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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Euphoric Rambles for Swirling Souls

What kind of doses and timings are we talking about? The accumulated O-DSMT dosage would be the more important one to discuss here, assuming the 4-FA is just some more or less full dose.
I plan on taking 80mg 4-FA tomorrow night if I can, when I've been taking 10-20mg doses of the O-DT a few times a day for the past week or two. So I think it's safe to assume it's fairly accumulated, my tolerance has sharply risen. Would the NRI effect of the O-DSMT make it dangerous to take 4-FA even 24 hours after my last use?
I would have thought the double release/reuptake inhibition of 5ht would be the problem... As to your actual question, I've no clue. Do you need to take 4fa?

I'm still buzzed from last night on 3meopcp so will continue the sloppy ghb dosing.
I don't 'need' to take it, but I don't like EDM and only wanted to go knowing I would take a stim. I could take a psych I guess, but electronic music isn't much my thing when tripping.
^Sorry, I more meant do you have any other stuff besides 4FA you could take, I phrased it clumsily, my heads goofy.

I liked tramadol, made me edgy but euphoric. Never had odsmt tho
I don't 'need' to take it, but I don't like EDM and only wanted to go knowing I would take a stim. I could take a psych I guess, but electronic music isn't much my thing when tripping.

But EDM & psyches are the bessst. Psychedelics created entire subgenres of EDM, like psytrance. ;)

I always crave stimulants, but I'm usually disappointed by them. I guess I'm hoping that it will kick my brain into some kind of hyper-creative and insightful state, but it's typically more of a hyper-irritable state, haha. I think I just need to stick with psyches for that. Microdosing acid is a better "stimulant" than meth any day of the week, IMO.

However caffeine can be quite nice!

Yep! I'm doing it alone right now, hoping to find someone to grow with soon. I've evolved so much in the past year it's insane. Now to find a lover to break even more boundaries with <3

I'm pretty hyped to find Mrs. AppleCore as well. Trouble is, I'm afraid it may take awhile, due to how damn picky I am. I'm not really attracted to women unless they have good personality traits (well spoken, ambitious, intelligent, honest, etc.), AND I need them to be really hot too, according to my highly specific tastes. That doesn't leave many options.
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I don't think there would be such a huge buildup of O-DSMT actually, but O-DSMT metabolizes to things like NODT which is a weak MOR agonist and weak monoamine reuptake inhibitor.
After 24 hours I would expect you to have only a modest amount of O-DSMT circulating with that regimen assuming you took 20 mg every 8 hours or so, which doesn't seem like all that much by the way - I recall using more like 50 mg.

The potential for interaction seems limited, but I also think that NRI stuff can feel pretty nasty and weird - I would probably avoid for those reasons rather than actual certainty that active levels are interacting in known contraindicated ways.
^^Hmmm... Well, I'm probably gonna pass on the 4-FA tonight then. I also have methylone but the same issues come up. Do you think it would be dangerous to combine something like 2C-C with O-DSMT? I'm trying to find 'something' to take tonight, I mean I cannot express in words how boring I generally find EDM. I just like seeing the half-naked girls and am going to support my friends.

Also, 20mg O-DSMT is a lot for me without tolerance, past that I get bad nausea. Just more proof of individual discrepancies in metabolisms, etc.
I'm sure I'll have a good time despite myself TAC ;)

Now I'm thinking maybe I'll take a half tab of ALD-52 with some O-DT or perhaps just booze at the venue. I took acid on Wed. though so I'm guessing my tolerance hasn't reset yet. Perhaps that's for the best, crowded environments give me anxiety on or off drugs. Don't need to be floored in public. Last time I went to this place I gave my buddy 170mg of methylone and he was so floored he couldn't dance most of the night hahah, don't want a repeat of that.
After a few months of toying with paranoid fears that psychedelics were the root of a certain psychological (or spiritual?) issue I've been dealing with, I think I'm officially back on the wagon with this dose of ALD-52 tonight, and I'll be damned if it doesn't feel great.

As far as my paranoia went, I couldn't find any reasonable way to substantiate the argument that psyches were having a negative impact.

And even if I could... this crisp, sparkling, shimmering mirror of self-awareness is so mesmerizing that I'd gaze into it even if it killed me, like the deadly eyes of the basilisk.
Does anyone ever do dissociative cmbos? I'm wondering if there is any point in trying an MXE and 3-meo-pcp combination. I have a small amount of MXE, probably several smallish doses... I dunno, could be something but I feel like you don't hear of this too much.
I did ketamine and 3-MeO-PCP, I think I haven't felt such natural feel of joy and happiness from any drug, ever. Did that with my girlfriend too.. Amazing times really.

Dissociatives are so powerful tools to tear up the subconscious that I am astonished, every single day
Chickened out of taking 2C-E again, or even 2C-B, 2C-C or 2C-I... picked 15 mg of 3-MeO-PCP, will save the psychedelics for another time like next weekend.. I might try TMA-1 or TMA-2 :p

not mine, guy i know
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Guys never stop believing in your dreams

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2C-E is one of those monolithic psychedelics that I find hard to approach. I find it ridiculously visual, quite intimidating.

My dreams are soon to involve sleep. Im quite stimulated, ghb 'tis :)

My cat has totally stolen my side of the bed.

enjoy evenings and thing peeps.
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Just woke up after a night of "full" moon craziness. Lots of alcohol, 3-meo-pcp, handed out my Fairy Dust (50% 4homipt, 25% 40met, 25% 4acodmt) with varying results, tried convincing one friend to take etizolam but she wanted to ride it out, also added some ald52 but I'm not sure I felt it with my cross tolerance from the tryptamines.

We laughed till we cried, we cried out some built up tensions, we danced, it was I feel the epitome of what psychedelics are about. I feel a little guilty about maybe giving too much Fairy Dust to a couple people. It was definitely potentiated by the 3meopcp.
you premix tryptamines and name it Fairy Dust? How much have you experimented with that before handing it out, could you tell us the story behind that? :)
Does anyone ever do dissociative cmbos? I'm wondering if there is any point in trying an MXE and 3-meo-pcp combination. I have a small amount of MXE, probably several smallish doses... I dunno, could be something but I feel like you don't hear of this too much.

I combined those two once, regular doses of each, even a little lower on the MXE side, and got so dissociated I stopped even registering what things actually were. I was approaching an MXE hole for sure, while standing in a venue listening to a funk show. The stage became some strange amalgamation of lights that sounds was coming from, sound I'm not even sure how to interpret. It definitely wasn't even music anymore, it was some sort of construct with meaning I couldn't fathom. People were talking to me and I was just standing there staring, utterly unable to fathom what they were saying or how I was supposed to react. Really, really intense. Way more than I expected. I wasn't afraid though.

I feel a little guilty about maybe giving too much Fairy Dust to a couple people. It was definitely potentiated by the 3meopcp.

Yeah 3-MeO-PCP potentiates psych4edelics a lot, or ratger, I feel that it produces a base state for which the psychedelics can quickly and easily reach their true potential.