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How High Are You? v. Meff For The People

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Nodding. Ahhhh, it's been a while. Also on 24mg bromazepam and lots of pot.

Feeling AWEsOM. :)
im stoned. i only have pot, yet that's not horrible, cause i cant think of what would happen w nada. well i wouldnt sleep, for one...
Took 4mg clonazepma in a few doses, didn't do much, so took 2mg alprazolam more. And now rubbing dhm/hydromorphone into my gums to make the fucking pain go away, the pain compounded by the stupidest control over junkies method ever made, Suboxone itself. Supposed to be helping, but technically being no different from any blocker out there. GOing back to this corrupted society taking advantage of every possible situation to push you down more than you got to be. My wishful thinking is let them all feel the pain I felt that has been for years my price for the comfort of being emotionally dissociated from their carelessness and egoism, let them all drown in my opioid misery... And the K savior is on the way, so I can once again get rid of the feeling of anything related to this world including myself. Godspeed, my fellow social sufferers not understood by the people you understand so well you can see through them.
dexamphetamine all day, slowly been building up.. got a nice level of euphoria right now without being too jawclenchingly mongified... I'm growing to enjoy these subtle, yet very 'there', experiences.
300mg china white heroin IV
I know i've said it already, but this new product is just soooo yummy, definitely gonna try to stick to the CWH for a bit

Kinda upset though, my lady smoked meth this morning for the first time without my knowledge, kinda making me a little worried, seeing as she already does mountains of coke, and a meth addiction would just be the end of her.
Ok just did another shot, this time only 200mg, think maybe less, and did a 15mg bump of mxe and swallowed 15mg diazepam, feeling great, gonna be ready to sleep after the mxe wears off.
Hey Bigfan, real curious about that China White you got, I thought that was like unheard of in LA? Is your experience on that different? Not trying to get into availability discussion I just thought Cali and in particular LA was tar central (not great tar either compared to some other places too, but I could be wrong) and powder just wasn't around. I have to figure powder can't be around in quantity or nobody would be buying that Mexican shit. I have never used BTH and I would be very curious to try some, but I would definitely never ever shoot that crap (not judging anyone who does!), it does seem like it would be nice to smoke though. Have read it is a bit more noddy than your typical #4, which I have always found to be a touch stimulating at the right dose.

I am stone cold sober for the next 45 mins before I get my drink and smoke on...
Hey Bigfan, real curious about that China White you got, I thought that was like unheard of in LA? Is your experience on that different? Not trying to get into availability discussion I just thought Cali and in particular LA was tar central (not great tar either compared to some other places too, but I could be wrong) and powder just wasn't around. I have to figure powder can't be around in quantity or nobody would be buying that Mexican shit. I have never used BTH and I would be very curious to try some, but I would definitely never ever shoot that crap (not judging anyone who does!), it does seem like it would be nice to smoke though. Have read it is a bit more noddy than your typical #4, which I have always found to be a touch stimulating at the right dose.

I am stone cold sober for the next 45 mins before I get my drink and smoke on...

The west coast US is tar central, but #4 does make it out there every now and then. When I was on H years ago I was constantly switching between powder and tar due to availability. I prefer powder myself, but smoking tar is so much fun because its like drawing shapes to get high :D haha. And yes, I do find that tar becomes sedating at a lower dose as opposed to #4s dosing.
my first spliff of the day is starting to wear off so here's to the 2nd and the rest of my coffee.

oops, did i say spliff, um, i meant...
seyer said:
smoking tar is so much fun because its like drawing shapes to get high

Kinda inefficient though, but a large part of that is my shit technique; it's best if someone gives me assistance heating it. But I don't regret remaining a heroin newb.

But I don't regret remaining a heroin newb.
Yeah, definitely recommend keeping it that way. All about the angles ;) haha.

Just popped open a beer. Im not a huge fan of dark ales, but this Gouden Carolus Classic is prime. Still havent tried a Belgian beer that I dislike.
I'm convinced that Belgium lets Denmark take the Happiest Country title so that they can remain a secret ^^^
Finland is 7th happiest in the world; I call bullshit on that. This country is nothing but alcoholic, manic depressives.
Hey Bigfan, real curious about that China White you got, I thought that was like unheard of in LA? Is your experience on that different? Not trying to get into availability discussion I just thought Cali and in particular LA was tar central (not great tar either compared to some other places too, but I could be wrong) and powder just wasn't around. I have to figure powder can't be around in quantity or nobody would be buying that Mexican shit. I have never used BTH and I would be very curious to try some, but I would definitely never ever shoot that crap (not judging anyone who does!), it does seem like it would be nice to smoke though. Have read it is a bit more noddy than your typical #4, which I have always found to be a touch stimulating at the right dose.

I am stone cold sober for the next 45 mins before I get my drink and smoke on...
The west coast US is tar central, but #4 does make it out there every now and then. When I was on H years ago I was constantly switching between powder and tar due to availability. I prefer powder myself, but smoking tar is so much fun because its like drawing shapes to get high :D haha. And yes, I do find that tar becomes sedating at a lower dose as opposed to #4s dosing.

the powder we get here is very different from jersey/baltimore/NYC dope IME (the only other cities i've had heroin in in the US), it's usually better quality, different colour (very white, even... china white, perhaps?) and it's never sold in bags, only grams and 8-balls (and up).

I find that tar can produce slightly more sedating effects as well, but I vastly prefer powder, especially this batch!

@OT 250mg china white heroin IV
Just got off work for a couple hours then back to it for the night.

I attempted to ask my co-worker out today and she kinda turned me down, but theres still hope!

Took a bar of Xanax, feeling a lot calmer and ready to finish the work night followed by some bar hopping
55mg hydrocodone, 2mg clonazepam, 15mg temazepam, 1mg alprazolam, 300mg lyrica/pregabalin, 50mg cyclobenzaprine, 100mg amitriptyline, 100mg diphenhydramine, 750mg phenibut, and 800mg cimetidine to potentiate some of those things.

Also smoking lots of weed - that makes this a hell of a lot better.

This looks like good china white yes ? It burn't very well on foil, a little waxy bug if you will that produced tremendous amounts of smoke. It also smelt as vinegary as a pack of salt and vinegar chips. Got me slightly higher than morphine - similar to IV morphine in that it almost made me trip and last me about 4 days when I got my script I still had quite a bit to spare.

It was good (better than anything else I had at my disposal), just not as good as oxy. Too sedating - I like/LOVE the almost speedy euphoria of oxy and even when it fades into a nod the nod is controllable (i can drive with difficulty/ go to parties etc), not the case with china/thai white.

Thinking back, it didn't knock me off my feet (but I do have 600- 800 mg oxy tolerance) and I didn't admittedly do big lines - just enough to stave off withdrawal. Just thinking back to 2 weeks ago and wondering was it really good china white ? I can post pics of how it burn't on foil (smooth and well), turned into yellow ish brown oily stuff that made a lot of smoke.

It burn't quite a bit more than OC's when I snorted it.

What makes you guys think it was good.

OT: Nice off oxy, SSDD.
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