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NSW teenager dies after taking LSD

Whoever said the police may be saying its LSD to put spin on the taser death of that Brazilian guy raised a good point, I wouldn't be in the slightest bit surprised of this was part of their MO. Talking about morality (which is what I think at least part of our drug laws are built on - not objective research), this to me - if it's true - is totally immoral and in my opinion should be condemned by society (and the government) far, far more than drug use is condemned. It's horrible to use an incident like a teenagers death to justify and put a positive spin on the actions of police who accidentally killed someone who was on LSD. Not cool. That to me is criminal.

this guy knows, right on the money. 50 fighting fire with fire. so who are the crooks exactly?
cassandragemini, I think that this is a brilliant idea.
I have used the considerable expertise of Bluelight on a number occasions in the past (old names, the Bluelight Primes, like Johnboy, Phasedancer, and god-bless him, Cowboy Mac) to help me identify product and treat patients and really rate the "grass-roots" knowledge of the more serious posters. I would happy to provide clinical and analytical support. Would any of the Mods be interested in running with this? It could be quite a PR coup for the consuming community as well...

That would be unreal. Let me know if I can help in anyway or do anything. I'll send you a friend request so that you are authorised to PM me if you like.

I am SO glad that you are back, please please stay. Most of the old school Bluelighters never pop in any more.
There are 3 case reports in which the death of a person(s) using LSD is described, and one involving an elephant (I shit you not).

West LJ, Pierce CM, Thomas WD. (1962). Lysergic acid diethylamide: Its effects on a male Asiatic elephant. Science, 138, 1100-1102.

What can I say? It was the 60s... More at http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_history4.shtml

In 1962, three men at the University of Oklahoma, lead by the idiosyncratic, CIA-collaborator Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West, injected LSD into an elephant for the first time. Their stated intent was to determine if LSD would induce "musth", a naturally occurring condition in which elephants become violent and uncontrollable. After a series of events, the elephant died. There is some controversy and confusion surrounding the cause of death.

That's the start of the Erowid entry on this. It's good reading guys :)
The worst part of this misguided piece of journalism is that once there has been an autopsy and LSD is found to not be the culprit, there will be no retraction story. So the general public, oblivious to the truth, will continue to consider LSD a 'deadly' drug.

Their stated intent was to determine if LSD would induce "musth", a naturally occurring condition in which elephants become violent and uncontrollable.

I've always hated scientists and researchers for this kind of thing. It's one thing if you're trying to find a cure for said condition, but inducing it with LSD won't help cure a natural condition. The dose given to the elephant = 297, 000ug
The worst part of this misguided piece of journalism is that once there has been an autopsy and LSD is found to not be the culprit, there will be no retraction story. So the general public, oblivious to the truth, will continue to consider LSD a 'deadly' drug.


I've always hated scientists and researchers for this kind of thing. It's one thing if you're trying to find a cure for said condition, but inducing it with LSD won't help cure a natural condition. The dose given to the elephant = 297, 000ug

Like the good Dr. says "it was the 60s"
The worst part of this misguided piece of journalism is that once there has been an autopsy and LSD is found to not be the culprit, there will be no retraction story. So the general public, oblivious to the truth, will continue to consider LSD a 'deadly' drug.

It's even worse than that, later reports on the same article will likely use the phrase "reported to be LSD", still implying it's LSD, even though it was reported to be that by themselves!
Just thought i'd jumble that up a little in light of the real dangers that seem to be terrorizing australia at the moment (ie; the increasing murder of young women at night in our cities)

Wow good for you fighting sensationalism with sensationalism, seriously terrorising?
^^^ Haha, Yeah Ibis, I consider you smart enough to not buy into how dangerous it is for women to walk the streets by themselves at night.
My understanding is that with our increasing population the dangers for women out at night is at an all time low as far as percentages are concerned. The fact that two girls were murdered and this was all that was mentioned in regards to the topic over months shows how rare and unlucky it is. Their are tens of thousands of young adults who go out on a weekly basis, a couple of muders a month whilst still disgusts me hardly warrants being considerred a "real danger terrorizing australia". The odds of a woman getting murdered after clubbing would pail in comparison to deaths from car crash's, skin cancer, tobacco (as always, even though most aren't young people the damage it does is still worth mentioning), or suicide just to name a few.
Also they mention that girl who died from "ecstasy"... they fail to mention that either that was the case where it wasn't "ecstasy" at all but PMA, or that the girl drank like 10L of water because she was scared of dehydration and it led to acute hyponatremia? Those are the only instances of "ecstasy death" I've ever comes across, at least here in Australia. 8(

Its funny how they have to go back 10-15 years to mention an ecstasy death. Forget about the hundreds of thousands of people who have done ecstasy since then.
It's even worse than that, later reports on the same article will likely use the phrase "reported to be LSD", still implying it's LSD, even though it was reported to be that by themselves!

