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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

Great thread but it hasn't deterred me. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out why I can't get it out of my mind, but I can't, I want to try it!
Great thread but it hasn't deterred me. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out why I can't get it out of my mind, but I can't, I want to try it!

I was like that too. Sad thing is that it's gonna take you 10 years to realize how wrong you were, and then maybe you'll make a thread like this one day, reading posts like yours and wishing you could have helped more.

Good luck to you. Be safe.
I'll point something else,that I want you to know. I've tried several drugs.I absolutely liked lsd and dmt Hella lot...They are spectacular. Completely awesome.
But since I've tried heroin, everything else just seems pointless to me.I might not be addicted to heroin yet,but I would like a hit so much I would even do nasty stuff to get one.I crave it so hard.This thing is extremely addictive, it's like a gorgeous woman,that whispers to your ear lies,like "I love you"
Heroin is a Siren,from the ancient Greek mythology, when you hear about it just run away and close your ears. You can't try heroin once.It's impossible. Even if you don't have a dealer,you'll tryhard and find someone
I duno Im sorta in the boat with the other poster in this thread. After reading this thread I want to try heroin again, IV this time. It doesnt even make sense... The posts were inspirational in the beginnin but then there were a few nayseyers making points and its like man I wanna see for myself now what the big deal is.
I am much too scared to try heroin. Anyone who is thinkin bout usin should probably reconsider. Please remember hard drugs are life consuming.
I duno Im sorta in the boat with the other poster in this thread. After reading this thread I want to try heroin again, IV this time. It doesnt even make sense... The posts were inspirational in the beginnin but then there were a few nayseyers making points and its like man I wanna see for myself now what the big deal is.

I poured my heart out in a long detailed page about this, then my browser crashed and I lost it all so I'm going to summarize greatly out of frustration.

We all have a personal bias. Naturally for any recreational drug user, of course the thought of reaching 'the highest of highs' is extremely appealing, it is for me as well. Without us realizing, our bias will put much more emphasis on any notion of being able to try this drug and diminish the facts and reality surrounding it.

In actually, if you can look at the notion of trying heroin without the bias, it's really complete insanity. An extremely high chance your life and the lives of those around you will be ruined, for one awesome night out.

Even theoretically if you got away with putting your foot in the water and running out, 10 years later that night isn't going to matter to you. In the highly likely scenario, 10 years later your life will be completely ruined in a way you can't imagine and it will continue that way until your dead.

Please, please realize the reason you're considering trying it is the thought of feeling 'the highest of highs' is clouding your judgement and resulting in bias from what you read. You must come to realize the reality that this drug is not something you should try, it's just too, too, too much. Do not let your mind emphasize the extremely small, irrational, incorrect information. Even if there was theoretically 1% of people who can maintain heroin usage, your weighing your odds 1 in a 100 that you're one of them. And if you're not, hope you had a good life up until now.

My brother is a heroin addict, I remember a few years ago when he told me he can control it and go on and off it whenever he wants since he had been doing it for years already, and he truly believed it like a few other people in this thread do. He's also done every drug under the sun, an expert at handling his shit. A strong-willed, buff, charismatic guy in general.

Today he's in jail after robbing my parents blind to afford more heroin. He was living at home, and he did anything and everything to get information he needed to access their bank accounts. Pawned anything he could get his hands on, including my mother's wedding ring while she was asleep, and a second time after my grandmother gave my mother her wedding ring to replace it.

I know that's light compared to other heroin stories I've read. And yet these kinds of stories don't deter everyone from trying because their mind fixates like this: "Such a risk and so addictive.. I'll just dip my toe in water and quickly run out. People say that's near impossible, but all I gotta do is not do it again.. I can manage that right?". You're not thinking about the details of ruined lives which can reach levels of despair you didn't know possible in the same way you're not heartbroken and crying when you see a tragic school shooting on TV. Instead, all your thinking is "well I know it's risky to try", a thought easily trumped by desire.

Please, truly realize the meaning of this high risk. Say fuck it, smoke a bowl of weed or whatever else it is you do even knowing heroin is miles beyond it in how high you will get, and realize it's just not fucking worth it to get that close to the sun.
I thought it would be cool to snort some dope, did it for a week or so and then went to college out of state.
Went home for summer and scored again, only to realize i would fall addicted beyond belief. It was amazing at first, and now it is nothing but evil. evil i cant control.
After 15yrs of use I can't even remember heroin being that amazing but I do remember the wonderful life I had before I tried it and I want it back. The problem is that you can never completely go back. I am trying to desperately free myself from heroin's deceptively devious grasp. I no longer get high from the drug but I still crave it. It is complete madness and I would honestly do almost anything to escape this addiction.

In all honesty I don't think I would have even found heroin to be that appealing if I hadn't abused MDMA. I was very depressed and constantly had panic attacks. At the time heroin was a reprieve to my horrible depression but it was really just an infectious band aid that I had to keep applying. It eventually enveloped me to the very core of my soul and then it stopped giving and wouldn't let go. It killed a lot of my friends, ruined my relationships and led me to do heinous things in the name of not being sick.

