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worst overdose to have?


Feb 2, 2010
What are your thoughts on the worst kind or type of od? Fatal, non, whatever. Just no "best od" responses please. If this sort of thread is against the rules may it be fated.

I think the worst od to have would be asphyxiation from accidental autoemesis. Or in slightly less haughty words, choking on your own puke. It would just be so embarrassing.

Psychedelic ODs can be embarrassing too, but typically less fatal.

So what do you think?
I don't believe I've ever truly OD'd, but I certainly think being in a state of really thinking you are ODing, or a state of psychosis, yeah that's a really bad time.. Meth Psychosis was scary, but thinking you are going to have a heart attack or something on any stim, and not being able to focus on the high because you are too focused on being scared and not wanting to call the hospital and explain what happened.. ugh it's the worst thought.
Yeah I can't do stims anymore, I always think I'm gonna OD, lol.

Anything that can produce a seizure. I dont know why but seizures always freaked me out.
^^I'm a nurse & saw an 18 or so young man fall into a seizure yesterday & I ran off the bus to help him(no-one else did anything) and luckily it was short but I ended up having a cry after partially due to shock but also coz this poor boy has to deal with such a scary thing, his mum was on the phone in a panic. And people were just walking past. It was heartbreaking on so many levels.

I overdosed on heroin alone & h with benzos and course I felt horrible but I wasn't scary till after. I didn't usually know I od'd til I woke up.

Oding on cocaine is about as scary as it gets. I thought I was about to die and until it wore off I was pretty sure it was the end & I pushed it too far. I doubt I'll do coke again :/

I've had PLENTY plus more panic attacks on meth after smoking pot but many times I probably wasn't in good shape but it was in my head coz it happens under the same circumstances every time.

EDIT: I think the next worse thing would be od'ing on a psychedelic RC capable of causing death or other nasties. Something like DOx. N-bomes, pcp analogues or even t7. I had t7 twice at the same dose. Once I just got bodyload, headache and no psychedelic feelings. Second time was up there with the best of many trips.
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^paranoia no bueno...

Also improper combinations or doses that are too large, resulting in Serotonin Syndrome, if that counts. Haven't experienced it myself, heard it's horrible.
Benzos. the overdose usually feels pleasant. But the next day hearing what you did not so much.
Benzo overdoses have caused me to miss out in life. Like falling asleep in a food court with an empty bag of pork rinds on your chest, or falling down stairs while blacked out :( haha

I don't actually think I've ever overdosed on stims, though I used to consume huge quantities of caffeine.
Stimulant Overdoses are unbelievably unpleasant. I've had terrible, nightmare trips on 500ug+ lsd and heroin ODs that required naxalone and they have never been as bad physically or mentally than amphetamine overdoses. The last time I took 200mg d-amp on no tolerance, I 100% believed that my heart was going to rupture because it was beating so hard and fast. Benzo ODs suck too because you might black out and do something crazy. I once overdosed on etizolam and lost a backpack with over $4000 worth of stuff. Very stupid stuff to get into.
I would imagine a stim OD is worse and more painfull than a downer OD, but the worst non-fatal would be a psychadelics OD, where you end up with HPPD/insane for the rest of your life.... :|
Overdosing on benzos is kind of like taking a ride in a rickety old time machine that's only good for short trips and only travels to the future. :) Srsly tho, benzos are actually one of the safest overdoses (an oxymoron if there ever was one), as long as there are no other drugs in the mix. There's a ceiling effect for the respiratory and CNS depression, again, as long as they're not combo'd with other depressants that may just shut off your brainstem. Of course a benzo overdose is still dangerous, though, because you'll be disinhibited, have no recollection of anything you did or said, and will be very vulnerable to people preying upon you, whether asleep or awake.

I'd have to vote for research chemicals as a category, for the simple reason that the full risks of overdose, and the best way of treating an overdose, are not at all established. By the time anyone helping you figures out what it is you need, you may have very well done serious damage to your body and/or mind.

