12th Issue Heroin Discussion v. livin' on the run for so long I gotta go collect

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yay. not working today and neither is the girlfriend.

3mg xanax and half a bun from jersey is a great day IMO, lol.

but is it just me or does jersey dope burn in the nose? 9 times out of 10 i get shit that sits comfortably in my shnozz

edit: 3 bags, 1.5mg xanax, and a g of some insane outdoor indica shit results in me nodding the hardest I ever have. the bags weighed out to .09 - .11, too. didnt think id encounter bags that large. fun times
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so this last sunday i used for the first time in 1.5 months. the interesting thing about it is, i used the needle since smoking it wasnt cutting it, and it was amazing. so i "made the switch". from now on im only going to IV my dope. gawd i love that blast u get from banging dope. that overwhelming rusdh, when youre wondering "oh shit maybe i did too much". so much better.
^ Don't fool yourself brother. How many people do you know that are occasional IV users for very long?
Yea I woulda held out longer, if at all, before fucking around with dope on done. Once you break the seal it's so much easier to justify your use, and then once a month becomes once a...... I really don't need to finish that since everyone gets the point, and we've all been there when using opiates. But it can happen just the same way with using on top of done.

^ I thought you just posted about how you were clean?

It's called "Pulling a Rocky." Keep up man. ;)
so this last sunday i used for the first time in 1.5 months. the interesting thing about it is, i used the needle since smoking it wasnt cutting it, and it was amazing. so i "made the switch". from now on im only going to IV my dope. gawd i love that blast u get from banging dope. that overwhelming rusdh, when youre wondering "oh shit maybe i did too much". so much better.

1st few times I tried iv I was teachin my self and would get a lil register adn p ush and end up missing. I remember the 1st time I actually hit it was with like 4 staten island blanks of fire and i felt like the rush cycled my body 4 times it to this day was the craziest rush ive ever had.

I never looked back dont think I ever sniffed again lol.

Iv dope once a month though? HIghly unlikely.

I dont get why smoking it wasnt cutting it if you were 1.5 mo clean? Your tolerance would be nothing at that point? id think sniffing would get you on the nod hard as fuck.. if i used once a month i think sniffing would cut it lol.
^ He's been on methadone for 1.5 months, so he meant clean as in not using on top of done.
And on top of that methadone Really fucks your tolerance up. Maybe that's why smoking it just wasn't cutting it...
^ Don't fool yourself brother. How many people do you know that are occasional IV users for very long?

I don't think ROA changes the situation. If you're an addict it's hard to go back to occasional use that is on a some sort of vague schedule/rules i.e. using just once a month regardless of whether you're shooting or snorting.

I'm an IV user, but I'm still an occasional sniffer. Sometimes because of convenience, sometimes because I don't have a rig, but sometimes it's because I want the sniffing high. IV use is definitely more for getting fucked up, but sniffing seems better for being social and more of a "gentler" high ( I can't think of a better adjective atm).

I know a lot of people who've swtiched to shooting and said they'd 'never go back to sniffing, but the choice is always there. There's always the choice during a relapse or when picking up in general. When you're dope sick and you'tre tyring to get right it might feel necessary to buy something. That's a strong pull to use where it feels like you have less decisive power. The decision whether to shoot or to sniff is not nearly as strong in removing one's own decisive power. If someone wants to just occasionally shoot, I don't think it'd be that difficult to switch between the two. It's a lot more difficult to manage cravings and not using versus managing shooting versus sniffing.

Aside from the high being more of a 'fucked up and nod out' type high, I shoot because I can achieve that level of high-ness and other levels with much less dope than I would need for snorting. I can get fucked up shooting 2 bags, but there's no way that I could get that high with 2 bags if I were just sniffing, so it's really more of an economic factor. Also, I have asthma and my lungs seem to become congested with mucus/sputum when I use heroin and I develop this cough that has a bronchitis-y type noise to it. This happen whether I'm shooting or snorting, except that my lungs become much worse when I snort as opposed to when I shoot.
^ You would think that it would be less of an economic factor for an occasional user. If I'm sniffing 8 bags a week, then I'm not saving that much by shooting, especially since the price is cheaper the more I buy.

