I Just Need To Post Vs. Lend me your eyes and ears, your wisdom and beauty.

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I can cope with cold just hate snow. Stops everything n is so annoying besides I get my scripts on Monday n God help if it snows then as I wouldn't be able to get my suboxone then I'd be worried lol
Oh me too :\
It's quite ridiculous how a few hours ago I was on a high, then within a few seconds that comes crashing down after I asked a question I didn't need to ask.

Anyway.. Time heals, and so have I.....for now.
That happens^

Also your body adjusts to heat. I'm just not sure it can adjust to that temp o.o.
Ad please let us know how things go hon. You deserve to be happy n as others have said he may not have asked you not to seem desparate if he 's a shy person or he may not realise you like him that way. I hope it works out n if it doesn't then you'll find someone special one day <3
I cracked and spoke to an ex tonight. Shitty at myself as the past few weeks have been reasonably ok.. But Nows it's 4 am and she's all I can think about.

What a damn shame :(
Awh sorry FA. I'm here if you need someone to talk to. It's hard when you break from someone but it gets easier, it really does <3
Thanks eve.

My issue is cutting full contact. And when I do that, she still ends up messaging me through email saying she wants to talk or something and it's soo hard to ignore that. I'm not sure how she feels about me anymore honestly, but I feel it's a one way street and I'm the only one driving in it. I'm probabaly going to ask her and find out for sure(even though it's a step back ergh) it just eats away at me..

The saying 'don't love someone who dosent love you back' rings loud. It's what I need to keep reminding myself.
Ad please let us know how things go hon. You deserve to be happy n as others have said he may not have asked you not to seem desparate if he 's a shy person or he may not realise you like him that way. I hope it works out n if it doesn't then you'll find someone special one day <3

But what if he thinks I look desperate?
Lol ad - please don't be like me. Take a risk. Life is too short fot what ifs lol xxxx
But what if he thinks I look desperate?
I think you'll be pretty surprised ad. I don't know many guys that find a women whose intrested in them a turn off. I'm sure your not coming across as desperate either. Your overthinking yo :)
But what if he thinks I look desperate?
Just ask him to something simple first.. like coffee or lunch.. this should indicate to him that you aren't desperate and are just checking him out.. all natural as you can. just say hey would you like to get a cup of coffee and then while getting that cup of coffee just be yourself.. you will do fine.. if you are worried about what you guys are going to talk about then maybe do a little planning... but just kinda jot down a few subjects that you are into and know about.. what are the things you know you have in common?
Just ask him to something simple first.. like coffee or lunch.. this should indicate to him that you aren't desperate and are just checking him out.. all natural as you can. just say hey would you like to get a cup of coffee and then while getting that cup of coffee just be yourself.. you will do fine.. if you are worried about what you guys are going to talk about then maybe do a little planning... but just kinda jot down a few subjects that you are into and know about.. what are the things you know you have in common?

Some things we have in common are...music, love of animals, our families know each other, work.

But my friend took it upon himself today to tell the guys best friend that I'm interested in said guy...then his best friend (he's my friend too) obviously told the guy I'm interested in that I was. The MY friend started texting him saying stuff like "oh do you want her number"? To which he replied "no I want to ask her myself".

Did I just step in a fucking time machine and go back to high school??

It just really pissed me off, but apparently the feelings are mutual based off the texts, and, it's more awkward now.
I think you really like this guy=D as you seem pretty worked up over this.. "its even more awkward now" = holy shit im reallu going to have to talk with this person I really like= Im so mad I'm getting what I want<3=D<3

EDit: is that what the grade schoolers do now text.. shit we had to hand write the notes out kinda like.. do you want to go out with NSA, then there would be two boxes to check yes or No.. and then we had a friend give it to them, and they would have a friend give it to the friend of ours who would give it to us.. texting.. so antisocial.
I think you really like this guy=D as you seem pretty worked up over this.. "its even more awkward now" = holy shit im reallu going to have to talk with this person I really like= Im so mad I'm getting what I want<3=D<3

EDit: is that what the grade schoolers do now text.. shit we had to hand write the notes out kinda like.. do you want to go out with NSA, then there would be two boxes to check yes or No.. and then we had a friend give it to them, and they would have a friend give it to the friend of ours who would give it to us.. texting.. so antisocial.

Haha oh NSA I <3 you! Always able to make me laugh. You're right, again. :)

Hey when I was in grade school we still used the "old fashioned" system. I remember once I wrote a "song" about this guy I was crushing on and went to pass it to him, then the teacher caught me, read it out loud and took it back to her desk. At the end of the "song" I put "do you like this? Check one!" And the teacher used her big fat red pen to check off "NO" then handed me the note back :!
shit we had to hand write the notes out kinda like.. do you want to go out with NSA, then there would be two boxes to check yes or No.. and then we had a friend give it to them, and they would have a friend give it to the friend of ours who would give it to us.

Haha, that's what I remember about highschool 'flirting' too =D

Addy, some people never grow up beyond that mentality though, which is annoying, but at least you know now he wants to ask you out ;)
I can completely understand why you would feel annoyed. Your 'friend' should have kept that news to himself not tell the bloke (slang word for 'man' in the UK) you have feelings for, that you liked him, and embarrass you. However, it's great that this bloke seems to like you too n seems very mature in his responses to the 'friend,' "no I want to ask her myself"
Good luck x
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