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MDMA Recovery (Stories & Support)

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Intellectually I'm fine but my memory is shot all of a sudden (5 months after LTC started), I forget what I'm saying midsentence, I forget if I took medication or not, I forget what I ate 3 hours after dinner, I forget what I did the night before. I don't feel sharp like I used to. Also been hit by depression now, real depression, not sadness or crying but a feeling of everything lacking meaning - I look at the town I grew up in and the faces of my relatives and my mind just draws a blank. I feel far away and dissociated like my consciousness is kind of not quite there, this makes me feel horribly claustrophobic, even when I'm outside walking in the countryside I feel like I'm trapped in a cellar. Depersonalization is gone and that helps a lot, I feel like a person again which is one upside. Does anyone associate with any of this? Definitely helps to know other people feel the same.
Can anyone relate to any of this? I'm seriously considering a trip to a neurologist just to ease my mind. I'm having real trouble dealing with this. Is this derealization? I feel so claustrophobic all the time and as if my consciousness is reduced, like a line of ketamine used to do to me. But I also feel dumb at the same time.

I'm trapped between a rock and a hard place too, I need to go back to college soon but I'm not well enough to do anything except lectures. But I live in a party house and will be around drugged up idiots all the time. I can't do all the things I want to do at home either, I want to see a therapist, I want to test the stuff that messed me up, I want to try an SSRI - but I can't do any of this with my parents here as I simply can't face fessing up my real mental state or my drug use to either of them right now.

I have no idea what to do anymore, the only respite I get is sleep...
Yeah, I have no idea on the eye floater thing. Missed that particular symptom thank god. Sounds annoying, but then again I've had tinnitus since I was a kid. At first, it was so bothersome, but over the years I almost forgot completely about it. You eventually stop noticing it so much because it is always there. The weird thing is that my tinnitus since this LTC started is 1000x better. It has to be dead silent for me to be able to hear it now and even then it is extremely faint. It seemed to improve even more when I started on AD's. I can't explain any of this shit really. I just want to be able to work 8-10 hrs a day and live my life. If I can do that, I'm good.
Wow - haven't seen some of these faces in a while.
I am nearly at four years recovery from MDMA brain damage/serotonin syndrome.
What a goddamn journey it has been.

I can honestly say that as horrible as the process of recovery is, it is continuous.
To this day, I am shocked at how much I continue to change over time.
Lately I have been feeling more and more lucid and confident, despite a definite cognitive deficit compared to my more youthful self.

Although I must admit taking a few ambien this month has messed me up - literally only 2 of them.
I am sensitive to the stuff for some reason, so I must be careful.
And smoking weed is still very risky for me. It may always be.

Positive outlook and LOTS of patience is required.
My case was severe, but I spent two years continuously underestimating how much I was changing.
I wasn't until year 3 that I fully accepted how hard it was to learn and focus.
Now that learning and functioning seems to be slowly improving, its like I'm seeing the light at the end of a very VERY long tunnel.

Maybe a decade or so is required to fully 'recover'.
So be it.
Can anyone relate to any of this? I'm seriously considering a trip to a neurologist just to ease my mind. I'm having real trouble dealing with this. Is this derealization? I feel so claustrophobic all the time and as if my consciousness is reduced, like a line of ketamine used to do to me. But I also feel dumb at the same time.

I can try to have a go at it...

Tpchan85 said:
Intellectually I'm fine but my memory is shot all of a sudden (5 months after LTC started), I forget what I'm saying midsentence, I forget if I took medication or not, I forget what I ate 3 hours after dinner, I forget what I did the night before. I don't feel sharp like I used to.

Intellectually I'm fine as well (at least I think - or I hope), but I too suffer from some serious lapses with respect to my short term memory.

I too forget what I ate 3 hours ago on many occasions, or if I took some medication or not, or if I locked the door on my way out (and the windows), and so forth.

It is absolutely frustrating, especially when someone else is depending on me to remember such things because it adds a layer of pressure, stress, and/or strain (mentally).

My excuse for my short term memory issues is due to the use of Xanax (Alprazolam) for nearly a decade. I'm 100% sure that this is the main culprit because I've carefully considered everything else countless times. And while I do not want to remain on it for the rest of my life, I don't feel I'm ready to stop right now, as there's some personal issues which I (and my doctor) feel warrant further use of it.

