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Unpopular or Uncommon Opinions

in terms of captains, picard and kirk beat sisko, but in terms of whole series, ds9 pwns all.
^No way Sisko beats Kirk hands down. Sisko and Picard are equals IMO.

Sisko helped defeat the Dominion for Spocks sake! Who has Kirk ever defeated? No one of any real importance lol
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Although I think we can all agree that Janeway was the worse captain of all. Voyager sucked Klingon balls.
Apocalypse Now is the most overrated piece of shit war movie of all time
^I actually agree with you there AmorRoark.

I liked The Weather Man even though I dislike Nicholas Cage.
I liked The Weather Man even though I dislike Nicholas Cage.

Ditto'd. I didn't even like him in Adaptation.

The Bridge Over the River Kwai is a stupid, unrealistic, poorly edited piece of schlocky cinema.

Of the Star Wars prequels, Episode One is my favorite. I will probably pay to see it in 3D (and end up respecting myself less in hindsight).

Tim and Eric are some kind of comedy savant geniuses.
^Yeah I didn't like The Bridge Over the River Kwai either. Although I watched it as a kid and probably was too young to actually appreciate it.
This thread is for your unpopular opinions on specific cinema or television that you usually wouldn't even talk about any other time.

My unpopular opinion extends to all the movies, past and present. I didn't see anything Potter nor Vampire. I don't watch movies with guns and explosions. The last movie I waited in line to see on opening night was Clerks 2. I like Kevin Smith. Most of his movies make me laugh, and make me think.

The movie I have watched the most often is probably Full Monty. I guess it's my favorite.
Yes, the harry potter movies are all terrible.

however, kevin smith is an unfunny hack.
Yes, the harry potter movies are all terrible.

however, kevin smith is an unfunny hack.

I hear you... a lot of people I know feel that way about kevin smith and I can see why he would be perceived in that manner.
I enjoy jay and silent bob and I can't even understand it myself.
i was his target demographic at first, you know smartarsed comic book nerd. i really loved clerks, liked mallrats and really dug both chasing amy and dogma, but then i grew up and he just doing the same stuff over and over. now all his stuff i used to enjoy is meh, ... i think we walked out of the cinema during j&sbsb and recently i turned off red state half way through.

it's ok, i disagree with much in this thread. i guess that means it's working :)
I liked Clerks didn't like Clerks II except for a few funny parts. The whole discussion about which one is a better trilogy, LOTR or Star Wars made me chuckle.

Everything else he has directed aren't that funny at all IMO.
I liked J&SBSB because Jay was in it so much. He was so much fun on screen, and long hair on a man is the ultimate, imo.
Noinch, Noinch, Noinch, Schmokin Weed, Schmokin' Weed, Doin' Coke, Drinkin' Beers

Its fun to sing that line even after all this time. I haven't watched Red State or anything Kevin has been doing lately. I'm old school a la madre. I like dirty filthy druggy Jay. Not clean cut, serious actor Jay. I like young brash Kevin, not over 40, dad, married rich Kevin. I used to frequent their chat board almost exclusively. So did Spork, if it's the same person. I don't go there now, haven't been in forever. Jay will always be a crazy young man making up his own words, shmoking weed, and growing his hair long. I know that doesn't pay his bills so he has to go find a new audience or something.

I'm going to put Clerks on in the background while I'm working. (Oh and every dance Jay does makes me laugh out loud.)
Simple things for simple minds?;)
^OK I take what I said back about none of his other shit being funny.

Just re-watched Dogma and I found it hilarious.
You know you don't gotta agree with people all the time Freddy. Formulate your own vision of the world and set it into stone and tell all who don't measure up to fuck off. That's my advice to children and college graduates.
*I love The Scorpion King, even though every single second of it screams how shitty it is. It is, however, wonderfully unpretentious, which is a winning quality in any shitty movie.

[Listens for the sound of BLers whacking 20 IQ points off their subjective judgment of me. ;) ]

*Cronenberg's eXistenZ is far superior to The Matrix, which it was fated to be released near the same time as.

*Comparing The Pacific to the excellence that was Band of Brothers is a sick joke--though to be fair, the former had a superior soundtrack.
You know you don't gotta agree with people all the time Freddy. Formulate your own vision of the world and set it into stone and tell all who don't measure up to fuck off. That's my advice to children and college graduates.

In terms of style go with the flow. In terms of principle be unmoving like a rock I always say. At least I think thats what Thomas Jefferson said. Oh shit I'm agreeing with someone again. Nvm I'll just shut up.
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