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Anyone Practice Voodoo? (Or other forms of "witchcraft"?)

There are a lot of Voodoo practices that involve slaughtering animals and drinking blood, etc.
Not to mention placing (violent and non-violent) curses on people.
If that isn't dark, I don't know what the fuck is!

Just wanted to interject here. First you say Voodoo isn't real, then you make claims about what happens in Voodoo.

Voodoo (African), Hoodoo (New Ordeals) and Vodou (Haitian) are real by virtue of them being real spiritual practices. Use Google to find out more. They're real. Voodoo is the established religion of many African countries.

As for curses and what not, yes it's true. They do a lot of curse work. They also do a lot of healings and "white" magic too. You can't just write off a system as a whole because there are aspects of it that bother you. Every major world religion has dark mysticism in it, and workings that can be used to harm others - including the Judeochristian faiths.

The animal sacrifices are part of the deity worship and have specific purposes which are very important within the context of the faith. Within that context, it is not considered dark, but spiritually invigorating. Sacrifices in of themselves are not dark. In most cultures that sacrifice animals or even humans, the living thing being sacrificed is considered a position of high honour because of its transformational nature. Again, some research will uncover this. I don't see how that's anymore dark than the way we treat animals in our corporate farms. Sacrificial animals are treated like gold until the day they die, unlike our livestock which get clubbed or electrocuted before processing for their choice cuts.
Voodoo is dark. Use documentaries to find out more.
It isn't "real", in the sense that it doesn't work.
Obviously I'm not denying that it is practiced.

I'm not going to bother debating whether or not animal / human sacrifices, and drinking animal blood, are "dark" things to do...
In the context of voodoo, the animals are often NOT treated well, at all.
Again, some research will uncover this.
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I have been to several religious gatherings at my college professors house.... He is my teacher in a course called "advanced afro-cuban hand drumming" ... he is black cuban... and practices "Santeria" ..... basically he felt I was naturally talented at the Conga and other percussions and so the personal invite...

That night;

we all smoked pot, drank, and while outside he explained that we were all going to pee on our hands. I couldn't really understand him at the time, but he explained he helped the drumming... Later on I could tell how and why it helped on the surface of the drum...

after some hours everyone was gathered, we started drumming and building in intensity; one woman was hysterically dancing and screaming towards the ceiling, she was becoming possessed by her ancestral spirits, and also I found out later she was considered a shaman/witch/spiritual leader for the group. People started getting more and more crazy as the night went on.... One guy sliced his tongue open on purpose and spit up blood onto the floor... my teacher grabbed a chicken and presented it to all of us, said something ritualistic and then sliced the chickens throat ( i later found out that he may have been showing off, because I am fairly certain we ate that chicken later) he took his thumb and it was all bloody and put his thumbprint on my forehead while I drummed..

It was all pretty crazy, some guys would put glass in their mouths and chew it up and spit it out with drops of blood, then they would take turns dancing over the spit out glass in an effort to cut the bottom of their feet. I found out that pain helps the practitioners channel their ancestral spirits which is supposed to make them feel ecstatic and gain knowledge and spiritual power.

i have to say that something was in the air , something magical, childlike and playful and awesome. I really felt a kinship to everyone their and was not really freaked out at all. Hand drums are my focus and through them I have attended many intresting if not overtly spiritual events.
I believe that anyone who takes drugs and has spiritual realizations about the nature of power and the universe, and uses the drugs to do things like make art, music, or create anything ... pretty soon you are practicing magic or witchcraft....

I like all bluelighters was only concerned with science for so long, tried to be logical and matter a fact... but after some time all that "do as thou wilt" stuff really started manifesting in my music, in my relationship with the stars in the sky, and you start to feel like you are a part of this secret club who just "get it"
and you start to feel like you are a part of this secret club who just "get it"

Do you sometimes think of this as being able to "read the script"? I sometimes think I can "read out the script" of things and I shouldn't always do it as it can spoil things for other people (even if it's just reading body-language but it's usually being able to piece many things together).

After all, it would kind of spoil things for you if you had a voice spelling out to you just what is happening all of the time (although I do have to some extent).

Does it give you an advantage in this world? Yes.
Ninae , I am familiar with your posts , and I think you are trying to escape your boring situation with an obsession for anything which is new-age religion, supernatural, pseudo-science, conspiracy theory, etc. I've heard you say that you believe you are a reincarnated angel, that you can channel spirits, that you believe in reptilians, etc. etc.

its too much to the point where you are consuming and pushing garbage on yourself and others. If I were a family member or boyfriend I would have an intervention for you. Its not that theres anything directly wrong with your beliefs , its the quantity of your beliefs and the spectrum- its like ALL over the new-age world.

