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What is wrong with the MDMA available today?

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Thanks a lot bro really appreciate your thoughts and the time to share it thanks.

Yes Ive done much larger doses than 220 ish mg many times and been 100% fine at every moment, but not after a 14 year break and in such a condition physically.

But I am game, Im totally happy about trusting the pill, clean Dutch MDMA.

I have realised that my being unsure about exactly how to dose has held me back mentally from looking more forward to the experience. I kept trying to run it through my head logically, " Blah blah milligrams at...then...no, maybe...and then....mmm, not sure- that would mean...etc etc".

And just now, when I think of the idea of taking the whole pill upfront and Buckling up for a ride- that really excites me. So I favour all at once or 30 minute split, which might help to reduce the need to vomit.

Damn Im excited now. In my mind a bit like I've been grounded and I'm not fully permitted to follow my natural inclinations, which I realize now are maybe within reason and right for me personally.
I also suggest fasting a few hours before taking a large dose of mdma aswell or have a light meal. My first time i ever rolled i only did 100mg and had a good time. But the first time you ever dose above 220+ that roll is something else mdma starts becomming more visual comboed with weed can reach states of unity with the universe and music pure love and bliss. I honestly think people overstate the dangers of dosing mdma at 220-260mg. The problem at festivals these days especially in the uk is kids dropping 2-3 pills at once which is why they die. My fav genre is dutch hardstyle with reverse bass kicks while on mdma
I also suggest fasting a few hours before taking a large dose of mdma aswell or have a light meal. My first time i ever rolled i only did 100mg and had a good time. But the first time you ever dose above 220+ that roll is something else mdma starts becomming more visual comboed with weed can reach states of unity with the universe and music pure love and bliss. I honestly think people overstate the dangers of dosing mdma at 220-260mg. The problem at festivals these days especially in the uk is kids dropping 2-3 pills at once which is why they die. My fav genre is dutch hardstyle with reverse bass kicks while on mdma
Yes I know all about the visual and psychedellic aspects of MDMA. It does bemuse me a bit when people talk so decidedly about MDMA not being a psychedelic or hallucinogenic drug which for me it always was at pretty much any dose I would observe an alteration in my perception which was always magnified by weed.

So I know very well first hand how weed contributes to the mix. I certainly plan to vaporize some quality, uplifting marijuana, not least of all because it appears to be remarkably protective via a number of mechanisms.

But I always used weed with E's and acid and shrooms etc. Not as much with Ketamine. Big conflict there for me. I choose herb any day if I had to pick.
Yes I know all about the visual and psychedellic aspects of MDMA. It does bemuse me a bit when people talk so decidedly about MDMA not being a psychedelic or hallucinogenic drug which for me it always was at pretty much any dose I would observe an alteration in my perception which was always magnified by weed.

So I know very well first hand how weed contributes to the mix. I certainly plan to vaporize some quality, uplifting marijuana, not least of all because it appears to be remarkably protective via a number of mechanisms.

But I always used weed with E's and acid and shrooms etc. Not as much with Ketamine. Big conflict there for me. I choose herb any day if I had to pick.
The night when i consumed 600mg of mdma 300mg intial dose 4 hours later another 300mg while the peaks overlapped for a hour i thought i was a dead man goner as i laid their with the music going floored on the bed with my eyes closed the closed eye visuals were very life like dreamy going through random scenes and places. MDMA is truly powerful and lead to a state of unity comparable to shrooms and acid after smoking alot of weed
The night when i consumed 600mg of mdma 300mg intial dose 4 hours later another 300mg while the peaks overlapped for a hour i thought i was a dead man goner as i laid their with the music going floored on the bed with my eyes closed the closed eye visuals were very life like dreamy going through random scenes and places. MDMA is truly powerful and lead to a state of unity comparable to shrooms and acid after smoking alot of weed
That's a heavy dose. I have dosed up to 0.5 g pure MDMA initial dose and always been fine. 300 mg twice is like double dropping 2 old skool high strenght pills twice.

150mg or just above being about a good bet for a lot of the most memorable pills of yesteryear.

The White Rolexes at the 2000 Exodus August festival, Im certain they were at least 150 mg and the best ecstasy could offer. I double dropped them twice, only half hour between. For at least 600 mg. It was a heavy buzz, really carried you away.

A guy who I just met at that same time- he trble dropped them. Man he looked FUCKED! Like you just dont see people look like that these days, at least I havent seen images of ecstasy distorted and altered faces like that in a long time.

The 2 of us were so out of it. We got lost and had to be found and escorted around lol. It was interesting, as he did 3 up front, I did 2 and 2 more 30 minutes later.

So in a way, we were kind of equal in intesnsity. His comeup was heavier but my double drop overtook after all kicked in and his feet started ro touch the ground again.

You know, back on the whole harm reduction, education theme. Which was almost entirely absent then- those August bank holiday festivals, we partied 3 nights and days solid, only a few hours sleep, 3 days MDMA and Lsd plus copious ganja, of the highest strenght then too, original Skunk.

But- it was BAKING hot summer. We literally dripped with sweat all day (and night.)