And the sad thing is that kids will never get the education they deserve, on how to use drugs responsibly or what to do if a friend gets sick from drugs. It will just be dont do drugs or you will die. I think its been proven that 'scaring kids' off drugs by using urban legends does not work.
I think its been proven that 'scaring kids' off drugs by using urban legends does not work.

I was too scared to try LSD#25 until I was 16 because I thought I'd turn into an orange and peel myself to death!
Not sure if anyone just saw the segment on the TODAY show (Australia)?

Tony Wood was being interviewed and was explaining how bad the drug problem is in Australia and how ecstasy killed his daughter, I'll post the link when they upload it to the website (hopefully)
Psychedelics are the one class of drug that I really have to think twice about introducing to people. The used to say that you don't find acid, it finds you and I always believed that it wasn't because it was some sort of magical element but rather the people who controlled the drug were a little more selective in who they introduced. Most psychs are pretty harmless when it comes to their physical effects. On occasion you might get a dodgy batch of acid which gives you the shits, but for the most the biggest risk factors are from forgetting set and setting.

A lot of highly strung personalities just don't gel with lsd and I would think twice if you are currently taking psych meds. I don't see how a 15 yr old living at home with his parents would ever be in a good head space to trip. I guess I'm talking more about the kid who flip out and ran into traffic and not the one who died. On a related note this thread sounds very familiar......
^^^ Haha, Yeah Ibis, I consider you smart enough to not buy into how dangerous it is for women to walk the streets by themselves at night.
My understanding is that with our increasing population the dangers for women out at night is at an all time low as far as percentages are concerned. The fact that two girls were murdered and this was all that was mentioned in regards to the topic over months shows how rare and unlucky it is. Their are tens of thousands of young adults who go out on a weekly basis, a couple of muders a month whilst still disgusts me hardly warrants being considerred a "real danger terrorizing australia". The odds of a woman getting murdered after clubbing would pail in comparison to deaths from car crash's, skin cancer, tobacco (as always, even though most aren't young people the damage it does is still worth mentioning), or suicide just to name a few.

Well there has been a bunch of rapes late night on the Australia National University campus lately, suggesting a serial rapist but this is far too specific for any kind of statistical significance.

The problem I see with this kind of journalism, is at the end of the day the only say we clearly logical people get is to bitch in a forum like this. Meanwhile, the media is out there at the behest of fucking Rupert Murdoch, brainwashing the masses and making sure that everyone is as stupid and ignorant as possible.

Seriously someone shoot Rupert Murdoch right in his evil brains, and a shiny penny for whoever brings me the head of Colonel Matumbé.

Not sure if anyone just saw the segment on the TODAY show (Australia)?

Tony Wood was being interviewed and was explaining how bad the drug problem is in Australia and how ecstasy killed his daughter, I'll post the link when they upload it to the website (hopefully)

I dislike Tony Woods so much it makes me sick to my penis.
The reason she (anna) kept it (drug use) from his and his wife was because they were so strict and draconian in their views. Some of my old mates were with her that night and morning and they all didn't want to call the ambo sooner for Anna because of fear of her parents finding out she had gone to a rave and had an E, and what they (he) would do.

The other guy in the vid seems to have some clue, but tony does need to fade out, I think he should have over 15 odd yrs ago.
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I've thought for a long time that we should have an award ceremony for the worst reporting on drugs and drugs policy. Sort of like the Darwin Awards, or the IgNobel Awards, we could call them the 'Dopey Awards'... Any story could be nominated by the Bluelight community, and then a small committee of scientists/ doctors/reliable journos could narrow them down to the worst of the worst... At least there would be a historical record of who is committing the the worst sins against science!

Even if we made it international, I reckon it's something that Australia could consistently win at, which could be a great morale boost for the country, given its recent performance at the Olympics / rugby / cricket etc...;)