eye dilation at all is a step in the right direction. In your experience, would a very low dose of MDMA still produce the dilation to the outer edge?

@AutoTripper I was pretty devoted to chronicling my drug use and experiences. I had an 8mm camera. There are loads of tapes. You are absolutely right, the people rolling in those old videos are obviously WIRED. The way their jaw is set is totally different, their eyes are HUGE. There used to be concern about going out in public while rolling because of how fucked up you looked. That is not something I have seen in a decade at least, on anyone's face, even a new user.

What I currently suspect is that the crystal I have is infused with something to make the crystals bigger. I would guess that it is maybe 60% product. Of that 60%...how much is MDMA? I still have enough left to send it off to Energy Control and try to get an answer to that part of the question.

For now, here is my report:

Ate lunch at 3 pm, followed by some cake later on.

10:00 pm - Took 155 mg in a vegetarian capsule.
10:30 pm - hopped in the shower

During the shower, I came up pretty hard. Water started to feel really good, and I felt like I needed to sit down at several points. I had some Vicks and that was an amazing throwback. By the time I got out of the shower at 10:45 pm, I was feeling really good.

10:48 pm - I began to notice significant eye dilation in the mirror.

11:30 pm - I wanted to do the re-dose at the right time, so this is when I took 88 mg. Not really because I felt like I needed it, but because I did not want to wait too long.

From 11:30 pm until 1:15 am I was hanging out on the couch, snuggling with my partner, listening to music, and talking. More pro-social feelings and connection than I have had in a long time. I was having a lot of positive feelings and thoughts about other people, and felt very open to my partner.

At 12:15 am I checked my pupils again and they were quite large. Hard to define exactly how much color was around the edge, but it was a relatively small amount.

At 1:15 am, my partner and I were going to move into the sex phase of the evening and I took another 82 mg. For me, the second re-dose is needed for the sexual phase of the evening.

Sidenote: my partner no longer does MDMA. He had what may have been a long term comedown back around 2010, as well as numerous health issues (auto immune, allergies digestive etc). So, he sticks to mushrooms/alcohol now. He tried the MehDMA once back in 2017 and was so underwhelmed. He told me in no uncertain terms that it was NOT MDMA and he did not know why I had kept doing it. That was kind of my wakeup call, because after a super lengthy break, he should not have had the same tolerance as me. That was when I really internalized that something was WAY not right with my product.

Around 2 am, I felt like I was coming down a bit, which is weird with that 1:15 am re-dose. By 3:15, I definitely felt more normalized and sober (although there were residual effects). Partner and I continued to have sex off an on until after 5, and when I was having a snack at 5:30 I still felt some residual effects. Went to sleep with no issue. Feel fine today, and have a bit of that pleasant afterglow feeling.


Euphoria: 5
Empathy: 5
Energy: 2
Eye Wiggles: 1
Pupil Dilation: 6
Jaw Clenching: 1
Body High: 5
Sexuality: 4

Overall - 6

Someone commented on here awhile back that it was unlikely that there was a massive problem with MDMA and we are the only people who are onto it or talking about it. But, I think that is deceptive. We are not the only people talking about it. I know that among my group of friends, everyone has commented on it. But, nobody is motivated enough to go searching for answers online. I would guess it is the same with many long-term users. For those who are still using MDMA now, who also used it in the 90s/2000s, most people probably write it off as tolerance. When you think about it, the whole concept of "losing the magic" is a perfect cover for any unscrupulous manufacturers who want to sell shit product. People who know better will shrug it off, and people who don't know better will think it is the real deal because they never had anything else.
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Yes, indeed, I have kept this right in mind. In my investigations, I see many so called "saucers" shots, especially on Reddit. Mostly very young'ns.

People commenting saying "Wow I wish I had suacers like that."

And I think about your insistence on this point as I examine the photos. Enlarged they are yes, but you can easily tell the eye colour still. There is a gap.

Oh man, I wish I had made more precise observation of this when I had ample chance. I know these supposed saucer shots dont impress me at all.

Also, people on proper ecstasy look WIRED, like somewhere else. The eyes could never hide the altered state, switched-on ness. I havent seen that magic altered consciousness appearance, just an intoxicated, uninhibited, half merry glazed look mostly.

My own eyes are dark brown, so it would not have been so noticeable to me just how much of an outer ring was left because my eyes would have appeared as black sources even more so but I'm sure they probably were a lot of the time.
yeah every time i roll on my pressies my eyes are just pure black dilated looking super wired if anybody looked at me they would be able to tell straight away i was fucked up.
Someone commented on here awhile back that it was unlikely that there was a massive problem with MDMA and we are the only people who are onto it or talking about it
I think maybe we could attempt to estasblish a little more credibility to this cause if we suggest that - This is the only PLACE people are talking about this. And nothing wrong with that. This just happens to be where the main discussion is at right now and more and more people are joining in as time goes on I'm sure there will be many more and we will have a much larger subjective database.

