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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Unpopular or Uncommon Opinions

I loved the Beverly Hills Cop flicks when I was younger (as well as Coming to America and The Golden Child). They're a lot of fun (so they are great in that sense).

I was pretty young when I saw them all, but I think I would still enjoy some of them.

coming to america
trading places
harlem nights

all fkn gold
I didn't like anything Quentin Tarantino did after Jackie Brown. It's like he got all wrapped up in making things that were Tarantino-esque in an ironic way. Wtf, man.
I didn't like anything Quentin Tarantino did after Jackie Brown. It's like he got all wrapped up in making things that were Tarantino-esque in an ironic way. Wtf, man.

I don't dislike any of his post-Jackie Brown movies, but it does feel like he's almost parodying himself these days. Back in the nineties he was the "Hot shot renegade filmmaker", but now that he's grown fat sucking the Hollywood teet he's lost touch with that artistic edge that made him unique back in the day - so he tries to fake it and ends up coming off as campy, cliche and/or ridiculous (the Hitler assassination scene in Basterds, especially). His movies are always fun, though, and he's still great at scene construction and execution - while his skill as a writer has faded, his directorial talents are still exceptional.
I agree; I can't really lie and say that I didn't enjoy his movies - including the Kill Bill flicks and Inglorious Basterds. But I also enjoy The Scorpion King, Fast Five, and McDonald's. When someone like Tarantino releases Pulp Fiction and causes the matrix's output to flicker, I hold him to a different standard. One of the things that he was good at was intoxicating dialogue scenes that are equal parts words, environment, and body language. Looking at films like Death Proof and Kill Bill, you can see that he's using a formula for the dialogue and body language - like each scene is a sales pitch with a structure, and sales pitches are a major turn-off. It's too late, Tarantino, we've already bought the ticket and are watching the movie. Get us high, now.
^the other way around.

i only like two robert rodriiguez films, sin city and from dusk til dawn. i only like his stuff when he's doing someone else's material. hell, i prefer the faculty to all of his own stuff.

yes, heroes was shit. turned it off after season 1 and am amazed i watched that much.
^the other way around.

What does that have to do with it? I was just inquiring as to if you had seen mariachi. I'd say most people don't even know it exists.

I thought you were asking about the fact that there's Mariachi, Desperado, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico as all a part of the same general story, as if that would make Desperado better on its own. Idk why I assumed you meant that...

and Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World is better than Star Wars boomshakalacka.....although that's pretty obvious if you ask me so maybe it doesn't fit in here...
cb did what i now see there. :)

i done got got, gosh darnit. :(
I don't know what's funnier, people arguing in an 'unpopular opinions' thread, or thinking that nobody should be arguing in an 'unpopular opinions' thread.

And on that note, here are some cringe inducing opinions I've read so far,

-Apocalypse Now is a shit war movie.
-Episode One is the best Star Wars film.
-Kevin Smith makes good movies.

And these are my own (possibly unpopular) opinions,

-The Shining is Kubrick's best movie.
-Death Proof was amazing.
-Parks and Recreation is better than The Office in every way.
here's a cringe-inducing opinion i just read:

-The Shining is Kubrick's best movie.


^ That really doesn't make me cringe. You could say any Kubrick movie is his best and I would agree with it in some small measure. I don't think its fair to pick one film of his and call it the "best" since they all seem to set the standard of cinema excellence.

-Parks and Recreation is better than The Office in every way.

Word. The Office stopped being funny for me after about 2 seasons.
here's a cringe-inducing opinion i just read:

-The Shining is Kubrick's best movie.



Haha. Just for curiosity's sake, do you not like The Shining or do you just not think its his best work?

The Office stopped being funny for me after about 2 seasons.

I can't even remember a particular season anymore. It's all one cubicle colored blur...