I'm not sure if my short term memory will improve after stopping the benzo, but hopefully it will eventually if I maintain a healthy diet and physically active lifestyle.

That bad news for me is that the longer I stay on the Xanax (Alprazolam), the worse my short term memory will become according to several respected sources. Apparently I can minimize this by supplementing with either Gingko or Ginseng, I forget which one exactly. Perhaps either of these herbs may benefit your memory issues as well?

Tpchan85 said:
Also been hit by depression now, real depression, not sadness or crying but a feeling of everything lacking meaning - I look at the town I grew up in and the faces of my relatives and my mind just draws a blank.

When you say that your mind "just draws a blank," do you mean to suggest that your reaction is disturbingly apathetic (emotionless where there once was emotion)?

If so, do you find that you react in this - blank or indifferent - manner to almost everything else which used to make you smile, frown, laugh, cry, etc?

For what it's worth, when I was suffering from my LTC, I was extremely apathetic. Nothing - not even the most terrifying horror film, nor the most outrageous comedy - could get me to react.

And the music I used to listen to for many years beforehand; the music I once loved because it made my hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and the skin on my limbs to manifest its appearance into very large goosebumps - all of that was completely gone.

It was tough to accept because not only did I not enjoy the music anymore, but now I hated it. I would always feel like smashing a window whenever such music would play.

That being said, there is a happy ending: I'm back to my old self, and with the proper treatment, lifestyle, and support, I have no doubt that you can prevail, and that this extremely difficult time in your life will eventually be history.

I know this is easier said than done, but don't worry brother, this is a phase, and there is a happy ending where you get to live your life free of this pain and suffering, I promise you. And I'm telling you this because I was once where you are now. Believe me, it gets better - much better.

Tpchan85 said:
I feel far away and dissociated like my consciousness is kind of not quite there, this makes me feel horribly claustrophobic, even when I'm outside walking in the countryside I feel like I'm trapped in a cellar. Depersonalization is gone and that helps a lot, I feel like a person again which is one upside.

I know this feeling, it's very, very uncomfortable, unsettling, and frankly difficult to put into words for someone who hasn't experienced it.

I'm sorry, this may be difficult to accept, but you may require medical attention (in the form of Rx meds) in order to recover from this. Now I don't mean a band-aid (temporary/masking) effect, but rather a permanent stop to this feeling altogether.

I say this because it's the only way that I was able to recover, but then again, everyone's different, and you may luck out some other, non-Rx medication way that I don't know of.

Tpchan85 said:
Does anyone associate with any of this? Definitely helps to know other people feel the same.

I believe I do.

I'm no one special (not even close), and I don't have all the answers to life's puzzles and mysteries, but when it comes to MDMA/MDA/MDE/MDEA-related LTCs, I believe that I have a decent understanding of what you're going (or went) through.

In my case, it was easily the most difficult time in my life.

I've broken a lot of bones, chipped and knocked out about half a dozen teeth, had two kidney stones, dislocated my right shoulder, been in three car accidents, and have had surgery multiple times, but none of it compares to a ~19 month LTC. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.

Tpchan85 said:
I'm trapped between a rock and a hard place too, I need to go back to college soon but I'm not well enough to do anything except lectures. But I live in a party house and will be around drugged up idiots all the time.

Since your health always comes first, I strongly believe that it's vitally important for you to see if you can:

- take a few months off of school/work in order to minimize pressures/stress, and to concentrate on your recovery
- avoid hanging out and/or around anyone who would tempt you with any mind altering substances (legal or not)
- avoid the recreational use of controlled substances (including anything available by prescription)
- avoid alcohol as it is carcinogenic in any amount, and neurotoxic in large amounts (quantities required to get you drunk)
- avoid tobacco/nicotine products for the same reasons as alcohol
- avoid caffeine if you are experiencing anxiety and/or panic attacks, as it may exacerbate these symptoms
- try to get some daily exercise (cardio-based), as it can help stimulate neurogenesis, and will help you feel better overall due to the ensuing endorphin rush
- in order to keep you from thinking about your illness too much (because it can make things worse), try to keep your mind occupied with something which does not require a lot of physical and/or mental exertion (e.g. a good movie)

Tpchan85 said:
I can't do all the things I want to do at home either, I want to see a therapist, I want to test the stuff that messed me up, I want to try an SSRI - but I can't do any of this with my parents here as I simply can't face fessing up my real mental state or my drug use to either of them right now.

