• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

can homosexuality be a choice?

Yeah but lots of things occur in nature that are frowned upon: cannibalism, rape, murder, etc.
Next thing you know your going to say that bestiality is natural and we should embrace it.
No thanks!

Sorry this is a log post but, wow. Just wowwwwww. I could not help myself from making such a case against you, for the fallacies of your logic, the weakness of your stance, just begs someone to tear it down. I almost wonder if you simply seek convincing by talking nonsense, and are hoping to be convinced. I pray that this is so, but if I am wrong, I have addressed that as well. To anyone who takes the time to read this: thank you.

By your logic, anything that occurs in nature but is frowned upon by yourself is incorrect, because let us not forget, it is only you you speak of "frowning", . After all I in no way shape or form "frown" on homosexuality. So if heterosexual sex is "frowned upon" (which some religious groups do), it is incorrect?

Based on your logic: marijuana, cocaine, opium, are all natural things that are "frowned upon" by society at large. Is it acceptable to do things from nature that are "Frowned upon," ie natural drugs, but UNACCEPTABLE for others to do natural things that society frowns upon? Shame on one who makes themselves a hypocrite! And being a hypocrite is a most grievous sin in my book.<removal of personal attack - violating SO guidelines>

Who frowns upon homosexuality? By what reason do they frown? Why should it be frowned upon? Can you answer these questions? For they must be answered if you are to prove your point is valid. You are making a GIANT leap by postulating it is "frowned upon," because you seem to imply that "everyone frowns upon it because [you] do.'

And now, if you further argue "well it is my point of view," I will say that is a most weak argument for several reasons.
Firstly, in what way is your point of view qualified?
Secondly, there is a VAST difference between opinion and knowledge. It is an opinion that homosexuality is a crime and sin and should be frowned upon, whereas it is KNOWLEDGE that it is NOT A CHOICE! And following that logically: would you "frown upon" someone for being born black, or white? Would you "frown upon" someone for not being born in the country you were?

A good way to exemplify the differences between opinion and knowledge: If someone said to you "well its just my opinion that 4+4=9," in what way would you regard them? Probably in not the highest esteem. It is plain as day they are wrong: there is evidence both empirical, and rational, supporting this claim. What supports your claim that it should be "frowned upon"?

If you can validate your claim, that homosexuality SHOULD BE frowned upon, then you will have convinced me. But if your entire line of reasoning is based on "its my opinion" it makes you sound, I am sorry to say, foolish. Just as someone sounds foolish when they profess 4+4=9.

As a human searching for the best way of living, you should as well be OPEN TO NEW CORRECTIDEAS. If you only seek to convince everyone else that you are right, despite being wrong, you are contributing in short nothing useful. If that is the case you sir, are a partisan.

Humans should be open to the better way of doing things. Why would someone maintain an incorrect position? If you were on a jury, and had already made up your mind of the guilt of the accused, and the prosecution failed to prove him guilty, would you still vote guilty? Even if there was OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE against your position, would yous till maintain it? IN essence that is what is happening here: there is overwhelming evidence that your opinion is wrong. Why do you seek to maintain it?

If you can provide overwhelming evidence that my facts (and thus my own opinions) are wrong, then I will CHANGE THEM! I am open to change, if shown a better way. But once again, if your entire argument falls back to "Well, because" then you have not only failed to convince me, but further weakened your position, as you have shown that you are illogical, partisan, and close minded to the extreme.

You make claim, not from a position of fact, knowledge, or even natural law (because natural law has CREATED that which you "frown upon"), but simply because 'you say so'. You literally have no basis on which to base any of your claims. Your argument is entirely without merit. And why pray tell, should any advice be taken from someone whos entire basis for a claim is backed by not one atom of fact? It should not be. And it just makes us push you further out of dialog and from importance of conversations, because after all, how can anything else you say be trusted to be based in logic, fact, and reason? For goodness sake, you yourself claim to go against nature itself! ("many things in nature are to be frowned upon"). You go against NATURE! and in a most hypocritical way, to boot.

I hope that you can learn that ideas other than your own can sometimes hold weight and be correct. If not I see a dismal future in front of you, filled with conflict, argument, and anger that you never "got your way".

Once again: i am open to convincing. For I seek the truth and the right way of living, based on fact, logic, and reason itself, compared to, in essence, bullshit.

And how you can be failed to be convinced despite the overwhelming evidence against your point is crazy to say the least. You sound like a person who would make the claim that the "earth is square" and maintain your belief despite the evidence, based on the sole reason that it is YOUR belief. If you are not open to taking new knowledge, new ways of living that are PROVED to be the best, then you are being most detrimental to the evolution of society and humanity.

For you seek not the truth, only to prove that you are right, even when you are wrong.

"The partisan, when he is engaged in a dispute, cares nothing about the rights of the question, but is anxious only to convince his hearers of his own assertions." -Plato

I truly hope you drop this way of living, sooner rather than later.

And just a little side note: in my experiences living, I have noticed the people who scream loudest against something that in no way, shape, or form, impacts them, are the ones who are secretly guilty of doing that same thing. Take this how you will, but keep note that if I am wrong, then one has no reason to become inflamed at me; they merely should laugh. If one does become angry at my assertion, its probably because I have hit a little to close to home.

Although all of this matters not, for your position is still full of holes. Hence I shrank aside: to show that it is ultimately irrelevant, and my position still stands. Its just something i have noticed in my 2 decades of living.
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At the core, I don't think it's a choice. I've been gay since day one. I knew when I was 8 and came out when I was 14.

