Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

Seriously! It took a lot of suffering to appreciate the good days, especially the normal ones haha.
I can feel you there, every day that feels even semi normal is a victory.
I managed to get in a hike yesterday and today I'm actually sore--guess it did some good!:)
^ o yea. i been trying some new volume training, mah legs are sore too. HIGH FIVE!

i want to quote your alien implant post from another thread about giving into cravings lol. i recall an older post i re-read recently of mine where i said that was what scared me, how we can clearly see and know how damaging certain things our for our lives, yet still do them.

taking it one day at a time... today was a good one. keepin myself in check. hard af, but doing it. shout out to everyone going through hard times.

"if you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else"
― RuPaul
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felt more at ease than i have been in the past within a social situation tonite, remembered while i was driving there than i can ground my anxiety by breathing into my belly and feel it rising and falling. notice this pattern of a feeling to do or say something but i stop myself thru the fear of separation, just interesting to note it and not worth beating myself up over it.
1st day off all week, tomorrow is number 2. Ready to relax a bit.
Today is a good day so far ; my amazon parrot that I rescued finally stepped up for me and said some words today ! They are amazing birds, they have the cognitive ability of a 3 year old child. She said ?let me out? then ?hurry up ? I was shocked .
I have had her for 1 month ; she is 35 year old yellow naped amazon. First owner had her 32 years then they died of old age , family memeber had her for 3 years in small cage , bad seed diet etc. I also have a double yellow head amazon and a sun conure . They all bring me so much joy, it?s crazy to have a pet that actually talks back haha. Some parrots can live 70-80 years !
I'm pregnant!

Seriously? Scuba, since you put this in the Share Something Positive thread I'm celebrating both the positive test results and the fact that you are obviously delighted. Congratulations and buckle your seat-belt for the wildest, most meaningful ride of your life. <3=D<3
Yes, seriously! I actually found out today and was supposed to keep it a secret and couldn't! Thank you <3 we're very excited
I have had her for 1 month ; she is 35 year old yellow naped amazon. First owner had her 32 years then they died of old age , family memeber had her for 3 years in small cage , bad seed diet etc. I also have a double yellow head amazon and a sun conure . They all bring me so much joy, it?s crazy to have a pet that actually talks back haha. Some parrots can live 70-80 years !

Another bird person! My first wife was a fanatical bird lover and got.me into them too. My two favorites were our harlequin macaw and the sun conure. Funny anecdote, the sun conure kind of turned out being mine. I could sit in my chair watching TV and push my arm up and out and she would fly over to me and sit on my shoulder. Her very favorite thing was when I would eat peanut M&M's. She'd do anything for the peanut inside, so I'd chew off the candy and put the nut between my front teeth. She would reach around from my shoulder and grab it and munch away.

Sorry but I got carried away with the story. Thanks for letting me share anyway. Glad to hear you enjoy birds!
Well, since the proverbial cat is out of the bag...

I'm gonna be a dad!

or I guess I technically already am?
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Beach Bum; share away , I love hearing bird stories . And yes with parrots they are not like dogs , it doesn?t matter who feeds/cleans for them they choose their person. My sunconure is the same way, if I have food he will literally grab from my mouth. I started out with a few parakeets , now I have 2 amazons , 1 sun conure and 6 parakeets, they have their own room , lol. I would share some pics but not sure how on mobile .
Congrats scuba and jahseus. I?m assuming you guys are a couple?? Good luck ?
Beach Bum; share away , I love hearing bird stories . And yes with parrots they are not like dogs , it doesn?t matter who feeds/cleans for them they choose their person. My sunconure is the same way, if I have food he will literally grab from my mouth. I started out with a few parakeets , now I have 2 amazons , 1 sun conure and 6 parakeets, they have their own room , lol. I would share some pics but not sure how on mobile .

it's p easy from mobile - you just upload the picture from your phone to imgur, then from there in the upper right hand corner of pic is the little dropdown arrow and you choose get embed link or something ... choose the bottom left one with the

@Herb & Larimar - TY, yes this should be quite a great adventure. I am as ready as I'll ever be.

Good weather for some nordic walking. -9.4 fahrenheits (-23 celsius) and mostly clear without gusts.