So no wonder I ended up with significant brain impairment and serotonergic damage, due to the prolonged excessive heat.

These days I have an abnomally low body temperature. I cant sleep without hat and scarf 365 nights a year (2 hats all winter lol), about 6 shirts, jumpers, thick fleece, long johns, double socks, double duvet AND 2 blankets.

Its extremely abnormal but my body temp is so low. Partly due to underweight and lack of food, but principally due to the nervous system beong messed up.

So the thought of MDMA warming me up a bit is an appealing one. It may even trigger an alteration in my nervous system so that my body regulates heat better.

When I was taking MDMA very very frequently in earlt 2000's, like several times per week for long period (years) I did noticd that my body temperature seemed to be raised at all times in general. I remember really noticing it and telling people how I felt there was a link to the MDMA and it had re-regulated my body temp.

I think this is plausaible. So a part of me is hoping it may be able to shake a litte sense into my stupid nervous system, on the matter of temp regulation.
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Just saying hello. I have no relevant updates, unfortunately.

I do think it is interesting to read everyone's posts and ponder how we all viewed safety when we initially started rolling. In the USA when I started rolling, Dancesafe was the popular organization to follow. They had a little slideshow that showed how MDMA impacted the brain. The recommendation at that time was that you wait one month between rolls. Other advice included not to mix different pills, and to stick to one re-dose. I never heard that you needed to wait three months in between rolls. That just was not the common harm reduction advice at that time.

So, for me, I can say that I never rolled back to back in one weekend or even within one week. I think the shortest break I ever had was 3 weeks, and I felt SO uncomfortable about rolling one week early. Most of the time I waited one month. I usually only did two pills, but as time went on, I would sometimes do 3. There were a couple of rarer incidents where I had more pills than that. Usually, those were parties or some other all night event.

I tried to turn on my old desktop PC to get a document that actually lists every pill I ever ate, how many I ate etc. However, apparently, my PC no longer works. So, now I have to have it repaired before I can access the document.

I may roll again sooner rather than later. For me, it is all about timing with other stuff I have going on in my life. I start a new job in August, and I don't want to roll too close to that. I probably will not have the mental space to do it in August or September either. So, if I want to do it at any point this summer, it really needs to be nowish.
@epic11 Forgot to post congrats! It is very encouraging to read posts from other long time MDMA users that have found decent product again. Gives me some hope that I will eventually stumble upon the right product and dosage to get the experience I want. I think your 150 mg approach is what I am going to try next.
So my brother tried a Blue Fortnight last night, supposed to be a good Dutch import. He called me this morning going on about how hard it hit him, and how he was blown away by them. He took a half and was completely floored, when lately he’s been consuming more than he should of other legit product.

But then I started asking him some questions.. How was the energy? He said he could have fallen asleep despite the intensity. How was the love/social interaction? He said it was more introverted.

By the end of the conversation he realized where I was going with it and concluded that indeed they may be different than what we’re normally used to. That said he wants to buy more. My brother is the type to like intense downer-esque experiences so take that with a grain of salt, dude drinks like a fish and loves K.

I plan to grab one for myself to finally make the comparison.

In a nutshell, he was kicked in the teeth by the intensity but didn’t have energy or feel like socializing. Sounds like MehDMA to me but willing to try.

I always fall asleep on MehDMA, even when the come up is as intense as fuck. In fact, the harder the hit, the sooner I'm flat out.
Yea it’s hard for me to imagine someone with intense eye wiggles and jaw clenching falling asleep on the dance floor. He blamed it on lack of sleep but his experience seems to mimic what you guys are talking about.

It’s funny too anytime I bring up this topic outside of BL it’s met with extreme resistance. People just can’t accept it.

I’ll report back once we get some more “experiments” done with these fortnights ;). Also got my festival coming up soon so may have to wait, I’m not potentially ruining one of my nights with that shit lol.

It’s funny too anytime I bring up this topic outside of BL it’s met with extreme resistance. People just can’t accept it.

You can grasp why though.. surely. A mass produced mdma-imitator so chemically similar that it has flown under the radar of every lab in the world, for years, and the only 'evidence' of this phenomena are a small but devoted group in a drug forum, who probably make up less than .00001% of the mdma-consuming population, insisting that there is a reality to something they are completely unable to prove.

That's why people are hesitant to listen, because it sounds crazy. Really conspiratorial.

What we do know: there is a lot of cut MDMA on the market. Not everything sold as MDMA actually is, and corners can often be cut in the manufacturing process (unwashed, undistilled shit full of questionable synthesis byproducts).

Just reading through some recent posts here, I have two comments:

1. MDMA is not 'supposed' to do what you want or expect it to. In my own experience, I would say that effects are more consistent with MDMA than my experiences with more typical psychedelics (like mushrooms, LSD, DOC etc.) but there is still a lot of set/setting/personal variables to be taken into account.

If you're relying on a drug to provide you with a good time, good mood, shit loads of energy and confidence etc. - Don't be surprised when the experience falls short.

2. A lot of what goes around as 'Sass' isn't made from safrole. A lot of 'Dutch' MDMA is not even European, and a lot of the 225mg import presses are actually nowhere near that. The high-dose Euro presses on e-data can be like promo batches IMO. They don't necessarily represent what you are getting if you purchase that press.