I too did not want to fess up to my family about my drug use, but it was necessary in order to get them to support me in what way they could.

It was difficult for me to spill the beans because they're very anti-drug and also religious, so I definitely was chewed out, but eventually they accepted it, and we moved on.

If your parents truly love you unconditionally, they will accept you no matter what. In other words, telling them about your drug use shouldn't be the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak (if they truly love you).

Besides, I'm sure you had your reasons for deciding to go down this road of recreational drug use. Mine was mainly because I was trying to escape a painful reality; a painful sober state of mind. Not saying I necessarily made the right choice, but what's done is done. And what's important is that I recovered, and that you do what you know is necessary in order to recover also.

It sounds like you know full well that sooner or later they will have to be told. Well, since you're suffering so severely, it would be best to not prolong the agony.

I'm not saying it'll be easy, but again, it must be done. And I'm not suggesting that accepting medical help from a shrink will be easy to swallow (literally), but it may need to be done also if you wish to recover; if you wish to get out of this hellhole of a situation.

Tpchan85 said:
I have no idea what to do anymore, the only respite I get is sleep...

Sleep was also my respite during my LTC, so again, I know what you mean.

I truly wish there was an "Easy Button" to push, but there isn't.

Sorry if my answers weren't what you were hoping for, but I said it like it is, I swear.

What's important to remember is that you'll be doing this in order to recover, so that you may enjoy your life once again.

Friendships may be broken - some of mine were. Shame and/or guilt may envelop you after telling your parents the truth - been there myself. And along the way, some unexpected, totally random incidents or issues may discourage you further, as they did with me.

But if it's gonna help you mend; if it's gonna help you find joy and happiness once again; if it's gonna give you a second chance at a normal life (whatever your normal is)... is that not something worth fighting for?

You can do this, and we'll be here if you need an extra push in right direction.

So go get your former life back before all this unfortunate shit happened - it's not out of reach.

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Great words of wisdom man. Love it. I'm seriously trying to not go down the antidepressant road as I'm slowly picking up my life. Everything is going great except for that Damn DP symptoms. 17 months now is getting annoying. But I'm starting a new daily yoga schedule and just joined a parkour gym and working on my sleep hygiene. Hopefully this won't last another year. I So don't wanna take meds. But to anyone struggling. It is possible to have your live back and still work around these symptoms. Life may not have the color it used to, but you will still have a life. I'm actually as social as I used o be and just as active in my life. I just work around a little brain fog and blunted emotions but it's possible to enjoy life in the mean time. I keep active and feel the color slowly filling in. Its just a slow pace
Ro4eva have you done any yoga or meditation or exercise during your Ltc? I feel like the med route for you worked because like you said you are still on xanax. What have you done to address your anxiety without meds? Or have you? I think personal internal work is far more beneficial though it might take longer
EDIT: long post, im really sorry if it was a waste of time, my 40mg vyvanse ia kicking harder than it should and I couldn't stop typing. Please forgive me.

Well, I don't know where you guys live and im aware of the costs of going to see optometrist, doctor, neurologist, cardiologist can be very overwhelming and not worth the cost. I'm in Canada, Montreal and even though I hate people jamming the damn medical system, i'll go ahead and book some appointments with as many specialists as I can so I get my mind clear about a imminent heart attack or failure first, and then the rest of what seems abnormal.

When im laying on my back with my phone, my heart pushes so fucking hard that my leather bracelets move to my heartbeat holy shit.

First doctor gave me a free ECG test and even the DAMN TECHNICIAN laughed and said I was lucky to have such a perfect heart, even before the doctor got a look at the sheet.

Only reason i'm going to consult is that mental problems are clearing out, as the physical ones seem more appearent and im not gonna let it. Floaters sometimes appear sometimes not. So we can rule out retinal detatch, high occular pressure and stuff like that. Since mine are GREY they say it can be little blood vessels that died left some white blood cells stacked and should clear itself as the body gets rid of that shit.

People with similar symptoms as me, i'll report back with answers about the eye thing, head pressure clusterfuck, and chest pain similar to my heart getting poked with an indian sharp death-spear.

