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April getting/staying sober thread v. April showers

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Casey that means a lot to me <3 Its been a tough 24....bad cravings all day yesterday then (accidentally) watched a movie with a particularly triggering scene and then dreamed all night about scoring. Woke up feeling overwhelmed and wanting to use.... bad combo on payday. Meeting tonight.....I think so!!
Im really trying hard to stop smoking pot. Obviously it pales in comparison to what you all experience but at the end of the day I always seem to cave into my cravings. I function just fine sober but I always cave.

So here is a redo of yesterday. Today is fun because Im at the art museum with my art history class, and I do work later today so that will be great for occupying my time.

I can intergrate pot use into my life without revolving around it psychologically as I do now. I really want to remove the need I feel for it to be consistently present. I just need to work hard and use my resources.
^"removing the need" is the crux of the matter, right? I think the best way to do that is to recognize that you have to look at the roots of the need: what does the need actually want? Comfort? Forgetting? Relaxation? Because the need to use has a more real need underneath it. Once you determine what the need is you can begin to try other ways to feed it.
414 days.

I was humiliated at the pharmacy today after being charged $285 for the deductable for my lyrica prescription. The pharmacy refused to bill me, and I had to explain to 3 different managers that I simply couldn't give them $300 today. Finally after urging them to call my doctor to discuss it, they agreed to give me a 3 day supply. I still have to pay the deductable before my copay goes down to $35 a bottle. Out of pocket each 75mg pill would have been 21 dollars. I laughed in their faces when they told me that. Them's roxy prices! Anyway--humiliation and embarrasment are triggers for me, being such a sensitive little lady, so I rushed home to jump rope and take a nice long bath. Feeling a lot better already. High five to all of you for making it to hump day.

Hopefully the lyrica helps with the anxiety I've had since the seizures and helps with pain/sleep issues.

I love Lyrica/pregabalin personally. One of the best feelings I've ever had from a drug (I was trying to get high though, so I took around 225mg I think). Careful with it as it produces withdrawal too when used regularly, and for me at least I actually liked the feeling better than opiates, it's probably a good thing I only came into 15 pills or so when I tried it.

Fuck yeah you're pretty much over the hump then if it's detox from oral morphine (and the rest of the minor alkaloids), couple of days and you should be approaching a degree of 'normality'!

Keep on keeping on and you'll be starting to get nights of sleep waking feeling refreshed and healthier in no time.

Nice to hear from people getting clean, I want that feeling!

Thanks! Well, if I wasn't doing ibogaine I would actually have at least another week to go. It's the weirdest thing though, my withdrawals are quite minor, but every single other time I have started withdrawing recently it's been absolutely hellish. I think my body knows that on Saturday there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The human mind is an amazing and powerful thing.

It's funny, I probably could skip the ibogaine (as I am scared of it) and finish this thing pretty easily, but I have been on and off opiates for 10 years now, and I always relapse. So I am taking ibogaine with the hope of getting a kick in the ass to give me the motivation to change my behaviors.
^"removing the need" is the crux of the matter, right? I think the best way to do that is to recognize that you have to look at the roots of the need: what does the need actually want? Comfort? Forgetting? Relaxation? Because the need to use has a more real need underneath it. Once you determine what the need is you can begin to try other ways to feed it.

As of late it seems to be forgetting, anxiety and relaxation. Ive tried meditating lately, and it works well but pot hit the spot so well... at least it used to. Now it just feels like an impulsive action that leaves me unsatisfied...so I want to remove the need for it from my life...remove the impulse...restore it to how it should be used and valued. My everyday life feels very uncomfortable at times even when I feel like Im happy and succeeding... a lot of anxiety really. I try to be social and usually at this age I feel like people are very rude, unfriendly and immature at times so I like to separate myself mentally with weed at the end of the night. Relationships feel very pressured, mainly sex. Relationships feel unnecessary and unrealistic at 17 and mindless sex only seems appealing in the short term and I feel pressured both from everyone else and myself. And I feel pressured to drink and fit in next year. I dont want to let what happened to me in high school happen again. But I always know using more drugs is going to leave me unfulfilled and increase my chances of psychologically suffering in the future.

Im about to head off to work now. Im pretty anxious about facing my cravings once I get home but I guess this isn't supposed to be easy.
I'd be a hypocrite if I said anything about recovery right now but this is one of my subscribed threads so what I will say is good luck with whatever you set your mind to do.

Thinking of you all n hoping that you succeed at your intentions.

