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LSD Info Request: What's going around - 8th Wonder Of the World

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The Kois that were circulating earlier had a chemically bitter taste for me though, and they were LSD and 'clean'

Same with the Alex Grey/Ganeshas.

It's like a super bitter chemical taste DOx though isn't it? As in bitter to the point of absurdity.
I would still take his advice a slice of a tiny corner and give it a taste test, I imagine you'll notice if it's DOx.

If it's not bitter, test and report back, the print is fancy looking.

Also if it's your first time maybe take half, you never know how strong it'll be. You can always take more, never less. Just my 2c, but I'm a cautious person.

Oh yeah also store them out of sunlight, it degrades LSD. Put them in a book, in a draw or somewhere dark and dry, maybe in little foil or a baggie if you want. Don't play with them or anything to ensure they stay their original strength for as long as possible.

Happy trippin.
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Yeah it's a good looking print, and who'd imagine a recluse in the middle of the city on a saturday night ;)
Finding it so hard to find LSD in Adelaide with my contacts atm. :/ (not asking of course...) It's funny how it's apparently so abundant but no one I know IRL has heard of any. :p

I've had a DOI tab before (at least, I assume it was) and the biggest thing that clued me in on it's fakeness was that it took about an hour and a half to kick in. Sort of like mushrooms but, of course, a lot less enjoyable. :p Because it took so long to start "tripping" me, I kept questioning whether I was really tripping throughout the whole 4-5 hours that it was affecting me. Overall not very pleasant.
^^ haven't seen them in Adelaide before!
Just be careful you haven't picked yourself up some DOI tabs there mate with the abudence of them in a-town!

Not Sure of your knowledge in this regard, but what your chasing is LSD not DOI, have a bit of a search about DOI nd LSD, personally I avoid DOI cause I find it horrible!
A sure sign to tell of its DOI is to cut a small quarter of the tab and chew it to see for a bitter-ish taste and remember if it's bitter it's a spitter!

Your call tho on that one, they may infact be the goods cause Adelaide has had a recent influx of decent tabs however always gota be safe!
I'm sure other user may provide feedback for you tho, just giving a heads up on possibilties

Yeah, i've been doing a lot of reading, and this is my main concern. Don't want some random rc. That's half of the reason i posted here. Might hold on to them for a bit and see if they start popping up anywhere else and other people get some experience with them.
Consumed looney tunes blotters about a week ago. Would say low ish dose of LSD. Clean though. Might be picking up more, if I do, I'll post a pic.
Picked up some of these Bicycle day tabs off a friend when she was visiting perth. Very strong. A half tab was like a full felix (the strong as fuck ones that were going around last november).
Very clean acid with lots of lovely visuals. Great for day tripping


had these just given out to myself and a few friends yesterday morning was told they were Hoffman bikes coming from Europe (took that with a grain of salt at the time) 3 down the hatch was easily the strongest trip iv ever had. my mates had a fun close to 13 hours watching while i had a ridiculously amazing time in my own web of theories and colour. blew the monkeys and kois I had last time I was getting paper away. 36 hours later and im just coming to terms with what i have been through. i definitely recommend grabbing these if u come across them
Consumed looney tunes blotters about a week ago. Would say low ish dose of LSD. Clean though. Might be picking up more, if I do, I'll post a pic.

Yeah they were definitely weak.

Also those Euro Hoffman's are almost certainly around in very small numbers like all tabs from over there. Lucky you ey ;) I love Euro acid, it has a subtle difference to acid from other parts of the world, or maybe that's me 8(
Also where abouts are these bears going around?! :O What a special treat for us Australians, assuming they're imports.
Sounds like they are, GDF are known for their consistently super clean 100 - 110ug dancing bears but I'm just speculating.

I'm in central NSW bro, commonly referred to as 'the drug capital of Australia' hahah if only.. But yeah I'm not sure where they came from man, but I know a lot of the stuff we get here comes from connections in Melbourne. They are super clean LSD though, I had a very clear mind-state the whole time and don't think I even got any acid guts on them. Still got a couple left, was thinking of doubling and going on a nice little day trek through the hills one sunny day and experiencing nature with lucy again... the best way to trip :)
koi fish still circulating woot is it the same batch? Have not had them before...

I found the full image that the tabs i got came off of. Still hoping some lovely bluelighter is going to come across these in A-town soon.

^ That is definitely a very strange but interesting design, i wish i could help but i have no idea...maybe mad hatter? im not 2 sure sorry!
^ That is definitely a very strange but interesting design, i wish i could help but i have no idea...maybe mad hatter? im not 2 sure sorry!

Nah that's not the Mad Hatter print. Looks almost like Zombie Mad Hatter or something. Awesome print though.
^ Yeah i wasn't sure the hat is purple so that is what came to mind at first. I dig the print though :)I still have a fractal left from October hehehe
koi fish still circulating woot is it the same batch? Have not had them before...


I hear from sources, although I don't want to state it as a fact, that a bunch of more Kois are being released, that are of higher potency than the last lot.
It's possible they could be an old batch or the new one, either way I hear they're excellent.

Again, I hear whispers don't assume this is fact.
I hear from sources, although I don't want to state it as a fact, that a bunch of more Kois are being released, that are of higher potency than the last lot.
It's possible they could be an old batch or the new one, either way I hear they're excellent.

Again, I hear whispers don't assume this is fact.

i too supposedly had these "new kois" and fuk man they r good, i had the old ones a couple months before and i do rkn the new ones are quite a bit stronger than the last ones really clean too=D
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I havent seen tabs in ages. been getting liquid and microdots. Liquid was most recent and it was awesome. really strong, clean stuff.
With the added bonus of being minty as it was stored in a breath mint dropper.
Also has anyone ever come across red star microdots?
i heard somewere they were mescaline not LSD
^ highly unlikely they were mescaline as microdots are tiny and mescaline requires
a pretty hefty dose compared to LSD.
supposed 2ct7 or some bullshit rc but ime they are nice clean acid strong enough to trip but not as strong as susts 170ug black cockroach shits ha. i bet those things would be getting really expensive now, sup prised their is any left, enjoy :)


^ what space said, wouldnt fit mesc or peyote extract into/onto a dot

who's gonna crawl up nanos ass for acid enlightenment? wheres the euro cid woooooo

supposed 2ct7 or some bullshit rc but ime they are nice clean acid strong enough to trip but not as strong as susts 170ug black cockroach shits ha. i bet those things would be getting really expensive now, sup prised their is any left, enjoy :)


^ what space said, wouldnt fit mesc or peyote extract into/onto a dot

who's gonna crawl up nanos ass for acid enlightenment? wheres the euro cid woooooo


haha fancy u still remembering them black micros, did u end up trying them? they were pretty fukn strong but long gone. Its just a novelty when the crew has leftover liquid that they can play with, there wernt that many of them as they were laid for the inner circle:) None of the crew would want to lay papers at that dosage unless they expect to get 3 times the price for it:) As for the mescaline theory, well its rubbish as youd need 300-500mg of it which will never fit on any sort of absorbent medium.
i suspect they are a new batch as my mate usually has the same batch until they disappear, nd got offered a long time ago but wasnt sure of them so i passed on it.
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