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What is the most common use of benzodiazepines?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I’m aware it’s for severe anxiety, but I’m confused as to what that entails. Is it strictly panic attacks, or does it include extreme irritation and other things related to major anxiety. I have a odd problem of my nerves releasing to much adrenaline sometimes and I find it difficult to eat when I get to worked up over things. I ask this cause I got a doctors appointment coming up. I find it difficult to articulate my need for it, perhaps I don’t have a need for it. In all honesty I’d like to ask for 15 a month, but I don’t have that many issues a month. I’d like to atleast get 5 a month I think that would serve well as a deterrent from dependence. I’m just tired of feeling like I’m being a junkie when I found something helps. Hopefully this goes well today it’s over meet so it’s not as hard as in person, I tend to feel guilt asking for meds cause I don’t deny that I like they. But there’s gotta be more to life then working myself into an anxious fit 20 times a month
Its for anxiety and panic attacks.

Be honest with your Dr., and for your needs, he will give you what you need as long as your honest with him and its for legitmiate medical purpose.
Its for anxiety and panic attacks.

Be honest with your Dr., and for your needs, he will give you what you need as long as your honest with him and its for legitmiate medical purpose.
I’m just having a hard time to do that. I feel as if in the past I’ve had a self medication issue and that I do not deserve the help I’ve matured from that person and although I still suffer some issues it would be nice to have something when everything gets too much I’ve got an appointment at 330 I hope it goes well
yes, but as it sees they are not good for him for a longertime.

Oh yes by all means affirm the fact that a benzo may help out with some anxiety . And that it would help as a prescription if it is necessary to require the help of a particular medicine.
Benzos are very useful for stimulant comedowns and OD's, they're also useful for anxiety / panic attacks and insomnia. But dependence follows long-term use so take them infrequently!
I talked to him I told him I usually only have 2-5 issues a month, and I requested 5 klonopin. Lucked up though cause they are 2mg.
You should have gotten 15 with your issues. Trying taking half and see if that stops the panic.

I have the same problem. My body releases too much adrenaline and serotonin and I can't swallow and my heart races. Thank God I found a Dr who gives me 2"200mg a month

Klonopin is the best Benzodiazepine all around and will help you, it destroys panic attacks though only 5? That is gonna be rough.

BTW, I am the resident Benzodiazepine expert,
I have been here for a long time. Please direct all benzo questions to me

2mg Klonopin = 4-6mg Ativan and 3mg Xanax
You should have gotten 15 with your issues. Trying taking half and see if that stops the panic.

I have the same problem. My body releases too much adrenaline and serotonin and I can't swallow and my heart races. Thank God I found a Dr who gives me 2"200mg a month

Klonopin is the best Benzodiazepine all around and will help you, it destroys panic attacks though only 5? That is gonna be rough.

BTW, I am the resident Benzodiazepine expert,
I have been here for a long time. Please direct all benzo questions to me

2mg Klonopin = 4-6mg Ativan and 3mg Xanax
Yeah I figured that one out quickly sadly it keeps me up, I feel tired and can get to sleep but last night I spent from 10 am to like 4 am replaying GTA 5 it was amazing. With the help of weed I was in a state of relaxation i never thought I could feel. The thing about klonopin is I can take a 2 mg now and tomorrow morning the anxiety is still dulled out I suppose my girl is mad at me for not sleeping with her but fuck it she should be happy I didn’t disturb her sleep and was about to have happiness for a little while. Yeah five that was by request ima see how 5 does me for a month if it doesn’t help ima ask him for 5 more. Thank God I got 2 refills and they at 2mg. Double what I’m use to.
Yeah sounds like you need 10-15. What strain of weed are you smoking?

And yes Klonopin lasts longer than any other RX Benzodiazepine

Hope it works out for you and yeah, not my business but your girl should be happy for you ! ;)
Yeah sounds like you need 10-15. What strain of weed are you smoking?

And yes Klonopin lasts longer than any other RX Benzodiazepine

Hope it works out for you and yeah, not my business but your girl should be happy for you ! ;)
Well how would you mention that to your doctor when your doctor says use sparingly
I wish no bad things to anybody - but for these kinds of "Physicians" I wish that they had to suffer ten times more then you, when your'e having panic anciety issues. And a kick in the ass, no, two.

All the best to you,

Tell him it's constant and 15 is sparingly since some people get 90(I get 100, amd
Someone who gets 105!))
That is how your tell your dr. If
You want more than 15 say it is the only thingy that helps

Tell him it's constant and 15 is sparingly since some people get 90(I get 100, amd
Someone who gets 105!))
That is how your tell your dr. If
You want more than 15 say it is the only thingy that helps


This is not a good idea, sorry. Different Ilnesses need different kind of meds with different strentghts. If his physician is not competely dumb he will immediately know that the OP just read out someting from the internet....

Yes, but with a half life until 200 hours. Here physicians taper mostly off wth Oxazepam and the users are fine with it.