Evey xxxx
Phew... made it to the end of today white knuckling it all day. I had SO MANY reasons (excuses) to pick up today...AND it was payday. Got the cash IN MY HANDS to have a kickass weekend. But then instead of scoring after work I went to a meeting and read some on here and heard enough to just come home instead. So here I am...one more day. Thank you bluelighters.... <3
Nice to here you came from the dark side. that's a scary moment...you build up all this anticipation of staying sober and then once solitary event occurs such as getting paid, or a party or a friend invites you to get high, and your brain will sit there and try to convince you that you truly control you addiction. Unbelievably impressive GettingClean, you should buy yourself something nice with that money that will be timeless...drugs and alcohol are just a hole in your wallet and it gives you NOTHING.
Phew... made it to the end of today white knuckling it all day. I had SO MANY reasons (excuses) to pick up today...AND it was payday. Got the cash IN MY HANDS to have a kickass weekend. But then instead of scoring after work I went to a meeting and read some on here and heard enough to just come home instead. So here I am...one more day. Thank you bluelighters.... <3

That's the way we have to do it--replacing old habits with new healthy ones. Instead of scoring you went to a meeting. Instead of getting high, you went home and chilled out. After awhile, little steps like this become bricks in our recovery. Each brick contributes to the new foundation of our new lifestyle, and then before you know it, you've built something that is entirely new.

It happened slowly but steadily over time for me. Every day I am mindful of my recovery, and do something related to it in some way--exercise, meditate, go to a meeting, hang out with my sober friends, etc. And whenever that urge to use creeps up, which happens all the time, I just acknowledge it, then remind myself of the pain and suffering my addiction caused, and that I was a prisoner and a slave to cannabis and opiates. That balances out the triggers and urges to use.

Keep it up, everyone. I'm loving the positive energy we've got going in the thread this month.
Thanks guys..I feel like I should be proud of myself so why do I still feel so discouraged? This is impossibly hard and I sort of dread waking up each day....
You need to remember the psychology of your brain. For a period of time, you have been messing with the natural way your brain functions - in fact the use of any drugs can have a profound effect on the way the limbic system will produce dopamine. Your brain is trying to get you to return to the behavior that rewarded it with unnatural amounts of dopamine, and that very often involves emotional manipulation. There still seems to be an underlying problem that you were covering up with your drug use that needs to be faced. But the good news is you now have the opportunity to. Sobriety is like being in school, every moment is an opportunity to problem solve and improve yourself, even if there is a lot of frustration woven in between. Your mind is sick, but it will heal with hard work. Have faith that your brain will restore itself (because it will) and soon enough you will be back in touch with yourself, and able to experience the natural high of being alive. One day at a time. You aren't alone.
You aren't alone.
Thank you thank you thank you <3 life's never been easy for me....the normal things that should be easy like going to the grocery store probably paying bills....ya know, the stuff normal people are just supposed to be able to do. until I started getting high. the scary part about my drug use is that in the last few years of my life that I've been using pretty regularly I've had a very successful life to anyone who doesn't know What's actually going on. I've got a great job that pays well and just keep getting promoted. Bought a house. It's been effortless to be a 'normal person' I don't know why I say all this....mostly because it is one of the things that confuses me the most. That I keep feeling like all this success I came upon is all in jeopardy now.I have trouble doing my job which is very high stress and can't keep up the house...I can barely manage to keep up on the laundry and remember to feed the dogs right now.

EDIT: I kinda read it back and realized all this 'success' was actually being jeopardized by my addiction...in all different ways. I should probably stop posting for the night my damn head is feeling like a hot mess right now....
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Feeling a little better today. Thanks everyone for bearing with my crazy ass these last few weeks <3
three weeks clean for me but i hghly doubt it would have happened had i not tempoarily moved toa town of 600. prob going back home in a week(very home sick:(.) hopefully can keep beating cravings there but i rele want that last ride i wasnt able to take before i came out here. blahh o well continue with the addiction place when i go back hopefully that helps i suppose.
Thank you thank you thank you <3 life's never been easy for me....the normal things that should be easy like going to the grocery store probably paying bills....ya know, the stuff normal people are just supposed to be able to do. until I started getting high. the scary part about my drug use is that in the last few years of my life that I've been using pretty regularly I've had a very successful life to anyone who doesn't know What's actually going on. I've got a great job that pays well and just keep getting promoted. Bought a house. It's been effortless to be a 'normal person' I don't know why I say all this....mostly because it is one of the things that confuses me the most. That I keep feeling like all this success I came upon is all in jeopardy now.I have trouble doing my job which is very high stress and can't keep up the house...I can barely manage to keep up on the laundry and remember to feed the dogs right now.

EDIT: I kinda read it back and realized all this 'success' was actually being jeopardized by my addiction...in all different ways. I should probably stop posting for the night my damn head is feeling like a hot mess right now....

