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Your biggest drug-related pet peeves?

On the "natural" drugs issue: that's a viable point. So much of how psychadelics effect is you is your perceptions, concious and unconcious. Some people just subconciously associate drugs like LSD, 2C-whatever, etc. with labratories and little white rats and sterile needles and florecent light. I imagine that would color a trip in negatively. These same people associate mushrooms with forests and green pixies and magic and wonder. I imagine that would have a much better effect.

Having said that, I hate when people judge other people because they don't have the same effect. This applies to folk who don't get wierded out on pot trying to make fun of me because I do (The best is, "Yeah I used to get like that too...Someday you'll get over it." I'm like, "Bitch, the whole fucking reason I get wierded out is cuz I smoke too much."), folk talking shit about "natural" drug users, folk putting me down because I don't like DXM, etc.
^^^Don't get me wrong though, I don't mind people who prefer drugs because the "natural" connotation puts them at ease. I do hate the people who defend drugs on the virtue that they are "natural". ('Pot is "natural" it can't be bad! Shrooms are "natural"! Opium is "natural"!' That shit pisses me off to no end)
I hate it when my freinds say 'Trippy, dude' or 'that's trippy!' It really bug me :/
I've got a few of these ;)

#6 - After going out of your way to help a friend obtain a drug, they complain about the quality/price/potency because they didn't "see pink elephants" or something stupid like that. Their preconceived notions of the psychedelic experience were proven wrong, and therefore they call drugs like LSD or mushrooms "duds", or claim the batch that gets me off quite well is bunk.

#5 - People who won't pass the bowl / joint because they won't shut up long enough to take a hit. Whatever story you have to tell is far less important than keeping the rotation going.

#3 - People who try to pretend they are sober after taking lots of drugs.

#4 - The sale of bunk LSD.

#3 - Don't torch the bowl with the lighter if its already well enough cherried.

#2 - Don't pack down the bowl with your finger or the butt end of the lighter after taking your hit and before passing it to me. Since it's my hit, I'd like to decide how to take it.

And my #1 drug-related pet peeve....

Microdots do not contain mescaline!
-You can't really trip without being a criminal.

-I hate getting ripped off (money, drugs, lighters, stuff laying around my house, etc.).

-People say they are selling drugs when it is something else (powdered sugar as cocaine, oregeno as weed, AMT as LSD, etc.).

-People leave drug paraphernalia in my car.
Nice thread.
Some things that come to my mind are;
- Passing off RCs as "acid" or "trips" to people who don't know.
- People who think anyone who even tries coke once will instantaneously become an addict.
- Anyone who announces that I'm stoned every 10 minutes
- Using drugs as an excuse to be an asshole to everyone.
- Anyone who claims to have a friend that makes acid in his basement.
- People who use painkillers all the time, but look down on heroin users.
- calling pot tree, or herb, or dope. Also people using Dank to describe any type of pot.

Can't think of anymore right now...
snupas7 said:
stealing lighters
Around here its all a game, but the way we play is if you can call on who ever did it then we just give the lighter back.

My friends used to do exactly the same thing. If the owner of the lighter asked for their lighter back before the person left they got it back, but if the person leaves with the lighter, the lighter has a new owner. One person had collected around 100 lighters over a few months.
personal problems

thepodman said:
-People leave drug paraphernalia in my car.

OH OH!!!
yeah, fuck all that! I'm on fucking probation, and my (ex)boyfriend, who i work with, went out to my car during our shift one day to smoke (without asking), and he fucking LEFT his bowl in my car! what the fuck? I'd get fucking house arrest or boot camp if someone found that shit! what the hell was he doing? gah!!!

also, on the topic of bowla, i gave him my BRAND NEW bowl to hold onto for 90 days til i could smoke again, just because my room was being searched and all that, and i said "ok, you can use it if you want to" and he said "no, i wouldn;t do that, it'd get broken in 3 minutes at my house!"
then what happens? i go to his house, it's sitting out on the coffee table! and then throughout the night, it gets packed up and passed around to people i don't even know fucking 6 times!!! it's gonna be all scummy and germy and disgusting by the time i get it back.
then he couldn't understand why i was pissed. fucker.:X
Ghettotastic_bong said:
Usually, when talking to younger drug users, and we get into a discussion about it, they mention that they've taken "Pills", as if pills were a class of drugs in themselves.


i admit i am a younger, probly not very experienced drug user, but where i come from when people say 'pills' they mean ecstasy, its the name we use for e's and just e's. its not just some arrogant thing people say
-When you go out and the topic of convertsation revolves around drugs.

