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What psychedelics do you wished you stocked up on?


Nov 20, 2013
What psychedelic drugs to you wish you stocked up on before they were banned in your jurisdiction, and why? Conversely, what do you wish you hadn't bothered stocking up on?
I wish I had a hefty supply of Mescaline HCl. I wouldnt have want for ANY other psychedelic, Mescaline is the Rolls Royce of psychedelics. Its the only psychedelic I am willing to gulp down glasses of cactus snot for.
Certain 2C-X compounds, I only had the chance to try 2C-P but had interest in 2C-B and 2C-E in perticular, among others. I'm sure I could still find them but that would take extra effort on my part which seems useless with how accessible so many RC's are to me anyway.
Oh and as for more previously made illegal psychedelics, I'd say mescaline HCL as well. Hard to find.
Man, I've gotta start stocking up on DXM before the government comes in and bans that. It's highly unlikely they will, but you just never know. They might just turn it into a prescription med like they've done with many other OTC meds over the years.
I really wish I would have stocked up on MXE. It's not technically even illegal over here but health canada just treats certain substances as illegal regardless if there is any actual law against it. I feel lucky to have the tiny ammount I was able to procure, also, it's not illegal just hard to find but if I could find it I'd prolly get like 50- 100g of 4-ho-dpt. At a strong dose it's nothing at all like any of the other 4 subbed Tryptamines. Only LSD even comes close to a comparison. Truly magical stuff.
I wish I had really stocked up on 2c-b, and had a bigger stock of 2c-e, along with more 4-aco-dmt and some LSD of course
I did have a huge stock of 2C-E/I/C, 25i, MXE, 4-aco-dmt, 5-meo-mipt, and a few others, but I ended up just giving them away to friends because I realized I was never going to take them all. I think there's still a little bit of 2C-I/E and MXE hidden away, as those were the only ones I could really see myself using again.
- aMT....lot's of aMT
- 2c-t-2
- 2c-b
- LSD (if that counts)
- DOM??

DOC and 4-ho-mipt are scheduled??? I see american vendors stocking DOC and I thought all 4-subs excluding psilocin weren't explicitly scheduled. Isn't DOC the one DOx still semi-legal if sold for analytical use? Anyways I don't have any drugs that I regret stocking up on besides maybe 5-meo-dalt but it was only a gram and was dirt cheap.

Edit: Just double checked... you guys are in luck, both DOC and miprocin are unscheduled in the US although can still fall under the analog act of course (Like just about every RC really :\).
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You people leave me spellbound.

I wish I could get ANY of the shit you are talking about.

What can I say, I'm a noob when it comes to all of this but the fact that some of you talk about them like they are just readily available amazes me.

I wouldn't know where to look if I tried (NOT asking for sources).

Hell, I just wish I could have some shrooms or acid but the only way I ever got them was by being REALLY patient when in college and simply "waiting for them to come around".

That's the only way I've ever gotten anything.

Wait for it to "come around" and if it doesn't, then I can't get it...

That also goes for most of my friends I've had in my life who have been into taking various substances.

They looked for things at concerts, or through other friends, and if they couldn't find it (which was usually the case that they wouldn't have general access to most psychedlelics other than when they were lucky) then I couldn't find it.
only thing i can't get but want is al-lad so that'll be my answer

and o-desmethyltramadol and mdai if you count non psy stuff
^ I feel so stupid for not trying AL-LAD before it was gone, I was naive to think it would stick around. At least I can get L but still, It would be nice have a different flavor of the lysergamide spectrum, LSZ just doesn't interest me.
if rumors are true, it'll be back soonish (i believe the back part, the soonish not so much)

and some old stock occasionally pops up at vendors who sold it before, but you have to be quick and order, because it's gone in a few hours at most
It seems everytime a new batch comes out I'm too late to the party :(, I just feel dumb cuz I knew of like 2 or 3 vendors that had it in stock for months but I thought "ehh if I wait it will get cheaper"... haha yeah right. I just couldn't see myself paying LSD prices for the AL-LAD but now I regret it. Anyways I hope your right and it resurfaces, or at the least another appealing lysergamide takes it's place.

Slightly off topic, but I wouldn't mind having a barrel of pure mephedrone sitting in my garage now the good stuff is long gone..
Idk about DOI, but 5-APB and 2c-e are still available and not particularly hard to get.
Methoxetamine was nice, I wouldn't mind still having it available though I'm glad I never stockpiled, that sounds like it could be devastating. I wouldn't mind having a nice amount of methylone at my disposal either, but that too could result in becoming too frequently used. DOC sounds like it would be another nice one to have at hand, though I'm not sure it was ever legal in Canada.
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