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What Are You Craving? v. All Of The Ketamine

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Some oxycodone. Not because I like it more, but because of my tolerance I'd have to resort to oxy to get REALLY opi8ed right now.
Not that the 800mg tramadol after a few days of acute w/d isn't feeling good. =D And usually the strongest opiate-effects are felt a few hours after taking the tramadol, for me at least. So oxy, but maybe in a few hours I wouldn't even crave that.

Also: Ketamine, seriously, it's on my mind more than I would like. Got some 3meopcp coming in next week which is also a pretty damn nice dissociative.
Most immediately, more clonazepam (or ativan, or diazepam, or alprazolam). I have 6mg clonazepam to last me the next 2 & 1/2 days, which will keep me from tearing my hair out, but not exactly keep me comfortably chilled out.

More long term, an opiate I can smoke (probably fentanyl, #3 heroin and opium aren't realistic for me). I haven't taken a holiday from my subs in 5 months now, and the itch is building. I've decided that on my next holiday I'll try getting high without stabbing myself with needles for the first time in 3 years (I'm not sure if that's because I want to be safer and healthier, because my veins are getting messy and less effective or because my recent misadventure with etaqualone reminded me of how much I love smoking drugs).
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Make that a double..

I woulda if I had enough ;p
Tryina get ahold of my guy atm...

P.S. that original post was meant to go in the nightly fix thread.. I certainly wasnt craving any at that moment haha.... but today is a different story.

Ketamine, kinda but not really. I spent literally the whole day on ketamine yesterday, it was fantastic, but now my brain feels a little fried.
I use to love K, before I ever tried GHB...
GHB is possible the best drug, mixed with meth!!!
Better Heroin, coke, K, LSD (everything)
Something magical happens when you mix the two...
Speed!!! I'm sooo tired this morning. Definitely gonna take a nap as soon as my methadone and valium kick in.
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