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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film What's the last film you saw? v. Why doesn’t Peter Jackson wear shoes?

Get Out: I liked it. It started strong and they did a good job pulling off a creepy atmosphere and a growing sense of paranoia. The awkwardness of going to meet a new partner's parents is something we can all identify with, in this case compounded with the fact that the main character is black and his girlfriend's family white. The main character was sympathetic and the villains suitably nasty and varied. The main thrust of what was going on was fairly obvious to me early on but there was a twist I hadn't anticipated. There were some comedic scenes which felt a little out of place, but not drastically so, and they ended up being necessary for the plot. This goes on my relatively-short "good horror movies" list.

Just saw the new Jurassic World last night and had a really good time. The plot was entertaining and special effects were top notch as usual. They brought back characters from the original which was pretty cool, seeing them back in action had me pretty excited. Would recommend the movie to anyone that has been a fan of the series you will not be disappointed. Don't wanna give too many spoilers but they had these giant insects in the movie that were so gross cuz I am kinda turned off by bugs personally, lol. But seeing them made me sorta squeamish and made jumpy at times. Would deff give the film two thumbs up.
I'm halfway through Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.

Not feeling it. Going to turn it off.

I get the impression I'm supposed to like it more because it's Chinese people instead of Americans?

The acting is pretty bad.

Jamie Lee Curtis' character was amusing.

The film's a bit too silly for me. They appeared to just write anything down, indiscriminately, when they wrote the script... I'm not in the right mood, maybe?

It's - otherwise - super cliched and derivative. An ordinary person has to save the world... flimsy explanation... super powers... blah blah blah.

I downloaded both this and Doctor Strange 2 at the same time. I expected to like Everything more than Strange... but it's just another superhero film, except this time it has Chinese people in it and it's really silly. If I was no acid or if I was twelve years old I'd probably feel differently.

It reminds me of Spy Kids.
Vhs 94

At least made sense unlike rec or tshuido. I'll take it over any mentioned ones.
Muzan-E (AKA Celluloid Nightmares) (1999) - 2 dirty tampons - From Tier 5 in the DMI, but belongs on Tier 4 IMO. Japenese movie (because of course it is when you hear what it's about). Journalist woman investigating the disappearance of a popular porn actress who specialized in weird fetish porn (because of course she did), particularly period blood porn (because of course it was). She ends up finding the snuff tape of the girl (along the way interviewing others in the industry and treating us to unsimulated period sex and people eating menstrual blood and sucking on used tampons...naturally). The guys behind it get pissed off and she ends up in her own snuff film.
Actually pretty tame for a porn-to-snuff-pipeline movie. It was okay. Decent twist and I guess it gets points for being a narrative film and having a twist at all.

Hate Crime (2012) - 2.5 stars - Meth-crazed neo-Nazi's break into the home (read: walked in through the unlocked door) of a Jewish family that have just moved into the area and rape/torture.murder commences. Objectively badly made; the lighting is poor and the audio is terrible...but the director/star is Jewish himself and based it off real cases of anti-semetic hate crimes in the U.S. and it succeeds in being shocking and eye-opening about the horrific consequences of hate.
Ironically (and sadly) the movie was censored in both the U.S. and the U.K....which was kinda the directors whole point: that people should know about these things in order to understand and prevent them.
The Thing.

Still awesome.
I never saw this film until recently.

Maybe it's because there is no nostalgia for me as a result, or maybe because some films have been 'borrowed' from that they lose their initial sheen, but the movie felt cheesy and dated when I saw it for the first time a couple years ago.

Maybe I will revisit but probably not. And I like Kurt Russell.
Gold (2022) - 4/5

Just watched it again, I think this movie is criminally underrated on IMDb. I love it. I think it deserves at least a 7/10.

It's a great mix of progressive psychological horror and dystopian wasteland future in a very unique perspective and refreshing plays on classic tropes. It really gets a bit mind fucky and scary, too. I think the acting is a little bit flat in some scenes but overall still good. The ending is a little unexpected/underwhelming (but makes a point) yet fits the movie and doesn't ruin anything.

Good movie 🍿
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The Hurt Locker ( 2008 )

This film won six fuckin' Oscars. Six. I had to see why.

I can see why, the acting, the urgency, the plot, all pretty great.

But this film suffers HEAVILY from what I call "Bourne-ism", which is to say, the camera shakes around in EVERY single scene, to an extent where I cannot focus my eyes. It feels fake, because the director probably wanted to create a sense of realism and urgency, but... Idk about y'all, but my vision doesn't bob around like I'm a fucking bird trying to see things at a better angle. It is stationary!

So great film, worth one watch, but loses lots of points for Bourne-ism cinematography.

Beavis and Butthead Do The Universe 4/5

its class, i was pissing my pants from beginning to end. haven't laughed at a comedy this much in decades. it's not gonna break any boundaries in story telling, but it's classic beavis and butthead. so glad Mike Judge was able to keep true to what made it so funny back in the day.

highly recommend
The Necro Files (1997) - 3 zombie cocks- Cool punny title. Comedy-horror basically about reverse-necrophilia. After a rapist is killed he is (somehow,by satanists maybe?) resurrected and continues raping and murdering as a zombie. Honestly pretty entertaining.