Also, I can only go with my gut of course but I'm not sure that any of this has any dishonest or devious, corrupt origin or agenda. Not that I thought you implied that. I just feel it all came about as an unfortunate accident as a number of things changed, but I sure could be wrong.
f anybody looked at me they would be able to tell straight away i was fucked up.
Oh, don't fear, I have never seen you and I can tell clear as day that you are fucked up. ?
Just kidding bro. Really appreciate all of your own contributions here as well, I know your views have been strongly disputed but I respect your opinion and am taking in everything you share as I try to assimilate all points of view and experience.
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@AutoTripper Glad I was able to offer friendship in your early days on BL! Overall, been thinking about your unique situation. I am inclined to think you should do 75% of that tablet up front, and save the 25% for the re-dose. Based on this recent experience I had, you are likely to waste your product if you don't cross the threshold on the initial dose.

Consider the worst case scenario for each option. If you take too little, you are likely to never reach the height that you want to reach. The second 50% of the pill may not help that much, and then that is your experience. Subpar.

If you take too much, you might come up too hard. Maybe you would get a little sick. But, then you would level out into the experience that you want.

I think between those two options, you are better off erring on the side of doing too much. You are not a new and inexperienced user, you are not going to be too shocked by an intense ride.
So, out of curiosity, how much actual MDMA do you think would have been in a pill like this?

This is a pill that I actually had at the time. I recall thinking that it was not the best I had, but was not bad.

Here is another one I had:

What were my starting doses if I was taking one pill? Obviously, the whole pill is not MDMA. How much of the pill was likely to be filler?
@indigoaura Yes, even with low doses the pupils will dilate all the way to the outer edge. Pills back in the late 90s were averaging between 60 to 80 mg per pill and just one of those pills would dilate the pupils all the way to the outer edge.

Your comment about old schoolers writing today’s stuff off as just a tolerance issue and new schoolers not knowing the difference that they’re doing trash sums it up perfectly my friend.

Le Junk
Totally forgot to use this chart in my post. I will add it to that post as well. Looking at it like this...it does not seem so great. I am about to make a new thread to discuss hormones/drugs in more detail. It is relevant to this conversation, but also sort of its own conversation. Basically, depending on where I am in my cycle I am going to have fluctuating serotonin/dopamine levels. I personally find that doing MDMA around day 5-10 is ideal. Yesterday's roll was day 19. Not where I would place a roll for maximum impact. There is also a complex birth control issue...

Anyway...if you want to read, I will post all that in another thread.

ROLLDATE 06-22-19

Euphoria: 5
Empathy: 5
Energy: 2
Eye Wiggles: 1
Pupil Dilation: 6
Jaw Clenching: 1
Body High: 5
Sexuality: 4
@indigoaura thank you for those food for thoughts on dosage.
And you know what, Im persuaded on the basis of your latest experimenting.
I fully agree with that logic about being better to overshoot slightly than undershoot.

And 3/4 makes additional sense too. Hesitant about all at once, 3/4 is close enough for nearly full whack. Also makes for less anxiety about the redose, being smaller it seems less consequential and more of a formality.

I think I would aim to redose sooner than you did yourself last night though.
I wonder how your experience might have differed if you had redosed sooner, like after 1 hour?

It may have been even more elevated and overall made an even better impression.
I mean, your whole experience was boosted by a smallish initial dosage increase.
Maybe it could be stepped up another level with a sooner redose, and possibly a slightly larger dose like 100mg.

Okay Im gonna right out guess on the Crocodile pill. From 2000 to 2005 at least, I am quite confident that pills were commonly well above 100mg. Not as an average, lots of crap was about as always.
Dont ask me how or why I believe that, I am confident though.

If a pill seemed very good, I would assume over 100 mg. At 280 mg total weight, at least half the croc must be filler. I would suggest 80 to 110 mg MDMA, as a total guess, as you say they weren't the best, but dont sound like the worst either.

Similar logic for the Moon. 264 mg. Again I would guess 80-110 mg, unless they were particularly strong, in which case maybe 120 mg upwards, which was a pretty good dose for OG MDMA.

Definitely not your 155 mg dose last night though. But as you suspect, it may be buffed up somehow and therefore lower. This is mostly intuitive guessing of course, guided by subconscious calculation, rationalisation and head-compiled data analysis. I have always had a knack for bizarrely accurate intuitive guess calculations though.