Its a pity because you seem like such a nice person with good intentions and hopes for other people and the world. As long as you realize that these new-age fads are just a relatively shallow hobby of sorts and not your actual CREED, BELIEFS, RELIGION, VALUES, and MORALS by which you take all things in life to emanate from - its fine... but seriously, these ideas can be dangerous.

I only say anything , because I have experience.... When I was 20 years old I moved to Utah where I lived in a Cabin alone in the mountains near park city while I worked at the Sundance Film Fest driving snowboarders/film goers/ celebrities around in a shuttle bus. I would work everyday and then the rest the of my time was spend utterly alone. I would take drugs , be awake for days, and I would develop my obsession with Aliens, UFO's, shapeshifting reptilian aliens, alantis, NWO, and god knows what else... Its so so embarrassing now to think about. I was constantly pacing around my cabin at 2 am in the morning, armed with a loaded AK-47 waiting for the aliens to arrive in an attempt to abduct me. I was sure the government was preparing to put the entire country in a new world order camp, and I learned the George Bush Sr. was the one who assassinated JFK (still believe that one lol)

Anyways, my friends from high school came to visit from CA, and they calmly and neatly talked me out of my madness. a couple months later I realized that deep down inside I knew it all was just a lark , but it gave me a hobby , something to read and write about with my friends on the internet. Something interesting to think about. It was a game of make believe I was playing with myself, and it felt SO real.

I am so glad though that my friends cared enough about me to make me "wake up" .... Truthfully leaving all that stuff behind was liberating because its not like it totally left my reality, I still read and write about those topics all the time, but in a lighthearted and also realistic manner. By freeing myself from all that , I was able to move on to the REAL AND AMAZING stuff in life.
Well, I'm bored with sobriety, but more than anything I'm bored because I can no longer find fullfilment in the things most find fulfilment in and barely no longer have any desire for it and have a feeling this life is coming to an end (I don't really know what you mean by "the real and amazing stuff in life").

I just have so much intellectual curiosity and an excess of mental energy to spend. But it's not like I take onboard everything that's promoted by the sources I refer to. I can only accept what resonates with me and what I've learnt from the great spiritual teachers before, but we're all individual in that way and come from our own personal background.

Some may be interested in aliens or practical magic, but I'm mostly interested in spiritual growth and things that are more constructive, like reducing the amount of negative energy you carry in your consciousness, etc. The rest is more for entertainment.
I would love to reduce the negative energy I am carrying sometimes but it is not an easy task.
Hey thats good! Don't ever give up on life or decide you want it to end because you are unfulfilled .... there is always time to regain your passions and find fulfillment in a myriad of ways! And like I said , its ok to develop deep and sophisticated hobbies, and to explore philosophy; its just like I said , you seem like a bright and dynamic mind - why do you always have to go the fringe road? you know that there are complex and strange philosophies from people such as Nietzsche , Confucius, the buddha, alan watts, and more! There are established religions that would probably interest you, ranging from Scientology to Jehovah's Witnesses ... and honestly as having been raised one , I could see you being an awesome Mormon and loving it. It truly is an awesome, deep and joy promoting religion for those of us who crave more than simple christianity. Mormonism is all about spiritual evolution, or spiritual progression for family and a plan for true and lasting happiness. Its doctrines are deep to the point of being poked fun at by outsiders, its community is tight tight tight. People think of it as a cult, but its really not what you think until you go and try it for yourself.

I like your idea about reducing the amount of negative energy you carry... How do you go about doing that? For me usually I have to abstain from all drugs and then have an intense DMT, mushroom ayahuasca trip... Its always seems to purge me of negativity and give me a fresh start.
The "Removal of the dark cell" meditation made a great and noticable difference for me. I don't really know how or why but it's what has made the most difference. I can still have negative thoughts and emotions, but now it's like they instantly die down, and don't create a ripple effect that leads to more and more negative impulses being generated and derived of each other. Which is something very common, and also very hard to have to live with, it's like you can never get any peace.
Hey thats good! Don't ever give up on life or decide you want it to end because you are unfulfilled .... there is always time to regain your passions and find fulfillment in a myriad of ways! And like I said , its ok to develop deep and sophisticated hobbies, and to explore philosophy; its just like I said , you seem like a bright and dynamic mind - why do you always have to go the fringe road? you know that there are complex and strange philosophies from people such as Nietzsche , Confucius, the buddha, alan watts, and more! There are established religions that would probably interest you, ranging from Scientology to Jehovah's Witnesses ...