Copycat batches of popular presses are very common.

Be well :)
You make some valid points there Kaden, but you've got to admit that mass production of any product usually comes with an associated reduction in quality - even though the quality becomes more standardised.

Also, the majority of people taking MDMA these days are too young to have experienced the 'MagicDMA' that our 'small but devoted group' keep banging on about as the norm, so can only make comparisons with what they're used to. Their 'magic' may not equate to our 'magic.

I would be willing to accept all the tolerance, age, nostalgia, fried brains, set & setting arguments if there were no reports from us saying "Yes, the good shit does still exist". Although these experiences seem to be increasingly few and far between, they do still happen.

And that's the mystery....
You've got to admit that mass production of any product usually comes with an associated reduction in quality

I think it can go either way. Some outfits will take pride in what they produce, others won't.

I will say that, on the occasions I would see crystal MDMA (as in, stuff that hadn't been pressed) in the early to mid 2000s, it looked clear or sparkly white. Sassafras smell was common. Very high quality.

Now I see all colours of the rainbow with a range of smells. Acetone often washes a decent amount away. Not the best sign.

Also, the majority of people taking MDMA these days are too young to have experienced the 'MagicDMA' that our 'small but devoted group' keep banging on about as the norm, so can only make comparisons with what they're used to. Their 'magic' may not equate to our 'magic'.

True, but there must be something to today's MDMA because it's as popular as ever.

With all the lab testing and online reviews that consumers now have access to though (all signs generally pointing to high purity MDMA), doesn't it make you question more what you may have been having back in the day, rather than 'what is wrong with the MDMA available today'?

So many variables. Times when MDMA may have been high quality, popular and abundant in EU/UK, the US may have had the complete opposite.

Times when Australia may have been getting safrole MD, alternate synths were being trialled elsewhere. It seems like everyone who has posted in this thread has a different idea about when the MDMA turned sour (somewhere between the late eighties and 2015 if that narrows it down).

I would be willing to accept all the tolerance, age, nostalgia, fried brains, set & setting arguments if there were no reports from us saying "Yes, the good shit does still exist".

Good stuff certainly still exists. I do believe all of those other things play a role in these reports of certain drugs not being the same now as they were back in whatever era.

I had all the fun in the universe when I was really into MDMA, I feel like it would be impossible to replicate that now, for many more reasons than those listed.
I think it can go either way. Some outfits will take pride in what they produce, others won't.

I will say that, on the occasions I would see crystal MDMA (as in, stuff that hadn't been pressed) in the early to mid 2000s, it looked clear or sparkly white. Sassafras smell was common. Very high quality.

Now I see all colours of the rainbow with a range of smells. Acetone often washes a decent amount away. Not the best sign.

True, but there must be something to today's MDMA because it's as popular as ever.

With all the lab testing and online reviews that consumers now have access to though (all signs generally pointing to high purity MDMA), doesn't it make you question more what you may have been having back in the day, rather than 'what is wrong with the MDMA available today'?

So many variables. Times when MDMA may have been high quality, popular and abundant in EU/UK, the US may have had the complete opposite.

Times when Australia may have been getting safrole MD, alternate synths were being trialled elsewhere. It seems like everyone who has posted in this thread has a different idea about when the MDMA turned sour (somewhere between the late eighties and 2015 if that narrows it down).

Good stuff certainly still exists. I do believe all of those other things play a role in these reports of certain drugs not being the same now as they were back in whatever era.

I had all the fun in the universe when I was really into MDMA, I feel like it would be impossible to replicate that now, for many more reasons than those listed.
australian sydney labs use pmk and have been since the mid 2000's same with the dutch they use pmk and bmk and make mdma in the hundreds kgs batches. MDMA can be pretty dam sedating at a high dose above 220mg it floors you but you should be feeling mad love for everything and everyone. MDA is more stimulating and better for the dance floor. Alot of people seem to forget in the 90s pressed pills had Amazing md in it also cut with speed to keep that dance on
Indigoaura broadcasting live...

I know...I know...about the 6 week break thing. Those early 2000s rules are hard let go of sometimes...

Same stuff I did last time, but I took 155 mg at 10 pm. Last ate a meal around 3 pm, but I did have some cake at some point. Yay cake!

No eye dilation at 10:15 pm.

Went outside around 10:20 and the breeze felt really nice (not a common observation on a hot evening down here).

It is 10:30 now.

We'll see if I stick to the live updates this time or if I disappear until tomorrow.
So, in true pro-social fashion, I feel compelled to say how much I appreciate all of you as well as this community. This thread, specifically, has really been a great source of insight and support for several years now. So, thank you.
11:13 pm. I am definitely rolling and feeling good. The 155 mg got me over the hump where I usually would feel like I needed more to reach this state.
Aww shit ya!! I kept saying you needed more ;) lol. Glad you got rolling good. Appreciate you too!!! Let us know how it finishes out.

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I took an 88 mg redose at11:30. My eyes are dilated, but now to the point that all the color is gone. Feel great. Pass the Vicks.
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