Now, if you want to broaden the category to include all chemicals that meet the definition of drug, and not just the ones with recreational merit, I can really cite some cringe-worthy examples. Swallow an entire bottle of ferrous sulfate, and your entire digestive tract will bleed profusely and undergo liquefactive necrosis -- a painful, horrifying, and relatively slow way to die.
^ Quite a scary way to go, with all the realistic hallucinations too. But like an opiate overdose, an anticholinergic overdose produces a set of rather striking effects that are highly specific to this toxidrome, and are readily recognized by any seasoned emergency response team. Moreover, there's a well-established protocol for treating anticholinergic toxicity, including an antidote (rivastigmine or neostigmine). In other words, if someone sees you in this overdosed state and gets you immediate medical attention in a not too remote place, your prognosis isn't all that bad, although the experience will be subjectively hellish.

Someone by now must have written a story about a sadist who overdoses his victims with a paralytic neuromuscular junction blocker like cisatracurium (Nimbex) and then rapes or tortures them. These drugs have only one effect, and that is to make all the skeletal muscles in your body go entirely flaccid and unresponsive to your volition. Your sensorium (including pain) and memory remain entirely intact, and there is absolutely nothing you can do.

You know, I really should stop now with this. This is merely the darkest reaches of my imagination, but all sorts of people read these boards and get ideas from them, and therefore me writing things like this here could be seen as skirting the edges of my Hippocratic Oath.
Weed is the worst OD, man. It's the devil. I injected 4 marijuanas yesterday and I'm still eating burgers =D

Seriously I've only OD'd on MDMA a few times. And you can't really call that an OD (well strictly speaking you can but whatever) because I just took way way waaaaaaay too much, not anything near fatal. And it was actually kind of fun. Unhealthy, messy and blurry, but fun... Won't do that again though, you live and learn. The choking on ones own vomit sounds like a bad way to go. You won't notice it probably, but to be found like that...
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I understand and appreciate your contributions all the same, MDAO. You have a very large amount of knowledge. You just reminded me too (thinking about your dex stories) that CPM overdose probably sucks as well.

BlueBull: ya, choking on vomit so common yet so stupid :\ and if you die it is what defines you afterwards.
Probably stim od (stim psychosis doesn't sound like fun) but I've never OD'd on anything so I don't know really

P.S. nice avatar you have there, beautiful album :)
I understand and appreciate your contributions all the same, MDAO. You have a very large amount of knowledge. You just reminded me too (thinking about your dex stories) that CPM overdose probably sucks as well.

Thanks man. My classmates and coworkers all know me as someone who loves to geek out on pharmacology. What they don't know is that I developed a taste for drug-related knowledge here on BL when I got into the rave scene when I was living in Taiwan, and that I carried that acquired taste over into the facts and stats for drugs the FDA approves of. They also don't know that where I developed a taste for pharm, there are pharmacology and chemistry geeks who I don't hold a candle to: F&B, Ham[-m]ilton, sekio, the late great MurphyClox, and many more.

Chlorpheniramine, as I remember we talked about, has a unique mild psychoactive effect even at therapeutic (anti-histamine) doses for many people, and one that many people find either neutral or mildly annoying. Like many anticholinergics it has some mild antidepressant effects too. There's probably a specific phenotype of people who find chlorpheniramine's mental effects pleasant, and this drug might make a good adjunct to an antidepressant (and/or antipsychotic!) regimen the patient was taking, especially if insomnia or allergic rhinitis were also present.

I can't be bothered to search for the thread, but I think we reached a consensus that full-on deliriant doses of chlorpheniramine would produce an experience with unique features that was distinct from that produced by diphenhydramine or belladonna, and immediately distinguishable to seasoned deliriant users, but like all deliriants, very much an acquired taste that only a small minority could ever learn to appreciate. Quite possibly a small minority with only limited overlap with enjoyers of Datura or high dose Benadryl.
I have heard of heroin/sedative combination overdoses that leave you brain damaged from hypoxia with half your hearing permanently destroyed, tinnitus and nerve damage limiting the movement of your limbs from lying in an awkward position for so long while compressing said nerves.