LOL, I think you've somehow got the wrong idea. Indeed I am very aware of and have explored most of the tradtional belief-systems since I was a teenager. And I don't know where you get the idea that my preference lies in the modern spirituality/new age community. Actually, what I have found the most meaning in is in fields like Theosophy, Esoteric Christianity, as taught by their mystics like Peter Deunov and Swedenborg, Greek philosophy...and, yes, the Eastern ideas are also interesting, among other things, as is Judaic mysticism.

I don't know how you could have gotten the impression I haven't been exposed to any of this. But I do like some modern channeled-type material as I've come accross some great ones (especially some Scandinavian ones you won't have heard of) who have taught me a lot of what I know. And you also can't see the new age movement as one thing that can be dismissed all accross the board. It's a conglomeration of many coming together, some more or less good than others, but I personally can find some value in some of it.

There is also the thing to considered that it's what is being taught today that is the most relevant now, as opposed to what was taught thousands of years ago, it's just hard for modern prophets or spiritual teachers to be taken seriously. When Jesus was on Earth most just saw him as a fraud and wanted him killed for it, which he was, and if he was around today it would most probably be the same. Just keep in mind everyone has the potential to channel the spiritual or divine, and if you keep your eyes open and are without prejudice you can find it anywhere, but it's easier to discern when you have a solid background in the great traditions.
hmm I am going to check it out, I feel like a have a cascade negative ripple from time to time....

It seems like you could be craving ritual , which is like I said a good reason to get involved with a religion and a congregation. i heard an NPR show about how people these days crave religious cerimony and ritual, and it seems to give them a lasting emotional calm
Yes, good luck, at least it can't hurt.

The video link should be the first in that thread I posted.

This was actually what I really wished to communicate with it, but of course it got lost in the middle of 4th dimension overlords and alien life-forms, as it's more sensationalist so it's what people pick up on as they mostly want to be entertained. There's not so much real spritual aspiration, unfortunately.
hey im all for spiritual aspiriation, I even watch Bashar on youtube. I think he is a most spiritual and wise man. For me its like , do i really care if in fact he is in communication with extra terrestrials? No... Because his teachings are self-evident. The alien thingy is just so people will take interest and open up to him in the first place. He's brilliant.
See, that's somewhere I haven't wanted to go yet. But I like Kathryn E. May and see her as a legitimate channel, even if some can't get past some of the more oulandish claims she makes. I'm more interested in the useful ideas she does have to share.
The alien thingy is just so people will take interest and open up to him in the first place. He's brilliant.

But doesn't it turn most people off?
And, why does he need to use a gimmick to hook people if he's brilliant?


In positions of power/influence, these people have a responsibility to not confuse/delude their audience.
And, I'm sure some of the people that tune in don't know what to pick and chose.
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he doesn't need to do it its just he can book gigs and get paid to do what he loves to do which is to a dispense spiritual advice but also he serves as often times a hired speaker for businesses because even if people don't find him authentic, he comes as a great entertainment package for companies whether they are at a conference, or taking a cruise; he is a novelty
so, heaven forbid you become interested in spirituality and consciousness. but you should def check out mormons, scientology and a channel from a different frequency of reality which is coincident with a parallel reality 700 years in the future, an Essassani, physiologically a hybrid race which is a genetic combination of the human and the Orion Grays.

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One guy sliced his tongue open on purpose and spit up blood onto the floor... my teacher grabbed a chicken and presented it to all of us, said something ritualistic and then sliced the chickens throat... he took his thumb and it was all bloody and put his thumbprint on my forehead while I drummed... some guys would put glass in their mouths and chew it up and spit it out with drops of blood, then they would take turns dancing over the spit out glass in an effort to cut the bottom of their feet... I found out that pain helps the practitioners channel their ancestral spirits which is supposed to make them feel ecstatic and gain knowledge and spiritual power.

I take it back. Clearly Voodoo isn't dark... And eating shards of broken glass, so you can channel ancestral spirits, is a totally appropriate thing to advocate on a forum full of suggestible people on psychedelics. :\
Hey i didnt claim it was g rated or anything, i know it sounds dark, but it was oddly sort of fun like a party and friendly only a couple things really creeped me out.