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Your Experiences With The Cops

A buddy and I were driving around in my dads pick up when I first got my license, stoned, and a state trooper pulls me over. I didn't think I was doing anything wrong, maybe going too slow or swerving a little. I look in the mirror and my eyes were RED. The car also reeked cause we had just smoked in it.

The cop comes to the passenger window and tells me why I got pulled over, I was so high I forgot to put my headlights on. He went to check out my information, taking long glances at me and my buddy. I thought I was so fucked. The cop came back and gave me warning seeing as I got my license a month before and said "get to know the car better".

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once me and some friends were driving to a UG rave, we were all 16 and 17 and the driver had just gotten his license. there were 6 of us in his 5 seater and we had a handle of vodka and another kid had 3 pills in his little change pocket of his pants. we were waiting at the shuttle point at midnight in a big parking lot in a sketchy ass neighborhood when suddenly literally 8 cop cars come from around around a building and surround our car from all sides. me and 3 others were sitting drinking in the back seat and the other 2 were sitting outside the car, i put the handle down on the floor of the car and the cop comes and shines a flashlight in on us, he says "you guys always sit in the car like this??" we were all piled laying on each other in the seat hahaha. he tells us to get outa the car and pats us all down, hands behind our back and everything they some how miss the pills in my friends pocket but they find the handle and simply empty it out on the ground. they ask us what were doing, being white teens in a bad part of richmond (bay area), we tell them the truth due to being scared shitless. they dont check his drivers license, dont sobriety test the driver or anything, dont call our parents even though were all under 18, and dont even give us a ticket for the alcohol, curfew, 6 people in the car, anything. they just tell us to get the fuck back home. so all of us pile back into his car and leave. so lucky holy shit....
pleeeeease have a look around before you post a new thread... there is already a thread that is all about the very same thing u talkin about here gwacky...yhe close calls thread. ima merge it with this one. you new here so u dont know how it all goes yet...but remember to look around and use our search engine before u make a new thread to be sure that u aint starting a topic that already been made before.
pleeeeease have a look around before you post a new thread... there is already a thread that is all about the very same thing u talkin about here gwacky...yhe close calls thread. ima merge it with this one. you new here so u dont know how it all goes yet...but remember to look around and use our search engine before u make a new thread to be sure that u aint starting a topic that already been made before.

do you still have any of those newport style shirts that said New Jerz?
well one time my boy and i were driving in the hood, and he makes the dumb ass mistake of going through a red light because the arrow turned green but the light was still red, and in turn almost hits a cop making a turn from the other direction. so we get pulled over and we realize there is a vaporizer in the back seat. first the cop who we almost hits comes up to the window and 2 minutes later another cop rolls up. after talking to us they go behind the car and then come back laughing to eachother saying how they smell weed in the car - which was bullshit cause we had been doing coke that whole month and who can actually afford coke and weed?

so they say they smell weed and my boy is like "thats bull, call another car to the scene" and they got super pissed and are all like "what are you a lawyer" and then they separate us and the only part we had worked out was we were coming back from NYC and stopped to piss, but separated we go the rest of the story together except i said manhatten and he said brooklyn. they tried to do the scare tactic and were all like "oh your stories dont match, whys that?" but i just kept my mouth shut - remember you have the right to remain silent - and after calling a bunch of other cops and getting the wagon that hauls you away trying to scare us they eventually just let us go with a ticket. not even an intent to buy ticket :)

it was a close call, well a too close for me call, my boys had many other run ins with under covers and shit, but after that we decided we have been in the game to long and decided we should go to rehab. after leaving our home town and getting clean, ive heard a bunch more stories from my friends who a) didnt know their rights and b) just ran outta luck. moral of the story, im glad im outta the game i just hope it stays that way.
I was with a bunch of friends in a backyard at night. Everyone was drinking except for me, because I drove, but I was pretty stoned. They're all wasted and making noise and wrestling on the ground, so of course a neighbor complains and the cops come. They yell at us to sit down, keep our hands visible.
They ask who's driving, and I try not to shit my pants and volunteer myself, since I was the only driver. Thankfully I had come down some from my high, so I was able to pass their mini-sobriety test and truck everyone out of there.
The cops were pretty cool though, didn't get anyone in trouble.
I figured this is as good as post as any to start posting in, since I've been able to dodge the jakes a few times, but more often then not the story ended with me in county. Needless to say after readin the stories I used to do some dumb ass shit in my car, mainy because I was driving over a thousand miles a week. And I know most of this sounds like bullshit cuz even it even sounds like bullshit to me but fuck it. Anyways

