Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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Squeaky: Your latest post has helped reduce my anxiety regarding my upcoming appointment. The support you are giving me is so appreciated. You help me feel so much less isolated... our Christmas experiences definitely are similar. You know, so much is written about the "selfish" addict... not true for those of us who value and love their families. I definitely need to work on making my tapering goals a priority. It is so easy to say "yes" to the requests from my kids, even though it does cost me in terms of set back on my taper.
I was reading your prior post earlier today about how Lyrica has been helping you and how you manage the tolerance factor by reducing your dosages every several days.
That is good information to have. I always thought of Lyrica as something to use when going c.t. Now I see that I may be able to reduce my opiate dosages faster if I do have comfort meds. I have taken your words to heart, and I will let you know how my appointment goes.
Hey Shroomy, it looks like we posted at almost the exact same time. Happy New Year. I am sorry to hear how upsetting your doctor's appointments have been... I wonder if they would even care that you go to the streets for H to manage your chronic pain issues? Take good care of yourself and I hope your job search goes well.
Squeaky.... Success!!! I got a whole bottle of clonidine, and will also be able to get more in the future. Your perspective and experiences with these medical providers has certainly helped me! I feel so relieved... I will put my focus back on my taper and work on that next step, whatever it is. I had to wait an extra week to go to my appointment, thereby needing to stretch my meds out over a longer period of time and I just really don't know where I want to start. However, that is the easy part... it is hanging out and getting stable while life is happening all around and being able to decrease the dose is where it seems to get tricky.
I will PM you, as I want to share some of the details of our conversation. I want you to understand what a huge help you have been.
Congrats Poke!
Be careful with the Lyrica. I get pretty drunk from 300 to 400 mg, but I also get some strong wd's. I decided it was easier to suck it up and deal with the oxy wd's than trying to cover them up with Lyrica. Some people have VERY bad wd's from it after only a short time. It might not be worth it.
I used to be an alcoholic, but that was the only bad thing I did. I have recently decided that my life sucks less when I have only one habit than when I have two or three, so I stopped using the Lyrica.
Good that you recognize the potential issues with the Lyrica. We do not need any more problems than the ones we are currently addressing.
Hi. I would like opinions here: Ive been using oxy for 3 weeks now. i build up tolerance really quickly. Im at 250mg/day. at the moment. Im afraid of the w/d. Should I consider CT or Taper from a 3 weeks use? Thanks
250 in 3 weeks is a LOT of oxy! If you taper, do it quick. Maybe 50% reduction every 3 days. If you drag it out you will eventually be a long term user tapering from 60 mg, then 50 mg, etc.
Personally, i would go cold turkey. It'll hurt for a week but the experience will teach you never to do it again.
Thanks Squeaky. Your so right about teaching me a lesson. I finish today with all that I have left and Ill try CT. I was going to do it today and waited 17hrs and told myself, just finish with it. Obviously I wasn't taking 250 every day since the beginning so Im almost lying to myself that It won't be so bad as went i CT H many times and many years ago. If I taper it will be difficult because I can't really control myself and have acces to to much oxy. But that can be an option if CT is to hard...What will I tell my kids if Im super sick?? Is there any support group or anything around here?
Tell everyone you think you have food poisioning. After day 2, say you're pretty sure it's the flu. All of your symptoms will be consistent with the flu and nobody will question when you don't leave your house for a week. Most of the stuff that you buy for help with wd's us the same for the flu too(tylenol, benadryl, etc,). It also keeps any drug-using friends away so you will be less tempted to use again since they won't want to get the flu from you. When you're past the worst of the wd's you'll be generally exhausted for a few more days, also explained away by saying you're still recovering from the flu. Start by going to the grocery store and stock your house for 7 days. Get cash too so you can order pizza for the kids.
Don't even consider that it is too hard. You CAN do it, just like the flu. One day at a time. Watch lots of television. Get something for sleep( like valium). Look at your kids and tell yourself that they don't deserve to be raised by a drug addict. Go through your house and throw away ALL of your oxy. Delete your dealer's number from your phone. Call your mom or sister or whoever you can and tell them you have the flu and ask for help with the kids.
Just remember it's only a couple of days. You won't die. Start now.
Squeaky, thanks so much for all of your advice. No dealer cause its because of hip and back surgery. Im so afraid of the pain that I consider tapeing. Ive detox from fentanyl patches and it was hard. But oxy is another story. Im trying to lied to myself cause Ive been on it only 3 weeks now...Sooo stupid but as you know well pain si pain and I just can't stand it. Can't bear the toughts of starting CT. Or Warm Turkey with Kratom and OTC drugs.. No one around to help...
Mine was from two back surgeries, 6 screws , two rods, and a partridge in a pear tree. Last surgery was 7 months ago. I have nerve damage affecting my hips and legs, so getting off the pain pills is extra hell. The wd's feel like pain from the surgery and vice-versa.
With all of that in mind, are you sure it's time to get off the drugs all together? Maybe a partial reduction is a better plan. If your use is connected to real pain, then cold turkey is a mistake since your pain will return on the back of some painful withdrawls. I was at 150 mg/day. I'm down to about 50mg/day. Less than that and I hurt a lot. Maybe you're in a similar situation.
Hi! I feel like I know a few of you quite well now after spending the last few hours reading these threads. I started by reading about Squeaky's back surgery and moved over to this thread to read much more from Poke, Shroomy, and others. It's all been very helpful, comforting and inspiring. I have quite a story to tell and could use some encouragement getting off these very addictive drugs.