I guess I give some of you IV users some credit. It's a major pain in the ass to fix up a shot compared to just sniffing it which can be done in less than a minute of getting the bags. To IV first there is the issue of syringes. Not only to you have to buy them, but then you also have to worry about hiding them from police, and making sure family members and friends don't find them. Then you need some sterile water to fix up with, and a clean cooker. OK that's not too difficult, but there can be some obstacles in the way. Then you need some sort of filter, and when you are mixing up and shooting you have to (well you should) keep your hands and all surfaces sanitary. Then there's the whole issue of finding veins, and if you are a regular user who has collapsed a few, it can take some time. Then once you find the vein, you have to make sure you stay in it, and don't miss. If you are at home then this might not be too difficult to do, but doing all these steps becomes more complicated if you are somewhere else, or in a car or whatever. I prefer my 3 simple steps of dumping out bags, rolling up bill/taking out straw, sniffing.

I just love the feeling I get in my gut after sniffing some dope, and then the feeling radiates throughout the rest of my body as I quickly become more interested in conversations, and my energy level increases. I totally get what IV users say when they say the rush feels like a warm blanket coming over their body, but IMO it takes away from the high since it's like the peak is gone in less than a minute, whereas the come-up from sniffing lasts a lot longer, and then you end up with the same high in the end.

I shot maybe .03 last week and somehow missed a little bit, and the guilt ate at me for days. I just can't picture myself continuing to do that. Well I guess if I kept on going then I might have continued like that, but with days off it's a lot easier to stick to sniffing, and only IV once in a blue moon. Since I only like a mild rush I only shoot a small amount, so never enough to get an actual high from it, but even if I did, I'm not saving myself enough money to justify the switch.
^ You would think that it would be less of an economic factor for an occasional user. If I'm sniffing 8 bags a week, then I'm not saving that much by shooting, especially since the price is cheaper the more I buy.

I guess I give some of you IV users some credit. It's a major pain in the ass to fix up a shot compared to just sniffing it which can be done in less than a minute of getting the bags. To IV first there is the issue of syringes. Not only to you have to buy them, but then you also have to worry about hiding them from police, and making sure family members and friends don't find them. Then you need some sterile water to fix up with, and a clean cooker. OK that's not too difficult, but there can be some obstacles in the way. Then you need some sort of filter, and when you are mixing up and shooting you have to (well you should) keep your hands and all surfaces sanitary. Then there's the whole issue of finding veins, and if you are a regular user who has collapsed a few, it can take some time. Then once you find the vein, you have to make sure you stay in it, and don't miss. If you are at home then this might not be too difficult to do, but doing all these steps becomes more complicated if you are somewhere else, or in a car or whatever. I prefer my 3 simple steps of dumping out bags, rolling up bill/taking out straw, sniffing.

I just love the feeling I get in my gut after sniffing some dope, and then the feeling radiates throughout the rest of my body as I quickly become more interested in conversations, and my energy level increases. I totally get what IV users say when they say the rush feels like a warm blanket coming over their body, but IMO it takes away from the high since it's like the peak is gone in less than a minute, whereas the come-up from sniffing lasts a lot longer, and then you end up with the same high in the end.

I shot maybe .03 last week and somehow missed a little bit, and the guilt ate at me for days. I just can't picture myself continuing to do that. Well I guess if I kept on going then I might have continued like that, but with days off it's a lot easier to stick to sniffing, and only IV once in a blue moon. Since I only like a mild rush I only shoot a small amount, so never enough to get an actual high from it, but even if I did, I'm not saving myself enough money to justify the switch.

Honestly I wish i stuck with sniffing.. it is much more social not havin to be shady and prep a shot in the bathroom. Like everything with drugs.. there is a honeymoon period but it's not all peaches and cream IVing once youve done it for a few months, and after a few years your veins start to go (or sooner if you have bad technique or are stuck wit tar and shit).. like you said, Ive seen some people who have horrible technique poke themselves like 20x determined to do it. And have like lumpy ass arms for 20 missed shots. I mean I am overweight and I alwas hit a vein 1st puncture, but the whole pouring bags out, mixing, filtering, not to mention bringing all that shit with you gets quite annoying. I used to use a pill crusher and sharpie marker (as a dowel) and throw like 3x 30mg oxy ir in there then a cut off pen, I could be in pitch black room and sniff shit in like 60 seconds.

When you IV, espeically if you are mixing dope with uppers, many people tend to just stay in and get high all night. Like instead of going out, to the movies or something, you just sit around gettin high going on bluelight all night lol.

