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What has been the strongest drug addiction you've faced?

Alcohol. Threw up blood this morning and had to lay around in the ER bed feeling like shit. Ive kicked big problem status meth habits twice and was never as booze. Hungover all the time with no memories of the day besides waking up and taking a big chug of rotgot vodka and rolling back over to passout for another couple hours. Stinking like rubbing alcohol in 3 day old clothes with inability to walk in a straight line, or withdrawing like a Parkinsons patient in constant fear of seizures or ischemic stroke. Shit is pure poison.
opiates, oxycodone to be exact. Although in my younger days I really loved MDMA!
Heroin and opiates in general. Physical dependence ups the destruction.
The addiction in my 20s where I didn't know what my options were or how to get out of it or get through withdrawal without taking it personally. As in not to take suffering personally, it wasn't me but the drug leaving my system… This was when I was poly substance dependent on crack/valium/some opiates… and all sorts of prescribed meds… living in my car (I sold for crack), in the dark alleys …. deep in the tenderloin under the streets til the sun came up. Good times! :)

Then again, I might look back in 2 years and say Heroin (most recent drug), might have been more devastating.
Opiates in general (I'm not racist in my use of them). Hands down. As a result of my experience with opiates, I can get addicted to cigarettes, and quit whenever I want, just because withdrawal symptoms are so insignificant compared to dope that it's like a professional artist going back and doing coloring books. Effortless.

I do have sympathy for people who are addicted to alcohol (as in proper physical dependence) and benzos though, as I see how those could be equally as challenging.
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To answer the question: methamphetamine and freebase cocaine. Quit both within seven weeks back in 1988, still have occasional nightmares about the meth ordeal but cocaine was surprisingly smooth due to factors that would require too much time to elaborate about in these wee hours of the night. One remark: the quitting and ensuing withdrawal process from a strong addictive substance is often the best account of the addiction whether it was successful or not.

To the OP: what is the scope of your study? Stats gathering or detailed accounts? Some experiences are quite harrowing and not always easy to share in public yet make for useful study material.
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Xanax... I was put on that crap for 10 years as a kid... I had an "Adderall mom" before adderall moms (meds raising hyper, bratty, bipolar kids) were cool and it was horrible stopping that medication... absolutely MISERABLE for almost two years. I take Klonopin when there are thunderstorms but I see a picture of a Xanax bar and I get the shivers... I started on .25 twice a day and was on 5 bars a day in the end... I used to call my mom up and leave about 8 or 9 messages in a row calling her a fat miserable bitch and would wake up in my back yard in the summer and it was miserable.

I had to go into a detox and do Librium detox because it was so horrible. It was a good year and a half of the jolts and panic and fear, it was miserable.
Oxycodone oxycontin and Benzos still use all three but have had times when I wanted to stop.
Nicotine is a though one indeed.
Ive quit before for months up untill a year, but i always relapsed.
I think a major role in this plays the fact its acute effects arent feeling too toxic and it doesnt make me dysfunctional in society or work environment.
There is no hangover en the withdrawal is mild and doenst last longer then a few days.
The craving for it is very very strong though, its insane.

I have never been addicited to opiates but i remember having a strip of tramadol once that was in my stomache in no time.
Thankfully i had the present of mind realising how sensitive for addiction i am, so i refused to get some more.

Had a though ride kicking pregabline, the cravings are mild, but since it was for medical use as well as getting high on it, the psychological barrier to quit was relatively big.
The withdrawls from cold turkey were straight up hell.

Have had a addiction for etizolam for a while, i did 0.3 g in a couple of days, so it was more of a binge, but the withdrawls and insomnia after only a short period like this spooked the shit out of me. Had blackouts on it and couldnt sleep for days.
Just like the tramadol, luckily i didnt crossed the line of true addiction and quit before it got out of hand, i flushed the remaining gram.

Been sort of addicted to marijuana,mostly hasj,for many years since puberty.
I really liked the relaxation and trance like state of mind that got me focussed and feeling a lot more when listening to music or playing videogames, but it started to cause anxiety and insomnia after a while.
Tried to stop several times but always relapsed because of alcohol (alcohol + weed was my 'favorite' state of mind)

xtc/coke/speed: absolutely destructive for my mental health and psyhical condition, though i liked the highs, it ruined my life even though i only took it like once a month, sometimes 2 or 3, sometimes i didnt for months or years.
When there is craving, the ones for xtc are the strongest, its a one way tocket to heaven/no problems/no thinking. The rebound anxiety and tuesday blues totally fucked me up, got me totally lethargic and depressed.

Alcohol is the hardest addiction i encountered. I have been an alcoholic for 8 years, had trouble with it years prior.
It really was a everyday thing, a gateway too when it comes to marijuana and xtc.
The withdrawl is shot burt vicious, getting used to the hangovers is not a good thing. Also really big tolerance.

