• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

What's on your bucket list?

I have a LONG list, so here goes:

Go skydiving
Fly an airplane
Go deep sea diving
Hike the Appalachian Trail
Take my bike on a cross-country cruise
Go white water rafting
Go rock climbing
Get pretty good on the trumpet
Get better control over my voice (soprano)
Become a better writer
Finish restoring my truck
Be part of at least one theatre production
Get into painting
Finish learning German
Finish my Bachelor's degree
Find a great man :)

I'm sure I forgot a bunch of things, but this will do!
Start a religion
Further education
Travel, travel, travel
Learn more wilderness survival techniques
Get more martial arts training
Buy some guns
Go hang-gliding
Nothing anymore. I gave up trying to control life or make any real plans. Sorry if that comes off as depressing.

I used to want to try lsd atleast once, but these days I'm too afraid of triggering schizophrenia (I don't have it but I live in fear of getting it because of people that I've known).
Go to Fiji and shark dive.

See the great barrier reef.

Learn how to SCUBA dive.

Get enough money for a ticket to orbit while tripping out on LSD. Weightless tripping would be nuts!!!

Finish learning French.

Relearn Mandarin. (completely forgot how to speak it over the years :() Also perfecting Cantonese so I don't make a fool of myself at family reunions.

Write and publish a novel.

Ride a horse.

Smoke opium from an old school Chinese opium pipe.

Learn Kendo.

Get a black belt in Judo.
*Publishing a short story.
*Publishing a novel.
*Climbing a volcano.
*Seeing a volcano erupt. :)
*Visiting the rain forest.
*Traveling as much as I want.
^Ahhh forgot about Istanbul. I've been to Rome. I want to be able to say that I have been to the capitals of both Roman empires. That and to be able to stand in the Hagia Sophia. That would be awesome.
Seeing a volcano erupt? That's crazy. I could never risk that situation with my asthma and all the ash flying in the air. Maybe a shield volcano with slow, seeping, lava would be cool.

Also, I'd like to hit up the locations that the Oracles of ancient Greece were working. Those geysers and active volcanic vents flying up everywhere would be sweet.

I'd be more interested in Greece and Egypt than Rome, personally. Just because those civilizations were much more cultured and not quite as militaristic.
^Greece was incredibly militaristic lol. Alexander the Great, Spartans, not to mention the countless wars fought between the ancient city states.
funny how we all have pretty much the same goals

we're all lonely fuckers in this world, trying to make some meaning out of this madness...

have a rich older woman take care of me
be the greatest rapper alive*
do stand up----done
buy a hooker
put 5 grand on black*
run for president*

*=stuff i aint gonna do
- live in Columbia, Ecuador or Peru by myself for a year.

-get a long life's worth of pictures scanned into my computer and on discs.

-Take some of my son's ashes to Namibia.

-Retrace the crazy pinball route my life took for the first 20 years ( 11 States, 1 territory, 4 countries and 3 continents).
Oh damn, herbavore. You werent kidding when you said you moved a lot!
^Greece was incredibly militaristic lol. Alexander the Great, Spartans, not to mention the countless wars fought between the ancient city states.

I know that, but Alexander and his army was from Greece's version of Mongolia and he's just one person with insane ambition and motivation to take revenge on the Persians, not that all of Greece didn't want to kick Persia's ass too, but it's not like I think of Greece as this war mongering superpower like Rome was. Alexander wasn't even brutal really, he just had his men marry into the local populations and the crowds of people he conquered never tried revolting under him. I'm not saying he was a great guy, but he was just one guy compared with all of the corrupt Roman officials and warriors.
Rome just started shit because they had the big metal chestplates and gladius swords and siege equipment. Rome was like your average Wall Street CEO mentality of just hostile take-over after hostile take-over. Not to mention the fact that I'll never forgive them for burning down the Library of Alexandria. Any cultural improvements they made on their environment were all basically copies of Grecian ideas, but they erased more knowledge than we'll ever know about with that fire.
before i die id like to meet some more people from bluelight, hell go cross country and make a loop, and at the end,sell my car and fly to aussie to work in the opal mines there? or something, maybe move in with claire.:)
Bungee jump (Have done skydiving and really enjoyed it)
Learn Japanese and travel to japan (have been trying to learn Japanese for years but its difficult)
Take DMT (Have only taken truffles before)
Everything :)

Although sadly, I'm not very confident that I'll get to cover it all.