My advice: use a new pin EVERY time you puncture the skin. Well id say before that advice, just go back to sniffing now while you still can because keep IVing and there is no road back. If opiates are not working as well as you want, you are using them too much. Lower your meth dose, get off opiates etc.. Methadone was what made me start IVing too. Switchign back to bupe was the best thing ever, getting rid of those handcuffs. If its a weekday I go to the drop in center where they will give you as much as a 100 box of pins if you ask. I usually just get 50 or so. Or if Its the weekedn or night I just pop into the 24hr walgreens by union square after I cop and get a 10-pack for 3 bucks. 29g 1cc 1/2" tip is my weapon of choice.

I used to be able to liek sniff shit in a forest or driving, sniff a bag on the street right quick. Now I gotto find a bathroom where I can sit down for 5-10 minutes and do the whole shot shit, and worry about wearing long sleaves to conceal track marks (which are VERY minimal considering I use 29g pins and I never use them twice. At most if I cant register 1st try i'll try again us ing the same pin, but one needle will never p uncture my skin more than twice. Thats when you start scarring and shit. For the 100s or 1000s injections ive done I barely have much to show for it. A trained drug counselor or doc would be able to tell/detect them but the average joe would have no idea I IV assuming they are looking at my arms after they have healed.

Even the small amoutn of scarring I do have is probably related to a few stpuid binges wehre I did reuse a few times, or was mad shakey etc..

Honestly Ive seen this one kid around here use his syringes until they break, like literally 30 days probably 500 times with the same pin. The numbers are all worn off and the tip is like zigzagged from being restraightened. Just begging to crack off in his arm. Also he sucks the shot into the pin then puts a flame to the plastic barrel like you would when you dry off a blunt with a lighter.. who knows if that releases plastic res into the shot or wtf the point even is. It;'s like how can I be the most wreckless aside from sharing pins lol. He reuses like 1 cotton ball too. It;s so dumb, pins are teh cheapest shit to buy, if you are donig stupid shit like that your plain stupid. Dude should be the posterboy for why harm reduction websites and needle exchanges / pamplets etc.. are so important.

Some people think, ojh you got aids? Its cool a lil bleach will do the trick. Or they want everything in that bag in the pin even if it doesnt dissolve. and will go through lengths to make cuts dissolve and shit lol. If only they could spend a little time on bluelight theyd know the damage they are doing to their body. Like for instance, someone I met told me they inject a little hydrogen peroxide to take care of their abscesses...yet they seem to never dissapear. As if that would be magical and take care of the bacterial infection lol. Ignorance is bliss...
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^gotta love the city!

Seriously I fucking do love the city yo. I am so happy I grew up around here. Most people will never even see NYC for them self...and if they are lucky, they will visit it once in their lifetime. I work in Times Square pretty much. Every day I get to walk down the block with the brightness of NYC blaring in my eyes. The smell of hotdogs and roasting nuts. I used to love cruisin around in my car sunroof open smokin a blunt acting like a wigger listening to rap lol down 44th on a nice summer night. Chasing girls trying to get into bars (obviously this is years ago when I was in HS). Now I enjoy a nice read in the park and of course getting high all over town.
Seriously I fucking do love the city yo. I am so happy I grew up around here. Most people will never even see NYC for them self...and if they are lucky, they will visit it once in their lifetime. I work in Times Square pretty much. Every day I get to walk down the block with the brightness of NYC blaring in my eyes. The smell of hotdogs and roasting nuts. I used to love cruisin around in my car sunroof open smokin a blunt acting like a wigger listening to rap lol down 44th on a nice summer night. Chasing girls trying to get into bars (obviously this is years ago when I was in HS). Now I enjoy a nice read in the park and of course getting high all over town.

Ugh. No offense to you or anything, but I tend to avoid NY, I can't stand it there. I live close enough that I could go whenever I want, but I can't honestly think of a time where I'd want to be there. Sure for shows and stuff, and it's a good halfway point to meet with people and shit but I have no desire to just chill there. Every time I go there I feel as though I am escaping when I leave. It's so crowded there, everyone's in a hurry and has an attitude. Just not for me I guess
i figure im alright if i do it once a month


It's called "Pulling a Rocky."

For real though TRM, just be careful man. As much as you feel you may be in control you know it's easy to go down a bad road quick. Just think of how bad off you were with just smoking it, now you're on the needle? Doesn't sound good to me...
Honestly Ive seen this one kid around here use his syringes until they break, like literally 30 days probably 500 times with the same pin. The numbers are all worn off and the tip is like zigzagged from being restraightened. Just begging to crack off in his arm. Also he sucks the shot into the pin then puts a flame to the plastic barrel like you would when you dry off a blunt with a lighter.. who knows if that releases plastic res into the shot or wtf the point even is. It;'s like how can I be the most wreckless aside from sharing pins lol. He reuses like 1 cotton ball too. It;s so dumb, pins are teh cheapest shit to buy, if you are donig stupid shit like that your plain stupid. Dude should be the posterboy for why harm reduction websites and needle exchanges / pamplets etc.. are so important.