I don't care how sanctimonious I sound. I've been through many, many years of use and addiction. I am qualified to speak from experience. So...........

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Sometimes i feel like there is nobody like me. Heroin addicts that keep their shit together and function in life, im i guess what you would call a functioning junkie. And i always hated crap like this
I hated dealers who wouldn't sell to me because they think i can "still stop" so they were doing me some favor.
I hated the 12 steppers who would tell me im not really an addict because i don't let my habit run my life.
I hated the non-users assuming that im some crazy dope fiend because I like to shoot dope.
And generally i hated this whole holier than thou attitude that users and ex-users get, like they ruined their entire lives and if they can stop someone else from trying heroin then their life's work is complete. You played and lost, get over it and not everyone who gets addicted has to lose. Some of us can keep our shit together, i know what you are thinking. "Its just a matter of time before blah blah blah..." I have been functioning with my habit for over 10 years now and its all good, when i don't have dope i get sick and when i do get it i feel great. Stuff like this thread only further spreads the idea that all heroin users are junkies are dope fiends that ran their lives into the ground and if they haven't are on the way.
Personally dope has done wonders for me. When you have a family that does not understand you, a lover that does not appreciate or understand you, friends that don't exist- the dope can make life seem worth living. So if someone's life is complete shit who am I or anyone else to say that they can't handle a heroin habit?
^Okay, if you're happy living your life addicted to heroin, have at it!

You're not the only one that can maintain a heroin habit...but it's not a life I wanna live anymore or want to see anyone else get involved with.
I wish I would of read this thread.... 11 years ago. Not even gonna get into my story but lets just say it has simply ruined my life in every possible way. There's a great documentary on youtube called Black tar heroin - the dark side. I suggest ANYONE addict or not to watch this. I got 2 weeks clean right now and even that is a miracle
So if someone's life is complete shit who am I or anyone else to say that they can't handle a heroin habit?

C'mon guy.. congratulations on not becoming a train wreck, but can't you recognize the actual odds for other people to get completely fucked by this? Yeah it must be annoying to have all the assumptions made about you, but all things considered when you're some 1 in 100 whose body and mind aren't destroyed, you're lost in a sea that's completely fucking everyone else, and thus you're faced with a general perception linked together with the other 99%, naturally. Sometimes you feel like nobody is like you? Open you're eyes dude, in the case of the drug you're doing there is nearly no one like you, how do you not know that?

The really disgusting part is people like you can actually be a deciding factor in ruining a curious kid on a forums life. Even worse if you don't give a shit about that because of something like "it's their own damn fault if they want to try it and end up getting fucked over". Guess what guy, there's a lot of ignorant or less rational people who don't deserve to have their lives ruined just because they might not be as smart. I know you're not coming in here saying "it's okay to try heroin", but someone interested in trying it reading your perception can easily take it as such. So yeah, you can be bothered and annoyed, anyone whose stereotyped finds it annoying and sometimes greatly interfering. Just be annoyed and keep it to yourself, you're not helping anyone here or changing anything by pointing out the fact that you've been able to get away with something that's this dangerous.

And of course I can't say in your case since I don't know you, but shit if there aren't tons of addicts out there who walk around with the perception of having their habit under control and will absolutely not believe otherwise (because hey, maybe they've made it a long time and everythings still going OK). And it's not unheard of to have made it 10 years and still keeping your shit together either, but still ending up slipping some time even after THAT long (shit, even my own brother was on and off heroin for about 10 years and it only recently has completely fucked his life). I'm guessing this is a paragraph that will annoy you with what I'm insinuating and who knows, maybe you yourself can go another 20 or 100 years just fine, but shit dude just look at the big picture and not just at yourself.

And this.. "And generally i hated this whole holier than thou attitude that users and ex-users get" Yeah fine I'm sure there's some annoying guys out there who are all about self-pity, doesn't matter if it's about heroin or about working a hard job. But seriously, the majority of these users and ex-users are simply just trying to prevent other people from experiencing the same misery. What the hell is so "holier than thou" or self-fulfilling about recommending to others advice that can save their lives? Sorry to make this next strong assumption based on what little information I know of you, but leading a life where no one seems to understand you (especially when it comes to parents.. if it were a neglectful or disconnected upbringing, or whatever it was, those things greatly effect who we grow in to and even those we end up with in relationships) it would not be surprising that you perceive others trying to help others as other trying to help themselves feel better through redemption.

