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Hallucinating on E


Dec 4, 2003
Has anyone experienced this before ?

Generally i find that the patterns on my curtains tend to change and make really cool psycodelic patterns. I have ornaments of angels and i can sometimes watch them fly away. When i go to the toilet and try to pee, i see the pee coming out but it isn't actually, just looks that way - amazing!

The freakiest thing is that when we do it at home, i always see a huge black guy in a red T-shirt walk past me and this really freaks me out. Not at the time but later on and thinking back - always the same guy & even in friends houses.
yep it happens to me too
this one time i thougth i that i so cops and that realy freaked me out
I also see people with glasses that freaks me out too
i see people (gray) in hedges.. they disappear when i get closer though.. but that doesn't even compare to your dude with the red shirt.
I used to have it loads of times (when I popped 3 or more pills in a night).

I've seen robots, witches etc dancing on stage at a club (they were just normal people up there).

I've seen peoples faces morphing into weird faces (inc the thing with glasses).

I even saw a train go past me when me and a friend were sitting at a cross road in Ibiza even though just after I told my friend I saw that there wasn't a railway line there! This was after 3 good pills mixed with LOADS of weed. In that morning we were also sitting opposite a building and as I looked up it looked like some wonderful Spanish architecture - when I told my friend and looked back the building was made out of breeze-blocks (concrete blocks) and crappy looking!
I have done E for 10 years. Used to do it an awful lot, back before the lovely days of drug awareness sites such as this :) I never hallucinated on just E, even with many pills. The nights where I took acid or mushrooms too, I did. The first night my husband took a pill, he said he kept seeing glasses on me and our friends, then they would disappear, and a few other things. I didn't even believe the poor guy, because I jsut never ever had any visuals, on the many many pills, and many different kinds. But apparently it is possible :) :) It is strange that the glasses thing is recurrent. It can't be implanted memories, my husband never read any drug literature at all before I gave him some.
You wanna see some cool shit, try this, next time you are really fucked up, put your tv on a station that u cant catch (black and white static) and get about 2-3 feet from it and just stare into it. Its cool, i see all sorts of shit in the static. Sometimes it looks like splashing water, birds flying, words going across the screan, etc.
I also see people with glasses that freaks me out too

damn, I thougt I was the only one, one evening I kept trying to snatch some foaf of mine`s glasses, but he didn`t even have glasses. He thought it was funny too.
Yeah, someone threw this really bright flower at me and it opened in mid air turning into a butterfly. when it landed on me i couldnt figure out what it was. i thought it was a tassle doll but deffinately not a flower.
Hey guys

I have actually watched my friend transform into his youngerself, like i kept seeing him in diffrent points in his life! It was crazy!

Peace and love
I find the most rewarding hallucination is when the pitch drops and music sounds way more underground than usual.
One time, on the way home from a rave, we were driving one the freeway and i saw a deer in the middle of the road. I yelled out "DEER!!!!". It freaked everone out at first but then they laughed. What was wierd is that the deer jumped across the center divider and turned into a the refelection on a car across the freeway. It was so crazy!! _peace_
MDA is supposed to have hallucinogenic properties. Are you sure that what you are taking does not contain MDA. That would be a possible explanation for the hallucinations. My perceptions change and things can look better but I can not think of specific times that I have actually hallucinated on MDMA.
I am sure it was not MDA, i know what it feels like. Besides MDA, for me, just makes patterns.
MDMA has given me some weird visuals/hallucinations.

I've watched my girlfriend split into two people, and then one of them proceeded to give the other one a talk-show interview.

I mentioned in another thread, MDMA also seems to make things two dimensional. Like the person I'm focused on in the foreground will seem to pop out against a two dimesional background.

Also on MDMA comedowns I almost always see electric/static looking patters on the walls and ceiling, or waves of bright color washing over the ceiling.

I think mdma visuals are more weird than fun, especially on the comedown.
bluedolphin said:
Also on MDMA comedowns I almost always see electric/static looking patters on the walls and ceiling, or waves of bright color washing over the ceiling.

I think mdma visuals are more weird than fun, especially on the comedown.

It isn't very intense and whenever I get it, I have to kinda work at keeping the visuals going, but I have had something highly similar to this. Sometimes I get such bad (or good! I love it) nystagmus (eye-wobbles) that these create slight visual effects/hallucinations on their own.

I am pretty sure that a lot of the pills I consume contain MDA. Often on rolls where I hallucinate slightly, I don't seem to have that 'loved-up' feeling and seem more 'fucked up' (but still enjoyable coz Im so gone) than anything else. Is this (hehehe) a symptom of MDA, or just high level MDMA/MDxx consumption?
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I personally have had more hallucinations on ecstasy than on any other drug including LSD (Maybe the LSD was crap, but I've taken triple figures and never a haalucination!) . They range from seeing peoples faces mutate into weird shapes and forms, to seeing objects such as cars in bushes and animals running around that do not exist, and fixed objects such as stubbie holders dance around on the table..... This has always been on multiple doses of very good pills, however. I know quite a few others that have experienced exactly the same.
Sorry to double post, but I have even had many a time where I could not even recognise a very good mate sitting next to me as they looked like someone else....
On like the third time i ever dropped i hallucinated.

I had had like one and half pill, I am pretty pezz when it comes to pills but yeh, i was sitting in the back of this dudes car and some old lady walked up and tapped on the window and then pointed to the sky. Kinda the reason i never take hallucinogens... lol

It was like the coolest thing i have ever seen, i screamed (im a dude) and said "what the f*** was that" and the two dudes in the front seat nearly died from fear ahaha yeah good times good times.

drugs are cool!
MDMA can produce some very interesting colourfull and complex paterns. I require alot of it though, so I don't do it 'cos I now always watch out for neurotoxicity and high tolerance. My tolerance has been through the roof numerous times, but now I try not to do too much so I can get properly high on 1-1.5
First time - i saw an angel

The second time - was in a relatively dark club and the pills i had were uber strong. I was sitting on the couch and all of a sudden little purple/pink/yellow/blue pacman were running infront of me back and forth inside a tv screen. It looked really nice because the atmosphere was dark and the pacman were so brightly coloured that i could focus on it properly and clearly.

Oh we had lots of fun that night ;)