Let's hope I can get a MRI, CAT, EEG scans up in this bitch. Mom will ask why, i'll answer because it's free. Obviously I need refferences to those specialists, but a little exageration and basic social engineering skills on a doctor will get you almost everything lol.

Long post, even agressive. My ltc is very very good since the start, dont get this wrong, i'm doing this for the cause and to stop the panic attacks that interfere with college.
EDIT: long post, im really sorry if it was a waste of time, my 40mg vyvanse ia kicking harder than it should and I couldn't stop typing. Please forgive me.

Well, I don't know where you guys live and im aware of the costs of going to see optometrist, doctor, neurologist, cardiologist can be very overwhelming and not worth the cost. I'm in Canada, Montreal and even though I hate people jamming the damn medical system, i'll go ahead and book some appointments with as many specialists as I can so I get my mind clear about a imminent heart attack or failure first, and then the rest of what seems abnormal.

When im laying on my back with my phone, my heart pushes so fucking hard that my leather bracelets move to my heartbeat holy shit.

First doctor gave me a free ECG test and even the DAMN TECHNICIAN laughed and said I was lucky to have such a perfect heart, even before the doctor got a look at the sheet.

Only reason i'm going to consult is that mental problems are clearing out, as the physical ones seem more appearent and im not gonna let it. Floaters sometimes appear sometimes not. So we can rule out retinal detatch, high occular pressure and stuff like that. Since mine are GREY they say it can be little blood vessels that died left some white blood cells stacked and should clear itself as the body gets rid of that shit.

People with similar symptoms as me, i'll report back with answers about the eye thing, head pressure clusterfuck, and chest pain similar to my heart getting poked with an indian sharp death-spear.

Let's hope I can get a MRI, CAT, EEG scans up in this bitch. Mom will ask why, i'll answer because it's free. Obviously I need refferences to those specialists, but a little exageration and basic social engineering skills on a doctor will get you almost everything lol.

Long post, even agressive. My ltc is very very good since the start, dont get this wrong, i'm doing this for the cause and to stop the panic attacks that interfere with college.

Dude. I've gone down your path. Nothing from any test will come up with anything. Its all the anxiety that's causing the physical issues. The heart beat I had that. It goes away. Its about learning how to calm your self down. And getting your body to relax. It tool me 12 months for my heart to stop beating out of its chest. Trust me. Stop searching in the medical side and start going to yoga every single day. That was my cure for my anxiety. That's all that is.... anxiety. I did the brain scans and the EEGs, and blood test and all I thought was "omg they haven't found what's wrong, let's do another test" start learning how to relax your body. Trust me. Yoga and relaxing. Its really hard to try to relax in this state you are in, but it's THE ONLY way to fix that.
For a good minute, my worst With MDMA was every weekend for a moth straight. Definitely was not feeling right from that. And at my most I was taking 6-8 rollz over the span of a night bc of my tolerance ( if I do roll now usually 1-2 pills max). So yes for awhile it was crazy and bad but I realized how much weaker shit was getting when doing on a consistent bases
Long post MDMA/Cannabis after effects HELP

OK so I'm 19 male from the UK

First let me tell you what I used to do.