It's been about 8 years of my opioid love/hate relationship. 8 years ago when my mother-in-law moved in with my husband and young kids and me, she was battling leukemia and had so many bottles of pain pills that it was just too tempting not to take a few whenever they were refilled. My tolerance built up quickly so I'd make myself wait a week or two before taking more. I didn't know much back then about dosing or potentiation ... but I fell in love with the high. The relief from the everyday stresses of life as a mom, and a wife, and a daughter-in-law of an elderly dying woman. But once she passed, (may she Rest In Peace), it wasn't like I was out searching for Percocet prescriptions. I would abuse alcohol instead, although my husband had me pegged when we were dating that I couldn't control my alcohol consumption and I agreed I wouldn't drink. So after child number two, I would only drink with my mommy friends and I would hide it from him.

Of course, that caused many fights and disagreements over the years, but I craved a release from the everyday rat race. We decided to have our 3rd child 5 years ago and I was great throughout my pregnancy (no drinking or drugs, etc) ... but actually looking forward to childbirth just so I could be prescribed some Percocet after the fact! How sick and twisted is that? In fact, after having #3, my back was tight and in pain from hardly sleeping and breastfeeding in all sorts of contorting positions, so I got even more Percocet. So that was 4 years ago. About a year passed with no meds and then I got these shooting pains in one specific spot on my back that woke me up at night. Went to many doctors that day who determined it must be the shingles without any rash. Just the severe nerve pain. Stress induced, of course because I was a working mother of 3 kids and my husband was unemployed (for many, many years). #3 was now just over a year but I was still nursing, just at night before bed. So my doctor couldn't prescribe the typical treatment of Lyrica, only Percocet for the pain. Lucky me. Not so lucky reallly. I wish I'd never received those. Because he ended up writing me a few scripts. Sometimes for 60 pills of the 10/325. I'd finish the bottle within less than 2 weeks.

Those bottles of Percocet only increased my cravings, so I started looking online. Where else is a working mother going to get Rx drugs? I believe it's nearly impossible to find real Oxycodone online. But it was easy to find other crappy substitutes, such as Tramadol and Tapentadol. So for 2 years, I've been ordering mostly Tramadol ... so different from Oxy. I was so naive when I took my first ones. Took them like Oxy and vomited a lot, then couldn't sleep all night. Finally found this site and learned how to dose them gradually. They were nice because they weren't as addictive as Oxy and the high lasted most of the day. I would save it and just use once on the weekend. I'd let myself run out and say I wasn't ordering more, but then I would again. This lasted almost a year and then my husband found out. I'd set up a different email address just for these orders and my now 2year old happened to be playing on my phone and hit the Yahoo email app which my husband saw. Totally thought I was cheating on him, but I came clean and admitted everything. Much easier pill for him to swallow (pun intended). I was relieved and wanted to be clean and free of secrets! But I couldn't do it. I couldn't keep myself from ordering more.

So now it's been just over a year of more secret drug use. I could keep the Tramadol under control but then I'd order Tapentadol (Nucynta), and that stuff is just trippy. You know how you can take a bunch of Oxy and still function normally? Still talk to people, still do your job at work, and no one knows. Like Nurse Jackie (did anyone watch and love that HBO series? I could so relate to her). Anyway, you cannot function like a normal human being on Nucynta. I've tried, and I've failed miserably.

I decided to order a rather large order of this crap (Tapentadol/Nucynta) at the beginning of December. Hoping for an early Christmas present. Of course, the package never arrived until after Christmas. I took a few doses during the days surrounding New Years when I was being lazy, watching movies with the kids, etc. but my tolerance was increasing at a phenomenal rate. Two 100mlg pills would give me a loopy high and then they weren't. This stuff takes a full hour to kick in, by the way, so if I took 2, and no real result, I could take a 50mlg or another 100mlg pill but it would be another hour for a result and then my "high" was maybe only an hour and a half from then. Max "high" was about 2.5 hours.