I know exactly how you feel. Recently I have been reading the Qu'ran and it explicitly states its stance on alcohol/drug use, though believing it to be a sin, concedes that it offers benefits.

Drugs do you benefit you. That's exactly what drove you towards them in the first place and what initiated your addiction. Drug use was clearly having a noticeable positive effect on your life when you first started. For me, marijuana and other drugs allowed me to see life in a profound manner, they gave me abstract thought, and well, made me a more conscious, empathetic, happy, informed and motivated human. But this won't last. At one point drugs opened your mind, but it turned into you closing your mind, shutting it down, numbing it, believing you would still yield the benefits you once experienced but it just isn't true.

Take everything you learned from drugs. Your addiction was your partner at one point. It helped you cope in times that you needed that coping mechanism. No matter how bad or unhealthy it was, it was COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLE why you would believe turning to drugs is an acceptable solution. Life isn't fair, and pain is very real and when we seem to find an easy solution OF COURSE we will grasp onto it and try to cherish it, control it, believe it to be special and beneficial. But it served its purpose. Holding onto it will only dig you down deeper and deeper, and continue to cause the pain. It really has no end.

Take everything drugs taught you. That "success" you felt, HAS BEEN THERE THE ENTIRE TIME. Drugs may have made you realize your potential but now all they will do is rob you of it. It served its purpose. Now you need to realize you are a capable human being. The brain is a powerful tool. The pain it has caused you to suffer can easily be manipulated into turning around your entire reality to what you envision it to be. It's all there. The only tool you need anymore is your brain, and you need to supplement it with positivity, optimism, goal setting, and ambition. You can do this. You CAN combat this stress, and no matter how difficult our lives become, it is up to you to remove the limitations you set on yourself that say you can't be happy without drugs.

three weeks clean for me but i hghly doubt it would have happened had i not tempoarily moved toa town of 600. prob going back home in a week(very home sick:(.) hopefully can keep beating cravings there but i rele want that last ride i wasnt able to take before i came out here. blahh o well continue with the addiction place when i go back hopefully that helps i suppose.

You really need to believe in yourself. The way you envision your reality is what it will inevitably become. If you have uncertainty about your ability to maintain sobriety, chances are you will allow yourself to cave and give up on yourself. There really is no "last ride". Taking that last ride will send you right back to the land of a void that can't be filled. There is no satisfaction, there is no last time. 1000 is never enough, and one is too many. You need to discover what is causing a lack of faith in yourself and replace drugs with a positive and natural supplement of self confidence, happiness, relaxation, stress- relief, boredom, or whatever you are trying to use drugs to solve. You've come this far, take what you have and keep going forward. Many will tell you on here that there certainly are some hard times ahead, but there is so much uncertainty in the future and I'd say sobriety is a good bet. You know exactly what will happen if you use drugs. It's all up to you, but Im just saying, don't fool yourself.
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three weeks clean for me but i hghly doubt it would have happened had i not tempoarily moved toa town of 600. prob going back home in a week(very home sick:(.) hopefully can keep beating cravings there but i rele want that last ride i wasnt able to take before i came out here. blahh o well continue with the addiction place when i go back hopefully that helps i suppose.

Ask yourself what about that 'last ride' will be better than the last hit you had and whether it's worth the risk.
This month is creeping to an end.. I was sick with a virus.. it brought back a few memories reminding me how much I don't miss being dope sick:)
I been hardcore behaviorally relapsing lately. Staying up until 6-7am everyday and sleeping all day, neglecting all my obligations like school and missing all the appointments I've had. I missed the first 4 hours of the young peoplesAA area committee business meeting today and only got a service position because a friend of mine knew i wanted one and put my name up for a position for me before i got there. Missed 3 rescheduled Drs appointments in a row.... been sitting around, hanging out with people not isolating but still sitting around, way too much. Somethings gotta change, I'm also afraid as to wether or not I'm passed the point of no return with my classes/grades.

I have almost a year sober, 348 days and I've been seriously tripping out the last month or two. It's not consciously because I'm approaching a year, that fact isn't in my mind and bugging me out but I do think either biologically or subconsciously it may be a factor. I don't know. I did get a sponsee recently and helping him has been amazing for my state of mind, but I need to make some serious changes. I've got the sponsee and now have a service position with my areas YPAA events committee so that's two new things, but AA is not and never will be enough for me on it's own - I need to get back to exercising, eating right, and basically just not being a lazy dumbass...

Hope everyone is doing well! Keep it up guys. Despite our challenges the most important thing is always staying sober. If you start using then nothing else matters anyway, and the only way to get through challenges is to remain sober. That's not to say you (or me) should let everything go to shit while staying sober, I just mean I'm not gonna ever fix anything unless I'm healthy enough to make it happen.
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