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What Kind of Heroin/Opiate user are you?

1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
17, NJ

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First opiate was hydrocodone, and it progressed from there. Now I tend to just use OxyCodone. Been using opiates for 3 years now.

3. How often do you use opiates?
Everyday, 2-3 times. Usually about 120-180mgs of Oxy in total.

4. Why do you use opiates?
Pain relief and to get high.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Most of the people I hang around with don't use alot of anything to heavily or alot. Most people I hang with are into weed/alcohol and the occasional psychedelic or mdma experience, which is why I find Im all by myself most of the time when it comes to opiates. I tend to be on my own in that category. Only a few guys I know do opiates, and hardly at all.

My ex-girlfriend was the only heavy Opiate user I have ever been close to but she quit dope for me so I usually either use alone or use around people that are drunk or "high" on weed or something else lighter.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral, Nasal

(I left the answers the same on a few of them because my answer was the same or similar to yours)
1. Whats your age and your geographical location
21, canada

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First one was codiene. I now use codiene, hydromorphone, oxycodone, morphine, poppy tea and tramadol...depending on whats avil/what I feel like I've used heroin and opium just to see what they where like

3. How often do you use opiates?
once or twice a month.

4. Why do you use opiates?
pain control when I hurt my self goofing around, and sometime just for the euphoria, and to melt stress after a really bad day away.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?

i'm mostly into stimulants, and tend to thus hang around tweekers, and I go to alot of raves, and do stims to stay up all night and dance.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral and nasal ...I IVed today mostly just for the shits and giggles. tho, but dont plan on doing it again...I hate needles.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
27,Central California

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First opiate was hydrocodone, now its oxy and h once in a blue moon.

3. How often do you use opiates?
Every day....

4. Why do you use opiates?
I like to be as high as possible all the time....

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
Mostly just cop from 1 person and keep it to myself...

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
All kinds......
What kinda heroin user are you?

I actually kinda wanted to post a poll but I guess they are disabled in this forum. Oh well we can at least still have a discussion on it.

1. I tried it before and didn't really think it was my thing.

2. I am a chipper and do it on and off but never had a problem with addiction/dependence.

3. I used to be addicted but nowadays am able to be a chipper and not have a problem.

4. I used to be addicted and am staying clean.

5. I am currently addicted with no desire to change, I am a proud junkie!

6. I am addicted and don't like where I am and would like to get off of it.

7. Never tried it in my life.

I'm personally trying to stay clean for a while, maybe after 2 weeks or so when my brain endorphin production normalises I may start being a chipper again, but I swear to myself to never be dependent on it again, as it really sucks to withdraw, and it sucks a lot when you can't get high anymore but have to do it to feel normal.
Well I've already been clean for about a week and a half and I've even given up the suboxone....

Suboxone... a very nice asset to have laying around if things start to go bad.

I mean other people have been able to pull it off.

Goddamnit I just want the cravings and depression to go away, but it is diminishing as time goes on.
That depression you're talking about (or PAWS, or whatever), IMO, is the reason that chipping AFTER addiction is nearly impossible. I mean, that lingering "bored" feeling is so shitty that once you start chipping, your brain starts playing tricks on you, and tells you shit like:

"C'mon, do some more. The boredom of life without heroin is MUCH worse than some withdrawals...surely you'd rather have the occasional "flu" than die of boredom...C'mon, do some more."
#4 I used to be addicted and used to use up to 15 bags a day IV, put myself in a big financial hole, lost my car- now I'm 6 months clean and sometimes still think about heroine. I'm planning to start using dope some time in a summer time but I hope it's gonna be just chipping,I will not let myself to do what I used to do again.
I save 3000$ every month now and pay all my bills- when I was getting high I didn't pay my bills for months and maxed out all my credit cards and didn't even have money for gas. That's not gonna happen again,I think I love money more then I love dope. period
I think chipping after addiction is possible, I mean I'm happy now everything is going great,I'm not depressed, not bored,I just want to get high some times( no more then ones per two weeks). when I get my pay check every 2 weeks I'm planning to spend like 100$ and that's it.
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That depression you're talking about (or PAWS, or whatever), IMO, is the reason that chipping AFTER addiction is nearly impossible. I mean, that lingering "bored" feeling is so shitty that once you start chipping, your brain starts playing tricks on you, and tells you shit like:

"C'mon, do some more. The boredom of life without heroin is MUCH worse than some withdrawals...surely you'd rather have the occasional "flu" than die of boredom...C'mon, do some more."

One of the main reasons I got addicted was that I had access to buprenorphine. So in my mind it was like "do as much as you want, you have some subs to bring you down!"
3. For me I was pretty bad this summer after i graduated college and was no longer a Division 1 athlete (little longer than summer from May till about September). I was able to do it whenever I wanted instead of having to be careful because of drug tests by the NCAA 4-6 times throughout the school year haha.
I have never heard this "chipping" term.

I am somewhere between 5 and 6.

I'm using and I like dope a lot, but I sometimes wish I had never been introduced to it or that I didn't like it so much since it has cost me a hell of a lot. But, in the end, I still love it.
I actually kinda wanted to post a poll but I guess they are disabled in this forum. Oh well we can at least still have a discussion on it.

You can't make polls only staff can.
4. Was addicted for about a little less than a year, am clean for little bit more than a year now. And still think about using every single day.
5 - Been addicted for over 10 yrs (although never crossed the line to IV.....I snort only) If it were legal and thus cheaper I would do it forever. However with the cost and legal/societal risks, it makes it harder to mantain a "normal" life with a heroin addiction.

Only way I have lasted this long and still managed to keep a good job and not live/look like a sterotypical junkie is with help of methadone. It allows me to not have to use every day which helps keep me out of even riskier situations/behavior.
I like to smoke heroin(black tar) sort of with a home made water bong the way persians smoke opium..... No tinfoil