This was prob 3 or 4 years ago. I'm ridin' down the interstate with 2 of my boys and between us we had a couple bricks, a cop coming the other way jams on the breaks and whips it around in the turn around spot and gets behind me. So he rides behind me for about a half a mile with no lights and shit so I take the next exit soon as I do this mufucker hits the lights. But I'm on the exit ramp so I was like fuck yo ima wait till I get to the bottom to pull over but he's bangin' the sirens on me and all that I'm like whats with this mufucker so finally I get to the bottom of the exit and pull over. This mufucker whips it around me so we all like fuck yeah damn thats crazy yo thinkin we was in the clear. But then the craziest part happened. So the cop pulls up behind the car in front of me and the car stops but the cop gets out and walks BACK to my fuckin car, imagine our surprise. I roll down the window no doubt lookin tore up and this mufuckin state trooper starts screamin at me. like "You fuckin idiot do you not know what sirens mean. It means pull over you fuckin moron I couldn't get past you cuz your so fuckin stupid." I'm sure the look on my face said it all I couldn't even fuckin get words out of my mouth finally I'm like "sorry sir" and dude walks back to the car he had originally pulled over and we peel out.

Probably 2 years ago I was driving about 2 hours away to see my brother and I had just copped a brick and on the way out of town grabbed 2 quarters of 2 different kinds of headies so it was in 2 bags and I had about 2 dutchies of mids twisted and a scale on me. So I'm drivin' down the interstate and about 10 bags and 2 blunts later I was just about 20 minutes from my bro's crib. Like a fuckin idiot I had been noddin for about the last hour and strugglin like a mufucker to stay awake swervin all over the road in the middle of the day so of course somebody called me in, not that I can blame 'em.
qI get on this long straight stretch and see a cop racin' up in my rearview with his lights on from like 2 miles back. I'm thinkin obviously he just goin to a call or somethin. So he gets up close behind me and whips it over in my lane and starts ridin' my ass lights n shit on. So I'm tryna pull over and stuff the remainin 4 bundles in my shoes at the same time. Immediately he runs up on me like some felony traffic stop shit gun out and makes me get out the car. He asks why I'm swervin, I been in trouble enough times to know when the jig is up. So I immediately am like yo man I'm comin from Pittsburgh I worked all night I'm tired and I been smokin weed all day. He's all like man thanks for bein honest I barely had to ask you and all that but he calls in 2 other cars and I think I'm fucked.
So he like get the weed out so I pull out the 3 bags of weed and hand em to him. He gave me the pen test and the stand on one leg and all that and somehow I passesd so he was bein pretty straight. Meanwhile the 4 bundles is in my shoe and some of the bags start comin out of the rubber band so now every step I take I got stamp bags jabbin me in my fuckin feet. He runs my license and it comes back suspended cuz I forgot to pay some bullshit court fine and I was shocked as fuck and thought I was for sure goin to jail now. So he's like man Ima ticket you for misd. possesion and drivin on suspended but I got to tow your whip I'm like aw man come on yo I ain't from here I can't stay around to get my whip out the impound he's like aight I tell you what you call your brother to come get you and bring somebody with legit l's and I'll let you move the car now and they can drive you where your goin. So he blocks traffic while I move my whip and I told him it was gon be at least 20 min for my bro to come. So in some more unbelievable shit he's like man I can't waste my time waitin' on your bro so just take the fuckin keys out and wait outside for him to get here. After about a hour my bro shows up by him fuckin self so I said fuck it gave him the 4 buns and had him follow me back to his crib. After over a hour in my shoe all sweaty as fuck the bags had pretty much disintegrated into fuckin nothin which was fuckin weak and I had lost all my bud, but I had my freedom so I was fuckin jumpin for joy.

I got another that happened a couple Valentines Days ago which was cuz I got hit by a drunk driver and the mufucker totaled the whip I was drivin' but Ima prob post it later on cuz I know this shit already to long as it is.
The first time I smoked I went to a pizza joint with my friends and my buddy with the weed in his pocket drops it out while pulling his money out. There was a cop in line behind him. Somehow nothing happened.
I was driving home from a late-night video game session and gave a friend a ride back to his place. We stopped for smokes and when we were headed back to his house a cop got behind us. I was closer to my house so I turned into the alley that led to my parking lot and they followed and pulled us over. We were both drunk and coked up and pretty sure we were fucked. They pulled us out of the car and said they smelled beer and my friend say she was drinking and I'd just come to pick him up and give him a ride home, I said I'd had two beers at home.