When I was 18 I had sex with a woman, just out of curiosity. Human anatomy works fine across many situations, but the passionate spark, the inner fire, the strong pull and desire simply wasn't there. But because places like the U.S. are overrun by sexually repressed prudes, ALL THEY CAN THINK ABOUT is sex when discussing homosexuality. The whole homosexuality debate is too hung up on SEX. Just because a man is gay doesn't mean he can't put his dick into a vagina and produce a baby. Most gay guys won't want to do this, but the fact is they *can*. There is nothing hindering biological pro-creation. We aren't disabled. But homosexuality is about more than just sexuality, which is why I'm pissed off at the way the politics are being handled.

The debate needs to be more centred around the pursuit of happiness. I could never, ever ever be happy and satisfied being in a relationship with a woman, even though I can tell all my female friends when what they're wearing looks hot, or even enjoying the feel of the boobs when they hug me. It's much like how straight guys can recognize when another guy is hot (and is therefore likely to have a better chance with women, or even be competition) but never want to suck his dick. I love men, on all levels... I love how they look, their personas, how they feel, and I am very turned on by them. No woman could ever fulfill the package deal for me. I'm simply not attracted to women in that way. I can only fall in love with men and I would only want my life partner to be a man.

no i dont do drugs
i would love to hang a jury
yes i think homosexuality is helping to slide the human movement backwards [yes religion comes into play but I have been hesitant to bring that up]

Who frowns upon homosexuality?
holy cow?!! do you live in america?

Your argument is entirely without merit.
yours to.
I've only known a handful of gay guys/girls and done minimal research on the subject. However I think homosexuality can be compared to drug addiction (not in a bad way) but in the way that you can be predisposed to it but how you grow up and are influnced can play a big role.

So like most other things, part nature part nurture, not just one of them
^ That's how I see it as well. When I hear people say "Who would choose to be gay?" I think "Who would choose to become a homeless junkie?"

Slide human movement backward? What does that even mean?
I think the common argument goes that the "homosexual movement" contributes to the breakdown of the traditional family unit which is usually seen in America as a stable building block for society at large. When this building block becomes less stable you're messing with the underpinnings of society.
I've only known a handful of gay guys/girls and done minimal research on the subject. However I think homosexuality can be compared to drug addiction (not in a bad way) but in the way that you can be predisposed to it but how you grow up and are influnced can play a big role.

So like most other things, part nature part nurture, not just one of them

I do agree, but I believe its more on the nature side just because someone can beat addiction or homelessness (although very hard), but not homosexuality.
Addiction and homelessness seem like things that one would want to beat. No so the case with homosexuality in many cases.
Human sexuality is not a choice. I didn't choose to be bisexual however I did make the personal choice to accept my own personal sexuality/sexual preferences and become sexually active with men and women; but ultimately everyone even heterosexuals do this with their sexuality. I'm fine with my sexuality and so are my friends and family.

If being bisexual or gay was a choice and you could change your sexuality by choice pretty much everyone I know that's bisexual or gay at first would have tried to be heterosexual and a lot of times bisexual and gay youth or young adults who are just starting to accept themselves do try to be hetero or identify as hetero but it does not work and fails.
Damien said:
I think the common argument goes that the "homosexual movement" contributes to the breakdown of the traditional family unit which is usually seen in America as a stable building block for society at large. When this building block becomes less stable you're messing with the underpinnings of society.

Oh... that.

Heterosexual people are doing a bang up job of that already. Divorce rate is 50% and single-parent households are higher in number than ever. Gay people account for a fraction of a percent of the total population and many of them actually want to form families, yet they are considered a threat to families.

the only kind of person who can choose homosexuality is someone who is bisexual who ignores their need for heterosexual sex.

a real gay person cannot choose nor can a real straight person. a gay person
can choose to not express their feelings but they will still be under the surface which doesn't achieve much...
Ah really? Why? That's just in the cards for me and I'm OK with it.

Because you have twice the number of potential sexual partners and the ability to choose between the two I guess. It's not many people that can choose between the two sexes. Or I guess you can but it would be forced and against your true nature.
Okay, I'm 25, and just recently realized it's not really a choice. Although you can choose to never do anything with other men, as I did for a long time!
everyone is bi. full straights are homophobic and straight gays are just heterophobes.

i think it was a natural transision for some and a sexuality choice for others not everything is black and white
everyone is bi. full straights are homophobic and straight gays are just heterophobes.


So you're saying that the prime reason people are either straight or gay, is out of fear, and if not for that people would not discriminate sexual partners by gender? I must say, the concept is a bit confusing to me. :\
sorry, i think you misunderstood my post or read into it a bit too much.

all tastes are a matter of genetic and environment intuitive predispositions. what i am saying is those who identify too strongly with either are demonstrating an irrational fear of the other. it is almost as though sexuality is a thing one exclusively pledges an allegiance with, like a political statement. i am all for complete equality irrespective of sexual preference and i appreciate the need for politicisation of it, but beyond that purpose, i don't think sexuality is anywhere near as black and white as that.
... These observations suggest a biologic basis of bigenderism and lead us to propose a novel gender condition, "alternating gender incongruity" (AGI). We hypothesize that AGI may be related to an unusual degree or depth of hemispheric switching and corresponding callosal suppression of sex appropriate body maps in parietal cortex- possibly the superior parietal lobule- and its reciprocal connections with the insula and hypothalamus.

i had posted this link in this thread already, but will again with part of the abstract. this view on homosexuality seems to me the most relevant part of it, more then physical sex there are the distinctions between a male and female perception, thought, hormonal balance, and in effect experience of the world. why it seems so important to me is because, with that knowledge the personal intellect could be allowed to reach new peaks understanding the feelings that may accompany the experience. the self confidence retained speaks plenty in itself, especially that gained from family members of those who could other wise completely ignore them to say the least.