• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

What's on your bucket list?

^Really, I want to see all of Scandinavia.
I should have just changed it to say that! :D
Being the uptight Finn that I am: Finland is not part of Scandinavia :| Its okay, I thought it was part of it until I was like 15 or so haha.
^Seriously? I thought it was! Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark and Greenland????
I'm gonna have to google. :D

for those who are curious here is the wiki article: Scandinavia

Okay, so I want to go to the Scandinavian and Nordic countries ;)
All should be on my list above.
Tiny update.
For now my list basically consists of travel.

To Visit List:
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Germany
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Estonia Check
  • Russia
  • Costa Rica (Again)
  • Dominican Republic (Again)
  • Australia
Okay, so I want to go to the Scandinavian and Nordic countries ;)

You and me both! I was in Stockholm last week for a couple of days but I would love to see more of country Scandinavia, hoping to visit tromso in Norway later in the year and catch a glimpse of the northern lights.

Its just Norway is soooo expensive; need to save some more money first.
I've put a lot of thought into this in that past couple months while I've been going through a rough patch.

Go to each continent once.

Take my future SO to Ireland, and ask her to marry me in Ireland. Have to do something someone always told me I couldn't :p

See Megedeth in concert at least once.


Run another sub 7 mile. (I have before earlier in life, but I want to do it after all the shit I've put in my body)

Get down to a healthy weight.

Get a Black Belt in Judo.


Finish my novel, and if someone that happens to get it published.

Take care of myself.
I'm not a very goal oriented person and I swim in an ocean of apathy so I don't exactly have a bucket list, but I really really want to see the northern lights before I die. And not just one little faint flare up, but like an all out kick ass display. I think that's just the coolest thing
I know one upcomming task on my list would be to injest a large dose of LSD on 21 desember this year when all the aliens come back, this way I am sure they will come.
Here’s a warning about completing bucket lists I hope people will find philosophically interesting, instructive, or at least amusing:

I have a very odd bucket-list related problem. It’s a problem that I’m sure a lot of people think they wish they had, but if they only knew they wouldn’t. I’m 31 and I’ve pretty much completed my bucket list. I don't mean to brag so much as provide an illustrative warning with this. Other than wing suit base jumping and tripping in zero gravity I don’t know what else I’d really add and those aren’t enough. Now the only thing I want is to be able to want, to find justification for an ambition towards something new. But nothing feels remotely as natural or compelling as what I’ve already done, nothing feels as novel, and careers feel like a contrivance of history and economics more than callings. It’s suffocating, like being both lost and immobile, yet having all the provisions to survive, with nothing of consequence happening to me and nothing concrete being yearned for – like wanting to decay in a sterile vacuum.

I didn’t cheat and nearly complete my bucket list by age 30 because I just aimed low or something. Here’s the bucket list type stuff I’ve done:

So now I get the impression I should have died years ago because I’ve lived the life I wanted and there’s nowhere to go. Don't want babies, the obvious next step, so I find myself the most ironic kind of loser. All choices about what to do are unrecognized yet are felt as perfectly equidistant from me, suspended in an edgeless void and pulling me towards them with equal gravity. It’s paralytic freedom. I don’t feel any emotion about it, just some vague yet somehow intense impression of stagnation. I don't really feel bad or anything, just spiritually frustrated. So be warned about completing everything on your list too fast. I spent my 20s doing everything one might imagine might have sparked the fuel for the rest of a life to no avail. If I made a mistake I don’t know what it was. Perhaps the mistake was doing my best to make what deeply and honestly felt to be broadly the right choices. How does one start now from that? Make a wrong frivolous choice? Should I go wave my dick at traffic?

Seize the day and all that shit. You certainly won't regret doing everything you want. It's no tragedy to end up like me, but know if you burn through all your desires maybe all you'll see in front of you is smoke.

Just have babies already you pussy. ;)
Here are a few:

* Visit Plitvice Lakes National Park
* Learn to play a theremin
* Crochet and knit proficiently
* Make money from photography
* Reach a fitness point that I can run comfortably for 30km. My goal is 10km by next year (i'm entering a city fun-run). I'm up to about 2.5 now, yay me =D (hey, everyone has to start somewhere/sometime).