Smoked weed from around December 2013 - July 2014 started off light then became everyday, from around April to July it was around 9g's a week, excluding the odd weekend me and my friend would toke up alot of grams on top of that around the April Mark I got into the rave scene and started taking mdma (not pills) Brown crystallized powder, not excessive just a dab with my little finger when we were out and then started becoming more frequent going home to friends to "sesh" (a term for getting tangled) never really had any bad experiences (in fact none) fast forward to July We were out at a friend's party I drank 6 Budweiser and smoked a few J's
We went back to my friends house with some ladies (had to mention ;) ) the ladies went home.. this is where it starts.. We had acquired some pills from the party host, I didn't know him but my friend trusted him. I took half a pill and sat down waiting for the effects to kick in after around 40 minutes I felt nothing and decided to take the other half, (this was my first ever pill) fucking stupid move. Around 20minutes later I feel a rush of what I can only describe as pure excitement, butterflies if you will.. that lasted for a while, was enjoying myself spaced out on the bed, around 2hours in I felt very hot and decided to step out for some air (we were smoking alot of weed at the same time) The feeling I could only describe as near passing out, I was.Just staring at myself in the reflection of the mirror thinking "shiiiiiit" I phoned for an ambulance and was taken to the ER where I was kept untill late the following afternoon admitted around (6am) was released around 12/1pm. At that point I was fine I walked home from the ER and slept, the following day I met up with my xgf at the time (we're together) and stayed over hers for some comfort the following day I was still fine, that night I was waiting for a bus, and drank a can of monster faster than you can say monster. (Hypothetically speaking) I then got home and bought some weed to relax with, I rolled a J and after about 2tokes I got Sudden feeling in my gut that wouldn't subside, I put it down to needing a dump or being hungry and just went to sleep, the following morning I awoke earlier than usual with the feeling still at full force, I phoned for a non emergency paramedic (111 here in the UK) all vitals normal still took me in to be sure I was given paracetamol that I could have taken at home.. I went to stay at my mum's for a while and all I did was sleep I've had DR/DP, had insomnia which I'm past now I went through a phase of crazy thoughts like why if I'd died and didn't know obviously now I know how ridiculous that is, however fast forward to today 49 days abstinence of everything since the night of rolling a J at home and I struggle with thoughts that I never thought I'd have I wont go into detail but just know they do not resemble me in anyway but I fear them, and although they're getting less an less frequent it won't be long till another one makes itself present, I have headaches every now and then very painful at times, tingling, and a loss for sexual desire although im still able to engage in intercourse, any advice will be greatly appreciate thanks.
OK so I'm 19 male from the UK

First let me tell you what I used to do.

Smoked weed from around December 2013 - July 2014 started off light then became everyday, from around April to July it was around 9g's a week, excluding the odd weekend me and my friend would toke up alot of grams on top of that around the April Mark I got into the rave scene and started taking mdma (not pills) Brown crystallized powder, not excessive just a dab with my little finger when we were out and then started becoming more frequent going home to friends to "sesh" (a term for getting tangled) never really had any bad experiences (in fact none) fast forward to July We were out at a friend's party I drank 6 Budweiser and smoked a few J's
We went back to my friends house with some ladies (had to mention ) the ladies went home.. this is where it starts.. We had acquired some pills from the party host, I didn't know him but my friend trusted him. I took half a pill and sat down waiting for the effects to kick in after around 40 minutes I felt nothing and decided to take the other half, (this was my first ever pill) fucking stupid move. Around 20minutes later I feel a rush of what I can only describe as pure excitement, butterflies if you will.. that lasted for a while, was enjoying myself spaced out on the bed, around 2hours in I felt very hot and decided to step out for some air (we were smoking alot of weed at the same time) The feeling I could only describe as near passing out, I was.Just staring at myself in the reflection of the mirror thinking "shiiiiiit" I phoned for an ambulance and was taken to the ER where I was kept untill late the following afternoon admitted around (6am) was released around 12/1pm. At that point I was fine I walked home from the ER and slept, the following day I met up with my xgf at the time (we're together) and stayed over hers for some comfort the following day I was still fine, that night I was waiting for a bus, and drank a can of monster faster than you can say monster. (Hypothetically speaking) I then got home and bought some weed to relax with, I rolled a J and after about 2tokes I got Sudden feeling in my gut that wouldn't subside, I put it down to needing a dump or being hungry and just went to sleep, the following morning I awoke earlier than usual with the feeling still at full force, I phoned for a non emergency paramedic (111 here in the UK) all vitals normal still took me in to be sure I was given paracetamol that I could have taken at home.. I went to stay at my mum's for a while and all I did was sleep I've had DR/DP, had insomnia which I'm past now I went through a phase of crazy thoughts like why if I'd died and didn't know obviously now I know how ridiculous that is, however fast forward to today 49 days abstinence of everything since the night of rolling a J at home and I struggle with thoughts that I never thought I'd have I wont go into detail but just know they do not resemble me in anyway but I fear them, and although they're getting less an less frequent it won't be long till another one makes itself present, I have headaches every now and then very painful at times, tingling, and a loss for sexual desire although im still able to engage in intercourse, any advice will be greatly appreciate thanks.
If all signs are normal i would put it down to just anxiety, your chemicals in your brain from mdma use are imbalanced there trying to rewire. Im not sure if it was mdma that you took but im from america and we know that the UK stomps america when it comes to quality mdma, lucky. but that isint really a good thing. Take breaks start eating healthy and workout! trust me i have had my fair share of mdma but need to respect it, i let the party life go for now and just find yourself a hobby particularly a healthy one. Go get an ekg and stress test and if your heart checks out start running, man running helps me with anxiety so much not to mention it slows down my resting heart rate from 98-100 to 89-92 now and i feel so much better and its getting better each day. cut out junk food start getting your healthy fats, coconut oil and avocado are the best. lean meats turkey chicken, complex carbs and spinach and kale. eating that way and working out will make the rest of life much better not to mention muscle is nice. and if you ever run into bad pills or to much. working out will make it easier to handle. not saying you have to become a gym rat but healthy lifestyle will make the rest of life easier. oh btw us Americans love your accent so many times i have used the British accent when going out or at least i think it was haha and girls love it! hang in there you got this man or mate i think. seriously you got this i know you'll get better.
Ro4eva, thank you. I have decided to enter the college year and spend the time until christmas at home if things dont work out. I already dropped back a year at college due to this LTC, hopefully I won't have to make that 2.
Dude. I've gone down your path. Nothing from any test will come up with anything. Its all the anxiety that's causing the physical issues. The heart beat I had that. It goes away. Its about learning how to calm your self down. And getting your body to relax. It tool me 12 months for my heart to stop beating out of its chest. Trust me. Stop searching in the medical side and start going to yoga every single day. That was my cure for my anxiety. That's all that is.... anxiety. I did the brain scans and the EEGs, and blood test and all I thought was "omg they haven't found what's wrong, let's do another test" start learning how to relax your body. Trust me. Yoga and relaxing. Its really hard to try to relax in this state you are in, but it's THE ONLY way to fix that.
There's one worry I have about it only being anxiety. Some of us took admittedly dodgy untested stuff, there really is a chance that a small percentage of us are actually suffering from neurotoxic damage due to some adulterant or RC being sold as MDMA. I'm going to test the stuff I took when I can get a test kit just to be sure, but my question is, let's say it comes back as piperazines or PMA or something dodgy that could cause damage, would a neurologist be able to detect this damage? Or would it simply be a case of MRI shows nothing you're fine in which case the treatment is the same as anxiety.
Hey guys..
Day 13 on Valdoxan, dont know if anything is changing.
Yesterday i quit with my girlfriend after a 3 year lasting relationship. She was totally depressed about the relationship, cause of my fucking depressions and anxiety. She wasnt able to quit - she didnt want to se me more suffer. So I had to do this..
Everytime you think it couldnt get worse, shit comes harder then you ever expected.
Hope I can manage going through this whole fuck.
"Life is a bitch and then you die!"
Ro4eva have you done any yoga or meditation or exercise during your Ltc?