I have always been a bit confused by the ideal re-dose schedule. Everyone says to re-dose after an hour. But, are they talking about an hour after you ingested or an hour after you came up? I ended up re-dosing less than an hour after the come-up, but 1.5 hours after I ingested. It is hard to gauge, especially if you are worried about getting sick on the come-up and possibly losing some of the product.

Next time I work with this supply, I am upping the initial dose again. Although, my schedule is pretty booked for quite some time, so I will not be able to experiment again until September/October at least or maybe later.
Typically filler on average ranges from 50-66%. Occasionally you’ll have some interesting pressers that’ll do minimal filler, or the opposite with it being all filler.

You can guess those pills were probably 90-140mg.

As for redosing. I tell people as soon as they feel ready to stomach it, this is usually 90min.

Indigo I wouldn’t wager dosages from back then would be equally effective for you unfortunately. I think 160mg is a good dosage for you but it’d be interesting to see what the purity is of this particular batch. I’d bet it’s actually fairly pure product too, at least 90+%.

@G_Chem What do you make of the fact that my friend put this stuff on a hot plate and evaporated moisture from it? He claimed that quite a bit of the product evaporated. Interestingly, what was left was a fluffy white crystal.
@G_Chem easy bro. Interesting how you applied a similar logic to guestimating those crocodile/moon MDMA quantities. Is this evidence that great minds really do think alike? Hehe.

Except you allowed for a larger range. I suggested 80 mg lowest, 90 yourself which I think is more realistic actually, but surely a pretty decent pill back then was at least 80 minimum, so just covering bases really.

I do think in all likelihood however that they probably contains at least 100 mg. 125 mg upwards would be considered really top quality pills and from what @indigoaura said briefly about them, it doesnt sound like they could be as much as 140 mg, my gut still says 100-120 at most. Not bad though.

Thanks for all your assistance and sounding board @indigoaura helping me consider various dosage approaches. This is an interesting aspect to MDMA for me now. Back then, dosages were rarely known or even spoken of.

The modern culture is much more centred around knowing the exact dosages to begin with, theoretically at least and calculating accurately from there to find out optimum personal approach.

So our heads assume we are competent to prescribe ourselves the most suitable, effective and worthwhile dose but I have to doubt our competence on this individually and collectively but I can see this aspect getting more attention and examination over time.

Okay, just came to post a link. I sent an email to lizard Labs on Friday asking for the exact ingredients of their 1plsd 150ug micro pellets which are like your modern day legal lab grade microdot.

I acquired One micro pellets to see how it might affect my allergies because I will be able to purchase more of these from Holland after the German ban comes into place.

My hope is that if I can tolerate their micro pellets then I can keep reloading my recreational stock of 1plsd, which I would like to keep a long-term supply of for my mum and myself to microdose with which we are going to begin soon.

The Dutch Lizards are great people it seems. "Lizzy" (lol) always resplies to me enquirues in such a friendly manner and with a perfect answer for my question each time.

I wasn't going to post this but I might as well here is what she told me on it this morning:

"Thank you for your enquiry.

The ingredients are the following: 1P-LSD, MCC, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium starch glycolate, sodium strearyl fumarate, E129. All ingredients can be found in our catalogues, which are available for download here: https://ufile.io/h6o9surk or https://anonfile.com/r0X9A9tbna/LL_PDF_Catalogues_zip

Kind regards,


So, no sugar as such for a start which is a really good thing because sugar is the worst thing in the world for causing might have normal excessive mucus production in any form whatsoever especially concentrated sugars.

I looked up one of the ingredients:

"What is it?

Sodium starch glycolate is the sodium salt of carboxymethyl ether. Starch glycolates are of rice, potato, wheat or corn origin. Sodium starch glycoate is a white to off-white, tasteless, odorless, relatively free flowing powder.

Sodium starch glycolate is used as a pharmaceutical grade dissolution excipient for tablets and capsules. Sodium starch glycolate absorbs water rapidly, resulting in swelling which leads to rapid disintegration of tablets and granules. It is used as a disintegrant, a suspending agent and as a gelling agent. Without a disintegrant, tablets may not dissolve appropriately and may effect the amount of active ingredient absorbed, thereby decreasing effectiveness."

I thought this was interesting because it could relate directly to our issue here with MDMA pills and binders and possibly an interaction between any ingredients which are or are not used in combination with certain binders which can affect the disintegration and absorption of the MDMA.

I mean there is no question that whoever is manufacturing these pills will not be applying the same level of professional expertise and knowledge and precision as the lizards with their micro pellets.

So to me this is strongly suggested that at least part of the problem certainly with the MDMA pressed pills could be related to these factors and the way the pills are formulated in this regard. It makes a heck of a lot of sense to me anyway.
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