Thankfully i am now exactly 7 weeks sober from all of the above and i inteds to keep it that way :D
I was in a car accident in May 2011. At the time I was a teacher with a luminous career teaching AP calculus in an impressive district. I fucked with opiates as a high schooler, did rehab a couple of times because my parents didn't know what to do, was sober in college, and at the time of the car accident I was a drinker, a pot smoker, an occasional hallucinogen participant. I was prescribed (at the time of the accident) Vyvanse 40 x1, clonazepam 1 x 3, zoloft 25 x 1, ambien IR 10 x 1, and wellbutrin xl 150 x 3. I was balanced, successful, well-liked, had friends, girlfriends, money, a car, and had "matured out of my pill deviance from high school."

After my car accident, I knew I could get pain killers, so I went to my medical practice feigning severe nerve pain shooting down my legs; there was some pain, but I acted as if I was shot. Although it comes later in the story, I actually did herniate 4 discs. I was given 20mg percocet at the ER that day and that's how it started.

My drug dealer occasionally sold me a Perc or two, but he had a fucked up back as well, and saw a pain doc geographically very close to me who was a pill slinger. After getting 2 weeks worth of morphine sulphate with percs for breakthrough pain from my general practice, I went to this new doctor and told him things were bad. He started me on oxycontin with oxycodone IR for breakthrough, but within three months I was on Opana 30 x 2 ER and Opana 10 x 2 IR a day, the old Opana ERs that you could peel the maroon skin off and crush. I even forged a script once: he wrote it for oxycontin 20's, and I carefully changed the 2 to an 8, got a whole bottle of oxycontin 80's which I was chewing 4 at a time.

My car accident was May 2011. By April 2012, I had lost my job (and my teaching license had been suspended because I got arrested) I was evicted from my apartment and the (small) town in which I lived ostracized me to the point that I had to leave my town of 6 years. My brother didn't speak to me for two years, I ruined my burgeoning career (and I was a GREAT teacher,) went to detox then outpatient rehab, and have had to start all over at 31. Opana, in my opinion, is the devil; without question the most dangerous drug I ever did, blew heroin out of the water, oxycodone was like candy in comparison. Opiates are not something I can fuck with, they activate something in me that turns me into a ceaselessly-seeking drug fiend. I lost every friend I had before and up to the age of 29 (except 2-3 besties), made a fool of myself in innumerable situations due to euphoric-psychosis-type-behavior (hence the losing friends) and as stated earlier was arrested for possession of a CS in the 4th and possession of weapons in the 7th. The trial cost my parents I don't know how much, I was involved in the legal system for 7 mos plus a year before the charges were ACD'd.

I went to outpatient as I said, took it seriously, was the best patient participant in the groups, and have started a new life. I have taken very small amounts of opiates since my ordeal and starting over, but I will say that I was self-medicating at the time. I was on a terrible old medicine that wasn't treating my depression or my anxiety, both of which are very real. In the last 6 months I have developed a cocktail with my current doc that keeps me balanced and productive. While in grad school for a second masters, I held down a job at a startup in manhattan for over a year before the company folded. I'm in my last semester at school, and every time I think about Opana, or serious opiates in general, I think of my first night in detox...the night where they give you nothing to make sure you're in withdrawal. It was the most horrify experience of my life, Suboxone was a blessing on day 2, and I never wanna be there ever again. I fuck with drugs still (Ritalin, Klonopin) that are prescribed, but I am legit scared of Opiates, and terrified of the day I have to have surgery for any reason. I never want to go through opiate withdrawal ever again. I never want to destroy all my friendships again. I never want that hell in my life again.

That's my story.
tmr123 Welcome to BL. There are some awesome people on here. I'm sure you will get to know some of them soon enough. Thanks so much for sharing your story! I can truly relate to quite a bit of it.

If you ever need a friend, want to chat, or even just need someone to listen, let me know.

My cocaine addiction was my worst by far. Used it to n powder form and smoked hard. It cost me my marriage,a car etc etc....I was so bad that I actually had physical withdrawals that mimicked Parkinson's symptoms. My dapamine shut down in my brain. It was terrifying. Not too mention the damage that I did to my heart. Throw in the suicide attempts and well it was not a.good time.
Interesting. I was having Parkinson like symptoms as well, on cocaine/crack … convulsing a lot and I wasn't on Heroin yet, so it wasn't a cns withdrawal.
^^^Ya my shrink had to put me on a Parkinson's drug called Artane for a month..It was crazy I couldn't talk correctly as well. It was like my mouth could not keep up with my mind.. Really strange
^^ my mom takes that drug. very odd, i wonder if others experienced this ..
Tobacco, that stuff is horrible, really addictive & it would've killed me (might still). Maintaining my nicotine addiction with an E-Cig now, my health has improved a lot.

Also addicted to cannabis & caffeine, if you can even call those addictions, I'm sure most here wouldn't, they're well under control, any withdrawal effects are slight & cravings are easily ignored, I just enjoy those addictions, it's more like a hobby, I prefer the effects I get when I've got a reasonable tolerance.
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