Right then one of the cops recognizes my friend as the guy they'd arrested for public drunkenness for running around in the street with a samurai sword a few weeks earlier. We pretty much knew we were fucked then. They took him over to their car and questioned him while they made me stand by my car and I tried to casually unroll the bills in my pocket that I'd forgotten were there. Then they came for me.

The cop decided to give me a field sobriety test and decided to be extra dickish about it. He told me to recite the alphabet backwards from T to J, not even the whole alphabet! What he didn't know was that i've practiced saying the alphabet backwards while drunk since I was like 16, for some reason I was convinced it would come in handy some day. Also, the blow hadn't worn off yet so I didn't feel drunk at all. Because of my practice and the help of cocaine, I nailed it without hesitation.

I could tell he was pissed but there was no way he could justify further tests after a test that complicated so he asked where I lived and I pointed 50 yards up the alley. They let us go, I still can't believe we didn't get arrested...
Hahahahaha these are all great stories. I've also had some close calls, but then again i've had some not close calls lol.

Just recently I was riding back from a friends house with my other buddy after a day of getting all sorts of messed up. So anyway im on a road just driving doing my thing and a cop comes out of no where following me. I grab the wheel with 2 hands lke a damn old lady. Sure enough the cop pulls me over and shit. I had some junk on me as well as some bud, a pipe, and other paraphernalia. I was scared shitless and he told me he pulled me over for a LICENCE PLATE LIGHT! I was like "damn man you guys nail people for that too." He was like we sure do yadda ya and then he asks for my ID and I give it to him. He also asked if i had been drinking and luckily I hadent had anything thing to drink, I was about to take some shots with my girl at her house lol. So I said " NOOOOOO SIR" and he was like very good just get it fixed right away.... My heart was in my shoes the whole time hahaha....

Will post another one after class bahahahaha
Looking back this was probably one of the stupidest things I have ever done, but whatever. A few years ago I got busted in my college dorms and was put on probation, it was my first ever offense. Long story short I fucked up on probation, dropped dirty a few times, and had to do 30 days in the county jail. Now before I go on with the story let me explain; the town i live in has maybe 2,100 people living in it. Our county jail ain't shit, a couple fat CO's watching T.V. and cooking us food, making sure nobody beats anyone up. Also, having been booked in this jail a few times I kinda knew what to expect and knew that they didn't conduct very thorough searches when they booked you in.

Anyways, I knew I was going in for about a month before I actually did my 30 days and arranged for the purchase of 30 OC 40's. I got them the day before and lined the crotch part of a pair of tighty-whities with toilet paper and then laid out the oxy's evenly so it just looked flush and even, the only way to tell there was something in there was to touch it.

Basically I showed up at the agreed upon time by me and the judge, they booked me in, didn't search me AT ALL and I did the easiest 30 days ever. But seriously, I wouldn't recommend trying this at all as the penalties for introducing contraband into a jail are quite severe. Like I said, fucking stupid of me, but, oh well.
Many years ago, I was driving home from meeting a dealer, had a bag of weed in the compartment and was already stoned. I was stopped at a red light when a cop pulled up behind me and turned his lights on. I was terrified. A minute later, he pulled around me and drove off.

Another time, a friend was hotboxing his car in a casino parking lot with me and a couple other guys. I walked back to my car and started to leave, when in the mirror I saw his car being approached by cops. In some stupid display of solidarity, I turned around and parked to see what was going on. Even though it was the middle of the night, apparently they saw something shady on the security cameras. Cops came over and asked what I was doing in his car, but I just mumbled and asked if I was free to go. We were all detained for about half an hour, but my friend spontaneously confessed to having weed and a pipe - he got a deferred charge and the rest of us were released.

Another friend told me a story once about when he was in a park with some people late at night, smoking on this big hill. One side of the hill is grass, the other side is a rocky cliff. So they're all passing the pipe around when they see a cop coming up the hill. This friend freaks out and runs away from the cop, right off the cliff, and breaks his arm... for nothing. The cop only came up to tell them the park was closed and didn't give a fuck about them smoking.
My Grandfather is the county sheriff, My Brother and Uncle are Highway Patrol. I know every local cop, I also know most County and Highway Patrol Officers in this area. I don't really have to worry about them. I've been caught a few times but they didn't do anything.
Back in 2004 I was riding with a girl. Joint in mouth, lighter in hand. Was about a half a second away from sparking it. Come over this hill and a cop gets out behind us, luckily I hadn't lit the joint.

