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What difference did the darknet make to your drug use?


Oct 29, 2018
Without the darknet I would have been severely, and I mean severely, fucked when it came to finding drugs. I'm a quiet loner who keeps himself to himself so I had very few friends with "contacts" (as I believe the youngerz say.). Apart from the days when mushrooms were legal in 2004-7 and a few gifts from special friends (B9 gave me my first acid) it would have been a depressing world. So big up to the darknet and our tragic forefather Ross Ulbricht ("Judge, I know you will take my middle age years but would you please leave me my old age you snotty cunt?" "No Mr Ulbricht you can go and shite in an old bucket for all I care..")
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My goodness. My darknet days were wild.

After a tragedy that hit me 3 years ago I went fuck it and got the finest H, crack, crystal meth I've ever had!

The darknet is a double edged sword IMO. If you're an addict like myself it's very easy to fuck up your life.

Although to be honest, hard drugs aren't that hard to get without the dark web. You just have to pal up with people in rough areas. Hard drugs users are easy to spot

What drugs do you use @Ismene2? I think I should maybe go back to the dark net and order more mind expanding things I enjoy a lot like mushrooms, DMT, 2cb etc.

I find it a bit of a faff on but it really is great when you get the hang of it. The quality and variety of drugs is absolutely brilliant compared to asking around on the streets.

I really want some GHB, crystal meth and some nice mushrooms and benzos now we're talking about it!
just say one thing: FREE ROSS ULBRICHT
poor fella he got fucked real hard. :(

in what country were shrooms legal in '04-'07??
I could never find a reliable drug user tho axe - it was always "my mate can get some.." and they never do. Eventually it got to the point when anyone said "I know someone who can get acid.." . I would just say "Go and shite in a bucket" and change the subject. Thanks to the darknet Ive tried most everything but I mainly stick to psychedelics with the odd pinch of heroin/pot maybe twice a year.

Fuck the GBH and meth - meth is 2 hours of fun and 23 hours of annoying low quality buzz.

As Elvis said "Honey, I've tried them all and Dilaudids the best"
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No difference in my use, really. Unless a supplier got it from the dn. I very rarely use tor or other means of surfing. When sr was still around i tried to visit but the man done shut it down. lol
i realize that many more sites have replaced sr but never saw the need to go there. plenty of danger and adventure at hand without going through a lot of extry steps.
He was set up. By the fbi or one of those. Coding is free speech. So he paid the fbi to stage hits. To make him look guilty of something. @Cheshire_Kat
I, as a person, could pardon Ross Ulbricht for drug sales; but when he "put hits" on people he lost my "pardon"

Yeah thats how they buried him - Im not sure I trust the evidence but hell if ross thought some miserable cockroach needed a slap with a sock full of shit - what can you do? Sometimes you have to lose a finger to save the hand. Im sure Ross has his threshold 😀

I think they emphasised the story of some kid overdosing too "rippa is gangsta" style
Yeah thats how they buried him - Im not sure I trust the evidence but hell if ross thought some miserable cockroach needed a slap with a sock full of shit - what can you do? Sometimes you have to lose a finger to save the hand. Im sure Ross has his threshold 😀

I think they emphasised the story of some kid overdosing too "rippa is gangsta" style
Ross paid $730,000 in BTC for the hits. The BTC was traced from his wallet to the FBI agents wallet. The FBI had all the correspondence that included the act, and the payment.

Ross got caught with a smoking gun. If you gonna do the crime ya gotta be prepared to do the time.

I have no issue with Silk Road or drug sales, but I do have an issue with killing others.
I've purchased thousands of dollars worth of drugs from various markets

Only problem is these websites tend not to stick around more than 2 years before getting seized or exit scamming

Dream Market and Hydra Market are the exception

Hydra was seized after 6-7 years by the Germans and Dream ceased operations after over 5 years online

Nobody really knows why Dream shut down but it was most likely the owner's reaction to constant ongoing DDOS attacks

I personally believe it was the feds doing it because they were butthurt they couldn't discover the owner's identity or the location of the servers

Good for him, I hope he's enjoying the many millions he made breaking US federal law :)
None. Too lazy.

Street way has actually taught me some things. I guess i felt better about that life experience than learning crypto hacker stuff.

I leave dark net to those who can grow a full beard
I thought about using more than once but all the bad rep it has and knowing for what it's used... I don't know, it would make me feel a bit like an hypocrite, even if I didn't buy anything "too inmoral",so to speak.
The fact that there's people I could know personally, to have some "adventures" with them or searching them, the fact that there's a lot of plants that are very easy to get and most of them feel healthier and more wholesome than illegal stuff, and the fact that there's an enormous "legal" RC world... made me avoid the DarkNet.

BTW, I'm pretty sure the DN was made by the CIA or something like that, surely they move (or now perfectly those who move) most of the hard drugs there, it's just unbelievable that something like that exists and most people don't do nothing. Those seizures are probably "for the gallery".
It's quite clear that the drug market moves much more money than before the darknet existed, because of the reasons you are posting: a lot of people that use it wouldn't be able to find a dealer, at least during certain moments/contexts.
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