Well my New Year started out like shit, to be quite honest. Everyone but me in my house was sick with colds, keeping me up all night coughing, with fevers, etc. So I was feeling sorry for myself and taking this crap daily to cope. But I was starting to take 3 pills ... then 3.5 ... then 4 (400mlg)! Major brain zaps started occurring. I'd just zone out and completely forget what I was doing. I'd start mumbling complete rubbish about random things and my older kids started getting concerned. I'd start talking and fall asleep mid-sentence. They'd shake me, "Mom, you're falling asleep." Not sure how my husband didn't notice any of this, but then the vicious Stomach Bug took over my household. Took out every single one of us, one by one - even me, who never gets sick. Everyone else violently threw up - I only got a case of diarrhea. What does an opiod addict do to cure diarrhea? Take a constipating med like Tapentadol! Worked like a charm.

So, I only took off 1 day of work for this stomach bug because I couldn't stand being home with puking kids anymore and I went back to work (let my husband deal with it all). I barely got through the day and around 4, took a few of those crazy pills. I had errands to run and I cannot believe I was stupid enough to do them, high as a kite and off in la-la land. Worst part is that I was out driving around, at the time when these pills made me zone out and basically nod off.

Here's where the story goes from bad to worse. I remember my lengthy drive home that night (5th of Jan). I kept falling asleep at the wheel. I'd wake up, freak out, open the windows, and kept telling myself I should pull over. But I didn't. The next thing I remember was waking up as my car went over a curb, crashed through some brush, and right into a tree. Thankfully, this was a new car we leased one year earlier, the minute my husband finally got a job. I couldn't have been in a safer car. The airbags went off, my seatbelt was on, and I was okay. Totaled my new car, but I was okay. But man, the anxiety that hit me was fierce. I was a wreck to the two kind Good Samaritans who stopped to see if I was okay. I cried hysterically because I didn't know what to do! Were the police going to come drug test me and take me away? What would my husband say?? He was mad at me for going back to work and only taking one day off when the stomach bug kept my kids home from school for 3 days. I finally realized there was no way to drive my car home so I had to call him. I was hysterical. I told him I fell asleep at the wheel and he came to the accident site, about 10 minutes from my home. The police and ambulance had already arrived. The police knew I hadn't been drinking and by now the drug was wearing off so I was able to hide it. But I was so upset with myself that I let my blood pressure get up to 190/120!! Because of that, they all (including my husband) insisted that I go to the hospital to get checked out. I was resisting the whole way - I figured they would surely do some type of blood test to test for drugs. They only took a smal urine sample to do a pregnancy test so that could perform x-rays. I had a CT scan, chest x-rays, etc. My husband was amazingly supportive, believing the story I gave everyone, that I'd just survived prep for Christmas (I bought and wrapped every single gift for my 3 kids), then took care of sick kids with colds, then we'd all had the stomach bug ... I'd spent two nights in a row on my bathroom floor with two different kids - I was just totally exhausted and sleep deprived. Everyone bought my story. Which was all true - with one major omission.

One would think that such an eye-opening event would push a mother of 3 kids back into reality pretty damn quickly, right??? Non-addicts would think so. But not this addict. Again, feeling sorry for myself, I took more of those pills during the weekend that followed. I worked Monday (fell asleep at my desk most of the day due to withdrawals), then took them Monday night. On Tuesday, I was so depressed about it all. I resisted them all day at work, then took them just before leaving (knowing they'd kick in once safely home). Once home, I tried to cook dinner for my kids. But I'd completely forget what I was doing at every turn ... then I'd just zone out and stand there for several minutes, out in space. I badly burned my arm on the pan, not even realizing. Then one of my kids got frustrated I was falling asleep while talking and went to tell my husband. I said I was fine, and he kept telling me to go to bed if I was so tired. Then he watched me for about 10 minutes, while I spaced out trying to complete tasks around my kitchen, then I mumbled to him like I was talking to someone at work. He then got concerned and walked me to bed and took my phone. I thought, shit, he's figured it out and I'm totally busted!! I remember feeling panicked and then I was out cold. He woke me up abruptly at midnight and drilled me with questions. What's my name, what's his name, what are our kids names? Etc. He had called my doctor (who knew about the accident), and told him my behavior. He said it could be a concussion from the accident. Accident was a Thursday night, it was now Tuesday night. He called my coworker who was also worrried about me since I'd been falling asleep those 2 days since the accident. My husband and doctor made me an emergency appointment with a neurologist that next day, who demanded I take the rest of the week off to rest, without any screen time on electronics. It was all normal behavior for a concussion after an accident.

