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What do you think is a possible future for the world's population?

Considering the amount of suffering I see in the human species, I consider entropy our very best friend. I have no problem with the extinction of myself. I helped it along by not procreating.
I can only go off my experiences here in the UK.

Chances are, a form of regression and probably civil war. Issues and fears between white westerners and Muslims (because of those fucking ISIS fucks ruining the reputation of ordinary Muslims) is set to go big. Eventually something will happen and when it does, it's going to turn bad.

Human beings of all backgrounds are scared these days due to the sped up progression of tolerance. Transgender rights as well as anti-racism, the suffering of homeless populations and the general lack of social contact (due to a rise in social media) is all happening very quickly. We don't speak to our local communities because we use the internet and we don't even look up and say hello to each other anymore. If you do, they think you're weird or something. That lack of social communication and local knowledge is a big part of it.

I myself had a brand new/never felt before fear last week on the bus with 2 Muslim men. They spoke a little to a Muslim woman but she didn't know them and so it ended quickly. Now I'm an anarchist and totally anti-racist and have never distrusted someone based on their race and/or religion, but for some reason, I had this fear that something bad was going to happen and I panicked. It turned out to be fine but it shocked me. I doubt it will happen again but if this happened to me, think about how it will effect people who are less tolerant and/or educated about race relations and general social understanding. It will end in mass violence.

This is my view anyway.
I believe that a lot of people share this fear that you are relating. And the problem is that we don't know exactly why are we feeling this. People who are less tolerant would have spoken up their beliefs and that's what's causing even more damage IMO.

Eventually things can go wrong ways as these facts naturally separate cultures living under the same country. Not that you have anything against anyone, it's the media, public opinion, politics, etc. Living in fear must be exhausting.
The end is Armageddon no matter what. That is the future. Years of strife to separate the wheat from the chaff, to conclude with Judgement Day and the return of Christ.
I agree that eventually thousands or millions of years from now it would all be gone. But scientific facts and religious don't normally play along too well obviously. I leave religion out of this.
Futurists study this sort of thing. There are all kinds of dangers to survival. Most are man-made (war, environmental destruction) and a few are natural (plague). One recent article predicted life as we know it has a 50% chance of continuing for another 94 years. One direction we are clearly headed is the Idiocracy Effect which is dumbing down IQs. For the most part, only the stupid people are breeding. Life might be more entertaining in a sad way when Trump or Hilary is president and when one of the world's top ocean research vessel is named "Boaty McBoatface," but don't expect much more in the way of scientific discovery.
Yes, I believe mankind won't last that much time either. Although 94 years is shorter than I would have expected.I think that our future will be probably harder on our children, from weather issues to bad political choices. Not to mention that chemical/pharmaceutical industries are now spending much more time in researches for 'treating' diseases rather them finding the cure for them. That's what few doctors have been saying.
Yeah I guess but I think it's a real issue that is descending on the world at large. I spend much of my time here posting or reading at The Dark Side due to the condition that my condition is in. It's a place I never thought could happen to me or that I really grokked but I'm old enough to have seen some real change to the world, mostly due to overpopulation and it looks like the shit is hitting the fan in the world like it is hitting me in my personal life.

Of course this could be totally due to my personal situation and perspective. Had I lived through WWI or WWII I could have made a good case for things being so much better now. So wtf do I know? I wish I knew? What I do know is personally darkness has descended on my life.
I must confess that in comparison with people who's been through the WWII among many other things, we are much less prepared to talk about that. Or perhaps we just have different perspectives.
Our (your) turn will likely come. I comfort myself with the thought that I'm not growing up right now. I think that outside of Viet Nam, growing up in the 50-60s was about as good as it will ever get in this country.
I'm from the late 60's but why do you think that time was better than now? Because of the situation with immigration, terror, etc?
Hippie culture. The innocence of the belief that we really were going to change something. That an no real environmental and population issues to constantly worry about. And then the music of that time was in the hands of the musicians. Things were much less complex also. Big brother only had one hand around your throat rather than two.
I'm from 2000. Growing up with this stuff around me has been quite natural. I mean, nowadays we're taught about terrorism and nuclear warfare as early as 3rd grade. Ideas of energy conservation and progressive acts are instilled in us, our teachers try hard to make us work hard and not live off of the system that is so easy to abuse.

It isn't fun, but it's intriguing.
The 50's and 60's may have been sweet if you were white but I'm guessing most ethic minorities appreciate having more of a supportive voice nowadays than back then.

Let's not forget the hippy of the 60's got married, had kids and turned into the 40 yr old Gordon gecko of the 80's who still desperately clings to power as a fading boomer today.
Hippie culture. The innocence of the belief that we really were going to change something. That an no real environmental and population issues to constantly worry about. And then the music of that time was in the hands of the musicians. Things were much less complex also. Big brother only had one hand around your throat rather than two.

True. Music, simpleness and definitely less complex scenario..
You likely live is a safe place where terrorism and warfare are just words and ideas.

I wasn't referring to seeing terrorism. But news and such about it.

They might be just words and ideas, but all I have to do is think of violence x10. I'm very, very much around violence. The area I live in isn't exactly known for safety.

America has suffered from terrorism. The people who lived before I saw 9/11, I was but 10 months old.