We got pulled over for the lights on the side mirrors. I was driving a recent-model Mercedes and they pioneered the mirror blinkers. Idiot cop didn't know it was legal.

He didn't search. Just don't give them a reason to search. I wasn't in a bad area of town and I've NEVER seen a cop there since. Like I said, just don't give them a reason to search. Luckily I wear a ring with the scales of justice (college graduation ring, I have a B.A. in CRJU from the 2nd largest U in my state) and I'm not even doing drugs (ANY) right now but if I was asked for a search I'd point at it and tell them to get the canines.
damn i have so many i will post some others later heres one that stands out because i woulda been locked up for a while

This was back when i was doing bad sellin dope n shit
but anyway i was leaving my connects house
I had 10 Gs of H & it was in 3 bags(2 diff kinds+had a sell broke off already)
I had 2 handguns on me too 9mm Beretta & my 357 snub nose
(mentioned because guns+drugs=extra charges here and most places im sure)
I didn't get pulled over by his house so i know the people was not watching his spot
It was closer to my side ...he did have some feds or police of some sort watching at one point
I sure am glad i did't get stopped by them because they sure woulda searched me

Well I was close to my house noticed a police behind me .. i stayed calm lite a cigarette
checked my belt even tho i always belt up when riding dirty then I pulled into taco bell
alotta times i feel like if i think a police is tailing me i can goto a store or something
and they will keep going unless they really wanna fuck with me but he came up behind me
in taco bell but did not have lights on or nothin so i swooped in the drive thru ....
then WHOOP WHOOP... lights on i was like wtf I was bout to order a double decker too
then he got on the loud speaker and instructed i back up in the drive thru .. so i did
then i noticed he had another cop who done pulled up so i was kinda tripping

Ok so now im out the truck (which was a mess in the back seat had all kinds of shit was my boys truck and he always keeps his whips messy) at this point im hoping they dont find my duck off spot
and then im thinkin shit i hope my messy ass friend dont have nothing in here that can get me in trouble either because i do have my pistols .. so the cop is talking to me i already got my insurance and license out for him ..so i go ahead and tell him "i do have my guns that are in my name on the seat they are on safety and i have the clips out sir" Then he replies "shit son what the fuck you have 2 guns for " i just told him i goto the range alot and keep them for protection and that i usually just
keep the 9 on me but i brought them to show a friend(i did bring the 357 to show my connect he got assult rifles and shit )

ok so he Pats me down and finds nothing asked if he can search the car (i know how the cops usually search so since he had no K9 i knew the chances of him finding my stash would be slim ) I told him
sure go ahead i have nothing to hid ...as i think to myself oh shit But luckily i guess since i was pretty chill ..and had my insurance and all that shit i was respectful to him..saying sir and shit
He only did a half ass search .... they had so much shit in the back seat that he was prob like fuck it

but my heart rate went up just because i knew what was at stake ,,,but i always found if u be respectful to them fuck ass dirty pigs and look them in the eye and be confident they usually dont
give u a hard time unless u just really fucking up
another time more recently..like 4 or 5 months ago...i was with my boy
gettin him some Ds ..they was the k4s i think ok so we went to the hood
i ran in and got them and we left ..he was looking for some place to stop and IV them
we pulled down a street a cop came down(still in a bad area)
ok then we pulled into a hair braiding place in the back of parking place
(clearly 2 whiteboys didnt blend well there) but i seen the cop pass again
i told my boy ...hes already pullin his pills and rig out...hes all like its ok man dont trip
so i was like ok.then i seen the cop comin again..and he pulled thru the grass
and was comin right toward us..i was like there the cop is again man ..he wasnt even lookin up..
and i said..hes comin. told him twice..the fool didnt wanna hear me and it was to late

by the time he looked up cop was at window all like what yall doing and im pissed cuz
i wasnt even getting no dope just hookin him up i also told him not to do it round me
cuz i was tryin to leave dope alone and didnt wanna see it but the cop got us both out
found the shit and searched us...nothing on me but illegal knife he took it....

had us in cop car questioned us and shit.. but my boy was cool he took his charge and luckily
the cop let me go cuz he found my boys recook from his dope in the door by me and
tried to put it on me and im like nah that shit aint mine..but my boy said it was his

but i dodged the bullet again and he was like u can go ..so i just took off walkin lol i was gone
and im guessin me didnt run my name because i got a few warrents i need to take care of

but year that sucked and coulda been prevented i told him to drive further away and warned him
about the police like 5 times.. he coulda hurried up and ate the shit and didnt he only had 4 Ds