-People who dont half moon (lighting 1/2 or 1/3 of the bowl) so others can get the green hit of nugs.

-"friends" who only make plans with people who have drugs. I mean come on people, there is more to life!
Oh I got another one.

14 year old girls with names like bubbles, foo foo fairy, at raves, that bring back packs with glitter, toys, rolling for their 1st time with candy up to their elbows. oh and especially when they come up to you smoking a cig and then try to bum one.
I'm gonna have to say it's definitely all the people who take various drugs and think that they are killing brain cells, or burning holes in their brain or whatever. I know it's been said before, but that one has consistently bothered me throughout all my 15 years of drug use thus far.

Just the other night I was at some dude's house and he was going on about how psilocybe mushrooms have strichnine in them, so if you eat too many of them, the strichnine will kill you. 8)

Biggest pet-peeve about drugs ..

THE FUCKEN MONEY. It makes everything about drugs evil.
not exactly drug related, but i hate it when people describe their style as somrthing. if you say you're a "hippie" you're not a hippie, if you say you're a "gangster", you're not a gangster.
Personally, it's people talking out their asses. One guy I knew said it was good to vomit while on shrooms because you absorbed psilocybin through your throat(wtf?)

Oh, and stealing my drugs. Happened a couple of times. Bastards.

And I guess the "natural" vs. "synthetic" distinction is pretty stupid, but it does have two things going for it:
a) if it's natural, chances are cultures have used it for thousands of years, in which case there would be a lot of information about safety(ie, if it caused brain damage, chances are the societies that used it would have made note of it, etc.)
b) no chance of contaminants/bad dosages. You don't have to worry about some dumbass at a lab including a carcinogen or poisonous chemical in the final product.
#3 - People who try to pretend they are sober after taking lots of drugs
but don't believe it can't happen
i have a natural tolerance for almost every drug i've tried

and i can say that one of my pet peeves is when people don't believe me when i tell them i'm not feeling anything/much ;)

i quite dislike people who can't behave on drugs. annoying etards, stupid drunks...
People that pass off behavior on to a drug. While I tend to do some stupidass things, keeping a level head is a must. There have been so many times Ive wanted to just run into my parents bedroom while on mushrooms and go "I love you mommy!!!" etc etc and jump up and down. And dirty dirty lighter thiefs. It sucks cause you wankers that play the game steal people that dont steal other peoples lighters, so gotta buy them agian. Thats why I try and use my own lighter all the time no matter what. Pushing the bowl down with the lighter sucks also.
Yesterday I was reminded of yet another thing that annoys me, when you, say, smoke one hit from the bong and don't feel anything and everyone else starts looking at you and saying things like "no way man, you're wasted, I can see it on your eyes..". Why would I lie about being intoxicated to a guy who's so wasted that he can barely remember his own name?


Cause your so wasted man you dont even realize! I dunno, people that dont smoke alot then smoke a little tend to be amazed easy. What really pisses me off is when motherfuckers call you stupid names with drugs in the name. How is that smart. :/
the armed forces said:
What's wrong with only using natural drugs? It's just what they choose to do, whether it be for religious reasons or it's just what they prefer to use. I can see how bashing drugs that aren't natural could piss you off but you should hold not grudge because they choose not to use unnatural substances.

The 'natural' thing as a reason for anything bugs me because its just not a reasonable distinction to make in almost any case.

"I only use the pull out and jizz on her stomach method of birth control because its natural."

"I don't use utensils when I eat because it isn't natural."

Sounds pretty damn silly, and I don't have to like people who say these sort of things.