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What has been the strongest drug addiction you've faced?

Without a survey or study of some kind this really doesn't belong in Drug Studies, but I'm not sure whether it's better suited for Other Drugs or Drug Culture.. Drug Culture seemed the better fit though given that it's very much like a giant questionnaire about users usage history, usage patterns, favourite drugs etc and one of my favourite parts of the forum to read through for that reason :p

So Drug Studies -> Drug Culture

Hope I did move it to the right place, apologies if you guys think it'd be better suited elsewhere.
Heroin. Always heroin... I've tried meth, cocaine, different pills, cigarettes, alcohol, everything else basically. But every time I do anything else, I know it's just a meager replacement for H, the only substance that I actively seek.
Probably cannabis, mentally of course... benzo and opiate withdrawal were far worse physically. I didn't go more than a month sober for over 10 years... and I was very young when I first started smoking. What's funny is I soon realized that I don't particularly care for it's effects, yet I still went on smoking daily and couldn't stop. Cannabis has always had a strange pull for me, and tbh the ritual of smoking was just as good as the high itself.

I think alot of is because how ingrained the marijuana counter-culture has become in southern california, it's everywhere and nobody sees a single but of harm in it. I've since been able to cut back dramatically, and have just come off a several month break. To be fair though I quit because I had to, due to health reasons.
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Definitely opiates. Spent a few years doing meth every day, and the cravings when I quit were unbelievable. Still, that physical withdrawal from opiates is just crushing...especially when you know you can stop it in its tracks with a phone call or two. Very, very hard to stay away from.
Meth, weed and nicotine. All the other drugs I've fucked with were easy to put down. I've tried IV heroin and I love my opiates and benzos.. But adderall hooked me by the balls and once I tried meth I knew I'd be fucked. IV meth is just the best. Clean now for a week lol.. Hope it sticks. I've only even done meth a hand full of times but the pull to that shit is something legendary.
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I am currently fighting a 4 year long heroin addiction at 21 years old.. trying to kick it. Whenever I get clean I feel so flat and depressed that I feel I will never feel good again and thats what keeps me relapsing. Its bullshit.


This, but with different numbers. 9 years, not straight, at 28. Last 2.5 years went mad hard. Shot up multiple times a day probably around 350-355 out of a 365 day year. I have two entire shoeboxes that are filled to the brim (and a bunch more in my backpack) with needles that I don't know what to do with.

This, but with different numbers. 9 years, not straight, at 28. Last 2.5 years went mad hard. Shot up multiple times a day probably around 350-355 out of a 365 day year. I have two entire shoeboxes that are filled to the brim (and a bunch more in my backpack) with needles that I don't know what to do with.

Damn nikka, I prolly went daily for a couple years then jumped the iv ship and did that a solid year straight.

Got a snowboard boot box filled with old rigs.

Need to get a sharps been, or cut this rediculous habit.
Smoking in general

When I don't have weed for spliff but have tobacco left over, I will still smoke one cigarette a day at least, even though I don't like tobacco straight up. For me to enjoy it I always need something else in the mix.

As far as an actual drug, Valium's got me pretty good, and I can never turn down a beer.
Cocaine. Used to think it was shit and didn't do much (could only get weak cheap crap that blocks your nose straight away :(). Then, about a year ago I was introduce to stuff alot purer, not sure exactly but man I'd have to say probably 40-60%....I don't know thats pretty good right? Anyway the price for bulk was damn good so every month on payday I'd grab an ounce, plan to sell it but end up not.... and literally do about a gram a day.

Funny how theres 28gs in an oz and 28 days (roughly) ina month whos idea was that!

Even buying bulk its a ridiculously expensive habit and I keep thinking what that money could've gone towards like saving to travel. Thankfully I lost my hook up to the good shit and now occasionally touch the cheaper stuff but was hard to stop and maybe if I didn't lose the contact I would still be doing it.

Took me a few months to be able to socialise again without it and to re-gain the friends I lost because of the way it changed my attitude.. Thought I was so cool walking around like a king, looking back I do regret it.
Intraveneous heroin and opioid addiction that's been 4 years of hell. Despite that I've had good times, I've paid my dues via misery and depression. I've been to multiple treatments, detoxes, MMT, and years on bupe ORT. I just kicked out of halfway recently. Back to the occasional shot of hydromorp and heroin (Florida dope sucks usually). The pummeling depression I've faced is enough to make me wanna die some days.
Sex.... oh wait thats not a drug, still havent been able to kick that habit yet :)
The 2 main, full time, real/serious addictions I've experienced are oxy/morphine, then to heroin and methadone. That lasted 7-8 years.

after rec use for yyears I got a decent METH habit out of nowhere. Used every day for a year and the meth habit cause the real problems. I became a different person inside. I never stole, never dealt and tried to keep my morals. But soon I began to accidentally leave uncapped needles around, became dangerously aggressive and violent. I even got charged for assault, intimidation and destruction of property during a Meth psychotic comedown. The comedown attract troublhtvvvvvv