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Why is weed mainly smoked?

Really?.....i have a hemmoroid from hell too

now if it pops in and out of my asshole, is it considered internal or external? sometimes it looks like i got shot it in the ass - it's a bad scene - i just try to manage it

a couple ppl i know who had them remeoved said they came back....and it was super painful when they had it banded

idk about any of that - that's why im like, fuck it - i'll just deal with it
I'm not having no operation.

It's a symptom. With a cause.

It alternates between level of external internal.

External is a piece of piss. When the internal rectal canal inflames, feels on fire, can't sit down, pain to point of blacking out without some pain relief or distraction no exaggeration, it's a different affair.

My own case, I healed my back to the most supple, agile, structurally solid it's ever been somehow after breaking it in September.

But the internal shock injuries wete massively consequential.

I learnt Covid is playing a part in that, did. When I jammed diaphragm and small of intestine, locking in spasm, it involved the nerves which are invaded by it.

I had a muscular paralysis in the middle of my abdomen, gut for ages.

I couldn't fart for weeks. I've only just stopped feeling really sick after eating every time.

Immediately aftet the back break I felt sicker in stomach than ever.

So I whalloped my intestines, knocked out of motion. No peristalsis for ages. And exceptionally tender too.

Consequence, apart from worst thing ever (I thought), the worst thing ever. The haemorrhoids.

The Rifing kicked in massively in December.

My guts have flushed and detoxed like a Tardis.

Except the haemorrhoids were continuously aggravated by the insane colon flushing that swung into force.

Mostly passed now. It's been hell. But likely not a problem at all in quite near time.

I just want my easier more comfortable life back, like normal opportunity.

I believe I will get it now. By keeping on Rifing for necessary time. I never thought it would be possible to restore after Lyme.
Everywhere I look it's the same degenerate talk about how people want an instantaneous high using pipes and all of this other shit. I absolutely hate smoking with a passion, I hate the smell, and I hate the image it has made weed. So, why aren't gummies the more popular method? They are much safer, there's no terrible smell, the high is much more strong, and since it isn't instantaneous there is much less risk of addiction. Of course, even without the lung damage if you take a potent amount of weed gummies each day just like with smoking your risk of developing some insane mental condition skyrockets through the roof. That goes with abusing any drug, although I'd argue that with gummies the risk is far lower.

Full disclosure, I don't smoke and never will, so obviously I am a bit biased. But so are the people who mainly smoke as their form of consumption.
When you take a walk through my street on certain times you'll be embraced by the sweet smell of at least 4 different strains.

But I agree with the recent technology smoking is a bit out dated. And harmfull. I should invest in a vaporizer as they are not that expensive anymore and there way more convenient then the first generation vapes. Just talking about myself. my 3 fellow neighbour's toker's all do it the traditional Dutch way. A bed of Tobacco with Weed in the middle , roll up and toke ;)
I'm not having no operation.

It's a symptom. With a cause.

It alternates between level of external internal.

External is a piece of piss. When the internal rectal canal inflames, feels on fire, can't sit down, pain to point of blacking out without some pain relief or distraction no exaggeration, it's a different affair.

My own case, I healed my back to the most supple, agile, structurally solid it's ever been somehow after breaking it in September.

But the internal shock injuries wete massively consequential.

I learnt Covid is playing a part in that, did. When I jammed diaphragm and small of intestine, locking in spasm, it involved the nerves which are invaded by it.

I had a muscular paralysis in the middle of my abdomen, gut for ages.

I couldn't fart for weeks. I've only just stopped feeling really sick after eating every time.

Immediately aftet the back break I felt sicker in stomach than ever.

So I whalloped my intestines, knocked out of motion. No peristalsis for ages. And exceptionally tender too.

Consequence, apart from worst thing ever (I thought), the worst thing ever. The haemorrhoids.

The Rifing kicked in massively in December.

My guts have flushed and detoxed like a Tardis.

Except the haemorrhoids were continuously aggravated by the insane colon flushing that swung into force.

Mostly passed now. It's been hell. But likely not a problem at all in quite near time.

I just want my easier more comfortable life back, like normal opportunity.

I believe I will get it now. By keeping on Rifing for necessary time. I never thought it would be possible to restore after Lyme.

yea i don't want anybody digging around in my ass either

ya know what tho?

i just started eating a bowl of granola and multi-bran flakes with blueberries every morning and my ass feels better already - so maybe i was just lacking in the fiber dept.

ya know what i hate? shitting on acid....i blow a gasket every time so i have to prep for it - like shitting right before i trip is ideal - but sometimes i still have to take a shit....and then i can't stop wiping my ass because i don't think it's clean enough and then i just take a shower after that and then im stuck in the bathroom....

it's a viscous cycle

but anyway - i prefer to manage this hemmoroid....did you know that 80% of the population deals with a hemmoroid in their lifetime? it makes me think of monkeys running around with bloody assholes....they have hemorroids too right? we must get it from them
This little induction heating device for a portable otherwise torch heated Titanium vaporizer, provides truly sublime direct pure and such potent cannabis vapor.

One hit of maybe 3-5 of a 0.1 gram full chamber, is like a joint. It's stupidly economical in that sense too.
yea i don't want anybody digging around in my ass either

ya know what tho?

i just started eating a bowl of granola and multi-bran flakes with blueberries every morning and my ass feels better already - so maybe i was just lacking in the fiber dept.

ya know what i hate? shitting on acid....i blow a gasket every time so i have to prep for it - like shitting right before i trip is ideal - but sometimes i still have to take a shit....and then i can't stop wiping my ass because i don't think it's clean enough and then i just take a shower after that and then im stuck in the bathroom....

it's a viscous cycle

but anyway - i prefer to manage this hemmoroid....did you know that 80% of the population deals with a hemmoroid in their lifetime? it makes me think of monkeys running around with bloody assholes....they have hemorroids too right? we must get it from them
I take acid lol, to make me immune to pain for a few days at a time.