The Gateway Meat (2008) - 2.5 stars - Satanist rednecks...torture and kill people. Um, that's about it. Kinda entertaining. Virtually zero plot. Passed 69 minutes just fine.

The Crying Game (1992) - 3 stars - Expected it to be better, tbh, based on it's reputation. Quite boring in parts and overly long. Man causes the death of another man. As said man dies, he shows him a picture of his girlfriend and asks him to look in on her and take care of her. The man keeps his promise, tracks her down and ends up falling in love with her. And then he finds out that she is a pre-op transexual. At first he reacts badly but eventually he realizes that it doesn't matter because he already loves her
Vivarium. (2019)

I really, liked this film.
Not going to bother, with my perspective on it.
Read into it, what you will . *Corporate developers - social loop of debt* *cough*

Read many negative reviews of it lol Personally, thought it was funny, poignant & aesthetically great. Especially considering, the creative ambition, within a low budget.

Also, great ending credit tune.
Blue Velvet: After Mulholland Drive I wanted to check out more Lynch. Blue Velvet is fifteen years older and certainly didn't have the polish of Mulholland Drive. It was still a good film, noir with some additional weirdness.

The Crying Game (1992) - 3 stars - Expected it to be better, tbh, based on it's reputation. Quite boring in parts and overly long.

The Crying Game is one of my top films. The beginning, in particular, left a strong impression on me. Sort of like Enduring Love (although the rest of the film was unremarkable in that case).
I don't love movies or TV as much as I used to. When I started watching films as a young man, I had the history of cinema ahead of me. I envy that kid. Now, it is some kind of weird miracle if I stumble across something undiscovered from the 90s that I love. It happens occasionally, but it isn't worth the slog anymore.

I don't love new films very often, either.

I'm going to give up on scraping the barrel for those undiscovered gems. I've been through so many lists of best film from this era or that era of this or that genre with this or that actor.

Currently on a De Vito run.

I started with The Big Kahuna. I find it a bit difficult to watch Kevin Spacey now. He's so naturally creepy as an actor, now that I know he's an actual creep it's hard to pay good money (so to speak, I downloaded it illegally) to fund his creepiness. Also, sometimes he's overly theatrical. He's a blatant scene stealer. He's always performing like he's on stage. Sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes it isn't.

I stopped watching Kahuna. Pretty sure I've seen it before.


Next up was: Renaissance Man.

I like Penny Marshall (Laverne from Laverne & Shirley). She directs a particular brand of 90s film that I like. This is the weakest of the films I associate with her. Awakenings > Big > A League of Their Own > Renaissance Man.

De Vito gets a job teaching a group of uneducated soldiers "basic comprehension". Attempts at drama largely fall flat, but there's some good comedic stuff here and lots of room for De Vito to be De Vito.

Ultimately, it's cookie cutter stuff and completely forgettable. Watching it feels like watching a bunch of other films stitched together. It's comforting and numbing. A good way to waste a couple of hours in lock down.

Again, pretty sure I've seen it before.

6/10 (generous)


The final De Vito film that I'm not sure if I've seen is: "Ruthless People"

Bette Midler, Judge Reinhold and Bill Pullman.

Who the fuck names a kid Judge?

I have high hopes that this will be De Vito at his weirdest.

On some level, I appreciate Danny doing the dramatic stuff... but what people really want to see is the penguin eating a raw fish or Frank Reynolds emerging naked from inside a leather couch.
S.J.B. said:
The Crying Game is one of my top films. The beginning, in particular, left a strong impression on me. Sort of like Enduring Love (although the rest of the film was unremarkable in that case).

Crying Game had a massive impact on me. It was the first time I saw a penis on screen and I also didn't see the twist coming.

I was curious about my sexuality and I couldn't talk to anyone about it (friends or family) so my only exploration happened internally and through watching film / TV.

I agree, the beginning was weirdly intense.

I'm not sure if I've ever seen the film again but I remember it distinctly.
Vivarium. (2019)

I really, liked this film.
Not going to bother, with my perspective on it.
Read into it, what you will . *Corporate developers - social loop of debt* *cough*

Read many negative reviews of it lol Personally, thought it was funny, poignant & aesthetically great. Especially considering, the creative ambition, within a low budget.

Also, great ending credit tune.

Been meaning to watch this. Read a bizarro book that has oft been compared to it: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3173503-ultra-fuckers
Blue Velvet: After Mulholland Drive I wanted to check out more Lynch. Blue Velvet is fifteen years older and certainly didn't have the polish of Mulholland Drive. It was still a good film, noir with some additional weirdness.

The Crying Game is one of my top films. The beginning, in particular, left a strong impression on me. Sort of like Enduring Love (although the rest of the film was unremarkable in that case).

Haven't seen Enduring Love. Is it based on the Ian McEwan book or the same name?