So of course I didn't take any meds on Wednesday and only had enough left for one last high. My husband went to work on Thursday so I got the kids off to school, and took my last dose of 4 Tapentadol. I laid in my bed, safely alone, and tried to enjoy spacing off and nodding off. I swore to myself that it would be my last one for at least the month of January.

I survived Friday and Saturday. ... tomorrow is Sunday and will be Day 3. I'm feeling okay because I have some Kratom to help with the withdrawal symptoms, as well as lyrica. I've only taken a few grams of kratom in the mornings and then 75 mlg of lyrica at night. Using prescribed klonopin to help me sleep too.

So here I am, telling strangers my secret because no one else on this planet knows the truth ... and I thought that writing it down might make me feel more accountable. God knows that someone needs to punch me in the face for the foolish choices I've made. I know God was watching over me and protected me in my accident. What if I'd died or been seriously injured? My 3 kids need their mother!!! Or what if I'd hurt (or killed) someone else??!!! It's hard to even think about ... yet I have since taken these horrific drugs! It breaks my heart. I don't want to be an addict. But I know I am. And yet I know I'm not strong enough, or ready to flush a ton of pills down the toilet that are safely stashed at my office right now. About a year ago, I looked into one of those time lockers, but couldn't find one that would seem to work. Maybe I could find one now. I have promised myself I will not order ever again. I want to keep that promise. But I know I'll take the pills I recently received (and spent good money on). I just want to do it responsibly, safely, no more than once a week so I'm not dependent.

So that's my story. If you've read it all, thank you for reading and allowing me to share. I'm here for support, as you all are. I know we are all battling different addictions and we all have our reasons and our rationalizations. I'm trying to be honest and hopefully move forward. I want to be clean from Jan 12- Jan. 31st. That's 20 days. It may sound like too short a goal, but it's a big one for me. The longest I've gone is 5 or 6 days. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you!!
Bett- one of the most difficult things about being an addict is knowing that you can still get away with it. Every time you ALMOST get busted just builds more confidence for the next time you decide to start using again. The only way to fix that problem without getting a DUI or really hurting someone is to out yourself to the person or people who are most likely to catch you the next time you cheat.
Remember the first time you drove a car while drunk or high? How scared you were that you would go to jail. You don't get scared like that anymore right?

Tell your husband. Everything. If you don't think you can be totally honest, then start by saying you need help and show him your post from BlueLight. Tell him all of your tricks of how you get and hide your pills, where/how you get the money, and how he can tell that you are high. You may want to wait until you have good news to go with it, like 3 days of sobriety.

Based on your story I'd guess that you can't quit on your own. He will eventually find out everything. He will hate you less if you just ask for help before you get arrested or hurt one of your kids. If you truly want to get clean, honesty may be your only hope.
Squeaky, thank you so much for your reply and your honesty. I went back to work yesterday and I was very emotional all day, thinking about my accident. I had a nagging feeling that I needed to drive past the site of my accident to give me some closure. I left work, got in my rental car, and checked this site first. As soon as I read your response, the floodgates opened. I then cried the whole way to the accident site, and the rest of the way home. It was painful yet cathartic. This morning, I took my kids to school, then stopped at the lot where my car was being stored. I had to release it to be towed away by the insurance company. Sitting in my car, reliving the accident was also helpful - it provided me some closure and solidified my resolve to never put myself back in that situation.

Anyway, as an update, I'm very proud to say that today was Day 6 without any drug use. On Sunday, day 3, I had to go to my office to get my computer. I went through my drug supply and did not feel tempted to consume anything. I was determined to stay clean. To my surprise, the 100 pills of 100mlg Tapentadol was down to only 30 remaining. So between Dec. 28th and January 12th, I consumed 70 of those pills! It truly blows my mind. I only have 30 left of those, but my large order had also included 100 of the 50mlg tablets. I didn't count but I still probably have 70 of those left. Plus about 80 200mlg tablets of Tramadol. Anyway, I have now spent 2 days at work with those pills in my drawer and haven't been tempted to take them. I must not have experienced very bad withdrawals either because I haven't taken any kratom since day 2. I guess I've never truly experienced the withdrawals that you have all been through since I've never taken opioids daily for more than a few weeks. I feel foolish being on this thread when someone like Squeaky had intense back surgery and had no choice but to take daily does of Oxy. I've never HAD to be on pain meds - I've only chosen to be on them to feel high. So I know it's different.

