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What was your 2nd time with MDMA like?

My second time on mandy was a crazy unplanned spur of the moment night where I had bought 3 grams of pretty pure mandy and ended up with a new mate in the back of a car, having a pretty sound night. Some good music in the company of friends on the road with a bong and good mandy is always fun
EDIT: to clarify I think the 1.5mg/kg body weight is a better dosage to ensure you don't underdose as the drug is active in this dosage.

More than I'd ever suggest anyone taking so don't take it as a starting point, if you want to have a good energy with a nice strong roll I'd go 220 to 300 mg and redose 50 percent of the original dose about an hour or 45 mins later. Though this is what I'd do, and am not sure If this is normal in the grand scale of things, being from the UK I say that's a fairly solid night for a beginner

Honestly though if you take your body weight and break it down to 1.5mg/kg of body weight then you'll be off to a much safer and more tailored to you experience
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13, do you know what your dose was the first time? Often times there are multiple factors that contribute to not "rolling".
450mg in 45mins for a beginner? Ive done MDMA once in the past 15 years but have hundreds of times total and would not start that high now.

I did read your 1.5mg/kg comment and that seems more reasonable but many skim posts and may miss it.
Yeah sorry kitty kat I will edit that post, the point I was trying to get across is that that's the kind of dose I started off at and I still love the stuff now, that dose isn't going to send you loopy but you will have one hell of a butt clenching rocket ride. Hence the UK comment with it being generally noted that mdma abuse in the UK is fairly prevalent.

My dosage realistically for wanting to be sure you don't underdose is the, as stated, 1.5mg/kg body weight as it's known to be highly active in this dosage.
I came of age in the nineties so I understand. But with all the junk out there and further life experience like to tell others dont do dumb shit like me.
Aye, I was born in the early nineties and grew up in the "new era" wave of crystal mdma that's become popular these days, its not unheard of for a person to go through a gram and a half of street mandy on their own, and even heard of 3 people doing 6grams between them in a night.

There have been a few times when I've honestly thought I've died, woken up in underpasses on my back after disappearing for hours on nights out with mates.
*smh* it is a wonder I haven't died lol, but I'm now all about being safe and reducing the risks of harm both to myself and others. Use my test kits religiously and won't touch mdma more than once a month unless it's a really special occasion likey birthday or something.

Learn from our mistakes kids, while we look back now and shake our heads with a wry smile on our faces, we really did make some stupid mistakes lol =D
13, do you know what your dose was the first time? Often times there are multiple factors that contribute to not "rolling".

100mg was my first dose, taken stupidly (50mg starting off, then 50 mg 10 min. later)

I Marquis tested and it was dark purple

Aye, I was born in the early nineties

I came of age in the nineties

I was a wee lad in the 90s, but it was amazing. The music combined with my superyouth.
13 baby, usually a good starter dose is 150-170. Then a redose of about 50 or 70 within 2hrs of the first dose. I normally crush it up, and put in a small shot of juice. Down it, refill, down it again to make sure any leftovers are consumed. It doesn't take as long to come up, as when you drop a cap. I also advise not eating 3-4 hrs before your dose. Make sure you eat healthy, and take care of yourself prior to having fun. As well as after. I hope you can have an amazing time :)
econd time was a mistake , was november of 1999, I just did my first amazing time four days prior and was leaving my week vacationing spot, (NSB [neardaytona] and got some reallygood pills. *remember this was 1999 when mdma was pure in 50% of all pills, and if im not mistaken, and i could be, its been so long they may have been triple stacks from tampa or miami and orginally from netherlands. ended up dosing a pill, then snorting another one , splitting it with my rolling buddy at the time. so if they were a typical 120 mgs -200 mgs maybe. I think they were like 250 a pill thought bc these were strong, so could have been 350 mgs. Im thinking it was closer to 350-400 mgs of pure stuff bc the first time was so pleasant and this time was actually too high for my liking, and the crash forgetaboutit

I was so high at one point i was in and out of consciousness , my friend was driving along nsb strip and i just remember being in and out of it. they used to do the pass out game and he did that stupid shit to me. i woke up panting i remember, dumb shit ive done. regardless I got on a greyhound and took a 12 or so hour ride home and was rolling on the bus. macked on a higher in bodyfatgirl that was married , tried to get her to blow me, and was rubing on her, and rubbing her pants and butt, shewouldnt let me go down her pants for many hours.

I remember changing busstations and I came down and it was bad. when I got home , the comedown from two rolls within four days, and high dosing, i became very low, and cried in my room, it was so low, and i wish i knew harm reduction back then.

the come down was not worth it the second time. the first time i was a okay the nextday, felt a little different , okay though, second time, esp when going that high , a big mistake

why do you ask?
Just because my first time wasn't amazing like most people's experiences. But I'm hoping my second could be.

It most likely is going to be. My first time wasn't the best either, it was probably my third or fourth that really showed me the magic. The setting was perfect and the people around me were in the same headspace. Don't worry too much and try again when you feel ready.
I think it will be no different from the 'first time' experience people describe. Most of the people I've talked to agree that what makes it special is the lack of 'mental' tolerance, rather than 'physical' tolerance to mdma. Since you haven't had exposure to the 'magic' of the drug, it will likely be a mind blowing night if you get dosage right :).

Obviously, physical tolerance does exist. My second time was a day after my first because I was a fool and didn't know harm reduction! Was nothing like as good - make sure you space you experiences
Pure MDMA always feel the same for me, I have taken it over 10 times, and I still have the same effects with no comedown. :) Of course some experiences are better than others, but that's due to setting, not the effects. I have 1-3 months in between my rolls, but usually 3 (and sometimes even more).

My most fun rolls have definitely been the ones that have been mixed with a tiny amount of meth. I loooove that combo for raves, unfortunately I have never come across it again after my batch got empty. And it's hard on the body, so it's not something I would do often anyway.
It most likely is going to be. My first time wasn't the best either, it was probably my third or fourth that really showed me the magic. The setting was perfect and the people around me were in the same headspace. Don't worry too much and try again when you feel ready.

Oh awesome, I hope you're right!


A lot of people seem to say that but how do you know? Gas chromatography?
A lot of people seem to say that but how do you know? Gas chromatography?
I test with 5 reagents and the purity test, and I have extremely good contacts. The effects are also consistent with the effect one would predict from pure MDMA (and I always react the same on different batches of supposedly pure MDMA).

I also live in a country where the majority of all government siezed ecstasy (pills, powder, crystals) actually are confirmed to be MDMA, we're really lucky compared to a lot of other countries.

But of course, I definitely get your point. :)
Just because MDMA abuse is prevalent in the UK doesn't mean anyone should take UK ravers' (bad) example of regular 300mg+ doses...There is absolutely no need for it. I personally think 2mg/kg is about right with no more than one re-dose of 1mg/kg 1.5-2hrs later. So for example, a 70kg person might take 140mg + 70mg at t+1.5hrs. It's a rough guide and personal preferences will differ but I think 2mg/kg tends to hit the right spot. Nobody should be dosing more than 250mg in a night max, in my opinion. If you need doses that high you've been taking MDMA too frequently or your MDMA is awful quality. The high becomes more of a 'fucked up' at that point too, MDMA is definitely a 'less is more' drug in many senses.