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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷


Hydrocodone, codeine, and low dose oxy. No need to take it any further than that in the beginning, if even that is necessary..
which pharmaceutical opiates would you recommend for someone new to opiates? vicodin? oxy?

This is the "Should I Try Heroin" thread. Not the "Stairway to Heroin" Thread. That being said either of the ones you mentioned are the usual suspects. Some people enjoy hydrocodone. More people enjoy oxy and hopefully you enjoy none.
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which pharmaceutical opiates would you recommend for someone new to opiates? vicodin? oxy?

The big question is: Do you really need to use opiates...and why? Really? Yes, they make you "feel good", but a lot of things do that....I understand wanting to do it, believe me...but in the drug world, it's one of the more serious decisions there is to make....It's not all Alice in Wonderland, opium pipes and hanging out backstage...not that you thought it was, but a lot of people are hypnotized by the mythology behind this class of drugs...
For Nic...i do not understand your first paragraph in that last post of yours at all..about being sick for a week and being rich or whatever...what in the world is that referring to? I said people do anything for heroin because when they run out and get so sick, well, they will do pretty much anything to get better...I have no idea what you are referring to or talking about there.

As far as the rest of the post, yes it does appear that you are very much so glamourizing heroin use (just refer back to your prior posts). Though we can discuss out experiences with heroin here no problem we still need to keep in mind some HR factors..if you know how bad the negative aspects of heroin are then maybe rather than just discussing how daring and fun it all is some of the bad should be pointed out also at the same time.

You say you have been clean for months but your previous post just before that says you wouldnt be using now if you didnt enjoy it...so...
Long time opiate aficionado here, but through what I learned here on BL I had always been apprehensive about using H.

After all these years I finally said yeah I will have some tar.

I will not allow myself to inject drugs anymore, after a shot of fentanyl gel almost put me down for good.

But I did partake in copious amount if monkey water and smoked the shyt too.

If you are reading this and wondering if you are missing something, you aren't.
The high wasn't very different from the top end pharmaceutical opiates to me.

Sure, its cheaper, but the unsurity of purity, and the sketchyness of the whole scene is no fun.

If you haven't tried the shit yet, you ain't missing much.

Be safe out there.
I would seriously advise not taking opiates if you are not in pain or already addicted.

I have found it to be a dark lonely maze. Its a path I would suggest not going down.

I feel like I have found my way out but I was lost for over 5 years in the maze and lost the respect of many people and have been disowned by most of my family.

I have made amends to the best of my ability but still some people refuse to have any contact with me despite the fact that I never wronged them in any way other than neglecting to stay in contact or for the mere fact that I was using opiates.

I cannot reason with unreasonable people. Some of my family that chose to disown me used my opiate use as an excuse due to things such as jealousy. One of my half sisters never got over the fact that my father left her mother for my mother. She disowned me at the age of 14 and I was only smoking marijuana at the time to alleviate stress.

If only she knew just how abusive and malicious my father was then. She really would have thanked me if she knew the truth. Sadly she is a bitter, asexual, spinster, and a right cunt. It is rather unfortunate that she is a school teacher and has contact with young children. She just straight up gives up on some kids if they suffer from ADHD or behavioral problems. I have no wish to help her and feel awful that she is in the profession she is in.

Sorry for the tangent about my family.

I just wanted to share a bit of my experiences and just how awful opiates can make your life. If you need them it is best to go to a doctor and not a pain clinic. I have never found an ethical pain clinic. I will never go to a pain clinic again in my life hopefully. I am very grateful for my doctor for taking care of all my medical issues.

I did get sick adjusting to the dose I am at now but I am now stable and it was worth it to me.

I never want to get stuck in the maze of opiate habituation again. IME most people never make it out and technically neither did I.

I have had several friends pass from opiate habituation and others have come to great harm due to their desperation. I cannot even begin to put a number on the amount of suffering I have witnessed first hand.

I have had to cold turkey opiate use about ten times and it gets worse each time. I would only do it if I was no longer in pain, to stay alive, or to avoid going to prison. I am very fortunate to not have to resort to anything criminal, immoral, or unethical to receive my pain medication.
I have had doctors offer to amputate my limb or cut all nerves. I was refused any type of reasonable surgery. I offered to pay for it personally but none the less was refused. It most likely had to do with my socio-economic status and I personally feel that is fucked up beyond words.

Basically I had to put my faith in God, my doctor and myself. I do not want any pity as my life is better than ever.

Regardless opiate habituation will change your life for better or worse. At this point it is for the better but I lost 5 years of my life due to opiate habituation following some severe injuries.
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I really don't think this is worth 10 pages. It's HELL NO. Unless ur addicted to another similar opiod already in my books.
I don't use and never will (im more of an uppers guy). My roommates friend from back home almost died in our bathroom at our school apt. This was all around this time last year. He was a novice user and they had to get his heart pumping twice on the ambulance there (technically dead twice). on top of that more friends then i would like to remember have lost battles, and its not the scummy assholes either, its the guys that have something going on with their life a lot of the time. Its not worth it.
Jiggawaa is exactly right.
Hopefully even one person considering taking the leap and scoring some hern might read these posts and decide to just let it be.
Well, I don't know what to do. My PM drs don't give me enuf meds for my pain, but I'm intimidated by them and won't speak up for myself. Plus a lot of the other patients seem really insane and so far gone in their addictions that they are unkempt, delusional and violent. I always swore I would be the easiest patient they had, just cuz I feel so bad for what they have to deal with everyday. And I'm a generally positive person, so if you asked me " how are you feeling" I would muster a smile, downplay it, crack a joke or two.

