what's your antidrug ?

My anit drug is Jesus, Santa, and the Little Red Riding Hood and Drugs LOL!
Martial Arts (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu), Halo 2, friends and family, psychology, Christianity
My pride and vanity prevents me from becoming a full blown dope fiend, e-tard, and coke head.
Work (performance as well as possible random drug-tests...), being broke, buying inexpensive, hot clothes online! Taking care of my puppy. My parents (they bug me all the time, even though I am 28. I can't be fucked up if they might show up or call... BUZZKILL/ANXIETY!!! So far they have no clue I have done anything, but still...) Having FRIENDS who are too broke to party. LOL, I don't think the anti-drug commercial would accept any of these!
I said that too. My Chihuahua puppy. But unfortunately (or, fortunately) she REALLY is fun when my friends and I roll, LOL.

Sascha said:
prescription drugs, heroin, coke+crack, inhalants(except NOS =] ), meth and most stimulants(not my kind of drug).

i'd get addicted to them too easy, hell weed was very hard for me to jack!
What an awesome topic. Made me think.

In order of "importance", my anti-drugs are:

1. Work (I can't lose my job from Monday absences...also I *like* working, I like the sense of identity and acheivement)

2. Money (intrinsically linked, no. 1, but also stands alone... I have enough money to become a full time, raging junky. But will NEVER become one of those people who spends all their money on drugs ....I still want to afford the new TV, the nights out, the clothes, the holidays. Those things are still important to me. Because of drugs I can't save money as it is, and that worries me sometimes)

3. Self-pride ( my own view of myself as "not" a junkie)

4. Health (I really do care - on some level - about not fucking up my health)

5. Appearence (yeah I'm a little vain, in a good way.... my skin is lovely, want to keep it that way... and don't want to lose weight the cracked out meth-head way, thanks)

6. Family.... is a low consideration but still a consideration. 2 of my cousins have died of heroin overdoses. This has stopped me ever trying it, although I've done a bunch of other stuff... even put a needle in my arm, but without any drugs in it, just out of curiosity. My cousins deaths stopped me asking for drugs in it.

7. Guilt.

8. Being accutely aware of my addictive personality

9. Tolerance.
The only thing that keeps me off the A class drugs is the though of how addictive my personallity is.........
rehab was a big anti-drug for sure....also fear of wasting my youth really gets to me....the shrill in my mom's voice when she saw my father's corpse after he overdosed on ampules of vallium and oxycodone....
also i must say that NA/AA meetings tend to be a buzzkill!
keeping busy. its in moments of total boredom that i usually want to get fucked up the most.
The City of Patterson Probation Department and the thought of possibly going to Rahway State Prison in NJ