Some people think, ojh you got aids? Its cool a lil bleach will do the trick. Or they want everything in that bag in the pin even if it doesnt dissolve. and will go through lengths to make cuts dissolve and shit lol. If only they could spend a little time on bluelight theyd know the damage they are doing to their body. Like for instance, someone I met told me they inject a little hydrogen peroxide to take care of their abscesses...yet they seem to never dissapear. As if that would be magical and take care of the bacterial infection lol. Ignorance is bliss...

I was reading a thread the other day where someone was saying that they always heard that you have to heat roxis. They were a new member so I told them to forget everything they learned 'on the street' about drugs, because chances are it's the opposite of HR.

Ugh. No offense to you or anything, but I tend to avoid NY, I can't stand it there. I live close enough that I could go whenever I want, but I can't honestly think of a time where I'd want to be there. Sure for shows and stuff, and it's a good halfway point to meet with people and shit but I have no desire to just chill there. Every time I go there I feel as though I am escaping when I leave. It's so crowded there, everyone's in a hurry and has an attitude. Just not for me I guess

I can see how a country boy can hate the city. Some country girls like the city for shopping though.

I don't mind the city though. In fact, the day I got my drivers license I drove to Manhattan at night, and just drove around aimlessly. I was working there recently as a driver, and was just driving stuff from one place to another like 10 blocks away, both in the heart of the city (42nd and 5th was one store, the other was between 8-12 blocks away still on 5th) and I guess it's a love/hate thing for me. Obviously the traffic sucks and having to wait for people to cross once they already started sucks, but I like being able to curse someone out like it's a normal thing to do.

Most of my friends go there for an expensive night, but I go there for a cheap night. One of my girls is mad chill and knows all the cheapest shit to do. Like we'll get hammered before we go to the city, then she'll know the cheapest place to eat that has good food. And everything else is just kinda sight seeing, so no need to pay for that, and it's pretty adventurous when you are drunk and smoking some weed. Speaking of which, I wanna find the picture of me leaning on an NYPD cop car while smoking a joint.
Honestly I dont spend much time in NYC except for when i am copping or for work. Other times I am across the hudson.

I would never say I hate the city becuase its hustling and bustling with people though lol.. Its a major metropolitan area.. not farm country. If you drive into the city you can get that feeling of needing to escape if your dealing with bumper to bumper tarffic. I take public trans in and I like how crowded it is. I travel during rush hour becuase trains run like every 3 or 4 minutes.

I hvae a few friends around NYC though. I;'d much rather be thre then bumblefuck indiana or somethign lol.
I like big city's and I like being in the middle of a forest. If I had to choose one it would be the forest though.
so this last sunday i used for the first time in 1.5 months. the interesting thing about it is, i used the needle since smoking it wasnt cutting it, and it was amazing. so i "made the switch". from now on im only going to IV my dope. gawd i love that blast u get from banging dope. that overwhelming rusdh, when youre wondering "oh shit maybe i did too much". so much better.

and so it begins..


Seriously I fucking do love the city yo. I am so happy I grew up around here. Most people will never even see NYC for them self...and if they are lucky, they will visit it once in their lifetime. I work in Times Square pretty much. Every day I get to walk down the block with the brightness of NYC blaring in my eyes. The smell of hotdogs and roasting nuts. I used to love cruisin around in my car sunroof open smokin a blunt acting like a wigger listening to rap lol down 44th on a nice summer night. Chasing girls trying to get into bars (obviously this is years ago when I was in HS). Now I enjoy a nice read in the park and of course getting high all over town.

why is smoking a blunt while listening to rap music.."acting like a wigger"

and i have always said that i would travel the world and move away to work and do whatever..but i would alwyas find my way back home to chicago..even though id rather live in the burbs with a yard and the low crime and quietness..i just love the city and wouldnt want to live anywher else..

i just like how small the city is compared to NYC..new york is too big with too much goin on spread over a huge area while chicago has the same things goin on but just more concentrated and i like that

ive never been to NYC as a teen/adult but ive heard people compare chicago more to like brooklyn then NYC as a whole..just because the size of chicago and the vibe of the neighboroods..now i dont know if that true but thats what someone has told me.
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