So I looked for extra medicine online and got ripped off. I've joined a forum so that doesn't happen again, but these meds are expensive and hard to find.

Heroin is cheap and I can buy it right down the block. I JUST WANT SOME PAIN RELIEF!!!!! :-(

I hope by now you've realized that your daughter, your marriage, and your health are infinetly more important than heroin. I've read your posts in other threads. I think you've got every reason to STOP messing around with heroin, and try to communicate your needs better to your doctor.
If I could go back and not take heroin for the first time I would in a heartbeat, and my life would be very different for it. No first time user knows what price they will ultimately be expected to pay.
It might only be money your parted with, or time. On the other hand, it might be your self respect, or your family, or your leg, or your life or 1000 fucked up possibilities in between. You may not have to spend much money to get some, but Heroin is not cheap!!
Should you try heroin? Its entirely up to you.
As one who has paid dearly, I would strongly advise against it.
Me ? I'm from here.

Saying that on an international forum doesn't really help much.

I really don't think this is worth 10 pages. It's HELL NO. Unless ur addicted to another similar opiod already in my books.

Yea but we all know how well the "just say no" campaign worked, so that's why we have this thread to give better insight into the reasons for our answers.
Yea but we all know how well the "just say no" campaign worked, so that's why we have this thread to give better insight into the reasons for our answers.

Exactly. In fact, when the D.A.R.E. speakers came to speak to us in middle school, both that slogan, and their platform, always made me want to experiment with drugs. I still love the tee-shirt. Folks in this thread are offering genuine insight into how filthy and low heroin will take you.

"Just Say No" just aint enough.
Yea but we all know how well the "just say no" campaign worked, so that's why we have this thread to give better insight into the reasons for our answers.

Exactly. It's clear that that approach just doesn't work. It never did. What works is giving out real, honest, information.. discussing the reality of drug use and making informed decisions to use or not use.. and if you do decide to, to make sure you do it as safe as possible.

That is what this thread, and this whole forum, is all about.
This huge mega thread is an excellent read, and something that everyone here on bluelight should read. I do not use anything at all now; but I never used heroin because low doses of opiates like Oxy or hydro, or a low/moderate amount of codeine would make me nod, and I knew people who were addicted to heroin and they said how very few people who use it never inject it or don't become quickly addicted to it.
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i wanted to try it last night myself for the very first time and wasn't even able to fill the syringe???sorry but what the f*** have i been doing wrong?the liquid just wouldn't get inside..am i retarded? :(

Sometimes some syringes don't work as good as the others coming from the same pack they came from, one reason could be you didn't push the plunger first, when brand new the plungers are never completely pushed in so there's a little space and air already present making the succion of liquid more difficult. Some syringes are even clogged already when brand new, its all part of the game. The annoying shit regarding syringes in my area is that pharmacies, who are forced by law to have Safe Injection Kits with Securicups and Sterifilts somehow stopped providing them, removed their needle exchange symbols from their doors. I guess the Order of Pharmacists have had enough of junkies who rob their little mom & pop pharmacies in the middle of nowhere or even if its a big chain, in a town of 20 000 people its gonna be small and easier to go through uninvited.
And I promise that this is.

Mostly anonymously people are grazing over this thread and changing their mind without leaving a trace of evidence they were even here.
But they were.


I used to be one of those people, Then I thought.. what the heck, maybe my advice and information can help the anonymous stay safe.
Yes. It is one of those things that your life is simply not complete unless you've tried it at least once. I don't care how much fire I catch for saying so;it's truth.
In a moment of weakness. I let a friend try mine a while ago. Gave him a match head and he was nodding face. I've known my dealer for a decade + when I do H I ask for the stuff that "kills the hookers" to ensure potency. But my tolerance is so high and then it gets higher when I do h and makes going back to oxy harder (but doable). Stick to pharms over h imo. but im stilll an oxy man a high dose always rekindles that love.

Was def a mistake. He said he will definitely do it again at some point. But he loves anything opiate and has tried oxycodone dangerously high doses for a noob on a few occasions. Just hope this works out okay. Got a lot at stake.

I posted it to show the imprint trying good china white(h) can leave on an opiate noobs brain. And not all u noobs looking at this thread will have an irl friend to keep tabs on u.
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I dnt know what to think bout some people, but I don't understand most people. As an active junkie, I will say NO, DO NOT try heroin, unless you want to have a long relationship with it. I don't know why people start, everyone has a different reason, but I'm pretty sure most continue because it makes life o.k. For a while. At first it does make you more productive, but not for long.. For those wondering if to start , not a great idea, I've used drugs and alcohol from age of 13 over 2/3 of my life, but I never found my love intill heroin, probally will use till I die. I quit in 2012 and hiked the Appalachian trail, in July of 2013 I started using again.. A year later it still was on my shoulder whispering in my ear.. It does make the feelings of worthlessness go away. It does make my awkwardness disappear. But it consumes you, becomes your life and it's not happy unless she's number 1 to you. I wish everyone the best of days, and if anybody new to the game needs an ear to vent to, I a good listener and always willing to help people out!! Stay smart ya'll:p