Exercise - yes, lot's of it, as well as dieting.

Yoga/meditation - no. I tried meditation for a bit but gave up, but am looking to start up again.

I feel like the med route for you worked because like you said you are still on xanax.

I'm still on Xanax because as a child I experienced a lot of things over a period of about a decade which traumatized me, and as a result I have flashbacks which leads to panic attacks and insomnia. It was a problem long before my LTC.

It's the reason why I started using ecstasy in the first place.

Furthermore, I've spent up to 8 weeks off of Xanax (or any drugs) on more than one occasion, and my LTC symptoms did not return at all. And the only reason why I went back on again was because of intrusive thoughts and very vivid flashbacks related to when I was a child, which manifested themselves into severe panic attacks and insomnia.

Also, I found out about Xanax's effectiveness for both my LTC symptoms + PTSD-related issues from childhood by pure coincidence.

I'd rather not go into details of what I had to deal with growing up, but it piled on a lot of emotional baggage which will take a lot of time and effort to get rid of.

What have you done to address your anxiety without meds? Or have you?

About 15 years of counseling, guidance, exercise (both cardio and strength training), breathing exercises, and healthy dieting.

About 10 years of supplementing with vitamins (mainly A, C, D, E, B-Complex), minerals (mainly magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc), fish oil, ALA, CoE-Q10.

Roughly a decade of on and off supplementing with 5-HTP, valerian, GABA, chamomile, peppermint, etc.

Approximately 5 years of CBT, Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response Stimulus, Mindfulness, and sessions with a psychologist.

I've also tried hypnosis, spent a couple of month in a rehab center, prayed, and many more things I cannot remember at the moment.