Anyway, I am feeling good tonight as I prepare to start day 7 tomorrow without any drugs. I know I can make it to my 20 day goal. Hopefully by then, I'll want to go longer and stay off them entirely. I'm not strong enough to say that yet, but I'm feeling stronger every day.

Squeaky, although I agree with you 100% and I should tell my husband everything now, I just cannot do it. We've been through so much throughout our marriage and it's been so difficult with his unemployment ... we are just getting back on our feet and I don't think I can face him with this right now. For now, I'm telling myself daily that I'm lucky to be alive and I cannot ever put myself in that dangerous situation again. Not for my own sake of for my family who all need me. That's helping me get through each day. For now, it's enough. Just having this outlet here is so incredibly helpful for me, it's amazing. So thank you for listening.
Bett- If you can't tell your husband, then you should at least do EVERYTHING else you can to stay clean. Throw away(flush) every pill you have, even your emergency stash. Delete every phone number, e-mail address, etc for your drug connections. Stop hanging out with the people you drink with or use drugs when you're around them. No exceptions. - can't be an alcoholic trying to get sober when all of your friends are drunks right?
Focus in your family. Spend all of your spare time with your kids. Use the $$ you would have spent on drugs and take your kids to disneyland. You don't need any of your old friends if you have your husband and kids. Don't go anywhere that you used to get high for a while. You need to build some new hobbies and habits that don't include pills.
Most people will stare at the drawer full of pills for a while and be proud of themselves for being strong enough to resist for this long, then this long, now for this long. Eventually you have a really bad day, or a really great one, and it's so easy to grab a couple of pills. Throw them away and don't keep any on hand. Do you want to remember this as the time you stayed clean for the longest, or as the LAST time you used drugs and lied to your whole family?

You can do it, just don't forget that these drugs have beaten you before because you weren't giving them the respect they deserve. They are evil and they work harder than the Devil himself to stay in your life and in control of your life. The only way to win is to cut them out completely.

Also, doing anything on your own can make you feel hopeless and alone. That can be enough to make most people relapse. If you can't come clean about your use, perhaps you can confess only that you are feeling stress or depression and that you are fighting the urge to drink. That may help to involve him in your struggle and thereby help you both to feel like you are fighting for your sobriety together. Every day you are clean might then strengthen your relationship and your resolve to stay clean for fear of disappointing your man. You would also then be able to talk to him about your daily struggles with wanting to drink(use pills). It's the same reason people go to psychiatrists: to have a real person to talk to.
Just a suggestion.
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Hi Squeaky and other posters here. It has been awhile since I posted. After failing miserably at tapering off my prescribed oxymorphone and oxycodone, I went cold turkey. I am only about to start day 5, so feel pretty weak. This is a day at a time thing, so hope I make it through day 5. I just did not have the discipline to taper, and have to jump before my insurance is repealed, as I will not be able to afford my meds.
I'm having the same problem tapering. I'm getting really concerned that I will be returning to work soon and I think I will be doing cold turkey at my job.
Poke- day four is the turning point. Every day from now on gets a little better. Have confidence that you have passed the worst part and it is all about coasting through now.
Hello again, I couldnt taper so I jumped. Im in day 1 or 2, dont recall, of my second CT in a week. My fault. I was not able to past day 4 last week, thursday actually. So here I am again after taking loads of oxy in 2 days...Was feeling horrible yesterday, and today well >I have to fake that Im top shape. Whats good tough is that I dont have anything left and wont get an Rx. Im finished. Done. Cause when Im going to see my doc, if Im strong enough and I will, I will let him know I dont need it anymore and well that be the end of it. I truly hope, for my own sake and my family's that yes, Im done. Day by day, baby steps.
Hi, I am in the middle of day 5. I actually drove to the grocery store. Used their shopping service so they shopped for me and put the groceries in my trunk. Driving out in the sunshine was so nice. So, I had a bit more energy day 5. I have read on different forums that I still may have bumps ahead due to the strength of oxymorphone and because it is extended release. Sunrise: I have to cancel my next pain management appointment. I will get fired anyway for using my gabapentin and ativan to help me detox more comfortably. I am not allowed any benzos, so why waste the $$$$. Plus, it is another nail in the coffin I call addiction. Sunrise: Cancel that appointment if you are truly finished.
Squeaky: we know we tried so hard to taper. We ended up torturing ourselves. Rip off the bandaid. I know you have comfort meds. It is saying goodbye to that oxy high that is difficult.
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