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LSD Info Request: What's going around - 8th Wonder Of the World

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^ Sounds tasty as. Seriously considering giving this Family blotter a whirl tonight. We'll see how we go.
Yeah they are news ones. Pretty strong too:) They are from the same crew as the homers. The print is rather large with shiva standing with fractals all around it.

Here's a photo of them, mates said they were really good, nice visuals and zero bodyload, going to have to try them again pretty soon I think.


Hey guys just picked these up in Perth sold as green goblins or monster heads cant find any information on them any help would be appreciated cheers!
Been offered some 'bears' a couple days ago and hopefully picking a couple up tonight. Only info i can get on them is they are a red bear with a white/brown background?
Someone told me that they are selling 2 pajamas tommorow he said they have stripes on the blotter any idea about these? Located :WA
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I recently bought a few tabs in melbourne. Never used the source before. They have some loony toons characters on them. One is alma fud, the other is that red furry thing from dr suss, I think it's called the Lorax. They're on a white background with a cartoon character making up each individual square. Anyone heard of these or had them?
I recently bought a few tabs in melbourne. Never used the source before. They have some loony toons characters on them. One is alma fud, the other is that red furry thing from dr suss, I think it's called the Lorax. They're on a white background with a cartoon character making up each individual square. Anyone heard of these or had them?

theres some info on the loony tunes tabs a page or a few back
Heard there are tabs going around with asterix and obelisk on them.

Supposedly the acid was "painted" onto the sheets.. Just a heads up to possible very uneven laying!
^ Sounds tasty as. Seriously considering giving this Family blotter a whirl tonight. We'll see how we go.

Would that be the same as these 'California fuzz' things I picked up tonight? Interesting looking board I will say, will try for photo's tomorrow.
Report back please! Wouldnt mind knowing what I'm in for having not tripped much recently.:\

Less than four figures made their way over I'm told, so keen to know if its worth stocking up while the chance is there. ;)
Hello all, just wondering if anyone has any information on some blotter that has several rings of different sized red circles on a white background. This picture is on each square and they look to be of average size. May be having some on friday but wouldn't mind knowing how others have gone. Thanks in advance
Ended up getting a hold of a couple 'Bear' tabs a couple weeks ago. Further research found them to be the Dancing Bears/Grateful Dead print.
Consumed one with a mate one night and got driven around all night by our other mate. Very clean acid, I experienced very very little bodyload if any. Only problem was the strength, they seemed pretty week and neither of us got much visuals until we blew a couple J's. That being said they were really fun and i found them to be the perfect dose for just messing around, in the sense that I didn't have to surrender myself completely to a full blown trip.
Had another half at a party last weekend as well to see how it'd go and it was surprisingly good.


Oh and those Shivas that people have asked about with the Ohm symbol on them.... verrryyyyyy good :)
far out, had two of them 3rd eye skull tabs last night had an incredible exprience..

I purchased these a fair while back maybe 6-9 months ago... was unreal, took one... walked the dog down the beach for an hour, got home had the other and was drooling on the couch watching pokemon for hours...
Im not overly experienced with lsd and get quite uncomfortable with tabs that produce 'heavy bodyloads' and get the whole mind loop thing, however on them skulls it was just pure tripping bliss..
Would that be the same as these 'California fuzz' things I picked up tonight? Interesting looking board I will say, will try for photo's tomorrow.
Report back please! Wouldnt mind knowing what I'm in for having not tripped much recently.:\

Less than four figures made their way over I'm told, so keen to know if its worth stocking up while the chance is there. ;)

Nah man I picked this up like over half a year ago. And I've eaten them now, they were sweet.

far out, had two of them 3rd eye skull tabs last night had an incredible exprience..

I purchased these a fair while back maybe 6-9 months ago... was unreal, took one... walked the dog down the beach for an hour, got home had the other and was drooling on the couch watching pokemon for hours...
Im not overly experienced with lsd and get quite uncomfortable with tabs that produce 'heavy bodyloads' and get the whole mind loop thing, however on them skulls it was just pure tripping bliss..

The skulls were notorious for their cleanliness. Rather strong as well if I remember correctly.

Also where abouts are these bears going around?! :O What a special treat for us Australians, assuming they're imports.
Sounds like they are, GDF are known for their consistently super clean 100 - 110ug dancing bears but I'm just speculating.
^ Where abouts were these tabs found?

Southeast Queensland. Consumed yesterday with some friends and had an extremely positive experience. No physical symptoms whatsoever for myself, was intense but also very manageable and kind. Friends agree with this. Haven't been having much lately so the only potency comparison i can provide is to the green four leaf clovers on a white background that were consumed appx. 7 months ago with the same friends. The general consensus was that these were more potent. The picture is a lot like a ring of ripples in a pond but in red on a white background.
Hey. First time with acid and want know a bit about what i'm taking before i eat these babies.

Picked these up tonight. Smack bang in the middle of Adelaide. Anyone seen these before, know anything about them? Anyone had them?


(sorry the pics are huge. Thought it'd make things easier lol.) Hope someone can tell me anything about these. Thanks guys.
^^ haven't seen them in Adelaide before!
Just be careful you haven't picked yourself up some DOI tabs there mate with the abudence of them in a-town!

Not Sure of your knowledge in this regard, but what your chasing is LSD not DOI, have a bit of a search about DOI nd LSD, personally I avoid DOI cause I find it horrible!
A sure sign to tell of its DOI is to cut a small quarter of the tab and chew it to see for a bitter-ish taste and remember if it's bitter it's a spitter!

Your call tho on that one, they may infact be the goods cause Adelaide has had a recent influx of decent tabs however always gota be safe!
I'm sure other user may provide feedback for you tho, just giving a heads up on possibilties
The Kois that were circulating earlier had a chemically bitter taste for me though, and they were LSD and 'clean'
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