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What did you do to get off your butt today? vs. "Butt's off the floor!"

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The oil driller's life but they seem very much the same. He has wireless tethering but we haven't given it a try yet with him working night shifts.
Have you gotten to shower yet? A lot of the truck stops we stopped at along our trip cross country advertised showers, I now know why.

20 min bike
10 forward and backwards lunges with 7.5 lbs x3
20 wall squats with exercise ball x3
13 squats x3
15 glute bridges x3

Yesterday's workout kicked my ass.
AEP: Yes, I am now clean. I'm back for my upgrade into the next stage of training.

Oil driller, hm? Wow, that's something you don't hear about too often! Tough job, I take it?

Went for a walk yesterday in the morning, giving my ankle a break today.
Yup yup, screw something up and you end up causing millions of dollars of damage or blowing something up.

20 min bike
15 bicep curls 10 lbs for 1 set and then 7.5 lbs x2l
15 hammer curls with 7.5 lbs x3
15 tricep extensions with 7.5 lbs x3
10 (EACH SET :D) lateral and forward raises with 5 lbs x3
10 tricep rows and kickbacks with 7.5 lbs x3
2mi running
0.5mi swim

something was wrong, either intensity or 12p sun or both, but i got dizzy and yacked :/
13mi roundtrip bike to the spongedocks (lame local attraction). got to see the orangutans and chimps on my way tho :)

went for 6.5 mi loop a lil while ago and got a flat when 2mi from home. I HATE walking, under any and all circumstances :|
Abs and Assets.
20 bicep curls 7.5 lbs x3
15 hammer curls 7.5 lbs x3
15 standing shoulder presses 5 lbs x3
10 forward and lateral raises 5 lbs x3
10 tricep kickbacks 7.5 lbs x3
15 tricep extensions 7.5 lbs x3
10 dumbbell fly things 5 lbs x3
12 lower back extensions 10 lbs x2
great ride today!

19.4mi (each way) to visit my lil brother (in jail :| out soon :) ). Ride was in heavy sun on the way there, and moderate sun + rush hour traffic on the way home.
Kept great pace on the way there, and realllly put down some speed on the way home. Went smooth until *literally* 3 blocks from my house; i made eye contact with a cute jogger while turning onto my street, and totally had to bail off the bike. she lol.d 4 sho. me and the bike are fine tho, just a lil sandy ;PP

am filling the tub right now, haven't had a bath in ages. turning the bathroom into a sauna + hot tub FTW!
4.2 mile trail run in new trail runners
it feels like having studs on your tires
when I compared the treads it became obvious I made the correct choice to get new ones
PI- if you had to compare "intensity" of 4.2mi trail, how would it stack up to smooth/road running? like x2 or something i imagine?
for sure; i have to slow down a bit just running over grass, i could only imagine a curving trail with rocks/bumps/etc etc etc. You're hella fit PI ;P
"Hella fit" is a very good description of PI.

20 min bike. A good one.
15 hamstring curl things x4
15 quad curl things x4
15 glute press things x4
15 leg press x4

Sadly I have no idea what the actual names of these machines are or the weight used.
hee hee hella fit...nice.

ran 2.7 mile trail after work at 610p
need to start cutting the runs to 3 miles with the impending darkness
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I haven't done any exercise for almost a week, except (power) walking miles - feels so liberating, but also I don't feel my usual strong self.

Starting back with the isometrics, after 45 dips, 25 calf raises, 25 squats, and 25 shrugs.

Muay Thai on saturday so I gotta get some shadow boxing in at least 10 mins everyday.
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