I think personal internal work is far more beneficial though it might take longer

Have you tried going the med route for your LTC? I believe I asked you in the past, but I forgot (short term memory issues).

I waited about 8 months after I got sick from a (what turned out to be a dirty) ecstasy pill, and in that 8 months I did not touch any medications. All I did was exercise (mostly cardio), healthy dieting, breathing exercises, counseling/guidance sessions, and supplementing with vitamins and minerals. All I experienced was temporary improvements in symptoms - nothing long term at all.

Also, during that time, I went and got tested for everything I could think of, and everything came back negative.

So I got really frustrated and desperate, and decided to try medications along with what I was already doing, and thank God it ended up working, because if not I probably would have killed myself.

The results weren't overnight (and I was scared shitless about side effects) - I had to do a trial and error approach, and felt even more sick than before with respect to the SSRI I went on long term (Zoloft), but it worked in the long run.

I'm not gonna argue that SSRIs are completely safe, because they are not. No drug is without risks. And like I said, going on it will - at first - make you feel even worse than before. That's the unfortunate catch which turns so many people off of them. Edit - There's also the issue with possible sexual dysfunction (which thankfully did not affect me), and withdrawal symptoms when stopping (which I was able to ride out - much easier than the LTC).

Even though I feel they helped me, I still don't like SSRIs after all this time. If however you can survive the first few weeks, it will get better.

I had 20 symptoms which affected me severely during my illness. Only a healthy, physically active, stress free, street drug free lifestyle + three Rx medications (Zoloft + Xanax followed by Wellbutrin XL + Xanax) was able to lift me out of the hole I was in, and do away with all those symptoms.

That's not a guarantee that it will work for someone else, but it's at least worth mentioning as an option if anyone's desperate to try it.
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seriously you got this i know you'll get better.

Thanks man, it's just the intrusive thoughts that are lingering but they're getting weaker, it's nearly been 2months after just One Bad trip. I'm never touching stimulants again. Could of been pma for all I know haha.

Keep pushing on.
Everytime you think it couldnt get worse, shit comes harder then you ever expected.

Give the antidepressant a little more time, but TBH man, there's no consensus on whether antidepressants is good or bad for a LTC. It's great that some of the current sufferers are having good experiences(they are on SSRIs though, a different type of drug compared to Valdoxan), but there is plenty of examples of bad stories on this forum also. You should give it another week or two, but after that you should consider quitting. A few of us has also had bad experiences with melatonin (Valdoxan is melatonergic), something I had no problem with prior to my LTC.

You are pretty early in your LTC right? Typically people need months and months and months to get relief from the most intense symptoms. For me it took 2,5 - 3 months to get to an endurable state, for many others it has been 6-12 months before they found some relief. After that you start the slow path of building yourself up again.
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Give the antidepressant a little more time, but TBH man, there's no consensus on whether antidepressants is good or bad for a LTC. It's great that some of the current sufferers are having good experiences(they are on SSRIs though, a different type of drug compared to Valdoxan), but there is plenty of examples of bad stories on this forum also. You should give it another week or two, but after that you should consider quitting. A few of us has also had bad experiences with melatonin (Valdoxan is melatonergic), something I had no problem with prior to my LTC.

You are pretty early in your LTC right? Typically people need months and months and months to get relief from the most intense symptoms. For me it took 2,5 - 3 months to get to an endurable state, for many others it has been 6-12 months before they found some relief. After that you start the slow path of building yourself up again.

Thanks for your words.
Its exactly 3 month back i took the pill. Yeah. maybe ur right and i should stay on the valdoxan route. Im going to do. But nights are still horrible, that was the main reason for taking it :/ I will take it 4 weeks, before deciding it whether to stop or to get a new package of it.
The broke with my girlfriend did not make anything better, bad timing :/
Thanks man, it's just the intrusive thoughts that are lingering but they're getting weaker, it's nearly been 2months after just One Bad trip. I'm never touching stimulants again. Could of been pma for all I know haha.

Keep pushing on.

Yeah definitely no stimulants, I used to be a chronic weed smoker and loved it but because of mdma, mda and meth use(in pills never straight meth) all i get is anxiety with a resting heart rate of 105 that goes up to 110ish if i feel my pulse. Sucks! from smoking weed like wtf! can a dude just smoke weed and enjoy it!.
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