Good luck to you anyway to keep yourself going.
Dude said he still gets sick and just deals with it. Fuck that who in their right mind doesn't mind being dope sick? I will never pick up again just cause of the sickness
Sometimes i feel like there is nobody like me. Heroin addicts that keep their shit together and function in life, im i guess what you would call a functioning junkie. And i always hated crap like this
I hated dealers who wouldn't sell to me because they think i can "still stop" so they were doing me some favor.
I hated the 12 steppers who would tell me im not really an addict because i don't let my habit run my life.
I hated the non-users assuming that im some crazy dope fiend because I like to shoot dope.
And generally i hated this whole holier than thou attitude that users and ex-users get, like they ruined their entire lives and if they can stop someone else from trying heroin then their life's work is complete. You played and lost, get over it and not everyone who gets addicted has to lose. Some of us can keep our shit together, i know what you are thinking. "Its just a matter of time before blah blah blah..." I have been functioning with my habit for over 10 years now and its all good, when i don't have dope i get sick and when i do get it i feel great. Stuff like this thread only further spreads the idea that all heroin users are junkies are dope fiends that ran their lives into the ground and if they haven't are on the way.
Personally dope has done wonders for me. When you have a family that does not understand you, a lover that does not appreciate or understand you, friends that don't exist- the dope can make life seem worth living. So if someone's life is complete shit who am I or anyone else to say that they can't handle a heroin habit?

Just be glad you didn't wake up to your girlfriends dead blue body that was covered in the puke and blood she had expelled from her nose and mouth in the middle of the night. It wasn't just about me and keeping it together. I guess I just played the "game" and lost. Well now I'm gonna take my ball and go home.

By the way who is actually playing the "holier than thou" card Mr. High_Priest of handling his heroin with supreme control. I guess I was just an other weak addict who couldn't handle his shit. Well guess what? I too made it ten years with no major consequences from heroin except for the dozen or so good friends who died. Perhaps handling a habit and dealing with being sick just wasn't so appealing after her death. Sorry for trying to save people from heroin. After all there are a lot of things worse than being a little dope sick. No actually I'm not sorry because in everyone of these saved kids I can see her smiling face.

and not being on heroin is a million times better than handling an addiction and dealing with being dope sick and I dare you to try and prove this statement false. I double dog dare you....
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^ shit brother that's terrible. It probably makes you want to quit dope and use dope to escape the misery all at the same time.
So sorry man about your gf, you make excellent points though and speak the truth.
I also lost my girlfriend to an OD and she was only 19. 7 years later My gf now just od'd a few months ago, was dead for 4 minutes. Only difference this time, my child almost lost his mother.
I'm not even gonna get into all the friends I lost over the years due to overdoses. What a fucking great drug huh?
Thats another good point. Most addicts like to say they wont OD and control their dose etc etc. The truth is, when your leaving the world of pharms and going to heroin, your going to shit that is cut and dosed underground. Most regular users know their tolerance, but that doesnt mean the potency doesnt change from time to time. I consider myself to havr a high tolerance for quite a few years now and I woke up blue in a cold shower off my daily starter dose? The dope changed. I almost died. My friends are dead, and families are destroyed. So if the idea of having to live a life of having to "maintain" constantly isnt deterring..when you start and don't have a built toletance while you think your still chipping let the fact that your a LOT more likely to OD deter you. Go read boards about ppl who OD, most of them were smarter "then that", werent likely candidates, a lot are VERY young and just started. It a sad. It really is. With dope you never 100 percent know what your getting.
Once heroin gets you, your fucked.... make your choices wisely... be safe x
Aiei - I spent 5 years addicted to various opiate/opiod substances (I never really cared which substance was on hand) and have always kept my life together. I'm a practicing psychotherapist with a solid (though admittedly unspectacular) salary. So my life has always been together, even at my worst, smoking fent with a patch on, I was coasting through college. At the same time I was burying friends thanks to the "wonderful" benzo/opi combination. Users have friends that use, my life extended past my control. Burying people I love left scars that will never fade, and their OD was not my choice. I lost four friends during college, I'm not sure how many people who don't chill with addicts can say that. Four 20 year old kids, all ODed thanks (in part) to IV H. I assume there are many addicts with their lives together, but it has robbed all of them of something. Worthwhile relationships, family/friends trust, image, natural neurotransmitters, *sex life*.

I'll admit, I'm never going to say don't try any drug. I don't regret trying Dope at all, I regret getting addicted to it (and other opiates). That was my active choice (as was withdrawing and not being dependent anymore) and I remember choosing addiction (twice if your counting). I'm not saying this is true for everyone, some people try these drugs once and can never stop thinking about it again. I also see nothing unique about dope, in fact, I haven't touched a "true opiate" (anything but Bupe or Kratom) in 3 years, and what I crave sometimes is Diladid (sp?), not dope (or even fent which defined by addiction). One could argue that this is because I've never IVed but my friends who IVed Dillys seemed to agree they were STILL better then IV dope. I'm not saying IV Dillys, don't IV drugs.

That was generally my trick before burying too many friends and deciding to quit life and jumping on the Opiate train. By avoiding ROA's known for increasing rush I never really craved the drugs. This meant I could see when I was being escapist and prevent myself from that road. It's just that once the drugs are in your life long enough, you slip at some point. Its not about what the drug in particular is, it's about deciding you want to be high all the time, everyday for a bit. Once you make that call, hooks are in.
Haha go from heroine to oxy instead of oxy to heroine. I dunno if someone could handle just doing heroine with out any other opiate experience, it would probably be to intense for them.