For haemorrhoids too. Back break.

It works.

Warm salt baths, with ACV do stop pain. Actually improve the symptoms ext and int.

I have used.

But I've been forced awake within one or two hours whenever I have gone to sleep unable to prevent a Volcano which is so painful there's no way I'm going back to bed that night all day and I'm so dead tired and dizzy and sick of the whole thing I have no desire to run and sit in a salt bath for 20 minutes while I work out what I'm going to do for the rest of the 30 hours until I have fully evacuated bowels to the point where I can sleep.

In my case it's related to lifelong digestive irregularity which is suddenly being corrected I think it has I just had to go through that because all of a sudden the rest of my system seems to be functioning extremely well.

The homeopathy is working on it instantly too.
have you tried psylium husks?

i did but they made me shit my brains out every time i tried....some people i know swear by it
When you take a walk through my street on certain times you'll be embraced by the sweet smell of at least 4 different strains.

But I agree with the recent technology smoking is a bit out dated. And harmfull. I should invest in a vaporizer as they are not that expensive anymore and there way more convenient then the first generation vapes. Just talking about myself. my 3 fellow neighbour's toker's all do it the traditional Dutch way. A bed of Tobacco with Weed in the middle , roll up and toke ;)
I don't believe vaping is anymore safe, however it at least doesn't smell as bad when people smoke near me.
Weed smoke is pungent but not ever lasting like Tobacco imo.

Low density vs high density particle's had something to do with that.
Weed smoke is pungent but not ever lasting like Tobacco imo.

Low density vs high density particle's had something to do with that.
You're 100% right. Weed's smell will only last a couple hours at max, meanwhile Tobacco is so prevalent I've had a smoker's controller smell like Tobacco for literal months.

I just hate the smell of weed, ironically I don't mind the smell of Tobacco.
You're 100% right. Weed's smell will only last a couple hours at max, meanwhile Tobacco is so prevalent I've had a smoker's controller smell like Tobacco for literal months.

I just hate the smell of weed, ironically I don't mind the smell of Tobacco.
With me its the other way around, but i hate it when i bother other's with my addiction's so i smoke in the attic or outside.

vaping on the other hand i could do inside. Its not like I am setting a good example as addiction's are addiction's. But at least there is no smoke just vapor.

Low vs high density

With me its the other way around, but i hate it when i bother other's with my addiction's so i smoke in the attic or outside.

vaping on the other hand i could do inside. Its not like I am setting a good example as addiction's are addiction's. But at least there is no smoke just vapor.

Low vs high density

I'm glad you do that, I'm very self conscious too. While I don't smoke, I always make sure I'm alone on an edible high so nothing ever goes wrong.
It is. It's a superior buzz too. Smoking is quick tho.

i love that buzz too....i get more sleepy from smoking than vaping - but it's definitely a different high for me

i like to let my vaporizer heat up for about 10 minutes and mine has an auto-shutoff after 3 hours, so if it's off, i just hit the bong if i gotta run and can't wait
My vape heats up for 8 minutes and that's pretty good. Vapor Warez Vapor Box. An oldie.

No auto shutoff so I've left it on all day before. Not recently. I make sure to unplug and turn off that way one or the other will at least be off.

I'm trying to think of the right word to describe the smoke high. Heavy?
have you tried psylium husks?

i did but they made me shit my brains out every time i tried....some people i know swear by it
I'm allergic to them, too, lol.

Honestly you name it, good luck getting a hit. 1 out of a hundred odds if that. 🙂

I have been eating every day. So hungry now, actually digesting food. Appetite.

Before I was fasting for months. 2,3,4 meals per week max.

55-60 hr fasts reg.

It worked. But now my metabolism is sped up. My body is ready for nutrition, asking for it so fasting has become too enduring momentarily.

It's really coming back to bite me though, proper meal, daily.

Sensible, clean, wholesome near organic food.

Just no possible yet. So I got back into one right tight spot.

The official most challenging to endure, and manage as in once again navigate out of ever. Because I'm right out of battery now. My mind is not capable of choice over matter, now,

With a lot more concurrent.

I just cut 25 ug, as I think today it will assist.

Just need to avoid meals dammit. Until it's safe. I can suffice on such little food, but anxiety, tiredness, pain, hunger etc, I don't sail the most optimum path.

But that's it. I'm done. No more. I will basically avoid pain again. I know what to do. Because nothing ever has been as bad as this, since midnight really.

I'm pretty good at coping, mentally strategising. So far, nothing has been beyond my coping ability. Which is amazing.

This was to the point imminent black out. Hyperventilation, panic, inevitable dire results there cos must not relax bowels yet, must stay awake to contract until it will be safe.

And other shit too, normally way more than enough.

But. Despite this. See the mastery of my tab cutting skills. And what a beautiful looking tab hey?

Man I function purely because there is THC.
I think this is simply a case of acclimating because in years past I experienced taking THC and not feeling fully competent immersed in society and in any formal or informal social situation like going into an electronics repair shop for example.

Or simply turning up at work lol.

But several years ago at least this ceased to be a factor in my reality and I wish I did get really stoned and feel some sort of diminishment of my general mental social and communicating faculties as well as my total rootedness and confidence in myself as a person without having to think or feel anxiety or under pressure.

But I did experience it the other way in the past I don't think it's just tolerance this is definitely a factor but as with psychedelics and mental development I swear there is a consciousness factor.
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the buzz from smoking requires a lot less and the high is more intense and a lot shorter

eating is hit and miss, barely feel anything vs a bit too stoned but used 10 x as much as smoking and its more physical and sedating