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Unpopular or Uncommon Opinions

It's funny because in the graphic novel of V for Vendetta in particular the way it's illustrated and laid out is very cinematic, and since I saw the movie first I already had the voices of the actors in my head. So I filled in the blanks and had an imaginary movie going in my head, and then when I saw the movie again, well after the fact, there were scenes in the movie that I was sure went a certain way, but then they felt like they were all missing something. Maybe when I read it I had such a convincing internal British accent that I really believed certain lines and scenes were filmed that way, only to be disappointed later on. I still think the movie is pretty good, don't get me wrong. I just wonder why dialogue gets such a poor treatment in many movies.
You'd think with Quentin Tarantino movies getting such high demand for their cool quirkiness that they'd put a premium on interesting dialogue for its own sake, instead of treating it simply as a jeep to advance the plot.
300 was one of the biggest piles of shit I have ever seen. Zach Snyder is a terrible director and I fear what he will do to Superman.
don't mind my comment, cd. i was just taking the piss (as usual).
It's funny because in the graphic novel of V for Vendetta in particular the way it's illustrated and laid out is very cinematic, and since I saw the movie first I already had the voices of the actors in my head. So I filled in the blanks and had an imaginary movie going in my head, and then when I saw the movie again, well after the fact, there were scenes in the movie that I was sure went a certain way, but then they felt like they were all missing something. Maybe when I read it I had such a convincing internal British accent that I really believed certain lines and scenes were filmed that way, only to be disappointed later on. I still think the movie is pretty good, don't get me wrong. I just wonder why dialogue gets such a poor treatment in many movies.
i think this is the crux of people's problems with adaptations - and, in particular, adaptations of books they love. it's not that the movie is 'bad' as such, it's just different than the one they directed in their head as they read the book...

310 to Yuma was a pretty good movie
So was Terminator 3
*I love The Scorpion King, even though every single second of it screams how shitty it is. It is, however, wonderfully unpretentious, which is a winning quality in any shitty movie.

[Listens for the sound of BLers whacking 20 IQ points off their subjective judgment of me. ;) ]

*Cronenberg's eXistenZ is far superior to The Matrix, which it was fated to be released near the same time as.

I see this bellysaurus bloke and I wonder if I know him
i think this is the crux of people's problems with adaptations - and, in particular, adaptations of books they love. it's not that the movie is 'bad' as such, it's just different than the one they directed in their head as they read the book...


This is so true. I'm quite imaginative and love reading, so when I see even a decent movie adaptation. it's slightly disappointing. Also with books I love, ones I've read over and over, I prefer they don't make movies from them, especially classic ones. I love movies but books will always be my first love and would prefer some books be left alone (but aren't obviously, as making money is the goal).
Clarkson isn't "ironically funny", he's just a genuine cunt,
south park blows

anything themed around zombies or vampires is unwatchable

cool runnings is the best disney movie ever
south park blows

anything themed around zombies or vampires is unwatchable

cool runnings is the best disney movie ever

I agree for the most part with South Park but Zombieland was a great movie and Honey I shrunk the kids is far superior than Cool Runnings
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I love Corky Romano and Night at the Roxburry(sp).

I hated schindlers list and the pianist was fucking terrible.

Wild Hogs sucked balls

Family Guy has terrible humor

I was the only person I knew who hated Limpbizkit when they came out (This one belongs here based on my opinion, which will be unpopular)
^ Lol that was the ultimate wash up movie.

Also, Boondock Saints.. more like BOO-ndock Saints.
Irony: People agreeing with one another in a thread about "unpopular and uncommon" opinions.
Liking glen beck and believing his drivel.

That guy shouldn't have ever been promoted above gas pumper. (No offense to gas station attendants)
It's funny because in the graphic novel of V for Vendetta in particular the way it's illustrated and laid out is very cinematic, and since I saw the movie first I already had the voices of the actors in my head. So I filled in the blanks and had an imaginary movie going in my head, and then when I saw the movie again, well after the fact, there were scenes in the movie that I was sure went a certain way, but then they felt like they were all missing something. Maybe when I read it I had such a convincing internal British accent that I really believed certain lines and scenes were filmed that way, only to be disappointed later on. I still think the movie is pretty good, don't get me wrong. I just wonder why dialogue gets such a poor treatment in many movies.
You'd think with Quentin Tarantino movies getting such high demand for their cool quirkiness that they'd put a premium on interesting dialogue for its own sake, instead of treating it simply as a jeep to advance the plot.
the greater the comic the lesser movie

comic quality∝movie quality.
Hero's was a shitty show.

Steven Spielberg; everything he wrote besides the goonies was shit. everything he directed besides the first 3 Indiana Jones movies was shit.

blade runner was shit.

machete was better than the mariachi series 2 and 3

Robert Rodriguez is one of the best directors of all time, definitely ahead of scorcessi and Coppola.