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What did you do to get off your butt today? vs. "Butt's off the floor!"

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walked all the way to the gym (about 15 minutes) before i realized it was too beautiful not to be outside. walked back, got in the car, and drove out to some trails. did an easy 40 min trail run that was exactly what i needed.

bench press (ended at 245)

dumb-bell fly (ended at 50)

3 supersets, 60 second rest between
7 dumb-bell press (80)
7 dumb-bell fly (35)
7 push-ups
4 x superset
7 curls (ended at 50)
10 overhead tricep press (ended at 65)

4 x superset
curl "21's"
20 forearm curls (10 fwd, 10 back)

burnout on seated, twisting curls
burnout on tricep machine
My week's routine now tends to be Spin/RPM class Wednesday & Saturday and a combined weights and cardio gym session Tuesday and Friday, and I go to a functional pilates class (not at the gym) on Thursdays. We'll generally go for a walk along the foreshore on Sunday, but that's not exercise, it's more enjoyment and getting a bit of sun on my skin. Today (Saturday) I had an RPM class with a new instructor who handed our arses to us on a platter. I felt like vomiting and crying at the time, but feel great now. :)
military press 4x6
dumbbell shoulder press 3x10
side dumbbell raise 3x12
upright row 3x10
rear cable raise 2x15
barbell shrug 3x12
dumbbell shrug 2x15
^Sounds lovely. :)

I was taken ill after a particularly punishing work conference earlier in the week. I was forced to have 5 days off from any kind of physical activity (yet I still worked each day 8( ).

Yesterday I walked for an hour to test my body out, and today I followed up with another Michelle Bridges workout. I collapsed after the latter, and have decided I probably should have given myself another day or two..

Stupid lack of will-power! It's so much harder not to do a workout. :(
Isometrics throughout the day

60 weighted squats

60 pushups - starting again tomorrow...delays grrr...
I had a horrible morning today, and wasn't going to bother going to the gym, but somehow I turned anxiety/stress/embarrassment into pure rage and had my best workout in weeks. I couldn't believe the numbers I put up!

bench 4x6
incline dumbbell bench 4x6
machine fly 4x6
cable crossovers 3x10
narrow-grip incline bench 2x15
tri pushdown 4x6
cable kickback 2x15
as many reps as possible in 12 mins
12 x 24" box jump
6 x dumbbell thruster
6 x burpee
(got 7 full loops)

as many pushups as possible in 60 seconds - got 82
thought i'd be able to do other stuff afterwards, but my arms were completely dead
Been riding every third day or so because I have entered into the last month of preparation for a big ass exam. Luckily today was one of those! Even more luckily I bought one of these at half price:


Unfortunately my better half won't let me put it together until after my exam:p
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Skipped going to the gym and replaced that with riding to and from work... in the snow. About 5 miles each way. :)
How many of you still exercise when you're sick? I just came down with something but don't want to skip my routine today.
Depends on how sick. It weakens the immune system short term due to various reasons..for instance this is among the effects of the stress related hormone cortisol which is released to stimulate a catabolic energy releasing state during exercise.
How many of you still exercise when you're sick? I just came down with something but don't want to skip my routine today.
I was forced to rest for a number of days recently due illness. I ended up working out too early, and collapsed after a normal session. I've learnt it's definitely important to listen to your body and let it rest when needed.

If you push it too hard while you're not well you will end up drawing out your recovery time and / or making the illness worse. :(
I JUST started lifting again after a 3 week hiatus due to my rotator cuff. There's no way I'm going to stop again for some faggy cold/flu.

If I die, you can have my collector's edition Wonder Years DVD box set. <3
45 squats over the day

25:29:25:25: 40 pushups

1 circuit of a "ton-up"

full body isometrics throughout the day.

Ending in 20 mins of yoga postures for pitta-vata prakriti.
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